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  1. Haha
    askandanswer got a reaction from seashmore in Yep, I hate Relief Society   
    There must be something wrong with my computer screen. It seems to be suggesting that @zil is advocating printing, rather than writing
  2. Like
    askandanswer got a reaction from Jane_Doe in Worried :(   
    If you feel a little uncertain or nervous about talking with your BIshop, if "your" missionaries are still nearby, perhaps talk to them first. They don't have stewardship over you but they probably know you better than your Bishop does, and you probably already have a good trusting relationship in place with them. Once you are feeling more comfortable and confident, then its time to talk with your Bishop.
  3. Haha
    askandanswer got a reaction from Midwest LDS in Yep, I hate Relief Society   
    @MormonGator I've noticed your skin is looking a little green and rough lately. I'ev got some essential oils that could help you with that, for a heavily discounted "member" special price. I can have it delivered on Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning, which time would be better for you?
  4. Haha
    askandanswer got a reaction from seashmore in Yep, I hate Relief Society   
    @MormonGator I've noticed your skin is looking a little green and rough lately. I'ev got some essential oils that could help you with that, for a heavily discounted "member" special price. I can have it delivered on Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning, which time would be better for you?
  5. Like
    askandanswer reacted to classylady in Repentance after death   
    James E. Faust in April 2003 Sunday morning session of General Conference gave a great talk called “Dear Are the Sheep That Have Wandered.”  According to him:
    “But what if the children who have been taught by faithful, loving parents have rebelled or been led astray? Is there hope? The grief of a parent over a rebellious child is almost inconsolable. King David’s third son, Absalom, killed one of his brothers and also led a rebellion against his father. Absalom was killed by Joab. Upon hearing of Absalom’s death, King David wept and expressed his sadness: “O my son Absalom, my son, my son Absalom! would God I had died for thee, O Absalom, my son, my son!”6 ...
    I believe and accept the comforting statement of Elder Orson F. Whitney:
    “The Prophet Joseph Smith declared—and he never taught more comforting doctrine—that the eternal sealings of faithful parents and the divine promises made to them for valiant service in the Cause of Truth, would save not only themselves, but likewise their posterity. Though some of the sheep may wander, the eye of the Shepherd is upon them, and sooner or later they will feel the tentacles of Divine Providence reaching out after them and drawing them back to the fold. Either in this life or the life to come, they will return. They will have to pay their debt to justice; they will suffer for their sins; and may tread a thorny path; but if it leads them at last, like the penitent Prodigal, to a loving and forgiving father’s heart and home, the painful experience will not have been in vain. Pray for your careless and disobedient children; hold on to them with your faith. Hope on, trust on, till you see the salvation of God.”8
    A principle in this statement that is often overlooked is that they must fully repent and “suffer for their sins and “pay their debt to justice.” I recognize that now is the time “to prepare to meet God.”9 If the repentance of the wayward children does not happen in this life, is it still possible for the cords of the sealing to be strong enough for them yet to work out their repentance? In the Doctrine and Covenants we are told, “The dead who repent will be redeemed, through obedience to the ordinances of the house of God,
    “And after they have paid the penalty of their transgressions, and are washed clean, shall receive a reward according to their works, for they are heirs of salvation.”10
    We remember that the prodigal son wasted his inheritance, and when it was all gone he came back to his father’s house. There he was welcomed back into the family, but his inheritance was spent.11 Mercy will not rob justice, and the sealing power of faithful parents will only claim wayward children upon the condition of their repentance and Christ’s Atonement. Repentant wayward children will enjoy salvation and all the blessings that go with it, but exaltation is much more. It must be fully earned. The question as to who will be exalted must be left to the Lord in His mercy.
    There are very few whose rebellion and evil deeds are so great that they have “sinned away the power to repent.” That judgment must also be left up to the Lord.  He tells us, “I, the Lord, will forgive whom I will forgive”...
    What I get from this is that yes, there is repentance after death, but the reward received will be according to works. We are all heirs of salvation, but exaltation is much more.  It must be fully earned. And, the Lord will forgive “whom I will forgive.”
    Note: Bolded areas were added by me.
    Edit:  I don’t know why this pasted so terribly.  I tried to edit, but it looks great when pulled up in edit mode.  Sorry about this.
  6. Haha
    askandanswer got a reaction from Vort in When Does Homeschooling Fail?   
    If you just bring your kids to the staff room you can do it all in one trip  (This is not an accurate representation of my views on the discussion, its just a comment I couldn't resist making)
  7. Like
    askandanswer got a reaction from zil in Repentance after death   
    And what happens to those who sin after they die? Given that, as @classylady reminded us,  “that same spirit which doth possess your bodies at the time ye go out of this life, that same spirit will have power to possess your body in that eternal world” there is no reason to suppose that the end of our mortal life means the end of our sinning.  
  8. Like
    askandanswer got a reaction from zil in am I right or am i overreacting?   
    I make no comment on whether or not you should continue with this relationship onto marriage, or any comment regarding the extent to which you know each other. You've have asked for help on how to handle this situation. You said this hurts you because you feel disrespected and that you don't want to control him or tell him what to do. Here is what I suggest: You don't tell him what to do - he can make his own decisions based on relevant information. You DO tell him how it makes you feel, and then see what he does. You telling him this is relevant information on which he can then make a decision. If he persists in an action that you have told him makes you feel bad, that is a piece of information that leads to certain conclusions. 
  9. Like
    askandanswer reacted to Vin in Love the Gospel?   
    I think this often happens with sins in which you do not see the consequences of straight away or they are really in need of tuning into the holy spirit more. Unfortunately human's learn quicker by short term consequences, when people do not see these they find it difficult to see how something is bad for them. This is where trusting God comes in. We trust God often about good things coming but we also should trust about bad things coming as consequences to our behaviour. I've learnt it is so very important to have that trust and relationship with God to give commandments the fullness of their meaning/intent.
    Loving the Gospel and living the Gospel are two very different things that we strive every day to bring together.
  10. Like
    askandanswer got a reaction from seashmore in am I right or am i overreacting?   
    I make no comment on whether or not you should continue with this relationship onto marriage, or any comment regarding the extent to which you know each other. You've have asked for help on how to handle this situation. You said this hurts you because you feel disrespected and that you don't want to control him or tell him what to do. Here is what I suggest: You don't tell him what to do - he can make his own decisions based on relevant information. You DO tell him how it makes you feel, and then see what he does. You telling him this is relevant information on which he can then make a decision. If he persists in an action that you have told him makes you feel bad, that is a piece of information that leads to certain conclusions. 
  11. Like
    askandanswer got a reaction from Sunday21 in am I right or am i overreacting?   
    Based on my own experience, this ^^ is the only reason why you should marry someone. And the only reason that is needed. Nothing else matters once you get that clear and direct revelation.
  12. Like
    askandanswer got a reaction from Grunt in Joseph Bishop Redux: Lawsuit Filed   
    I love the typing/spacing error in 5th paragraph of this article
    "In the recorded interview, after gushing about Bishop's service to the church, the woman beginstalking about events more than three decades ago, when she was training at the center in Utah for her work as a missionary." 
    Stalking by talking seems to be exactly what happened here.
  13. Haha
    askandanswer got a reaction from Sunday21 in General Conference Traditions!   
    Every conference? Sounds like a long time between meals
  14. Like
    askandanswer reacted to Sunday21 in Can I still be saved if I don't shave? Serious only please.   
    Sooooo annoying! 
  15. Like
    askandanswer reacted to John_Pack_Lambert in Melchizedek priesthood quorums   
    About 1986. I might be a little off, but it was done when Ezra Taft Benson was president of the Church, and he was president starting in November of 1985. 
    Technically since I was born in 1980 I do not remember this. However either when I was born or within less than 4 months after I was born my father was made ward seventies group leader. This was more or less like being ward mission leader today. On my mission in 2000-2002 I knew at least one brother, the one I am thinking of was our ward mission leader, who still held the office of seventy because he had not been ordained a high priest. My father was ordained a high priest in 1991.He had been meeting with the elders for a few years before that.
    There were only 7 General Authority Seventies in 1970. However there was the office of Assistant to the Quorum of the 12. President Hinckley held that general authority office for a few years before his call to the 12. that office was organized in 1941, with Marion G. Romney being the first so called, although Sylvester Q. Cannon had been designated counselor to the Quorum of the 12 for a few years in the 1930s between his released as presiding bishop and call to the Quorum of the 12.
    In 1975 3 additional general authority seventies were called, bringing the number to 10. In 1976 all Assistants to the Quorum of the 12 were redesignated 70. In 1978 the first issuings of emeritus status were given. Up until then all general authorities, with the possible exemption of members of the presiding bishopric, served actively as such until the time of their death, at least in theory. In 1985 the first limited time calls to the 70 were given. In 1988 those with limited time calls were designated the Second Quortum of the 70. At some point a few of these Second Quorum members, I believe including Augusto A. Lim from the Philippines among others, continued to reside in their homes and work full time. The success of this pilot project lead to Area Authorities replacing Regional Representatives of the 12 in 1995. They were then redesignated Area Authority Seventies in 1997, although over time the name changed to just Area Seventies.
    Originally the Second Quorum of 70 served for just five years. Elder Gong's father-in-law, Richard P. Lindsay, was a member of the Second Quorum of the 70 when it was a 5-year-assignment. After the implementing of Area Seventies, the second quorum tended to get smaller, and service in it started to edge above 5 years. For that matter when Area Seventies were first announced there were going to be in general only about 5 year calls. Many men have only served that long, but I believe J. Willard Marriott Jr. served from 1997-2011. 
    The current system of using the term General Authority Seventy and not designating which quorum the General Authority Seventies are in began in about 2013, but was implemented fairly quitely. 
  16. Like
    askandanswer got a reaction from mirkwood in Melchizedek priesthood quorums   
    Those who have been around for a while probably still remember the dissolving of ward Seventies quorums. Was that the late 70's or early 80's?
  17. Like
    askandanswer reacted to bytebear in The Food Stays In the Kitchen!   
    Our house lives in anarchy.
  18. Like
    askandanswer reacted to Vort in Lame Jokes, the Sequel   
    Who's bigger, Mr. Bigger or his baby?
    The baby is a little Bigger.
  19. Like
    askandanswer reacted to pam in New policies and changes   
    I'll send a message to your wife to do just that so you aren't left out. 
  20. Haha
    askandanswer reacted to zil in New policies and changes   
    Baffling.  I recommend bringing two large (like teenager-sized) stuffed animals (or mannequins, whatever) to church.  Seat one on each side of you.   Make sure to give them names, personalities, and such.  Maybe make them male so you have an excuse to put them in the car before RS (unless you want to maintain your private space in RS too).
    Hmm.  Maybe a "helper" dog - trained as a police dog.  One that likes to snarl.
    Hmm.  Maybe a camp chair and make your own row:

  21. Haha
    askandanswer got a reaction from JohnsonJones in The ever changing date of Easter   
    Yeah, I think when I was in high school I might have done 300 situps, 150 pushups and run 5 k. Its not hard to do when high school runs over a 6 year period. 
  22. Like
    askandanswer got a reaction from Sunday21 in Bombing of General Conference - What if?   
    I've heard that the Lord occasionally visits His temples. It wouldn't be hard for Him to bring a set of keys when he does so and arrange to hand them over to someone. Actually, He probably never travels without them.
  23. Like
    askandanswer got a reaction from Grunt in The Ten Commandments vs Priesthood Session   
    Expand your vision @Grunt with the addition of just 4 words -  much more, big, better  - ice cream
  24. Haha
    askandanswer reacted to Rob Osborn in We Are In The Telestial Kingdom Now, Proof By Contradiction   
    Telestial, theyre not celemarketers...
  25. Like
    askandanswer reacted to The Folk Prophet in We Are In The Telestial Kingdom Now, Proof By Contradiction   
    “A man is his own tormentor and his own condemner. Hence the saying, They shall go into the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. The torment of disappointment in the mind of man is as exquisite as a lake burning with fire and brimstone.” - Joseph Smith