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Everything posted by Blackmarch

  1. He does have a great spirit, as well as a perfect body... Altho in this case they are focusing more on the being and building from a common ground, from the part the Lamanites do know .. Not unlike when we share about christ to christians- basically saying have more to add what you already know about him. Also there are some gospel helps such as the topical guide and the dictionary that can be quite helpful i think you mightbfind the entrys on bodies and spirits to e interesting.
  2. nothing wrong with it, it would be more likely to happen in a branch or ward where the numbers of members are few. For bigger wards i'd probably bring it to the attention of the leadership and ask if it is correct, and leave it at that.
  3. Nor I in general- god's intervening by providing physical objects or blessing physical objects to behave in certain ways is fairly rare (but it should be noted it has happened, more than once), however God has not stated that he won't ever use cards or something that looks like cards- so technically that angle is still open, should God for whatever reason decide to do so. (a couple reasons why as an LDS, I would be more likely to dismiss a card reader would be that God has already given a system to use, and how authority travels.. which only would make it a very narrow range of situations where i would something from such a reader seriously). pagan and evil things try to mimic or to access the types of things what god has done for people in the past (and if you think about it, every sin tends to be some sort of perversion of something God gave man, from something good to something wicked). If a person who had no idea who moses claimed to be were to see the interaction between him and pharoah's magicians that person would have said they all used magic- if that person were to pay careful attention they might catch Moses saying the lord commandeth thus then they might get a clue of what made moses different from from pharoah's men. I find the account of when satan tempts Christ to be interesting. in the second attempt Satan uses something that God gave to tempt Christ into sin. in these cases what was of God's was only given to his chosen servant(s) to use. (so there is one test- from what does the skill come from? the Lord's servants have generally been quick to say that such things are from God or an angel, and that it is done by God's hand) the biggest test, is likely determining whether that person is a servant of God. To that end I know that Joseph smith was- Not only have had some pretty strong answers to prayer in regards to him, but God has rewarded my patience in continuing to trust that God chose Joseph smith as his servant. So to answer the question how would I consider a card reader as an LDS it would have to be given from on high- so it would have to be given to the prophet, then to the apostles, then to the seventies and etc and etc... and on down. As this would seem strange it would also require some answers to personal prayer as well. If I wasn't LDS, I would have to be able to determine if that person was chosen by God to be a servant (altho for them to get through the door they'd have to exhibit qualities of the Holy Spirit). and that certainly isn't a small task.
  4. I believe that moses and the magicians of pharoah, when they turn their staves into snakes, shows a good example. Whether tarot cards, snakes, a sheep rod that blooms, dice that shine, or an ark- God will command his prophet to use it (or authorize it), and it will be the prevailing one while the others will fail. ( there have been other seer stones found- and that situation pretty much repeated itself)
  5. The only thing i could guess would be a christ. But we are not given this explicitly.
  6. no idea if something else tempted him... however i find that once your pride gets to a point one doesn't really need an outside source for temptation.
  7. Joseph Smith used seer stones. I'd imagine that that wasn't any different to the law than glass looking.... no idea what the penalty for breaking or the reason for having such a law on the books was. however from the court action transcripts i've been able to see of a few, I haven't been able to find one that puts him on the wrong side of God, or as a dishonest person.
  8. it' been forever since i've read them you're probably right XD
  9. I am bad at it...... But this thread title reminded me of the character Wormwood from one of CS Lewis books, where as a devil heis trying to instruct his nephew devil how to turn his patient away from God; (paraphrased) "I notice that your subject has suffering a greater case of humility lately... have you brought his attention to it?"
  10. Signs are given to give the faithful hope and encouragement and the lazy and wicked some incentive to repent.. Or be damned.
  11. Its probably both. Most things tend to have aspects of both- for instance while the rites in the OT had a specific time frame, what they represent and teach do not.
  12. Thank you whoever killed the gremlins... Today is the first day the titles are back to normal XD
  13. there's probably a modesty guide somewhere but i'm pretty sure it only explains what needs to be covered, not how it needs to be covered other than that it be reverent and respectful. other than that i can't recall anything.
  14. Practice makes perfect, I suppose... Altho i've never seen anyone indicate that children that haven't been baptised need to. Those under the age of accountability are made alive in Christ by his atonement... and i suppose that if they have not taken the covenants of baptism, the ordinance of the sacrament will have little affect on them. I agree with this a lot. There's probably a difference between just letting a child take it out of habit, and trying to teach a child something. (just opinionating here tho). As for infants, It's probably not proper.
  15. quite likely God used something real and turned it into something symbolic.. so both quite likely (what happens when you run almost naked in the sun a long time? + if the descendants of laman and lemuel mingled with other inhabitants of the land who had darker skin then then those descendents would also get darker skin)
  16. guess those wouldn't be an influence then.
  17. do you spend a lot of time on facebook or on the news?
  18. No.The requirements are to Follow Christ, repent, be baptised, and live obedient to him. (in regards to the LDS church part of that is sustaining those he has called and has given his authority to, which we hold as our prophets and apostles and etc. Believing Joseph smith and the book of mormon, bible etc..). I think you will find that holding that view as a mormon will become difficult tho given all the stuff we have would strongly suggest otherwise, but give all things their season and don't rush- don't rush to dump it, but don't rush to keep it either; sometimes we are asked to sacrifice things that seem great to us. however in all things you should seek God's help. Sometimes we end up having things we have to unlearn... even those who have been inside the gospel all their lives. And sometimes we are tasked with taking a leap of faith. Have you sought God's adivice on the matter? Study it out, pray and fast- and ask God directly if you should keep that knowledge as it is or if it needs correcting in some manner. this seems something important to you, i believe the best recourse is to gain God's assurance whether it's ok or not to change what you know. PS i consider God to be my Creator, and have referred to him as that on multiple occasions PPS some semantics and minor points, perhaps you might find these trivial things useful or not. 1.We don't have anything that says he lives on Kolob. 2.There are many ways to use the term create; that there are more ways than solely ex-nihilo 3. We know God has a physical body from revelations that we have been given in these days, but none of them say that it consists of Human DNA (but we know it looks humanfrom the few prophets who have had the experience of meeting him... and that Christ is considered to be exactly like his father) Personally I'd argue we were made to look like God, and made capable of becoming as he is rather than the other way around.
  19. correction i can think of a reason why a high tech race would want something low tech- high tech computer virus or something that only affects certain components of whatever is unique to that tech that disables or destroys it... in which case a lower tech alternative would become much more desirable especially if things are getting desperate. (thank you Niven, lol)
  20. Generally the contested things related to doctrine that have split christianity over the last couple millenia, following the death of the apostles. As well as many of the excuses given for leaving the Christian faith.
  21. Wonder if the school would allow for a jihadi themed club?
  22. well that depends on how you read, and how fast you read. it's shorter than the book of mormon, longer than the pearl of great price. probably about 1/2-2/3 the length of the book of mormon. It's probably a bit easier to understand as it is closer to our culture than the book of mormon. and yes a read through is worth it.