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Everything posted by Gramajane

  1. In study with Jewish friends, I understand that the scriptures often have layers upon layers of meanings and that things can be turned with added emphasis etc. (as another has said). I like to look at things with the whole flow of the scriptures, as then we are less likely to get sidelined. So the basics, Love God... Love thy neighbor...- which would then bring one to repentance and seeking what God would have us do in each moment. That is a whole life time of work! - but then it is by reading the scriptures (LDS too) about what Jesus did - that helps us know how to act (of course along with the guidance of the Holy Spirit).
  2. Matthew 5:28 28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
  3. To teach that the sacrament is literally the body and blood of Jesus Christ, wouldn't that be to practically teach cannibalism? Certainly it would be against the teachings of Moses, since that included not even ingesting the blood of animals etc. ? ---- It seems to me that possibly you don't really have a question, but that you would like to try to change LDS beliefs/teachings? --- hint- "not going to happen". but have a nice day ! :)
  4. The church guidelines are a real help here, and totally worth it. I think someone stated it above, never alone with a member of the opposite sex, even the wife should take the girl babysitter home! Also, no texting or facebook friendships that can get out of hand. There is barely enough time in the day to spend time with our spouses and family, and if you are "relating" to others, it is stealing from your spouse and family. Porn is also stealing their time and also it is WAY worse. The Prophet has given us guidelines to keep us happy, but we need to continue the courtship of our spouse after marriage- we need to appreciate and praise them, find their love language etc!
  5. God bless you and you can talk on here, but I also recommend your Rel Soc president (hopefully you have a great relationship with her!) ( or your Bishop?) the church also has LDS counseling they can refer members to. (I think without charge) --- lastly there are some great books by LDS on Marriage Intimacy and working things out with our partners.
  6. We are ALL in the family of our Father in Heaven, and He and our Elder brother Jesus Christ, know, and understand our trials and our hearts. We can talk to our Father any time (always great reception, no busy signal, and no charge for the long distance either :) --- Then we need to "be still" and listen with our hearts to hear from them. It helps to have the daily feast in reading the scriptures, especially Jesus words/deeds (including in the Book of Mormon) which will help us come to know the Savior. --- also ***AS*** we obey the commandments, we train our bodies/minds/spirits to know our God. --- this also helps me "One who takes offense when no offense is intended, is a fool, and one who takes offense when it *is* intended, is also a fool". --- (another fool is one who offends) while one of the commandments is also to forgive and forget the irritation/anger. --- as why should we "suffer fools" to drive us from where God wants us to be, where the teachings bring us in line, we partake of the sacrament to weekly repent of our wrongs, where we can sing the hymns and feel the spirit, if we get OUR spirit in tune? --- You are the one in charge of your "buttons", so "consider the source" and know that after this life, you and he will each know the others heart/pain and experience what pain we have caused others if we haven't repented of doing it. ---- It is best to forgive ASAP as keeping a hurt, hurts us more, and we may forget to forgive the one who hurt us (though it seems you have a perfect memory of each offense : / ) soooooo , "let it go, and Let God deal with it. You get to choose your reaction, and just figure out what the Christlike reaction/action would be? God bless you and us all, everyone! Gramajane
  7. I'm excited as I wait for "Enders Game", by Orson Scott Card, who received MEGA awards for the book, and has written several more to go with it! I think I have about 10! Now with our new technology, we can make the Battle Room (game/sport strategy training with no gravity) come alive-- I just hope that they be true to the book and don't mess it up changing it! Other than that, Star Wars, Star Treck (I'm an original fan from the 60s ;0 ) --- I like Fantasy more though- like "Princess Bride", "Willow", "the Dark Crystal" are classic cool too!
  8. when I first heard the "brothers" thing, I was shocked myself, as in all my 64 years in FULL activity in the church, I had never seen them put in that close proximity- but there actually is in the book of Job, where it says that Satan came among (being included in the group) of the 'sons of God' . --- talk about your "black sheep" in the family. --- but then he was also cast out of heaven, and will never get a body, while Jesus is on such a higher plane, as a member of the Godhead. Yes, it is an intentional slam, and I have had difficulty with one of my friends of another faith insisting that LDS emphasize it (duh= NOT!) There is also a scripture (I remember what they say but not usually the book, chapter and verse where it says that the members were afraid as they assumed it was Pauls "angel" (here meaning spirit without his body as they assumed he was dead or in prison) --- anyway- it is interesting to go with the Topical Guide searching subjects (though all related scriptures are not listed : / there are most of the main ones, and that helps in study. Have fun! The restored gospel is true and the more indepth you study, the more it proves its self :) --- also, there is a scripture that ONLY the Father, not the son, or the angels in heaven know the day and hour of the Sons returning--- to me that seems pretty clear that they are not the same being. There is a series starting in Meridian Magazine (online- free) about the Trinity and the creeds. Good stuff!
  9. In my view, it all depends on exactly what the add says? Does it say something like --- if you want the truth about LDS- go to or something similar? I actually think getting our say, in at the point of garbage in, is a rather "in your face" attempt to get our side shown, without the "worse than spin"!
  10. As I have been a sub school teacher k-12, ( I loved the work for the most part, dealing with some of the teachers was worse than most of the kids!) I found that the "Love and Logic" parenting principles (do a goggle search) were a great help. I actually taught a class where some boys in a remedial level class were saying that they didn't need to learn English, because they planned to work in the construction of roads. I was able to help them see that to GET a job there, requires filling out an application etc. When kids (any of us?) can connect the dots to see how something could make a difference in our lives (especially if it could hurt us!) suddenly there seems to come some natural motivation. When kids have learned by their parents applying logical reasonable consequences WITH LOVE and empathy (not anger) and let the youth have as many appropriate choices as possible, kids will actually learn to make choices for their own good, as they will learn to ask themselves (just like in a game of chess :) --- if I do this or that, what harm or good could come of that in the frame of things?
  11. by the way there is a condition that is VERY serious, called postpartum depression which is more than the usual not getting enough sleep from a newborn, and you can look it up on line. Marie Osmond wrote a book about it as she had it bad, as did her mother, and there are vitamins etc that can help too. We are never alone, even though we may think we are. You can have help, but part of the blessing is in learning to humble yourself and get up your courage to ask. it is all growth. :) God bless you!
  12. I understand that the church has provided the scriptures online, in AUDIO :) also we are told that the hymns are prayers, so both these things you hopefully can have coming in your ears during your day. I also found playing children singing the primary songs was wonderful to bring the spirit and it also helped my kids to know the words for primary and programs. :) Then there is the wonderful option of having trade off babysitters. You find other families who will trade to give each other an evening without the kids for a date and no one spends money you many no have. -- Or often ask your VT if they might each help for one night a month, and maybe trade bargin with some work for them or? Maybe you have the money to hire a good teenage girl who has experience with her own younger brothers and sisters (watch at church for which ones treat their own family great :) also ask other mothers who are the best baby sitters. Some babysitters will also trade services- I did, getting sewing lessons. Another thing that really helped me was when I found two other mothers with similar child rearing values/methods with kids near my kids age, and we formed our own three hour morning play group. So we each got two mornings off, and the kids LOVED it. :0 --- the kids should all be in bed by eight for sure, or even by 7:30, so hopefully you can have time then. God bless you, it is hard, but worth it! (our youngest daughter has four kids between the ages of 8 and 3 now, and I had five kids but they were all about 2 years apart. )
  13. So I enjoy sharing my beliefs with others and hearing what good there is in their lives, and with that when I found a nondenominational site several years ago, I enjoyed sharing with others, as they really had some messed up ideas of LDS- many which were plain old anti. --- I had many attack me on there, but I felt good about being able to answer with scriptures from the bible, and not have a bad spirit UNTIL- I saw on there where one of the senior members was saying essentially this, "we want a new audio or video of the temple ceremony- does anyone have a temple recommend we could use?" --- now THAT upset me, and then the responses were just as bad! They were totally dishonest and believed Satans lie that is shown in the Doc of Cov, that Satan teaches his followers that it is ok to lie to supposedly catch another in their supposed lies. -- which was totally their reasoning. --- so to act a lie about who they were to get in, or lie to get a recommend etc. --- as the moderators were already watching me like hawks, ( and totally had a double standard on what others could say to insult me- I never retaliated in kind ) so when a moderator got mixed up and thought I said what another had said to me, I was put on warning, and then another guest stood up for me and THEY were put on warning! --- anyway, I was not unhappy to be "barred' for saying they were acting dishonestly to enter the temple under deceptive means and for the purpose of doing what was against the rules in recording etc. --- I just hope (and believe) that some saw the light from what I got to share on there. :) --- please be aware that just like God prepared the second set of records, knowing that the 116 pages would be lost, that God has things in hand, and we just need to do what is right :)
  14. Humm, every time I have renewed my temple recommend, the Word of Wisdom obedience was one of the SET questions asked, and I have had one continuously since my marriage in 1969. --- I am sad if any who supposedly should know better, if they were temple workers (there being a difference between workers and patrons) but ANY who go into the temple (even repair men are chosen from those who are temple holders!) were not obeying or being honest about their actions to get a recommend. --- I do not think that the church is getting more strict, though I DO appreciate that it is getting more explicit like in the "For the Strength of Youth", it spells out the guidelines way more clearly than they were explained to me as a young teenager and I think that is much more helpful! :) --- It isn't just reading scriptures and attending church that brings a testimony, it is OBEYING the commandments, and seeking with your heart in sincere prayer with being willing to ACT on confirmation of the testimony of its truth. Study helps, and church too and they are part of the commandments, but it usually takes work too. "faith without work is dead" the apostle James in the bible tells us :)
  15. If we go to the Bible, on this, it seems that a widow is expected to marry the next of kin, and raise up seed to her first husband. I agree that it does not seem quite fair. I do understand that as also in the bible, more than one wife was ok for the men, that so can a man be sealed to more than one wife, if his first wife is dead (but not if she is living). --- On this one, I will just trust that God knows best. Personally, I doubt I could find someone I would want to be married to. There was no one before we found each other, and we have been married for more than 40 years, and I sure haven't seen anyone I would trade him for yet. :) --- I think I would just live a widow. Not fun, but was less stress in a lot of ways. But then I'm a lot older. I think this is one for each person involed to pray about and get their confirmation from the Holy ghost about.
  16. Well, if a person began their marriage in the temple, and they didn't believe the church was true, from the beginning, then I rather think they would have had to lie to get a temple recommend, right? So that is why I said the marriage may have begun with deceit. --- Though if they were married not in the temple, first, then this is not necessarily true. I always hope for the best. :)
  17. So happy for you! For others who want to "be with child" or at least get to raise a child/baby, may i suggest that you adopt if you can or maybe help with Heavenly fathers other children, like as a foster parent? My sister (who had a tubular pregnancy after years of not being able to get pg, so her chances were further blown by 50% Was literally given a baby boy from God, through a miracle I won't go into as it is long, but I felt prompted to tell her that if she didn't want to get pg, NOW that she had this tiny baby, that she had better do preventative, but she didn't believe me, and promptly got PG and had a girl! So then she had two children really close together, though they were never able to have any other children. --- Others I have heard of are blessed when they open their arms to children who have come to earth through another mother, then are blessed to also have their own. --- I just know that we must do all we can do, and trust God for the rest. :)
  18. Since the poster said " I do not have (and will never have) a testimony" --- I totally doubt he will be blessed to receive a testimony of the church, as the saying goes "wether you think you will or you think you won't, you are probably right". I'm just sad that it seems to have been ok with him to not share with his wife or the missionaries etc from the very beginning that he did not feel the holy spirit. --- as it seems then that his whole membership/marriage may be built on deceit? How awful. I do not see any way that he can expect to not devastate his wife and daughter with that confession, still it is better to begin today to be as honest as possible. --- I would recommend though that he ONLY choose to disclose his deceit when he had made sure that she has someone she loves and trusts there to provide emotional/spiritual support, and who will be around enough to provide it while she works to deal with it. ---- I just realized that I am not responding directly to the original poster-- that was not on purpose, but I suppose maybe natural, as it seems to me that he has had a hard time to deal with people honestly. I pray to our Heavenly Father for whatever it is that he, and we all, each most needs to be blessed with as we face the challenges in this boarding school of heaven earth life! Shalom!
  19. Yes, I agree with you, that more Bible scriptures use is great. I have had much experience with wonderful sharing with members of other faiths. Usually though I have found that many really know almost nothing about the Bible either. --- Quite a lot view church as a social organization to entertain them. I appreciate the churches that get their people into the scriptures, and also teach them to be respectful of others beliefs. --- I also know that it is possible to have different understandings of what the same scripture means. I even heard of one man, when he was shown in his own bible the teaching the church had, and he didn't see any way to deny it-- he was SO UPSET, that he actually ripped the page right out of his bible! He said "Well it isn't in my bible anymore!" "A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still" It seems to work best if we listen first to them, seeking to understand, and then see if they are willing to listen to what we have that they might like to hear. Some are so closed minded, that it only makes them more closed. This Bible scripture might be of help to some of those who believe, that if it isn't written in the Bible about Jesus, that it didn't happen. John 21:25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.
  20. I think I can see both sides of the issue. I really miss being a VT and having some visit with me (make that listen to my woes ; ) as we have had to be so transient with my husbands business that we finally just gave up our rental home and are now living in a 5th wheel! --- One saying was "the church must be true or the (fill in the blank- with , weak members, fanatic members, missionaries, Sisters, Etc) would have ruined it by now!" --- Having my first official calling in the church EVER be as a VT in college, though I was a life time member, and substituted in Primary) I still take the calling seriously. Some places it means more than in others, like in Kodiak, AK, where one sister was a 50 mile drive one way to visit, along roads that were scary ((I once forced my comp to stop the car and let me investigate a car off the road-- but it was an old wreck)) -- while with one other comp. I had to get her to really let us listen to our sister, not just spout a message and run. My comp meant well, and was REALLY busy but just didn't have the vision. : / --- Anyway, I feel I KNOW that we need to choose to not be offended, do our best and let God handle the rest. Some sisters do not want/need even a 20 min visit, or desire to get to know their VT, and I think being able to accommodate others righteous needs/wants is good. Though I think having a basic friendship with our sisters, where they feel they CAN come to us with problems, and that we will make time for them is great for us and for them. --- I have been there, where my VT seemed to not have a clue how to relate to me, nor that I didn't want to sit and talk about the weather or gossip or anything, while I had deadlines weighing one me. --- Sometimes, just a quick phone call, or a private conversation after a church meeting is ok, especially if the opening is made-- asking if the sister would LIKE a longer private visit? --- A few times I have been blessed to feel I had really helped another sister. Once in visiting a sister who was on bed rest expecting twins, and asking what we could do to help, though she answered that she was ok with what was being done-- I noticed that her bottom bed sheet was not fitted and that it was scrunched down on the mattress. I explained that with two large safety pins that I could fix that for her, and she was absolutely thrilled! It was a King size, and they were in Kodiak, and short of funds, so she couldn't just go out and buy what sheets she desired. --- I had her sit in a chair just a few min. while we folded the corners into fit and pinned them. She later told me that she kept the pins in when the sheets were washed (I think she only had one set) for years! What a difference it made to her comfort to have smooth sheets under her! :) Makes me feel good thinking of it to this day :) --- Anyway-- I also know how you feel about feeling that things could be much better if others would just listen and TEST it. I have also experienced that with the seating arrangement in the Rel Soc room, where there are two doors in, and so many sisters that we can't all fit in, plus no room for the babies, or wheel chairs and anyone late must walk in the front of the whole group! -- In one of the wards we were in in the distant past, I felt inspired with an arrangement that really worked, solving all the problems and making it so much easier to teach, and access/exit etc too. They let me try it and they still do 99% of the same arrangement to this day. :) ---Though in a more recent ward where they have the same really sad situation-- they have not been willing to even TRY the arrangement. I understand that some LONG time Sisters got very upset in the past when they tried a different arrangement, and so now any change is TABOO (there are three wards in the building) --- anyway-- we just have to let things go, and enjoy the spirit as when we choose to be offended, we are certainly in the wrong and not Christlike! God bless us, everyone!
  21. I found the scripture for you John 21:25 25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.
  22. Ok, I found the original post, and read a LITTLE of the mega others. I will hopefully not be thought too rude to just jump in as I believe I have some info that might be interesting. :) --- We studied some with Messanic Jews and also from Jewish teachings, and while I understand that the church has not come out with any word on this (it isn't necessary to our salvation) --- that it seems that for a man to be taken seriously, or called a Rabbi (as Jesus was) that he had to be married to at least one wife. --- that Jewish laws were that after the death of a family member, that the women were not to come out of the house until the husband or patriarch called her to come out, as Jesus did with Mary. --- that there are also many things that are not said in the bible, and even in one place in the bible it says that so much happened that it couldn't all be written about. --- Unfortunately I have found some people mistakenly believe that if it isn't in the Bible that it didn't happen, though in the red letters for everything Jesus is said to have said in one Bible edition I had, that could all be read aloud in about 1/2 an hour-- it sure seemed silly to think that was all he said!! --- That I had one girl express offense that I had a picture of Jesus with some white material sheltering his head, a little like a hoodie-- and she insisted that Jesus never wore anything like that. I suppose she had never seen a painting of him similar but that is/was something that in that climate they would do to shelter from the hot sun. --- I feel like a good reason for Jesus to not begin his mission until he was older (30 wasn't it?) was because he did marry and even have children. --- there are quite a few legends about that Joseph of Armatheia (sp?) who I understand was a merchant, a rich one, also was responsible for getting Mary (and their children) away after Jesus death, and that they went to Scotland. (read the story about the stone pillar that was made into a special throne that was used for their kings in Scotland and then taken to England- that was supposed to be the same one from the OT- - interesting but not essential) --- also that Jesus was said to have hair a color that was like the hazelnut (dark auburn?) and that his descendants often had that hair color or a similar shade of red-- again fun but NOT important! --- What is important is that we seek to find what God does want us to know/do and that we seek the confirmation of the Holy Spirit for the truth of these things and then that we ACT to obey what we feel is right. Then that we continue in the path, (repenting as we discover we mess up) and endure to the end! God bless us all in all of that!
  23. opps, I didn't see the first post, just the one before mine above, so please reference mine to that one above mine. Now I need to respond further, as I read all the rest (pretty fast)-- Having had some PTSD myself, not from war but almost unbelievably from my own birth which caused me to have the unconscious feelings all my life that "terrible and awful things could happen to me at any moment over which I had absolutely no control or defense" . My mother, who ALSO got PTSD from my birth, went on to take mega instruction education and became a counselor and worked with helping others, even with PTSD. There are some leading edge therapies that can really help us heal, though it is layers on layers as one event builds up on the others. Some therapies are EFT which involves rapid eye movements like our bodies do in our sleep, when our minds work to sort through and clear trama of the day, and there is a book that has especially helped me recently. It is titled "Feelings buried alive never die" with a kind of "script" or almost a prayer, that helps your spirit, mind, body go back to heal the original cause of your problem with Gods help. Anyway- God bless you and us all in our challenges in this life, to live up to the best we know as we seek to get more truth and light from God. Shalom!
  24. I feel to agree with you, as depression (whether caused by chemicals or experiences- can overwhelm a person in terrible ways- to even cause their thinking to be so blocked that they kill themselves) --- We are here on earth to learn and grow and do our best to handle the challenges we are faced with. Getting into the church with the restored understanding of the scriptures and the gift of the Holy Spirit (which is greater than the light of Christ- conscience?-- given to every person. I have wondered though is sociopaths even have that- as I think one man we had the challenge of dealing with was so apparently without one, that he tried to explain (to a member of the board who was not LDS) when we confronted him with the discrepancies in the finances-- that the reason he had embezzled this particular amount of money from our company at that date, was to pay his tithing!!! Sheeish! It was sickening- disgusting! I'm relieved (though not glad) to say that since he continued to lie instead of come clean with ALL he had taken, that we ended up reporting him to the legal authorities, and the authorized prosecutor took over, though she unfortunately was new, and though a misunderstanding on her part- didn't charge him with all he did, so he only had to pay back about $24 thou of the over $150 K he stole. But the judge was great and made sure he had to come do service in the community plus spend time in jail each year for about 5 years. --- That money he paid back when to business he had cheated- and none came to us, but God is the judge. Things will be fair in the end, though they often are not seemingly fair at all in this life! Gods will be done!
  25. God bless you, as you have been and may continue through a refiners fire of sorts. I have taught primary and loved it since I was in primary myself. The key is to love the kids and help them to come to know and love Jesus Christ. You can do that without ANY lesson manual- as long as you know and love the Lord yourself. --- Though I would REALLY hope that others will come to help! Still, God will bless you for whatever you can do with your heart in the right place. My husband had never taught primary, but I was sick one Sat night and had him teach. He had taught older teenagers but even though we had 5 kids of our own, he usually didn't interact with them much till they were school age. -- So anyway- he prepared the lesson, and then when he got there he quickly realized that it was going to be all he could do to get the small 3 year olds to get ONE idea from the lesson. It was about "I came to earth to get a body" or something like that. So, then he switched to focusing on ways to just get that item across to the kids. He felt he had failed, but then in the next part, where the kids were with the rest of the Primary for singing/sharing time, one of the leaders asked the question- that was something like- "why did we come to earth" and ONE little girl he had taught, looked like the light had come on, raised her hand and said "to get a body". he was thrilled!! So, if you will do as I understand the general authorities do, "fill yourself with prayer and with the scriptures and stories pertaining to the lesson, and focus on keeping a loving attitude with seeing each child as a child of God, and you as an undershepherd, you can do this. :) Sometimes I have been blessed to be asked to teach a primary class as I left the chapel ready to go to the next hours, and God has helped me. One time it was a class of about 5 boys, all about age 10 (rowdy ones) I felt inspired to notice that most all had their scriptures with them (and I had been handed a manual but NO TIME to even skim it!!!) --- So I decided to work to help them get interested in their scriptures, so I asked them if they thought that dragons or unicorns were in the Bible. I told them I was pretty sure they were, but how could they prove me wrong or right? Then I worked with them as they learned to look things up. :) They had a ball along with a new appreciation for the scriptures especially with the LDS edition helps! --- Another time, very similar- I just felt to tell them true stories of my families experiences in AK on our commercial fishing boat, with storms, breakdowns etc. How God had answered our prayers etc. ---- The "lesson" is not the important thing, it is actually just a means to reach the kids hearts. Any teacher can do that if she has a heart for God and for his children, and can be calm enough to feel the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Again, God bless you and us all to do His will. :)