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  1. Like
    lagarthaaz reacted to classylady in Combining boys and girls in Valiant 10/11 class?   
    They separate them in my ward and all the wards I've been in.  In fact, I thought all wards separated them until I visited my son's ward two weeks ago in the Seattle area and found out they kept the boys and girls together.  I was surprised.  
  2. Like
    lagarthaaz reacted to FamilyHistoryWannabe in Combining boys and girls in Valiant 10/11 class?   
    Same here.
    And in the last ward I was in, and the one before that... I can't think of a ward I've been in with seperate classes for that age
  3. Like
    lagarthaaz reacted to Connie in Combining boys and girls in Valiant 10/11 class?   
    No, they do not have to be separated. Ours have been combined for years.
  4. Like
    lagarthaaz reacted to omegaseamaster75 in Married in a week   
    Do him and yourself a favor and call it off.....your setting yourself up for a disaster. getting married is no magical pill that will resolve your issues. They will still be there
  5. Like
    lagarthaaz got a reaction from askandanswer in Use of cell phones & other devices during sacrament meeting   
    Here are three references that I found...the talk by President Uchtdorf was wonderful.
    Sorry for the mad copy/paste job I've done, I'm too tired to figure out how to do it all properly :)
    Are we on autopilot, going through the motions, attending our meetings, yawning through Gospel Doctrine class, and perhaps checking our cell phones during sacrament service?By President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency url: 
    Habit Number 3: Make Time to Set Aside Your Mobile DevicesIt is refreshing to put aside our electronic devices for a while and instead turn the pages of the scriptures or take time to converse with family and friends. Especially on the Lord’s day, experience the peace of participating in a sacrament meeting without the constant urge to see if you have a new message or a new post.
    The habit of setting aside your mobile device for a time will enrich and broaden your view of life, for life is not confined to a four-inch (10 cm) screen.   By Elder José A. Teixeira, Of the Seventy

    In many ways the world today is more challenging than it was 13 years ago. Our young men and young women have many more distractions to sidetrack them in their preparations for both a mission and a future happy life. Technology has expanded, and almost everyone has access to handheld devices that can capture the attention of the human family of God for both great good and unconscionable ill....Are you careful with your time—avoiding inappropriate technology and social media, including video games, which can dull your spiritual sensitivity?  By Elder M. Russell Ballard, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
  6. Like
    lagarthaaz got a reaction from NeuroTypical in Use of cell phones & other devices during sacrament meeting   
    Here are three references that I found...the talk by President Uchtdorf was wonderful.
    Sorry for the mad copy/paste job I've done, I'm too tired to figure out how to do it all properly :)
    Are we on autopilot, going through the motions, attending our meetings, yawning through Gospel Doctrine class, and perhaps checking our cell phones during sacrament service?By President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency url: 
    Habit Number 3: Make Time to Set Aside Your Mobile DevicesIt is refreshing to put aside our electronic devices for a while and instead turn the pages of the scriptures or take time to converse with family and friends. Especially on the Lord’s day, experience the peace of participating in a sacrament meeting without the constant urge to see if you have a new message or a new post.
    The habit of setting aside your mobile device for a time will enrich and broaden your view of life, for life is not confined to a four-inch (10 cm) screen.   By Elder José A. Teixeira, Of the Seventy

    In many ways the world today is more challenging than it was 13 years ago. Our young men and young women have many more distractions to sidetrack them in their preparations for both a mission and a future happy life. Technology has expanded, and almost everyone has access to handheld devices that can capture the attention of the human family of God for both great good and unconscionable ill....Are you careful with your time—avoiding inappropriate technology and social media, including video games, which can dull your spiritual sensitivity?  By Elder M. Russell Ballard, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
  7. Like
    lagarthaaz reacted to askandanswer in Use of cell phones & other devices during sacrament meeting   
    Elder Oaks made a reference to texting during the presentation of the sacrament in his Saturday morning session talk.
    Young people, if that teaching seems too general, here is a specific example. If the emblems of the sacramentare being passed and you are texting or whispering or playing video games or doing anything else to deny yourself essential spiritual food, you are severing your spiritual roots and moving yourself toward stony ground. You are making yourself vulnerable to withering away when you encounter tribulation like isolation, intimidation, or ridicule. And that applies to adults also.
  8. Like
    lagarthaaz reacted to estradling75 in Book of Mormon musical coming to Australia   
    In the past the Church has taken out an ad in the Musical's program.   In essence it says something like "The Book is always better"  Or "You've seen the Musical Now read the book" with information on how to get their own copy.
    I see no reason for this to not happen in Australia as well.
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    lagarthaaz reacted to The Folk Prophet in Book of Mormon musical coming to Australia   
    Maybe calling attention to it by protestation would be a good thing then. :)
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    lagarthaaz reacted to Vort in Book of Mormon musical coming to Australia   
    Indeed. I would rather have my arm ripped off than my head. That doesn't make losing my arm any more pleasant.
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    lagarthaaz reacted to Bini in Book of Mormon musical coming to Australia   
    I haven't seen it and not sure that I would just because I'm much more classical when it comes to musicals... I'm pretty sure there's a couple LDS members on here that have seen it and quite enjoyed it, I think I could even name them, but I'll let them come out and share their thoughts if they so choose.
    On the topic of poking fun. I know quite a few Catholic friends back in the day that didn't appreciate Sister Act with Whoopi Goldberg. I didn't find it offensive or meant to be, then again, I'm not Catholic.
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    lagarthaaz reacted to Just_A_Guy in Book of Mormon musical coming to Australia   
    You can let the musical change the way society views you as an individual Mormon; or you can let your own conduct as an individual Mormon change the way society views the musical.
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    lagarthaaz reacted to The Folk Prophet in Book of Mormon musical coming to Australia   
    Which as we all know is the true measure of something's worth.
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    lagarthaaz reacted to Blackmarch in Book of Mormon musical coming to Australia   
    while it does make light of quite a few things, i'd take it over the play that portrayed christ as a homosexual.... BUt still. In general the more something is hated the more it will be ridiculed. I think comparing to lehi's dream is appropriate.
  15. Like
    lagarthaaz got a reaction from Backroads in No refreshments allowed in baptisms?   
    I don't see anything wrong with having refreshments after a baptismal service at church. People often have other places to go on Saturday mornings (when most of our baptisms happen) so it's nice to keep the service and the refreshments at the same place. My ward often has refreshments for after the baptism - usually just some cake, sandwiches and juice. People who are attending just bring a small plate of food, or the family provide it.  They set a table up just outside the baptism room and the refreshments aren't brought out until after the baptismal service is over. If it's for a child, they often receive gift bags from various people and congratulations. It's a lovely way to end the service, particularly for children and adults who don't have family members in the church.  Some families do choose to have their refreshments at their home instead.
    The RS President sounds like a refreshment Grinch...I'd have food anyway (she doesn't run the building!), too bad if she doesn't like it. As long as it's cleaned up afterwards there shouldn't be a problem. 
  16. Like
    lagarthaaz got a reaction from carlimac in Book of Mormon musical coming to Australia   
    Or maybe I should say 'Lehi's dream comes to Australia'.
    26 And I also cast my eyes round about, and beheld, on the other side of the river of water, a great and spacious building; and it stood as it were in the air, high above the earth. 27 And it was filled with people, both old and young, both male and female; and their manner of dress was exceedingly fine; and they were in the attitude of mocking and pointing their fingers towards those who had come at and were partaking of the fruit. ...33...And after they did enter into that building they did point the finger of scorn at me and those that were partaking of the fruit also; but we heeded them not.  (1 Nephi 8:26,33)
    I came home from work today and my husband flicked on a current affairs program that just happened to show an interview with the actors from the Book of Mormon musical. They were mocking the missionaries and laughing hysterically about comments they were making about the church that were unbelievably ignorant and ill-informed.  I have read about the musical on American news websites and lds forums like this one, and thought I was ok with just ignoring its existence ('heeding it not' as Lehi said). But, I was totally unprepared for how it made my heart stop cold when I realized it was coming right here to my own community. To see people on a popular television show openly mocking my religion was really quite confronting. 
    We have such a small population of LDS in this largely secular country where Mormons are mostly known as stereotypes (missionaries on bikes, pushy missionaries who 'put their foot in the door', polygamy, and I've even heard that Mormon women are not allowed to cut their hair!). I can imagine how much worse it's going to be when the musical arrives here and mocking Mormonism becomes part of regular conversation. 
    I suppose the church has the next 18 months or so to figure out how to deal with the possible effects of this musical in Australia...the missionaries in this article have the right idea, but I don't know how their plan would go over here.
    Has anyone here seen the musical or dealt with the effects of being made a laughing stock in the community because of it? 
    And why the heck is it ok to bash us for our religion on a current affairs program - would anyone be brave enough to discuss a musical about Jews, Buddhists, Hindus or Muslims whilst chortling with hilarity? There would be discrimination lawsuits galore!
  17. Like
    lagarthaaz reacted to dahlia in No refreshments allowed in baptisms?   
    I spoke at a convert baptism last Saturday. I was surprised that there were no refreshments, but thought maybe because ti was in the evening and people would want to go home. I've been to most of the convert baptisms in my ward over the past few years and they always had food - but then, they were always during the day, so ...
  18. Like
    lagarthaaz reacted to Sunday21 in coming back to church. where to start?   
    I was inactive for over 25 years. It was tough to walk in the building again. I grit my teeth and went to church. People were friendly. I made it a rule to pray and read the scriptures daily. Getting a temple recommend and going to the temple helped a lot. Perhaps this could be a goal? Listening to general conference helped a lot.
  19. Like
    lagarthaaz reacted to David13 in coming back to church. where to start?   
    The greatest journey starts with the first step.  Take the first step to the door and walk in.
    Suit up and show up.
    If you are having a problem with the alcohol, that is a separate issue and you have to find a program to deal with it.  Look for 20 Questions. 
    If you are just in the habit of a few regular social drinks that's a different issue.
  20. Like
    lagarthaaz reacted to Bini in coming back to church. where to start?   
    Hope you find and get the help you need. Good luck!
  21. Like
    lagarthaaz reacted to pkstpaul in coming back to church. where to start?   
    I suggest using the Ward Council to help you. Get active Home and Visiting Teachers to come out. They can acclimate you to what's going on in the ward. Have the bishop and/or Relief Society President visit you.
    Yes, activation does involve walking back in the door, but you don't have to dive it. Go to a social or two. Talk to the bishop about an appropriate calling - Cub Scouts or Activity Days but not Primary or Nursery. Or be on a Relief Society commitee.
    As for drinking.... it is hard to imagine starting when you never drank before. I couldn't wait to stop after my baptism. It only makes you feel sick and regretful. I found the only way to quit an addiction is cold-turkey. Get it out of the house and ask for something else when you are out.
    Best wishes.
  22. Like
    lagarthaaz got a reaction from askandanswer in coming back to church. where to start?   
    I second what Palerider said, have a sit-down with your bishop.  You don't have to feel so different or unworthy - most of us in the church have had our challenges to overcome, and nobody is ever as 'perfect' as they may come across.
    Remember church is a hospital for sinners, as well as a haven for saints. 
    Just start going to meetings and eventually some faces will become familiar, you'll catch each other's eye and smile and nod and you will start to feel less alone there. Also give your RS President a call and ask if there are any mother's groups where you can meet other young mothers with children. In my ward the mums with young children take turns meeting at each other's houses once a week for playdates. It's an  opportunity to socialize and share with women of a similar age with young children.   Have you thought about having the missionaries over for a meal or to give a family home evening lesson? They can bring a special spirit into your home that may touch you and your husband and motivate you to continue striving to return to activity in the church. 
    Good luck, let us know what happens!   
  23. Like
    lagarthaaz got a reaction from pkstpaul in No refreshments allowed in baptisms?   
    I don't see anything wrong with having refreshments after a baptismal service at church. People often have other places to go on Saturday mornings (when most of our baptisms happen) so it's nice to keep the service and the refreshments at the same place. My ward often has refreshments for after the baptism - usually just some cake, sandwiches and juice. People who are attending just bring a small plate of food, or the family provide it.  They set a table up just outside the baptism room and the refreshments aren't brought out until after the baptismal service is over. If it's for a child, they often receive gift bags from various people and congratulations. It's a lovely way to end the service, particularly for children and adults who don't have family members in the church.  Some families do choose to have their refreshments at their home instead.
    The RS President sounds like a refreshment Grinch...I'd have food anyway (she doesn't run the building!), too bad if she doesn't like it. As long as it's cleaned up afterwards there shouldn't be a problem. 
  24. Like
    lagarthaaz reacted to aeglyn in Angels of Mercy   
    Angels of Mercy
    Whispered in our ears
    Ere the moment of our birth
    ‘Return one hundred years
    After living on this earth’
    Some may live much longer
    Some may live far less
    Some are just born stronger
    With some born in excess
    Some are born in poverty
    Though some achieve success
    Some have earned their liberty
    While some still are oppressed
    But those who are born meeker
    Have learned what true love brings
    Though experiences were bleaker
    They have learned to use their wings
    These angels are among us
    Each and every single day
    They normally don’t raise a fuss
    For service is their way
    If you should have a special need
    Concede it unto God
    Whose loving Spirit moves with speed
    To, these waiting angels, prod
    So when our time is surely come
    And all our deeds be known
    We’ll know who spoke with angels’ tongue
    Beneath our Father’s throne.
    Then a query in our ears
    Ere the moment of our death
    ‘How well have you spent your years?
    While you lived with borrowed breath?’
    The answer you accord
    To this question is profound
    Were you an angel for the Lord?
    While you were on the ground?
    I pray the God of Glory
    Sees within your life's parade
    A sweet angelic story
    Full of charity conveyed.
    Aeglyn April 2015
  25. Like
    lagarthaaz got a reaction from Sunday21 in cell phones in the temple   
    I saw a facebook post a couple of months ago where someone had recorded a storm that was going on outside our local temple. The recording was taken from inside the temple, looking out through a window at the wind and chaos going on outdoors.
    I also wonder if the phone ban in temples might be a reaction to the social media obsessed generation we have become. So many people now feel the need to record absolutely everything, even what should be the most private and sacred moments of their lives (eg. births, precious moments with children, intimate moments with lovers and friends or sick relatives, funerals, etc). If there wasn't a specific prohibition on speaking of sacred things outside of the temple (let alone recording them), I imagine we'd be seeing 'my first endowment session' recorded in glorious technicolour detail on facebook the second it happened.