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    JohnsonJones got a reaction from Sunday21 in What are our cultural tendencies?   
    There are actually a LOT of cultural tendencies that Mormons have, especially moreso in the Northern Arizona/Utah/Southern and Eastern Idaho areas than the rest of the LDS Church.
    However, MANY OF these would not be seen as favorable by many Mormons, and I would probably have a ton of people reporting my posts as insulting Mormons. 
    This is probably the most I'll say on the matter. 
    The sad thing is, however, that many Mormons in these areas cannot discern the difference between cultural and doctrine.  What's worse, is that because of these tendencies, they normally cause many honest and believing saints to not be active simply because the culture of the LDS saints in these areas favor White Middle to Upper class households more so than those who are not part of that grouping.  In this, I am probably also part of the problem (as someone in my ward has pointed out to me previously when we went to visit them) rather than the solution.  I am just as much part of the Mormon cultural tendencies as anyone, and perhaps the things that I notice most may be because they are things I know I do or how I act that are not necessarily "doctrine" in the LDS church.
    It goes far beyond this, but I think even the little I just said may offend some people.  If I went into length or detail, I think there would be many saints who would be offended, even if I expound that much of this is probably going into detail of my own hypocritical actions and cultural beliefs and thoughts.  So, despite the little I said, it's probably better if I stay quiet on this rather than expound on this in any great detail.
  2. Like
    JohnsonJones got a reaction from SilentOne in Media standards   
    Not the church standard, but what I use is the metric...would I let my little children watch this (even if they aren't little anymore, it's about what I would let them watch when they WERE LITTLE).  IF it is a no, that it probably is not good for their souls or mine.  If it is a yes...then it's all good.  This tends to be far more discriminating on what one would watch then even normal LDS standards. 
    That said, I let my kids watch almost anything on Disney when they were little, and my wife felt at times that I was too lax even in that.  I know some of my kids watch much more violent shows now that they are older and make their own decisions, and I don't know everything they let their kids watch.  I have let my kids watch PG and even PG-13 movies when they were younger, but it is entirely dependent on the movie.  For example, if Star Wars: The Force Awakens had come out when they were little, I probably would have let them watch it.  There is one scene I might think could give them nightmares and hence my wife might nix the movie (then again, I had kids have nightmares about beauty and the beast, as well as Sleeping Beauty...soooooo...).
    Or, even better, Tron Legacy, which is a PG-13 move probably would also have the okay by me.  However, there are MANY PG movies from the 80s and 90s (and some today even) that I would NOT let my kids we are more variable I suppose than just a straight up rating thing.
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    JohnsonJones got a reaction from person0 in Eve   
    Of interest to the conversation.  The LDS church now days accepts as one of it's canon and thus doctrine, the book of Moses found in the Pearl of Great Price.  It is very reflective of the book of Genesis in the Old Testament, but there are some differences.  The following verses reflect some interesting things in regards to this conversation.  The first, is PRIOR to Adam and Eve eating of the fruit of Good and Evil, and a very similar verse can be found in the beginning of the Book of Genesis.
    Moses 3:21-25
    If we accept this literally, it would appear that Adam understood this principle of leaving a father and mother and cleaving unto their wife and being one flesh (which is pretty blatantly clear about something I'd's to each their own interpretation I suppose.
    HOWEVER...and this varies from the Book of Genesis...we skip forward to after they have partaken of the fruit and have been cast out of the Garden of Eden...
    Moses 5:10-11
    Which indicates, obviously about the plan of salvation and the ability to have the Savior save us from our sins.  It also talks about, at least from Eve's perspective, that in her understanding that if the transgression never occurred, there never would have been seed, and the joy of redemption and eternal life.
    It could be that if they stayed in the Garden all things would have been revealed or occurred, but as they are, we know that as per Eve's ideas in the LDS FAITH, that because of it, after that they could have children, know good and evil, and have the joy of their redemption and the eternal life.
    Just some LDS scriptural thoughts tossed in here.
  4. Like
    JohnsonJones got a reaction from Sunday21 in What is a good way to start a conversation with a girl in my singles ward?   
    Maybe it's because I'm not a woman, but...if I were a young teen or twenty something individual and someone used some of those on me...I think I might be kind of scared.
    That entire patriarchal blessing one for example...I think I might go running in horror hoping to keep the creep away from me.
    Maybe it's because I'm just not a woman...but most of those probably wouldn't have impressed me.  On the otherhand when I was young and single (many many eons ago), I never really used pick up lines on girls, taking the more straightforward approach.  If I ever used a pick up line it was with a girl that I was already good friends with and we both knew I was joking when I was saying it.
  5. Haha
    JohnsonJones got a reaction from Vort in What is a good way to start a conversation with a girl in my singles ward?   
    Maybe it's because I'm not a woman, but...if I were a young teen or twenty something individual and someone used some of those on me...I think I might be kind of scared.
    That entire patriarchal blessing one for example...I think I might go running in horror hoping to keep the creep away from me.
    Maybe it's because I'm just not a woman...but most of those probably wouldn't have impressed me.  On the otherhand when I was young and single (many many eons ago), I never really used pick up lines on girls, taking the more straightforward approach.  If I ever used a pick up line it was with a girl that I was already good friends with and we both knew I was joking when I was saying it.
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    JohnsonJones reacted to Just_A_Guy in Eve   
    I'm not-quite-orthodox-LDS on this; but I'll put my opinion out there as an alternative paradigm:
    So, I'm on board with conventional LDS teaching about why the Fall was necessary (Adam and Eve were incapable of procreation as well as spiritual progression in their created state, the fruit and its effects would have to be partaken of eventually, etc).  Where I differ slightly from mainline LDS teaching is:  it seems to be the mainstream LDS position that "in the day thou eatest thereof though shalt surely die" was a warning, not a prohibition whose violation would constitute sin/transgression.  Many LDS authors stress a supposed difference between "sin" and "transgression" and hold that partaking the fruit was only a transgression and not a sin.  Further, it is suggested that Eve was fully aware from the outset of the consequences her decision would bring.  To me, that sin/transgression distinction feels artificial; and scripture seems clear to me that Eve *was* deceived.
    The scenario I have put together through my own reading/pondering numerous LDS sources is this:  God places Adam and Eve in the garden.  He leaves them alone for a time, promising to return later to give them further teachings--probably relating to the fruit and a full briefing on its effects and consequences.  In the interim Adam and Eve are told, in effect:  don't touch the fruit until I come back.
    Enter Satan.  Satan's plan is to win the affection and allegiance of Adam and Eve (and their unborn posterity) by alienating them from God and setting himself up as the grantor of blessings that God is selfishly hoarding for Himself.  He tells Eve that taking the fruit is necessary to become like God (which in fact, really is God's long-term plan for them) but also lies by telling Eve that the fruit must be taken now, this moment, on Satan's terms and without waiting for the further teachings God had promised to give.  Eve either forgets God's earlier promise to return, or doesn't quite believe it, or she's just impatient; but at any rate Eve partakes of the fruit--not rejecting God wholly; but violating His short-term commandment, manifesting a lack of trust in Him, and thus setting herself on a very dangerous path.  
    Eve tells Adam of her decision.  Adam has been commanded to stay with Eve (see the Book of Moses chapter 4, Mormonism's variant of the Genesis narrative of the Fall) and, knowing she must leave Eden, elects to partake of the fruit and leave Eden with her--knowing he, too, is violating God's injunction; but trusting that somehow, God will provide a means of redemption.  Thus, as Paul says, Eve was beguiled; but Adam acts knowingly.
    In the ensuing confrontation between God, Adam, Eve, and Satan; Satan's deceitful nature is revealed and it is made clear that he poses a catastrophic threat to their eternal welfare.  Adam and Eve reaffirm their allegiance to God, who offers protection from Satan even as He drives them from Eden in accordance to His word.  God continues to speak to them in the fallen world, and eventually they are given the promise of a Redeemer and are taught of their potential to return to God's presence on condition of repentance.  Adam and Eve at this point recognize the Fall as a good and necessary thing (Moses 6:11), even though it came about by an act of disobedience for which they had to (and did) obtain forgiveness.
    Which brings me back to my earlier summation of Eve's act as I perceive it:  She acted at the wrong time and for the wrong reason; but ultimately what she did was fundamentally a good thing.
  7. Like
    JohnsonJones got a reaction from seashmore in What is a good way to start a conversation with a girl in my singles ward?   
    I'd just call her up and say...Hi...I'm Danny Phantom (or whatever the name is) from your ward.  I was wondering if you would like to go out on a date to (if a dinner, say a restaurant...or just dinner) this Friday (or whatever day) at 6 PM. 
    If she says yes...great.  If she says have your answer.  If she says she would love to, but is busy...maybe give it another try a second time, or give an alternate time for a date.
    And then, the easy part is over.
    You actually have to talk with her on the date.
  8. Like
    JohnsonJones reacted to The Folk Prophet in temple picture   
    We talking about this?

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    JohnsonJones reacted to Jane_Doe in Trusting Your Kids with Others at Church   
    I get your reservations: I was abused as a kid and am super super paranoid about having someone else watch my kid.
    There's a couple of things which can help, in no particular order:
    - Get to know the nursery leaders, either by inviting them over for dinner, or by volunteering to help out with the nursery yourself.  Nursery is two hours long each week, and you actually do get to know the other leaders well very fast.  And yes, you can indeed volunteer to help out.
    - The nursery has windows, feel free to peek in anytime.  This really helped me feel more comfortable.  I still peek in now, just because I like seeing her giggling and having fun.   
    - Note: not just anyone is allowed to pick up your kid.  The leaders know which kid goes to which parent, and that's who takes the kid home, no one else.  They also will come get you (the parent) if  something comes up (including dirty diapers).  
    - Also: nursery teachers are NEVER alone.  There's always multiple people there, windows, etc. 
    - There's also an church guide about protections made for children... I can dig this up somewhere if you'd like.
    Personally, I feel more comfortable with my daughter at her church class than daycare, because I can peek in whenever, and am just in the other room, etc.  
  10. Like
    JohnsonJones reacted to prisonchaplain in North Korean Nukes?   
    I hear and believe what everyone has said. However, no matter how backward N. Korea may be, if 1% of it's conventional weaponry survived a pre-emptive strike, they could kill 100,000s in Seoul--possibly millions. China wants its North Korean buffer, but if N. Korea decides to go rogue China will back--not prevent--it's ally. So, kicking this can down the road may not work much longer. Framing those who believe the time for "wait and see" is coming to an end as bellicose rabble-rousers is unfair, and probably naïve.
  11. Haha
    JohnsonJones got a reaction from anatess2 in The Nashville Statement   
    Am I allowed to bash someone over the head with my scriptures.  I have several different pairs.  Though the Quad seems rather hefty, I think the oversized Triple combination and Holy Bible in their case takes the cake.  Does bashing someone with them do anything to actually change their mind...other than brain damage?  If they already have brain damage, does it do anything more?
    I'm not so certain this is a good idea though, my kids probably have some good ideas of how to bash me over the head with their scriptures.  They probably would get the even larger ones for those who have a really hard time of reading, make sure they are hardcovers as well, and then bash me over the head in hopes of changing my mind on something (and of course, I won't...haven't when they were little, won't now...but that wouldn't stop them from trying!!!).
    Perhaps if I just pretend to nap in Sunday School they'll figure that old dad is already conked out and doesn't need any scripture bashing to take place!
    Of course, then I might have the problem of them bashing me over the head to try to wake me up...or tell me someone needs to talk to me, or something.  I can't win with this entire Scripture bashing thing...
    The above is just for fun, not trying to be serious, so hopefully no one took affront to it.
  12. Haha
    JohnsonJones got a reaction from SilentOne in The Nashville Statement   
    Am I allowed to bash someone over the head with my scriptures.  I have several different pairs.  Though the Quad seems rather hefty, I think the oversized Triple combination and Holy Bible in their case takes the cake.  Does bashing someone with them do anything to actually change their mind...other than brain damage?  If they already have brain damage, does it do anything more?
    I'm not so certain this is a good idea though, my kids probably have some good ideas of how to bash me over the head with their scriptures.  They probably would get the even larger ones for those who have a really hard time of reading, make sure they are hardcovers as well, and then bash me over the head in hopes of changing my mind on something (and of course, I won't...haven't when they were little, won't now...but that wouldn't stop them from trying!!!).
    Perhaps if I just pretend to nap in Sunday School they'll figure that old dad is already conked out and doesn't need any scripture bashing to take place!
    Of course, then I might have the problem of them bashing me over the head to try to wake me up...or tell me someone needs to talk to me, or something.  I can't win with this entire Scripture bashing thing...
    The above is just for fun, not trying to be serious, so hopefully no one took affront to it.
  13. Like
    JohnsonJones reacted to RomanianLDS in Finally Found the Truth   
    Hello eveybody ! 
    So i am originally Romanian and Greek and i am 20 years old . I grew up in Romania in a Seventh day adventist familly who had converted from Orthodoxy. I came to Montreal Canada when i was 7 . I grew up in a familly that had multiple issues , my parents fighting a lot and then after taking their anger on me . i grew up feeling a void inside my soul that i had to fill somehow and i knew that only the Lord could do it . So i started searching all religions and . I kept searching and praying and i eventually stumbled upon The Church of Latter day Saints . At first i was not interessed because my parents were against it . I still kept searching but then i started listening to Mormon videos on the Lord Jesus and the Apostle Paul and i liked it and kept listening to videos on Joseph Smith and i fell in love with him . I Could draw a comparison between him and other great Prophets such as John the Baptist who were trying to bring people from Darkness to Light and i felt the Spirit telling me this is the truth . I contacted the Missionnaries recently and i am meeting with them tomorrow God Willing and i am looking forward to reading The Book of Mormon , Doctrines and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price . I feel that i finally made it and that God after all this search , those sleepless nights of questionning , has finally brought me where i belong , into God loving arms . 
  14. Like
    JohnsonJones reacted to bethejoy in I don't want a divorce   
    Our divorce is final. His girlfriend's divorce is still ongoing, however, so the repercussions are continuing. They hide their relationship for now, but when they're both legally free to move forward, I'm pretty sure I know who my kids' stepmom will be. ?
    My financial situation and emotional well-being have improved by leaps and bounds now that I am not being manipulated or taken advantage of by him anymore. I have primary custody, but with such young kids, we will be interacting for years to come. He makes co-parenting difficult and spreads lies about me. 
    Life as a working, single mom of four is incredibly stressful and lonely. But I receive so many blessings for remaining faithful! I see God's hand in my daily life, buoying me up, teaching me, refining my testimony, helping me overcome my weaknesses. Though I have been utterly betrayed by the one who covenanted to love and support me, my heartache is lessened by hope in God's blessings. I have a long road ahead of me with heavy burdens to bear, but I know in Whom I have trusted.
  15. Like
    JohnsonJones reacted to Latter-Day Marriage in Wife putting me in a tough spot with my mom   
    For some reason this comes to mind.
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    JohnsonJones reacted to Jane_Doe in What is a good way to start a conversation with a girl in my singles ward?   
    I once burst into tears when a guy asked me out-- NOT the reaction he was expecting.  But it all worked out: that guy is now my husband. 
  17. Like
    JohnsonJones got a reaction from Sunday21 in What is a good way to start a conversation with a girl in my singles ward?   
    I'd just call her up and say...Hi...I'm Danny Phantom (or whatever the name is) from your ward.  I was wondering if you would like to go out on a date to (if a dinner, say a restaurant...or just dinner) this Friday (or whatever day) at 6 PM. 
    If she says yes...great.  If she says have your answer.  If she says she would love to, but is busy...maybe give it another try a second time, or give an alternate time for a date.
    And then, the easy part is over.
    You actually have to talk with her on the date.
  18. Like
    JohnsonJones got a reaction from Anddenex in Anti-GMO = Anti-science, anti-truth, pro-ignorance.   
    I think I lost faith in the entire Global Warming/Climate change argument when they showed the temperatures for our area.  They listed my area as being consecutively hotter every year.  What took the cake was when we had our verifiably coldest year, and then they listed it as being the hottest year. 
    Yeah....when you see blatantly false information and you KNOW the area's temperatures and weather where you kind of makes you question what other false information they are relaying...or how in the world they are getting information that is that inaccurate.
    As for GMO's, they have helped feed a LOT of the world that would be starving instead.  As for me, I'm old enough not to really care I suppose at this point.  IF GMOs help or reduce life expectancy...well...I'm not too concerned of myself at this point.  I know for my own family it probably doesn't make much of a difference.  Parents and such ate GMO food and lived into their don't think it's going to be that much of an effect on my genetics.  I suppose if they do have an effect I might have been able to outlive Moses by getting beyond the age of 120...but I'm not certain it's going to make that much of a difference to me.
    On the otherhand I could die tomorrow...and thus live less time than my ancestory, but either way...the best thing for me is to hope I'm prepared to meet my maker whether tomorrow, or many years from now.
  19. Like
    JohnsonJones reacted to Traveler in Question for men of the board   
    My wife will not let me pick out anything for me or anyone else to wear.  But since I really do not care what I wear this is not a problem for me.  The last suit I bought for myself – the wife told me I could pick.  5 minutes into the store I picked out a suit.  She said I had to try it on.  I do not understand this.  I will be measured and a suit will be tailored to fit.  I see no sense in trying on a suit.  An hour and a half later she informed me which suit I could pick. 
    How I look is something my wife is good at figuring out.  Engineers are designed for other things.   The wife has taught all our kids how to dress – especially the ladies (two daughters).   About 30 years ago, I decided our kids should be well trained on how to act and behave.   I decide that whitewater rafting would provide the platform for learning how to behave and handle what the world dishes out.
    Our whitewater expeditions grew over the years to 6 rafts and up to 60 rafters.  Myself and each kid became trained as raft guides (boat captions).  Besides guiding a boat in up to class 4 hydraulics the kids were trained to handle the full week activities of wilderness camping.  My theory was that if someone can handle 8 or 9 critics in a boat and get them all to work together – they will do ok in life.  I think that between the wife and I the kids have all turned out quite well.  They all still make fun of my shopping abilities and looking the part but no one have ever made fun of what they learned on the river.
    The point I want to make is that everybody has gifts and talents to contribute for the benefit of humanity.  Looking good may not work for everybody but there is something (usually something better) that everyone can offer.  If we can help bring out those gifts and talents – the better it will be for them and everybody else.
    The Traveler
  20. Like
    JohnsonJones got a reaction from NightSG in .   
    I'm not sure I understand the situation.
    Did your daughter just say she didn't pay tithing to the Bishop, was it more generic in saying she didn't pay tithing on a gift she received?
    Or did he specifically go out of his way to say that any money that you tithed on already and then gave her needed to be tithed on a second time?
    The latter seems unusual for a Bishop to get that specific.  I would probably specify with him on it, especially if it's money that was tithed on already.
    Now personally, I taught my kids they had to tithe on money no matter where they got it from, but technically, I believe that if that money has been tithed on by your parents already, there really isn't a need for them to tithe on previously tithed money for their family household as long as they are IN that family unit in the same household.
  21. Like
    JohnsonJones reacted to estradling75 in Temple marriage for the sole purpose of having sex?   
    Interesting..  just the other day I read an article about the falling marriage rates.  That contrary to expectation young men were not afraid to commit to marriage.  But due to sex out in the world being cheap and easy to obtain they had no reason to commit.  Marriage now a days offered them nothing that they could not get elsewhere easier.  Thus out in the world it is simple case of supply and demand and the supply is oversaturated. 
    Now the church has held the line here.  So for faithful members of the church the price of sex is still high.  I am pretty sure for a lot of faithful guys in the church who get married, on the list of reasons why they got married "to have sex" and it is probably pretty high.  And that is pretty much acceptable and expected.  Of course being a "faithful" guy they are also expected to understand a accept the idea of Eternal companion and covenant with God, and those are also on the list.  And if they are not "faithful" guys why are they even bothering with getting married when the world offers them easier ways to getting sex?
  22. Like
    JohnsonJones reacted to chasingthewind in Does masterbation break the law of chastity?   
    Bad news: Yes, it does.  
    Good news: As a former porn-addict, I can testify that breaking a porn-addiction is a wonderful opportunity to experience the enabling power of Christ!  By submitting myself to Christ, I made progress resisting pornography I didn't think was even possible!  My testimony of the enabling power of the Atonement is now unshakable!  And Christ will do the same for you!  Remember, God never gives us a commandment - such as the LoC - without first providing a way for us to fulfill it!
    Good luck on your journey, brother!  Check out if you need a online support group.
  23. Like
    JohnsonJones reacted to Anddenex in high functioning   
    We are taught that those who have disabilities, such as Down's Syndrome, autism, are perhaps automatically saved in the kingdom of God, to the highest degree, in exaltation.
    This depends on whether or not they are "alive" in Christ as with little children (innocent). As we are judged, they will be judged if their accountability is no longer among the innocent (little children). I worked as a seminary teacher for children with special needs. All except one student, at least from my perspective, would be "alive" (innocent) in Christ, and indeed would be received in paradise and then the Celestial kingdom.
    One of the students was higher functioning, but when reasoned with one could easily tell their understanding (their lens) was still through the lens of a child.
    I wonder what will a high functioning person with, say autism or a disability like that, be judged on?
    If accountable, they will be judged according to what they can know, and what they can understand. I have a nephew that is higher functioning, and it is obvious that he lacks certain skills. I, personally, am not able to see a perfect Father in heaven judging him in the same way I would be judged. He will be judged according to his ability to learn, and understand opposites and commandments. I have a hard time seeing him anywhere save paradise and Celestial kingdom, but that is just me.
    The parable of the talents enters my heart and mind. Some are given 5, some are given 2, some are given 1 (and probably some given 4 and 3). The point being, no matter the number of talents, it is important that we increase them.
    How can they know what they need to work on and what they can just have peace about?  How can we help others not to teach them that they don't need to repent , that they are saved automatically, even if they are high functioning and not severely disabled mentally?
    Even if they are high functioning they still need to know when they have done wrong, which is repentance. If they are alive in Christ, then their choices are already covered. Like any other child we still teach, and we need the spirit to teach them. Outwardly, due to mental handicap, they might not be able to express what they are learning. Inwardly though, there spirits are learning. We still teach children, right from wrong. We make sure if they make a wrong choice they learn accountability, and the importance of saying sorry, even though they are alive in Christ. We do the same with lower or high functioning children. They still need to be taught.
  24. Like
    JohnsonJones got a reaction from BJ64 in Does masterbation break the law of chastity?   
    I wish.  This very thread you have people comparing it to things one would get excommunicated for in many instances (for example, this is NOT equivalent to cheating, nor is it spiritual cyanide anymore than any other lesser sin one habitually commits nor many other things far worse).  It is this type of attitude that frightens people into thinking never to repent, or that they are doomed because the think the sin is far to large for them to ever repent of. 
    That's the real nonsense that I see, and it's an absolute terrible thing that we tell people such nonsense, when in truth, it is FAR more minor than that.  Is it a sin.  Absolutely...but generally (there are always exceptions) it's not anywhere close to adultery (though many spouses think that and this thought process leads to the other problem of members using it as an excuse to divorce their spouses at times), or fornication, or even heavy petting (IMO on that one).  It breaks a commandment of the higher law, but normally it is not breaking a commandment regarding the lower law.
    This one sin brings around so much unnecessary grief and  hardship, and in my opinion, part of it is because people many times label it far more harshly than they should.  In this, the words they use are far more harsh in expression, rather than showing love and support for the one who needs it.
    We talk about it so much because the problem is so prevalent, but many people lose sight of how it is just like many other minor sins.  Unfortunately, many will ignore other sins of equal magnitude, or even sins of greater magnitude (for example, habitual shoplifting or one I saw that still confounds me...outright grand theft) and focus solely on this one.  I am particularly harsh on this and what I consider pornography (for example, most romance novels In my opinion are straight up pornography), but it seems many who should be supportive of an individuals road to repentance instead seem to question me soon after on WHY I did not level a harsher punishment or do something far more drastic than what I did.  Instead of feeling the relief and the burden lifted as the individual dealing with the problem hopefully feels, they seem to want to have some sort of vengeance exacted.
    Unfortunately, I see this all too often.  Perhaps I just deal with this type of thing so often that it has slanted my view in regards to the general LDS view...I've heard that can happen.  My experiences though, indicate that people judge it far more harshly than what it really is.
    Anyways, this is a pretty uncomfortable topic to discuss for me anyways.  I deal with this too much as it is, and I don't even feel comfortable in a private setting talking about this stuff with those who confess or bring it up (where it is necessary in many instances and I have to discuss it whether I really want to or not), much less on a forum with many individuals. 
  25. Like
    JohnsonJones got a reaction from Still_Small_Voice in Appropriate tv shows   
    I actually bought the entire series not so long ago!