my two cents

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Posts posted by my two cents

  1. 1 hour ago, Star said:

    I was wondering if now is a good time for my youngest son to get a blessing. My oldest son was taken by his dad to get a blessing but my youngest son has never had one, I think I would like him to. Is there somewhere I can take him to receive one ? 

    You could have the missionaries come to your home for that. If you're single, let them know to bring someone along (per mission rules). Go to and click on chat and they'll have the local elders contact you.

  2. Welcome and my condolences. I think it's great you want your kids to understand this about their dad and no, they're not too young.

    There's a monthly magazine for kids with stories and activities. You can read current and previous issues online or get a yearly subscription for $8. 

    There's also short videos on various topics 

    Music would also be good

    There's also this booklet (what they learn during the Sunday School portion this year)

    There's also this family home evening book free online

  3. @JKing  - Welcome to the forum. A couple thoughts - If he thinks that you've been too 'soft', he may see that as a problem and be overcompensating. He may also be worried about what message the younger kids may get if there's too much "you poor dear". Some people are more comfortable with showing emotions of frustration than sadness but it doesn't mean they don't feel it but they might just need more time to work through the different emotions before getting to the one/s you'd like to see. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Dillon said:

    Now If I were a woman and not a male, you would sending high fives and thank you's. Why is it a man can get bashed by women in here and its ok, heck even a woman can sorta bash another female, but "bash" may be a bit harsh a word, lets call it pleasantly disagree. But me as a man, I cant say anything even female related because I dont know anything about a woman right,  heck I cant even agree with a woman without being scolded for agreeing with a woman. 

    so now you're playing the victim card - lovely

  5. I see this as a learning opportunity. Perhaps the bishop will understand and she'll get to go this time but it wouldn't hurt for it to be made clear that going to the temple is a privilege, not a right and you can't be mia most of the time and then start to show up right before and expect to get to do things just because your friends are. This time, fine - but not next time if there's a repeat of this trend. 

  6. 35 minutes ago, jewels8 said:

    there was an older General Authority who's wife died.  It happens.  But then he remarried again for all eternity to someone else.  Was it really fair to do that to his first wife?  I don't know all the reasons, and everyone may like a companion, but it seems insulting, in a  way.  He could have lived the few years left and not made his first wife have to deal with it.  Ofcourse that's not the intent, but really, there's no need for another wife.Especially for eternity.

    For all you know, they had talked about this and came to an agreement. 

  7. Welcome to the forum and to the Church! Glad to have you part of both. 

    That's great about your calling. I suggest reading each weeks Gospel Principles lesson ahead of time so you're better prepared to answer questions and offer insights. Also, as you share your testimony, remember that people respond to enthusiasm. I also suggest introducing new converts to the family history consultants so they can start on their family history and finding names to take to the temple. 

  8. One more thing - She probably has a heart wall. No amount of counselling sessions* can help with that. You need to connect with someone who knows the EmotionCode (developed by a practicing Mormon). Google for more info.

    *counselling helps with the intellectual side to a person but there are spiritual, physical and emotional sides as well and you need to go to the right person to get the right help

  9. My thoughts:

    ~That was the ppd talking so let it go. 

    ~She may not know how to walk back from it.

    ~She may have a warped sense of what love is supposed to look/feel like. Hollywood has not helped with this so avoid things that perpetuate the faulty ideas.

    ~There are different versions of love and different people see it differently. Sounds like hers is more practical and yours is more lovey-dovey. 

    ~Stop focusing so much on what you don't like and put more emphasis on what you do. (what you feed, grows)

    ~Figure out her love language and speak it often. (check your library for the book 'the 5 love languages')

    ~fwiw - Through all the ups and downs, my husband has never let anything stop him from loving me any way he can. Don't you be stopped either.


  10. 6 hours ago, clbent04 said:

    She told me that when you cast out an unclean spirit, you want to make sure you do so saying, "In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to leave this body and place you under lock and key." 

    I don't think she meant you have to say those specific words, but it's important to do so in the name of Jesus Christ and to say something to prevent the spirit from coming back

    You're right about doing this in the name of Jesus Christ. I was thinking of the scripture where the unclean spirits enter the swine then run into the sea and drown.

  11. So glad you're taking this step!!  I believe Mike Stroud (former BYU or CES teacher...) has a podcast about this. Google it and share it with the bishop. Also make sure the spirits are sent where they can't come back.  You may also want your residence dedicated as well. Let us know how it goes.

    Oh - you can also contact Bro. Stroud if you have questions.

  12. 2 hours ago, mormondad said:

    My wife was hurt by a comment my mom made. The thing is, I was in the room and didn't think anything of it. We interpreted it completely differently. It was a neutral comment. Even if I wanted to convince myself that there was an intent to criticize, it still wouldn't make much contextual sense. And that's just not my mom. My wife has always had a tendency to assume the worst in things that are said.

    Anyway my wife said she realized that it's always been "like this", and that she doesn't want to go to my family functions anymore (she says she still will for our kids' sakes).

    Here's the tough spot: By apologizing and saying I'm really sorry they said that, I'm basically agreeing with her that my mom has this passive aggressive mean streak. But by defending my mom, I'm totally invalidating my wife's feelings. And in her view, it's either or. I have to take one of those sides. I'm either "with" her and against my parents, or with my parents and against her. I don't think either of those is right. It is really hard for me that she believes my parents would intentionally hurt their daughter-in-law.

    She's generally rational with most things, but I'm really scratching my head on how to reconcile this one. Am I over thinking this? I'm curious what other daughters in law have to say. Would you put your husband in that position?


    The bolded part (per me) suggests this kind of thing has been going on a while and that she hasn't yet felt sufficiently heard so now it's at the point of not wanting to attend family things any more. If she's only like this in regards to your mom, there may be some hurt that she hasn't even told you about.  If that's the case, get to the root of it and deal with that so this can hopefully stop.

  13. It appears as though not all seem to understand that obesity isn't always about eating too many doritos. For some, extra weight is a protection. If someone doesn't feel safe in the world, this is a way for their subconscious to change that. For others, they aren't getting proper nutrition, so they're body is actually in starvation mode and stores excess weight for survival. There's also the factor of foods being manufactured to create cravings. I could go on and I'm not defending poor choices but please be mindful that there are factors you may not be aware of or considering so it's best to 'judge not'.

    "For the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." - 1 Samuel 16:7