how are you coping with high cost of fuel?


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Skalenfehl, I feel your pain. :D My husband has a Chevy Silverado (1 ton). Ouch. If he didn't need it for work, that thing would not be in use at all.

How do I deal with the high prices? I whine and complain a lot. Not very helpful. And if I'm near Costco, I get gas there because it's usually cheaper than everywhere else. Still a dang rip-off, but cheaper.

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I'm in the UK and our petrol (fuel/gas) is going up too. It's ridiculous!

The petrol in my area is 104.9 pence per litre. There are 3.79 litres in a US Gallon, which means that I would have to pay 104.9 pence X 3.79 = 397.6 pence for one US Gallon of petrol.

At today's exchange rate £1 is equal to $2.010 US. So 397.6 pence equals £3.976, which, when multiplied by the exchange rate of $2.010, gives you $7.99 US.

So if my above calculations are correct I guess this means we in the UK pay about $8 per US gallon of petrol/fuel/gas.

My husband has no other way to get to work than in his car. I need to get out once in a while too so we spend at least 15% of his monthly net salary on petrol, which to us is a lot of money.

How is this compared to the US prices and % of net salary? I'm just curious :)

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I think the topic says it all. Me, I am now very light on the throttle and at really long lights shut the engine off. Called it primitive Hybred power :)

I come home and dont go anyway. Just my contribution to the environment.

It is always sad to see such 'greed' and ‘malicious’ people within this industry. I wonder how many lies a person can formulate before you end up in your own trap [cause and effects].

There is no reason why retail gasoline is above 1.57 dollar per gallon. It has nothing to do with speculation, artificial demand, or being based on futures versus the old business model [supply & demand].

The positivism, it did force the hand of the auto manufactures to dump the dino distillers in providing the consumer with new all electric plug-n-play vehicles; expect it by MY-2010. :D

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How am I coping with high cost of fuel? I have a Consumer Reports used car buying guide sitting in front of me right now. I'm going to make a list of used cars that get more than 35 mpg, narrow it down by browsing repair records, narrow it down further by removing anything smaller than a Honda Accord, and go shopping.

I don't think a hybrid would work for us, as we do 80% highway driving - no short trips, no regenerative braking.

Like skalenfehl, I'll be parking my big honkin' truck.


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Me and my wife commute about 100km's per day (62 miles) round trip. We drive a 1991 Honda Accord 4cyl. We are trying to keep that car for 2 more years before we get a newer one. I have a 2004 GMC Canyon that sits at home all week and only gets used on the weekends or whenever we have different work schedules. It costs me about $65 to fill the truck, which only lasts about a week commuting. The car costs $50 to fill and lasts about 10 days of commuting. A no brainer.

It is always sad to see such 'greed' and ‘malicious’ people within this industry.

The reason gas prices are high is because it costs more to get the oil out of the ground and refine it. Plus OPEC cutting production to artificially raise demand which in turn raises the price. Because oil is a non-renewable resource, the more we get out of the ground, the less there is, the higher the price. It's that simple.

Oh, and not everyone in the industry is greedy and malicious. I know I'm not.

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The positivism, it did force the hand of the auto manufactures to dump the dino distillers in providing the consumer with new all electric plug-n-play vehicles; expect it by MY-2010. :D

Electric vehicles have been around for years, GM's EV1 was in the 90's. Here's an interesting electric vehilce:

Jay Leno's Garage

It's called the Tesla Roadster. And don't forget GM's Volt due in aroudn 2010-2011.

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Me and my wife commute about 100km's per day (62 miles) round trip. We drive a 1991 Honda Accord 4cyl. We are trying to keep that car for 2 more years before we get a newer one. I have a 2004 GMC Canyon that sits at home all week and only gets used on the weekends or whenever we have different work schedules. It costs me about $65 to fill the truck, which only lasts about a week commuting. The car costs $50 to fill and lasts about 10 days of commuting. A no brainer.

The reason gas prices are high is because it costs more to get the oil out of the ground and refine it. Plus OPEC cutting production to artificially raise demand which in turn raises the price. Because oil is a non-renewable resource, the more we get out of the ground, the less there is, the higher the price. It's that simple.

Oh, and not everyone in the industry is greedy and malicious. I know I'm not.

Oh, would you compile a list of small trucks for me please?? :mellow:

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Well, another government report came out this morning, revealing the demand of gasoline is dropping and distillers are providing more retail fuel. Biggest complaint, pumping the oil out of ground has not gone up while the cost of converting raw oil to gasoline has, which they are demanding more profit sharing.

Now, that didn't stop our [future] speculators after seeing the report, blamed the stock market for price increase today. I guess tomorrow, if I pass some intestinal gas, the price of oil will rise another 2.00 dollars. [Laughter]

I presume there is something coming that will crash the energy market this year. Grab much profit as possible before the BIG CRUNCH.

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The car costs $50 to fill and lasts about 10 days of commuting. A no brainer.

Canuck Im so jealous. If 25 quid lasted me 10 days Id feel my life was complete!!!!!!! Like smiling redhead im in the UK obviously and the cost is hitting me and Rob really hard. Rob is self employed and travels a LOT and can travel up to 150 miles a day or more. If he is going that far we will get through 100 pounds a week on fuel, almost a quarter of our entire income.

Thats 400 pounds a month which is $800 US dollars on petrol. And thats not including my travel either which can be upto 20 pounds a week. Its hurting hard. I bet none of you can beat $800 a month!!!! Needless to say we are considering moving abroad once Im qualified as we are almost struggling to live with just buying food and petrol. Its criminal just how much money we apend just to eat and get around. You Americans dont know how lucky you have it!! The missionaries here are in shock the first few weeks at how expensive everything is. It sucks big time.

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Gas is about $3.45 here.

Unfortunately, "here" is in the middle of nowhere. We have to drive at least 45 miles to get anywhere: church, work, a wal-mart, even my college courses are an hour long drive. We really feel the pinch sometimes.

Generally, we try to condense our errands into one day. It gets a little hectic, but whatever works! Plus next semester I will be going to school online which will save a lot on gas.

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