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Posts posted by Iggy

  1. 3 hours ago, MrShorty said:

    I hope that the Church isn't always on the "wrong" side of EVERY issue. I hope our discernment is more nuanced than "the World (TM) says X so the Church must say the opposite". When the World takes up a rallying cry against sexual assault and abuse, I hope the Church has and will take up the same cry, for example.

    The gospel has never changed. What is told to us by the living prophet as revelation is additional gospel/doctrine for us to keep us safe in the ever changing AND destructive world. To quote you "The World (TM) says X so the Church must say the opposite." end of quote.

    It actually is: No matter how often the world changes and says X, then Y then T,  the Church stands steadfast with the TRUTH aka the gospel.

    And to quote you again - "...I hope the Church has and will take up the same cry. . ." The church has ALWAYS held up the banner against sexual assault, abuse, and a long 'laundry' list in addition long before the "World" held it up in a hue and cry!


     Perhaps the main problem I have with something like this, that I think my example illustrates, is that we always talk about "the World" without ever really defining who or what the World is * (other than some idea that the World is those who are opposed to us). Of course, that kind of tautological "we are always on the wrong side of the World's issues because we define the World as those who are on the opposite side of our issues" may be true, but it doesn't help with discernment.

    * Definition of Of The World:Pleas read D&C 29:21, 2 Nephi 28:18. 1 Nephi 13:6, 8, 28; 14; 14:3, 9, 15, 17 ; 22:13-14. Those 13 scriptures sums it up nicely. [The chapters are underlined to help in understanding. ]

    Tautology is useless restatement, or saying the same thing twice using different words. Discernment is a wondrous gift, given through the Holy Ghost. If one does not nurture oneself to keep the Holy Ghost near and dear, one will NOT have the full range of the gift of discernment. To nurture oneself one needs to read the scriptures daily, pray often, listen to uplifting music, etc., etc. Read: https://www.lds.org/youth/for-the-strength-of-youth?lang=eng     That pamphlet pretty much explains it all.


    In the end, I hope the Church is always on the right side of what God wants.

    The real challenge is the discernment part -- knowing what God wants.

    And, accepting the fallibility of prophets and other Church leaders, is the Church always in every detail on the side that God wants?

    The Church is ALWAYS on the right side, because the Church is God's Gospel.

    If you keep yourself in line with the teachings of God, obey His commandments and keep your baptismal and temple covenants, and walk with God as your eternal companion ~ ~ you will ALWAYS have the Gift of Discernment. When anything you read from the scriptures, conference talks, firesides, actually anything does not ring true to you. Fast, ponder, pray and ASK of God. BUT you also must cleanse yourself of the adversary by praying and asking the Lord to banish it from you. Turn off your local radio or TV station, turn off the non-uplifting music when you pray.

    Fallibility: able or likely to make mistakes. Let's use: Our prophets have been/are mortal beings, and as such they are NOT perfect. But when they speak for the Lord, then they are perfect. Again, when one is In Tune with the Holy Ghost, they will receive confirmation of the truth in what the prophets are saying. 

    By being Of The World, you are making it more and more difficult for the Holy Ghost to constantly walk with you.

  2. 42 minutes ago, Sunday21 said:

    The world will not fall if a girl gets her belly button pierced. Lighten up! 

    Who cares if the world will fall - The Holy Spirit will not enter an unclean *temple*, and our bodies are temples.

    From: https://www.lds.org/church/news/sister-oscarson-help-young-women-learn-to-be-led-by-the-spirit?lang=eng 



    Our youth also need to understand what a delicate and sensitive relationship we have with the Holy Ghost. There are situations and choices which invite the Spirit, and others which offend Him and cause Him to withdraw.

    Prayer, scripture study, attending church, serving others, and attending the temple all invite the Spirit to be with us. Then as we give youth opportunities both in classrooms and at home to bear their testimonies, they will again feel the influence of the Holy Ghost.


    Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson. Church News.

    President Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve has taught, “A testimony is to be found in the bearing of it!” (“The Candle of the Lord,” Ensign, Jan. 1983, 54).

    Listening to uplifting music and engaging in wholesome activities also invite the Spirit. Watching, viewing, or reading inappropriate materials drives the Spirit away. Giving in to temptation or willingly choosing to lower our standards in any way will offend the Spirit.

    President Packer states this principle rather plainly: “This voice of the Spirit speaks gently, prompting you what to do or what to say, or it may caution or warn you. Ignore or disobey these promptings, and the Spirit will leave you. It is your choice—your agency” (“Personal Revelation: the Gift, the Test, and the Promise,” Ensign, Nov. 1994, 60).

    We need to impress upon our youth that none of us can afford to navigate this spiritually treacherous world without the influence and guidance of the Holy Ghost. To be out of touch with the very power that will warn, guide, teach, protect, or give comfort is to leave ourselves open and vulnerable to the temptations and snares of the world and draw us further and further from the very source that will help and protect us.

    When Joseph Smith was asked what made our Church different from other religions, he replied that we differed in mode of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands (see James E. Faust, “Communion with the Holy Spirit,” Ensign, Mar. 2002, 3).


    To the OP, I take it you and your husband are endowed, have been sealed in the temple. Do you take your baptismal covenants and temple covenants to heart? How about all of your reading The Family Family: A Proclamation to the WORLD  https://www.lds.org/topics/family-proclamation?lang=eng&old=true

     and For The Strength of the Youth:  https://www.lds.org/youth/for-the-strength-of-youth?lang=eng

    End of Lecture

  3. 5 minutes ago, lostinwater said:

    i assume you mean Sam Young.  Yes, I've listened to him extensively.  I know people who have been probed in completely unacceptable ways by ecclesiastical leaders. [/quote] 

    So how many Bishops, 1st Counselors, 2nd Counselors in the 30,506 Wards and Branch's have done this? - According to Sam Young, the gist of his blog posts is that it is 99% of them. That is 29,802 Wards and Branch's. THAT is just fantastical. So much so that he is 100% NOT believable to me.

    I won't argue that there are Bishops & Counselors, Steak Presidencies also who have totally stepped over the line of their sacred stewardship. I also agree that their are simple priesthood holders who have also stepped over their sacred stewardship and molested the youth. But why stop at just the youth, certainly their have been Good Latter-day Saints who have broken the law of Chasity, and also has not been sexual faithful to a spouse [fidelity]. 

    He got what he wanted from the 1st Presidency. There will be 2 adults in all youth classes. There will be another adult in with the interviews IF the interviewee wishes it. The 1st Presidency has also stated that the questions to be asked, be given to the parents/guardians so that they may go over them & go over them with their child.

    Now, please explain to me, Why is he still complaining???? Oh, yeah the 1st Presidency made it public.


    And honestly, i don't think organizations change without methods like the ones that Sam's using.  

    I honestly know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, DO INDEED change policies without the dramatic take it to the public eye antics that Sam is employing. One that I was involved with was changing the way the people sent the names of the dead into the Temple. With my employing the Report button as often as I had to when my little sister kept sending/reserving names of our Uncles/Aunts/Cousins/Nephews without the proper permission. Took me nearly a year of reporting, getting minutely detailed instructions on how to undo, and clean it up. Man Sakes Alive that Nitwit had our biological grandmother married to 6 different men, and her real husband married to 4 other women. AND had sent all of their work in to the temple to be done.

    So, if you go to your Temple & Family History Consultant in your Ward/ Branch or even in your Stake, they can tell you the improvements that have come about because enough members used that little report button and wrote out in plain wording the problem with that part of sharing your ancestors names to have their proxy work done at the Temple. 

    Also, with all of the names I reported, there were over 50 - the powers to be- the Temple & Family History., the Temple in her area, The Stake President and her own Bishop. Her temple recommend was taken away, she was blocked out of sharing names with the temple, or others and from reserving and printing out ordinance cards. She is still allowed to add sources - but when she does I get an email and text alert so that I can go and make sure they are correct.

    Now, she didn't start up a petition to demand things from the church, or to tell people NOT to join the church or to leave the church. She also didn't bait the 1st Presidency and all of the Apostles to come around to her way of thinking. At least her Bishop &/or Stake President hasn't notified me of that. What they have texted to me is that she is doing well in the classes they all recommended -  and she finally got a decent job with decent wages and they hope and pray that she will keep her fantastical stories to her journal and not voice them [she reinvents her own and our families life stories - and it is malicious, not fun time] to anyone and everyone in hearing distance.

  4. 1 hour ago, Carborendum said:

    That's at work.  Coffee is drunk more than any other beverage at a place of employment because CAFFEINE helps them stay awake.  [so they think - it actually makes them more jittery]

    At every place I worked the boss only offered Coffee for employees & clients, and the chilled water & chilled soda/soft drinks were for the clients ONLY. Where my sisters worked, Soft drinks were in a vending machine for $0.75 then it went up to $1.00 each. Coffee on the other hand was free. Their co-workers who didn't drink coffee, brought their own soft drinks.

    My sisters found that drinking 4 to 6 oz of Apple juice or eating a medium apple, and walking down two flights of step and back up again during their 15 min. breaks, kept them awake longer then those who guzzled coffee all day. As for the soft drink people - the sugary sodas, 12 oz of orange /grape/grapefruit juices put them to sleep shortly after the 15 min break was over.

    When I have to wake up & stay awake long enough to eat breakfast and get on the road within 30 minutes - I drink 6oz of Apple juice, 8 oz of filtered tap water, eat then get moving. Works better than the iced coffee I used to drink. 32 oz of that did NOTHING except make me jittery.

    So @Carborendum I agree with you.

  5. 29 minutes ago, lostinwater said:

    (money saving tip: never pay for lostinwater's opinion - it's always free :)).

    :) so is mine. @lostinwater have you read all of his posts? He is saying all of that, not others using him to their own ends.


    @BJ64 “rather common indiscretion”. 

    Common indiscretion does NOT mean, oh well - since so MANY do it, it is okay. It means, It is a rather common (meaning many are doing it), indiscretion (meaning that in Pres. Kimball day, rather than say Masturbation/ Sexual stimulation - the polite term was indiscretion.

    Just like the polite term in his day for a pregnant woman was: With Child.

    Need to get the language usages correct. :)🤔

  6. One thing that I as an elderly woman of 66 and member for 52 years feels when I see young women/girls with piercings on other parts of their bodies other than their ears - what were they - their parents thinking???

    When will the body piercings stop at? Just the belly button, or will they go to nose, lip, multiple piercings on the ears, cheeks, eyebrows, nipples???? Yes, there are several young people at my grocery stores who had ALL of those piercings, men and women. Teens mostly. It is disgusting to me, as are all of the tattoos. My Uncle had a couple of tattoos from when he served in the Marines and while he was overseas. This HUGE sailing ship on his chest (this man was 6'5" and had the weight to go with it), and one of a hula girl on his left upper arm, and then the name of his first wife on his second arm. As a small child I was facinated by them. During the summer months he would shave his extremely hairy chest just so he could humor his own small children and his nieces and nephews.

    By the third wife, he went to have wife #1's name removed. It was a botch up job and he nearly lost his life. No, there was no way to put last wife's name of 4 letters over the 1st's 6 letter name.

    My Non-member parents told ALL of us children (6 of us - 2 sons, 4 daughters): No tattoo's -just look what happened to Uncle!. If you want tattoo's then you wait until you are married and have at least two kids of your own. To us Daughters: Only one piercing per ear ~ and ~ drum roll please:  Not until you are married and have at least two children.

    I was the only child they had who they knew would NEVER have either piercings or tattoo's. I was the one who was stark raving TERRIFIED of needles the were not attached to the sewing machine. Oh, or had embroidery thread laced through it's eye. At the ripe old age of 54 I was diagnosed with diabetes. At 56 I was shooting up insulin. At 58 I was doing it without shaking, sweating and crying.

    Little sister got 2 piercings per ear when she was pregnant with 1st child. She made the grave mistake of wearing large hoop earnings, and nursing baby pulled both out of her ears. Think she would learn when it happened to one side and she wouldn't wear the hoops in the other ear.

    Since all 4 holes are now gaping, she didn't go get even more piercings.

    That nursing baby had identical boys as first children, she is also bic & married/sealed in the Temple. BUT to identify one son from the other, they had their left ears pierced and place tiny studs with E and C - first letter of their names.

    After the boys were baptized, they were told they could have their other ear pierced, or they could remove the ear stud. They chose to remove the stud. Son C had fallen down as a toddler and cut his forehead - thus he alone has a scar on his forehead. Son E has never cut his hair since his baptism, and when it reached 12" pas his neckline, he went and had those 12" cut off and donated it to charity. He is now 16 and it is time to cut 12" off again.

    So, this long rant summed up: Treat her the same as older sister. Wait until you are 18. For now, treat her to one ear piercing per ear and some LDS themed earrings. Remove the crop tops, and bikini. Go with a tankini with out the back crack eating crotch.

    Oh, just wanted to even more to this long post: My neighbor on one side of me are two late 20 something's. They have so many body tatoo's/sleeves, and piercings - both genders have multiple ear's. tongue, lips, cheeks, eyebrows, several around the belly button, and when they wear tank tops in the winter you can tell they both have both nipples pierced. Now her grandma has been getting tattoo's, and has always had multiple piercings. Well the one in her nose didn't go very well, for the past year she has had various sizes of bandages on her proboscis. Saw her this morning with no bandage and no nose on the left side! I am waiting for the youngsters to end up with bandages and loss of chunks of flesh where once a piercing and/or tattoo was. Need to note that all three are meth addicts. That might make a difference.

  7. 5 hours ago, lostinwater said:

    Honestly, timing couldn't be worse for them.  The Catholic church having covered up abuse (again) - and hot on the heels of that is TCOJCOLDS excommunicating someone for campaigning to end older men asking minors sexually explicit questions during one-on-one interviews.

    He is being brought before the Council because he is publicly endorsing & passing out petitions to stop investigators to, newly baptized adult converts and members of TCOJCLDS to NOT get baptized, to leave the church. From his own blog, here is the beginning sentence of the Disciplinary Letter:

    Dear Sam,

    This letter is a formal notice that the stake presidency will convene a formal disciplinary council in your behalf, the result of which includes the possibility of excommunication, disfellowshipment, formal probation, or no action.  The reason for this council is that you are reported to have acted repeatedly in clear, open and deliberate public opposition to the Church or its leaders.  You have, among other things:

    1. Encouraged others to vote opposed to Church leaders.
    2. Organized more than one public “action” that expressed opposition to the Church or its leaders.

    Articles of Faith: 11 We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

    Since Primary, we have taught that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, DO NOT BASH other faiths, nor the people who believe in those other faiths. So here is a once bishop of our faith, publicly BASHING his own faith. Question it, that is fine.

    He is pissed off because he did not publicly get answers to his convoluted demands. For crying out loud, go to his blog and read the entire thing, he IS convoluted, After about the 5th one, it is apparent that he is NUTS!

    Also, I started coming to church 58 years ago at the age of 8. I was baptized when I was 14. I can't remember during those primary and young woman years where there was NOT two adults in every class, and when I had my interviews with the Bishop, the door was left slightly open and my Primary Teacher/Young Women's Leader or my own non-member Mother was sitting outside in easy yelling distance.

    Another thing to remember is that excommunication is NOT punishment. It is the only way for an apostate to regain standing in the church. IF he never wants to come back, then he will probably be encouraged to fill out the forms to have his name removed from church records.

    Also something to note, ALL of his daughters are grown and have children of their of their own. So which daughter told him of this interview, and WHEN? Were all of his daughters treated the same at their interviews??

    Again, I repeat, ad nauseum: This man is Card Carrying Certified NUTS - In My NOT So Humble Opinion. 🤦‍♀️ 🙄

  8. 14 minutes ago, JohnsonJones said:

    I'd say he has slowly gotten involved with a great many who these days do very similar things as anti-Mormons...NOT because they are crazy, but they are VERY bitter against the church and all who are a part of it and thus have become it's enemies and will do all in their power to destroy it.  Whether he is so far down the beaten path that he is one of them I do not know, but I hope that if he is not that he can turn his life around and work in a way that can be harmonious with those who need help as well as the church itself in bettering each.

    A lot of the Anti rhetoric is not just from Ex LDS, but from people of other faiths who I think, feel threatened by us. Who fear us.

    I really don't care why they feel threatened or why they fear us. THAT is their problem, not mine. BUT when it comes to them trying to hire someone to beat up or kill any of our Apostles - THAT goes far beyond the extreme. If you go to this link: https://www.millennialstar.org/guest-post-what-is-sam-young-really-after/  then when you reach the blue highlighted [it is a link] March 19, 2017. Click on it, after you read the blog post that comes up, scroll down to the first date of his blog and start reading. You might want to make lunch to eat while you read.

    When you have had enough of his waffling, bouncing from one end of the spectrum to the end and then across the middle. Go back to the Millennial Star post and read it to the end.

    Oh, I also wanted to add that I personally feel that ALL of the Anti-Mormon's are consumed by satan.

  9. I have read all of the posts here, I followed just a few of the inks. I have just finished perusing through Sam Young's blog.

    What I am curious about is he was a Bishop - certainly he interviewed youth for limited us Temple Recommends,  did he ask if these youth masturbated? Or did he ask if they obeyed the Law of Chastity? Did he have an adult in the next room or in the hallway? Did he have a parent in the room during these interviews? Did he do the annual interviews? Did he molest youth during any of these interviews? How old was his daughter when she finally told him of the questions asked of her during an interview with their Bishop?

    Why, as a father, he is afraid to ask his daughters any personal questions of themselves, or what was said during Bishop interviews?

    I am greatly impressed by the guest post article in the Millennial Star online magazine. I have always found the articles there to be well researched, thought out, written.

    My take is this: Sam Young is seriously mentally deranged! He waffles from one end of the spectrum to the end and then across the middle.

    He claims that he got an *Excommunication* letter from his stake president, he lies - and he has posted the entire original letter on his blog - silly man - that in itself proves he lies. To quote from the original *Disciplinary* Letter  Quote:  This letter is a formal notice that the stake presidency will convene a formal disciplinary council in your behalf, the result of which includes the possibility of excommunication, disfellowshipment, formal probation, or no action.

    To me that says to me he is guilty and he knows it. To publicly state and encourage investigators and newly baptized adult converts to leave the church, THAT alone is why the council has been convened.

    Back in 2006 when I was Young Women's Secretary, I would set up the Personal Progress interviews with the Bishop. When his Ex.Sec confirmed the date, BOTH of us also sent out a letter to the parents telling them of the date of the PP interview, and asking if the date worked for them too. Always the parents came with their daughters. Now I don't know if they sat in on the interview or sat in the waiting area, but they were there. I also know that the Ex. Sec sent the list of questions that would be asked, and in the letter they were asked to council with their daughter regarding the questions.

    This was back in 2006! Now I am assuming that this procedure was to be done CHURCH WIDE.

    Again, I repeat, my personal opinion is this man is Stark Raving Nuts! He needs mental health care.


  10. 7 hours ago, bytebear said:

    A friend swears by Hibiclens, which is an antibacterial wash used medically that you can get behind the pharmacists desk.  I guess the idea is you kill the bacteria that create the stink.  I tried it for a while, but I like deodorant because when I sweat it gives off a nice smell.  I hate antiperspirant, as it makes my armpits feel weird not sweating.  And a little baby powder on a humid day works wonders on sweaty parts.

    Here in Oregon, you can get Hibiclens off the shelf in any WalMart, Walgreens, Fred Meyer, etc. I started using it back when my 1st hubby refused to do anything about his athletes foot infestation! I would wash my feet & between the toes with it, kept the fungi at bay.

    As for the Crystal Rock, used to be the only way you could get it was in a chunk of rock. Learned to keep it away from the sink and shower - I also sat it on a dry sponge. Once every week or so I would drench it totally under cold water, then sit it on a dry wash cloth. This got all the accumulated pit stink off of it. Also, when using the stick in a roll up holder, hold the exposed stick under running water every couple of weeks, to rinse off the stink. I do this with the one I now have, and upend it so the rock is sitting on a dry sponge and the water drains off and doesn't settle inside the plastic container.

    Remember,  Aluminum-based compounds are the active ingredients in antiperspirants. They block the sweat glands to keep sweat from getting to the skin's surface. Some research has suggested that these aluminum compounds may be absorbed by the skin and cause changes in estrogen receptors of breast cells. Thus says the American Cancer Society: 

    Sweating is not a bad thing, sweating aids in cooling your body down. Being stinky is. I have used deodorants only for the last 45 years. Switching from the Crystal, to Tom's of Maine, then any brand that only says Deodorant, and has NO aluminum in the ingredients. The reason I switched is because the antiperspirants caused my arm pits to swell. Often so badly I had to go to the Dr to get them lanced, cleaned. Always what came out stunk to high heaven of bad body odor. Finally the Dr told me to get rid of the antiperspirant and start using deodorant only. At night after my shower I would rub baking soda into my pits. Then in the morning, after washing my pits and drying them thoroughly - - then apply the deodorant.

    When I was shaving my pits and legs I only used Barbasol plain (it is cheap, cheap, cheap and lasts months longer than any other brand of the same size), and I used a lady's design razor that had two or three blades. Used the same one until I could no longer get replacement blades. For the past 12 years I haven't had enough hair on the legs and nearly none in the pits to worry about running out of blades. The last lady's razor I bought, I also bought 24 packs of 6 replacement blades each - I shave once a year now. Just before I go in for my birthday, full body massage!!!

    Hubby prefers a gel when he shaves with a razor. Can''t remember the brand, but it comes in an orange and blue packaging and cost a fortune!!! Most of the time he uses a rechargeable razor. I borrow that more often than I like to shave my cheeks/chin, upper lip and neck! Turning 50 was hard, but turning 65 was embarrassing - I have more *whiskers* than hubby.

  11. Even if she hasn't repented, AND stopped then, like it has already been said, it IS between her and the Lord. She may receive her endowment, she may even go on a mission. She may continue to break the WOW during her mission. But know this, it is still between her and the Lord.

    All of us who are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, are Saints but we are not saintly. We are mortal human beings. A word of caution for you, don't put anyone, member or not, up on a pedestal. Don't Idolize anyone, ever.

    Remember what other do is *Not your circus, Not your monkey*

    Worry only about yourself. Keep YOUR own covenants with the Lord.

    DO pray for her, as often as you remember. Do ask Father, in your prayers, to protect & guide her.


  12. I was recently single, and had the Elder Missionaries over as well as my single male neighbor. I served a LARGE pork roast, roasted potatoes, roasted carrots, lots and lots of gravy, home made soft bread sticks made with olive oil and fresh savory herbs. I also served garden salad from the huge peat pots on my patio. Leafy greens, sweet red bell peppers, sweet yellow bell peppers, nasturtium flowers minus the stamens, fresh mushrooms(from the store), fresh lemon mint snipped in with it all. After everyone had eaten ALL of the meal, there was still about half a huge bowl of salad left. One of the missionaries (wish I could remember his name, but all I do remember is his family has an Organic Beef Cattle ranch in Montana, and his Mom has her own Kitchen Herb Garden.] Well, he is picking out the jJulienne strips of sweet bell peppers, one at a time, after about three of each he asks me what they are. Without batting an eye I tell him, fresh worms from my patio garden.

    He stopped mid bite, looked at the yellow pepper and said: Hmmm, knew there were yellow slugs here, but not yellow worms. Then he popped it into his mouth and ate it. My neighbor told him it was a Yellow Sweet Bell Pepper.

    Oh, his companion was astonished that you could eat flowers. The only flower I had were the nasturtiums, but they were pretty colorful and tasty.

    I absolutely loved to feed him. I had them over every Wednesday - and I did my best to fix a meal he had never had.

  13. Unfortunately there are bad drivers everywhere, in every country, state, city & town. Back in the mid 70's when hubby #1 and I were driving from Oregon to Illinois and New York and back again - we saw way too many bad drivers running [driving] away from the accidents they were the root cause of. Even though we were on a semi-tight schedule to get to the next job site, we stopped and gave the responding law enforcement officers our witness reports. After a delay of a couple of hours, we were on our way.

    I much preferred to fly into the next job site after hubby got there and procured us living arrangements, but that often just wasn't feasible. We never stopped in Pennsylvania, just drove through - the country side is beautiful, but the roads and the drivers near the off roads were horrible. I thoroughly hated the Chicago area, and Rochester, NY.

    Anyway, after six years on the roads of the states of: Oregon, California, Washington, Nevada, Utah, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York- we finally settled along the Central Oregon Coast. Here I love. Yes we have bad drivers. We also have some horrendous accidents caused by drunk/drugged locals, senior citizens visiting from other states who should have turned in their drivers licensees years ago, crazy California, Arizona, and East Coast maniacs who never should have been given drivers licenses. But we still don't have the congested, bumper to bumper driving. The *Visitors* filter out and are gone by around the middle of September, and don't return until June.

    We also have some extremely courteous local drivers. Those who allow cars to cut in to avoid the Right Turn Off ONLY, or who are attempting to turn right into traffic from a side street [I have a friend from another country who calls that Zippering] those who allow plenty of time to get to their jobs, appointment, shopping just in case there is an accident, road work, lots of slow moving "looky-lous" who just won't utilize the sight seeing turnoffs, those who pull over when an emergency vehicle with lights and siren going to let them pass, those who stop to give aid to other vehicles on the side of the road, or to human beings who are on the side of the road struggling.

    THAT is why I continue to live here. Keep your larger cities of 35,000 and over population. I love my itty bitty town of 2,070 population and the next larger town north of me of 9,989.


  14. Straight hydrogen peroxide will get blood out of clothes. Done this, even to dried in, never washed piece pf clothing that has blood on it. Works. Just keep putting the peroxide on, rub a bit, repeat until it is all gone. Hubby learned this from a nurse. He had his little brother's blood all over his dress white's when he was in the Navy. It was a nurse at the hospital who told him how to get it out. His little brother is 15 years younger than him and had slammed against a brick wall while riding his bicycle. Split his lip and broke his nose.

    Hubby has been utilizing this laundry trick ever since. Me, I used it to get roast beef blood off my PJ's. They were brand new and I really didn't relegate them to the Only Wear On Cleaning Days pile. That peroxide trick works like a charm. I did wring them out, so I cold add more peroxide. Then tossed them in the machine with the rest of the lightly colored load and washed on cold wash, cold rinse. No More Blood!

    Now days Hubby is on blood thinners, so every little scratch ends up to be nearly a major bleed out. I have stocked up on bottles of peroxide.

  15. 4 hours ago, Hello said:

    No that’s not why they divorced. Too many issues to mention but nothing to that sort of effect however his ex has made it clear that she believes we were together before their divorce. We weren’t but you can’t reason with her.  She blames me for their divorce even though they were separated for more than a year before we even met. So naturally we worry that she will convey this to the bishop and presidency out of spite and delay the cancellation. 

    Don't worry about what she is going to convey. Your husband tells the truth, then let the Bishop, Stake President and the 1st Presidency sort it all out through prayer! My Hubby's ex was nearly impossible to even find - then with just one week before the cut-off date, she submits a tome rather than a letter. According to the Stake President it was 35 pages, typed in Times Roman 8 font on both sides!  Rambling, nearly incoherent phrasing and more curse words than any grown man would ever want to read!

    We were in the Phoenix/Mesa area, she was living in the most southern area of Oregon. She accused certain things, so Hubby was asked about them. She said, He answered. She claimed, he clarified. One thing ~ she had left the church, was not wearing her garments and had also sent in a Tome to her Bishop demanding to be removed from the church records just a year before Hubby and I married. So why the hold up? Her Bishop didn't consider her demands to be coming from a person who had all their wits about them.

    Once we got the go-ahead to go get sealed, we wasted NO time getting it done. Then for a couple of years after Hubby fretted that he would still be connected to her in the after-life. I finally took his concerns to the Stake Patriarch who was also Hubby's Mentor - he counseled Hubby to Let It Go and worry about the now here on earth and live towards being together in eternity with me. We married in Aug of 2004, we were sealed in May of 2006. We celebrate BOTH dates, when we remember 😁

  16. @Returninghome do your other clothes feel heavy after they are laundered and dry? Could be you have hard water. To counter that  add 1/2 cup laundry borax to each load. Borax provides water softening by producing a soluble calcium complex (forming a chelate with the minerals so that they are no longer available for reactions) and boosts surfactant performance by preventing precipitation of a calcium/surfactant complex. 

    Or you could get a whole home water softener system. There are many you can get depending on what you can afford. Softening water before it goes into the hot water heater will  prolong the life of the heater.

  17. 2 hours ago, Maureen said:

    I'm adding a link, a fellas blog about what he learned going through the clearance/cancellation steps.



    Good article! For Hubby and me, we were both endowed when we met, and divorced for some time. He had to get a clearance from wife #2. It took nearly 1.5 years for the letters to and the interviews with. We were told that the 1st Presidency sets apart only one month a year to read requests - that was why the long wait. I was never asked to write, or even go to any of the interviews. That was because my ex was NOT a member of the church. The only interview I went to was after Hubby got his letter from the 1st Presidency. We went in to be interviewed by the Stake President, and were given our Live Ordinance recommends and told we only had One MONTH to set a date - go and get it done.

    Now, Hubby and I were married civilly - so this was just a sealing. One thing that was a bit of a shock to us was, the Stake President kept the letter sent to Hubby by the 1st Presidency. His letter from SL told him to keep it. Haven't a clue what he did with them. Don't really care. We asked the Stake Patriarch and Hubby's Bishop from the ward he was in when he got his endowment and our Home Teachers and Visiting Teachers and a sister who vacationed during the summer at my Branch in Oregon (she lives in Mesa) to be our witness's. So, we had 7 human witnesses, but that room that would seat about 20 felt like it was over full. His Grands & Greats, my parents, Grands & Greats & my little sister were all there spiritually too.

  18. Whole wheat grains store infinitely better and longer than ground wheat. Good grief, if I were able to I would travel the miles (I live 20 miles from the western end of Hwy 20) to load up on as much whole grain wheat that would fit in a small U-Haul truck! I bought wheat through  BePrepared.Com and also at my local Wal Mart - Auguson Farms. Then I set up my dining table with my scale, vacuum sealer and plastic totes. Took me three days to re-package the 116 pounds into 3.5 lb & 5 lb packages. I grind as I need it. Then I store it in rectangle tubs that fit my storage cupboard. Since the package vacuum flat - only about 1/8th will go back into the buckets. Those buckets I use to store the re-packaged vacuum sealed freeze dried/ dehydrated goods.

    If you have flour that has been sitting around for years, empty it into a container that has an empty head space of about 5 inches, then take a good sturdy wire whisk and WHISK it. Get a lot of air into it. That is why your Mother and Grandmother used a sifter, then MEASURED the flour they needed. Add the air to it.

    My Mom got flour in 50# and 100# tightly woven unbleached muslin bags. Dad made a pull out drawer lined with tin - all the seams he welded good to keep the mice and bugs out. Mom's sifter could hold about 5 cups and had a handle that rotated - I loved helping her with that. Once the flour was sifted she used a huge mixing spoon (held 1 liquid cup) to gently spoon the flour into a dry measuring cup, then level it off and gently empty into the mixing bowl. She used 68 cups of flour for her Monday Bread Making Batch. Started at 4 am, and yes I got up that early so I could help her. From the time I was 8 years old, until I graduated at 18.

  19. Hard water and too much detergent can cause whites to become dingy. Hubby wears the 100% cotton garments. I put 1/2 Cup of OUT White Brite and 3/4 of a scoop of Oxi Clean White Revive. For the 100% cotton I use HOT water for the wash. I dissolve them first, then add the garments. Let agitate for 5 to 10 minutes, then turn the machine OFF. Let it sit for 30-45 minutes, then turn back on. Let it go through the complete cycle. Now reset the machine to Whites or 30 minute total cycle. Add 1/4th the amount of detergent you have been using, add Oxi Clean and if you want a half scoop of all fabric powdered bleach. After it has completed the full cycle, reset for one final rinse. This is when you can add the diluted Mrs. Whites AFTER the machine has filled with water. Add it to the clothes at the agitator.

    I wear DriSilque. They get washed in HOT water with the Oxi Clean White Revive, 1/2 scoop powdered All Fabric Bleach and 1 coffee scoop of my homemade laundry soap. I also rinse my garments twice - with NO bluing. No matter how diluted I make it, it gives me a rash. My machine does a cold only rinse, and only one of them - so I have to reset it.

    Want to know if you are using too much store bought detergent ~ take ALL of your wash cloths & enough hand towels for a small load. Turn it on using a warm wash. Let it agitate for 5 minutes, then using a clean glass container (measuring cup, glass, etc.) scoop up some water. Smell it away from the machine - like go outside. Does it smell like your detergent? Pour some in your hand and feel it - could you wash your hands with it 'cause it is that soapy? Now reset your machine past the washing cycle and the beginning of the rinse. You want it to drain, then fill with the rinse water. Let it agitate about 3 minutes, stop and repeat the smell and feel test.

    Clean clothes should be devoid of dirty body smell and have just a hint of detergent & dryer sheet smells. Would you want the dishes you eat off of to smell like the soap you cleaned it in??? Same goes for your clothes. Also, if you overload your machine, then the clothes will come out not only still dirty, but the seams will start to give. Too much tough friction against them.

  20. 17 hours ago, Sunday21 said:

    You clearly hail from a different part of Zion. We are not so regimented here. Duck, duck, goose rules! 

    Yes I guess I am, the part of Zion where we listen to and follow the Prophet and what the 1st Presidency tells us via the  many manuals, conference talks, leadership meetings, published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, etc. Where they have told us NOT to use songs, stories, games FROM the world, but to stick with what is published by The LDS Church. That part of Zion.