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Everything posted by Gwen

  1. We had some family over tonight and somehow having a baby was brought up (in a very general way not anyone specific) and one of the cousins says "there won't be anymore kids in our family" to which the parents laughed and said "that's right". At that point my oldest says "we have another boy for our family" I chuckled and said, "why do you say that" he says, "I don't know, just a thought I had". lol The problem with revelation that doesn't line up with logic is sometimes you don't have good feelings with the thoughts. The whole prospect of the situation is a bit scary. That makes it very hard to sort out what to do. Are the feelings against logic the revelation and your logic is you fighting it..... or the other way around... you have some crazy idea and the logic is the lord's way of saying 'look around you, is that the best idea'? And thank you for the compliment kloud, but don't envy me. We are all here to be tested and we all have our issues. :)
  2. Yes, I understood the examples. lol I also realize the comments will be rather vague if the info I give is rather vague. Just thought I would expand the situation a little more. lol
  3. There has been a lot of talk about Nephi and Laban. I do not feel a prompting to kill anyone or anything quite so extreme. The inspiration I think I'm receiving is the opposite of death. I feel like it may be time to have another child. Though there is a lot going on in our lives right now that anyone logically planning a family would say that it's insane to have another baby at this point. Which is what inspired the OP.
  4. Never seen anything like that. When I was a teenager a couple was taking a business trip that they decided to turn into a family vacation. They took me along to babysit while they did the business stuff and my pay was getting to go on the vacation. When they were there they took care of the kids, when they weren't it was my problem. The strangest buffet experience I've ever had was when the waitress kept cleaning my kids up. lol She would come over and take their plates and wipe the table and their faces and hands and anything else she thought needed wiping. lol My kids aren't THAT messy but they are kids.
  5. FYI I do not feel inspired to kill anyone. The opposite actually. An increasingly stronger nagging feeling that someone is missing.
  6. Let's say it's not against church doctrine, fairly in line with it. It's not something someone else can do. I know why (or why I think lol) I'm getting it. The "idea" of it was introduced about 6 months ago. I knew the time would come and felt the Lord was just getting me used to the idea. lol I thought at that time, when the time came, things would be in order and it would be an easy thing to do. But the feelings have gotten stronger and to the point that I think it's probably time but circumstances didn't get better. There are many more reasons now to not do it than there were 6 months ago. All logic says it would be an insane thing to do and it would not come without risk. However I have not gotten an second opinion so... maybe I should look into that first. lol Thanks.
  7. What would you do (or have you done if you've been there) if you felt you were receiving revelation to do something that went against all logic and sanity?
  8. Now I know I've been busy how did I miss the anti Santa thread this yr. lol I know someone that when they learned Santa (et al) were not real they also "realized" that God wasn't real either. They grew up to believe in nothing. Though it may not be the most common reaction it is a real concern for some. This person is the reason my parents didn't push the Santa thing. It's the reason when I had the opportunity to give my input for the branch Christmas party yrs ago I got them to end the tradition of the "visit from Santa". I take my children to church to learn truth, they will get enough Santa without getting it there. I don't destroy the game of it for my kids. They learn about it from school and tv (yes we watch Santa movies). When they ask I just ask what they think. While they are young enough to say it's real I accept it, when they say no I smile and wink and accept that too. The older ones keep the game alive for the kids but if they ever really think about it mom has never taught Santa, never threatened them with losing Christmas if they didn't behave, never made a fuss about leaving treats. If they do it fine, if they don't I don't remind them. It's too early to say if it's the right decision or not as my kids aren't grown but so far I think they are turning out pretty good. lol On a funny note (which I may have shared before lol) my oldest ran a test to find out if the tooth fairy is real or not. One morning the kids came running in "mom, mom, E. lost a tooth yesterday and it's still a tooth today" "what? E did you lose a tooth?" with a sly grin "I was doing an experiment" "and that was?" "if no one knew then I would find out for sure if the tooth fairy is real or not" "and what did you learn?" "well... it's still a tooth". The next day he comes in almost sad "it's still a tooth" "Did you put it under your pillow" "yes" "did you tell anyone?" "Dad" "and now you know something new don't you." He tries again the next night and guess what? I forgot. lol He came down almost in tears this time "It's still a tooth." I felt so bad I just gave him the dollar. lol After that he just brings me the tooth and says "this is for you" and I give him a dollar. lol This yr he was with me in town and I commented that I had to make a stop to get a Christmas present for one of his sisters. He says "doesn't Santa do that.... or are you Santa" "what do you think" "you're the tooth fairy so... don't worry I won't tell" lol
  9. My husband served spanish speaking in Washington. He spent his entire mission speaking spanish. To hear him talk of his mission you would think he went to Mexico, he spent the entire time with immigrants. He still uses his spanish on a regular basis. Here in Alabama we have enough spanish speaking that we have a spanish branch in our stake. The stake pres frequently opens stake conference with something in spanish. Though I think the spanish speaking missionaries here don't get to use it as frequently as my husband did.
  10. Yup, I think by only days..... are you interested in doing something?
  11. I like the idea of other kids in your stake or ward.... extended family is great. I might consider something like that but the postage outside of the US could get expensive
  12. In our area we have a church educational system (CES) coordinator. It is not a calling like bishop or seminary teacher. It is a full time position, in charge of all the training of seminary and institute teachers for a particular area. That is who I would call in a situation like this.
  13. Gwen

    Toilet age?

    I would think they are talking about everything not just going in the toilet; wiping cleanly after a bm, wash hands, totally fix their clothes (like those pesky pants buttons), etc. edit: lol should have read the article first. Public restrooms I totally agree on that age. There is a safety issue. However, public restrooms are more troublesome; have to wipe the seat well, don't want your clothes to touch the floor, small kids will need to be lifted on and off the seat so as not to have to wipe their bare bottoms all over the nasty toilet getting up and down..... etc.
  14. I would recommend the book "His needs Her needs" (His Needs, Her Needs this is the official site for it but you can probably find it cheaper used somewhere)
  15. Not to burst your bubble but don't count on it. I'm a lot like that and it's a constant struggle. lol I will admit right now to taking this personally but this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. My husband would say this to me all the time. NOTHING will start a fight faster. My response is "Ok, let's look at the temple. No children are allowed. You change all your clothes, especially shoes, the second you walk in the door. No food. No drink. No sleeping, bathing, brushing teeth, doing hair, etc. AND you have a team of assigned members who come and scour the place every week." When my house has No children, no food/drink, no daily hygiene use, everyone who enters changes all their clothes, and the RS come every week to help clean THEN you can compare my house to the temple. For point of reference I am one of those that was raised without being taught regular organizing habits (not nasty just cluttered). Add to that the ADD and having gotten married in 2000, baby in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2008. I didn't exactly get a lot of time to get my feet on the ground before massively complicating things. I'm only just now getting even close to some kind of order and good habits. I'm not saying there isn't spiritual value in your surroundings but everyone's level of tolerance is different. We have to be realistic in our expectations.
  16. Clearly not enough info here so take this for what it's worth. Depends on the kinds of problems you are having, are they fixable? are both of you fixing? Going to the temple will not magically fix your problems. It will put you under greater covenant and obligation. Counseling and fix things (or at least get them to a point at which you are on the up hill and serious about it) first.
  17. If you can? Everyone is welcome. How? You already outlined..... After that you would want to contact some missionaries or just someone in your local ward and they will walk you through the process of baptism etc. As for "should you", only you can answer that. I suggest a lot of introspection and prayer.
  18. It's a backhanded compliment.I agree with it depends on the context and person. If it's coming from someone that is known for their sarcasm and backhanded compliments then they knew exactly what they said. However, most ppl don't pay that much attention and it was probably meant and should be taken as a compliment.
  19. ginger root tea is also very good for when you are sick, it's great for the immune system. Though I can't stand it lol my husband drinks it. With my first there wasn't anything that made life better. The smell of my own body oils made me sick, the smell of soap made me sick, the taste of toothpaste made me sick, the taste of my own spit made me sick, eating made me sick, being hungry made me sick, the smell of the laundry soap on my clothes, everything. If I picked the things that made me want to throw up the least and then didn't move I was ok, but as soon as I moved (even if it was to roll over) I would throw up. I found myself lying on the sofa, no shower, having not eaten for days. Looking back I probably should have been in the hospital. lol
  20. didn't discover it until baby #5 but gum... i chewed gum constantly, it was the only thing that helped (i tried all the crackers and such that get recommended). i did have to be careful about what flavor though. lol
  21. I've objected before and I'm still here. lol I'm going to go with beefche that this person has no idea what they are talking about or did a lot more than object and are still bitter about it.
  22. I let my kids keep their own sleep schedule at that age. They go through growth spurts and need more sleep than at other times. My motto was "never wake a sleeping baby". lol I didn't even wake mine to nurse.
  23. Yay, I'm not old! Good to see ya.
  24. There are reasons a woman shouldn't have to hide to nurse her baby beyond comfort for mother and baby. By making it taboo our society has robbed themselves of education. Nursing is a learned social behavior, not instinctual, it was never intended to be hidden away. What Our Primate Cousins Can Teach Us About Breastfeeding Becoming Mamas
  25. He sounds ADHD, but I'm not sure you can go to your boss and recommend meds. lol