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Everything posted by gabelpa

  1. The K&K intro just strikes me as rather, um.. evil. Especially for a Christian Ministry.
  2. Don't know what'll happen to the links when I hit submit, but the first link has got to be one of the most intense Flash Intros to website I have ever seen. The second link is in and of itself the absolute most disturbing one I have seen. Both are designed by a company that only designs websites for Christian ministries, and every one of their sites is over the top. :: International Congress of Churches & Ministers :: K&K Mime Ministries
  3. Here in the UK tea drinking is more commonplace among the great Unwashed,and a staple of the washed. To be unable to provide tea to guests is a faux pas and not one of the things commonly done. Many LDS homes I have visited here have stale tea bags stashed away so they can make their guests horrible tea. The tea-drinking guests rarely ask again.
  4. Personally, I can't wait for my DNA to change. That's going to be incredibly painful as the body rids itself of all that obsolete DNA technology. Right.
  5. I've got something else for you. What if the child wants to go to the pulpit, but when they reach it, they are scared and forget what they wanted to say.
  6. I work in IT during the day, programming, system administration, troubleshooting, training. I am THE IT guy in my firm of 20 PC users. It is possible to be mindful while immersed in the above activities. I consider the logic of what I do, and that Being that gave me the ability to be logical and inventive. I ask for guidance in understanding the concepts I am presented with, and help troubleshooting. I don't let the technology I am immersed in infringe on my time.
  7. A discount of 2% on the rate we pay on Tithing given the economic climate?
  8. When no one lives in fear of another.. which means we'll need to eliminate drugs, pimping, and gangs. We'll need to put an end to abuse of all kinds, extremism of all kinds.. umm,what else is there.. oh yes the Government's secret mind-reading satellites because they cause terror amongst a certain part of the populace, even if they don't exist.
  9. Spice mixes are wrong, so I'll have to make that myself next time. Pumpkins are only sold during the week leading up to Halloween, and they're the carving ones, not good for making a pie from. There are smaller squashes available but don't taste right. I'll have to grow my own pumpkins next year. I tried to this year, but the snails ate my pumpkin plant.
  10. Let's see.. good old pumpkin pie (heavily spiced) w/ whipped cream. A real treat now since the ingredients are next to impossible to find in Scotland.
  11. There was an unpredicted supernova about 200,000 light years away. They got their LHC up and running just fine. On a more serious note, our local supercluster of galaxies is at the centre of the known Universe. We can currently see 12 billion years into the past, no farther. Are we to assume then that by some sort of impossibly high odds that we're actually at the centre of the Universe?
  12. Maybe you should just "break up", get worthy on your own, let him do the same. Then, after all that has been sorted out, get you and him to the Temple and get Sealed already.
  13. In some cases,the evidence does change because the methods for obtaining the evidence were flawed, improper, or even tainted the evidence, affecting the result. There's a cracking story about DNA evidence. A certain woman's DNA was found at over 20 crime scenes (2 murders) in countries all over Central Europe. They were desperately trying to find this woman, turns out she worked at the plant that manufactured the swabs for collecting DNA evidence,and contaminated entire batches of swabs. If we don't know our methods for collecting and compiling evidence is flawed, we will come to the wrong conclusions.
  14. i was just thinking my grandparents thought jeans were immodest - in fact to my Grandfather and gentleman in anything other than suit and hat was underdressed, a sign you were not of a certain standard in society (he dressed like Poirot) his consession was a tweed or lighter coloured suit. He held that view until the 1970s 1900 Bathing Costume was expected to be dark, and cover everything and included a floppy hat. despite that was seen as indecent and a bathing machine was used to convey young ladies to the beach by 1920 you could show your arms still required a cap and wear a splash of colour by 1930 you could wear a suit which coverage is similar to what I would by today and called Modest, it also covers the area that many Tankinis cover, actually less than some.although i skip the wool lol -Charley
  15. I know it's just semantics, but a "War on Terror" has no enemy, no definable goal, no end. Overseas Contingency Operation may be the same, but at least it's an operation against an unseen, nebulous enemy instead of full-on war. I think... I hate semantics.
  16. Are these solar flares more frequent, or are we just better able to monitor them?
  17. Your Type is INTJ Introverted 100 Intuitive 50 Thinking 50 Judging 44
  18. well I am gonna disagree with that - I found the cream of the crop in a chatroom lol and what about FunkyTown huh? Seriously though I think its always been an issue that some priesthood holders don't respect what they have, and I don't think its new as Sisters I think its important we make marrying a good man more important than getting married and making sure when we do it we do it right. And that may well mean waiting until we are over the hill and at least 20 lol before we start complaining and moaning. I know some amazing young men, and YSA men who are strong and respect their preisthood And more importantly placing that kind of man at the top of the agenda. -Charley
  19. lol never forget the day President Hinckley announced you could drive from Dundee to London Temple in 6 hours, not sure who's foot was on the gas pedal that day -Charley
  20. Sound beatings. You didn't beat them soundly enough, often enough. Time to make up for your lax discipline, a few half-day beatings should straighten them out. Maybe one of them will leave home afterwards.
  21. I would rather you didn't. So far you have insulted the authors of the Book of Mormon and other of, God's Prophets, by comparing them unfavourably to that lousy git at the top of your list. I won't even comment on your complete and utter lack of understanding of what the Book of Mormon actually IS Drop the pseudo-intellectual crap before you post next please.
  22. Impious, I can't help but shake this feeling.. I think you've got the wrong Church and wrong forum. I think you want to be somewhere else... I'm just sayin....
  23. For me,God's foreknowledge of events does not equal predestination. Mortality is our journey, not God's. He may know where we will wind up, who will be "saved" and who not, but we do not know.
  24. Didn't watch the video, but did read some of the connected info on his website. I would not call the man a traitor, what he is doing is not traitorous. I don't know if I would call him a patriot either. His courses sound interesting, and if I were still living in the US I would be giving serious consideration to enrolling in not just his 4 day handgun course, but defensive driving as well. It is also of note that there has been a shooting accident related injury in his facility approximately once every other year, but with the incidents occurring more frequently in later years. I won't enter a gun control debate as I can argue both sides of the fence, and agree with neither.