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    Traveler reacted to NeuroTypical in In Theory, In Principle, In Doctrine, In The Law of the Gospel   
    Good post.  I disagree with the final paragraph, but little else.   
    I have to admit, stuff like this is important to understand.  There's no such thing as a "false theory", just a theory proven false.  And you can have "incorrect principles" and "false doctrine".  
    I loved my college symbolic logic course.  Where the teacher made us start with some statements (like "all dogs have four legs" and "fred is a four legged cat"), and then we'd spend an entire hour working through a complex proof to arrive at a logically consistent conclusion.  And although the conclusion was logically consistent, and every single step of the way was sound and valid, the conclusion was false.  Because we started with stuff that wasn't true.   "Most dogs have four legs" would be true.  But you can find three-legged dogs.
    (And yes, "logically consistent", "sound", and "valid" all have specific meanings as well.  Misunderstanding these terms results in you losing arguments online without knowing it.)
  2. Okay
    Traveler reacted to Vort in Noah's Flood   
    Then please select two or three examples from that vast throng and reference them here.
    This much is clear. But it is not the Church's fault if they put out a clear, carefully worded document and a bunch of people with less-than-stellar reading comprehension skills immediately say that it means something it obviously doesn't mean.
    This is typical of journalism today -- broadcast falsehood as truth. Please don't depend on news articles from the Washington Post to inform you of the meaning of Church releases. Instead, read them yourself, carefully, and find out what they really say.
    That you are not alone in your misunderstanding proves only that a great many people are careless readers, including beat writers for the Washington Post, who along with the rest of the US east coast self-appointed intelligensia view Mormonism as a bizarre, cultic western religious phenomenon clung to primarily by some of those in flyover country.
  3. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from mrmarklin in Noah's Flood   
    I have more questions than I have answers concerning the epoch story of the flood.  I believe it is possible that the Biblical record of the flood is missing important details that have been filled in with speculation within the religious community.
    The earth could have been covered with water but we do not know how deep the cover was?  For example, if some places were only one molecule deep – technically it is “completely covered but it would be most difficult to find empirical evidence of such a shallow covering.
    I am amused that there are many in the religious community that believe the ark was the only means of preserving life but do not believe in evolution.  The ark is not of sufficient size to even hold the breeding stock of all the known species of worms– let alone all the necessary life forms for the species that currently exist on earth.  Many will proclaim that evolution has never produced offspring of a different species also claim to believe the ark preserved all species that exist today.  Such thinking is similar to planning a space exploration trip to the sun – but planning to go at night so that the space ship will not be burned up.
    There are also broad differences in genetic diversity in modern human populations that cannot be empirically explained within the 5 thousand years between the flood and our time.  Unless we realize major amounts of information are missing from either our Biblical scripture or our historical accounts (or both) – both written and empirically historical. 
    I can live with questions that do not have answers but I will not accept answers that cannot be questioned.
    The Traveler
  4. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Lost Boy in Noah's Flood   
    I have more questions than I have answers concerning the epoch story of the flood.  I believe it is possible that the Biblical record of the flood is missing important details that have been filled in with speculation within the religious community.
    The earth could have been covered with water but we do not know how deep the cover was?  For example, if some places were only one molecule deep – technically it is “completely covered but it would be most difficult to find empirical evidence of such a shallow covering.
    I am amused that there are many in the religious community that believe the ark was the only means of preserving life but do not believe in evolution.  The ark is not of sufficient size to even hold the breeding stock of all the known species of worms– let alone all the necessary life forms for the species that currently exist on earth.  Many will proclaim that evolution has never produced offspring of a different species also claim to believe the ark preserved all species that exist today.  Such thinking is similar to planning a space exploration trip to the sun – but planning to go at night so that the space ship will not be burned up.
    There are also broad differences in genetic diversity in modern human populations that cannot be empirically explained within the 5 thousand years between the flood and our time.  Unless we realize major amounts of information are missing from either our Biblical scripture or our historical accounts (or both) – both written and empirically historical. 
    I can live with questions that do not have answers but I will not accept answers that cannot be questioned.
    The Traveler
  5. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Still_Small_Voice in What gospel knowledge makes you joyful? What should?   
    I have found great joy, honor and even glory in keeping the commandments and learning to enjoy the discipline and rigors of repentance.  Keeping the commandments through great trials is more wonderful (lasting) than winning the super bowl and overcoming sin through repentance is greater than a gold medal.   But the greatest joy is after years of service then an occasional heart felt (perhaps even tearful) thank you from someone that remembered I made a difference in their life.
    The Traveler
  6. Thanks
    Traveler reacted to wenglund in Book of Mormon Secrets   
    It is fascinating that you would explain this because, in the past, I found many of the repetitive phrases in the Book of Mormon to be somewhat irritating and distracting, whereas now I consider them more as a metering ritualistic instructional style (not unlike the chiastic structure)--an ordinance if you will, or a quasi form of prayer, giving this book of scripture a whole new level of meaning and application. The wonderful secret you revealed above will make it all the more sacred to me.
    When I now hear the word "behold" (I am listening to an audio recording of the Book of Mormon) it prompts my mind to to take particular note and deeply consider and prepare myself to humbly receive if by a voice speaking from the dust.
    Thanks, -Wade Enlgund-
  7. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in Repentance after death   
    I see the two and basically the same.  The misuse of agency will result in the loss of agency.  In essence we are never free to act - there are always consiquences.
    The Traveler
  8. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from unixknight in Book of Mormon Secrets   
    If one studies both ancient Egypt and the Book of Mormon there are a great many seeming coincidences to be discovered.   I thought it would be interesting to point some of them out (there are lots of them).  We are told in the ancient scripture of the Book of Mormon that there are ties to ancient Egyptian culture – in particular, writing methods and styles. 
    One of the minor g-d of Egypt was called “Khepri”.  Most of us will recognize this deity in the expression of a dung beetle or scarab.  Khepri is a subordinate to Ra (major Sun G-d) and as a subordinate, is responsible for elements of creation – especially the creation and evolution of life.  There is one particular aspect of Khepri that is responsible for overseeing special changes or evolution in life.  Perhaps the most prominent symbol of this special evolution is the mesomorphs of a caterpillar into a butterfly.  It was believed in ancient Egypt, as well as many other ancient cultures that a significant benevolent evolution in a person or society is caused by divine interference or oversite.  In other words, a miracle of change.  Many scholars claim this ancient philosophy of Khepri in our lives is the root or forerunner to the idea of being spiritually reborn.   So Khepri is symbolic of the g-d that brings about benevolent change or rebirth.
    In our LDS theology we are encouraged in the idea that benevolent evolution and rebirth is to be a common and often occurrence.   There is a particular phrase in the Book of Mormon supports this ancient idea of Khepri bringing about changes for the better.  This phrase is often criticized for adding little or nothing to the narrative of the Book of Mormon.  Criticized because writing on golden plates was costly and unnecessary phrases would not make sense.  The phrase is, “And it came to pass”. 
    If one understands the possibility that this seeming meaningless phrase has root in ancient Egyptian thought – the phrase begins to have much greater meaning as well as indication of divine intervention and oversite.  So, the next time you read the Book of Mormon – pay attention to the phrase, “And it came to pass” as a key witness to something wonderful bringing about a change for the good and benefit.  It may help give a little better insight into a hidden spiritual secret that has significant revenants to your own life.
    The Traveler
  9. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in Repentance after death   
    I believe so - Perhaps another term is Agency.
    The Traveler
  10. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in Book of Mormon Secrets   
    If one studies both ancient Egypt and the Book of Mormon there are a great many seeming coincidences to be discovered.   I thought it would be interesting to point some of them out (there are lots of them).  We are told in the ancient scripture of the Book of Mormon that there are ties to ancient Egyptian culture – in particular, writing methods and styles. 
    One of the minor g-d of Egypt was called “Khepri”.  Most of us will recognize this deity in the expression of a dung beetle or scarab.  Khepri is a subordinate to Ra (major Sun G-d) and as a subordinate, is responsible for elements of creation – especially the creation and evolution of life.  There is one particular aspect of Khepri that is responsible for overseeing special changes or evolution in life.  Perhaps the most prominent symbol of this special evolution is the mesomorphs of a caterpillar into a butterfly.  It was believed in ancient Egypt, as well as many other ancient cultures that a significant benevolent evolution in a person or society is caused by divine interference or oversite.  In other words, a miracle of change.  Many scholars claim this ancient philosophy of Khepri in our lives is the root or forerunner to the idea of being spiritually reborn.   So Khepri is symbolic of the g-d that brings about benevolent change or rebirth.
    In our LDS theology we are encouraged in the idea that benevolent evolution and rebirth is to be a common and often occurrence.   There is a particular phrase in the Book of Mormon supports this ancient idea of Khepri bringing about changes for the better.  This phrase is often criticized for adding little or nothing to the narrative of the Book of Mormon.  Criticized because writing on golden plates was costly and unnecessary phrases would not make sense.  The phrase is, “And it came to pass”. 
    If one understands the possibility that this seeming meaningless phrase has root in ancient Egyptian thought – the phrase begins to have much greater meaning as well as indication of divine intervention and oversite.  So, the next time you read the Book of Mormon – pay attention to the phrase, “And it came to pass” as a key witness to something wonderful bringing about a change for the good and benefit.  It may help give a little better insight into a hidden spiritual secret that has significant revenants to your own life.
    The Traveler
  11. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in Repentance after death   
    I think you are confused – you answer implies a single heir, not joint heirs.  Also, you are thinking in only in terms of what happens when (if) the estate owner (sovereign) no longer exists.  I will try to make this easy for you – an heir has “access” (not ownership) to the estate but only under the oversight and control of the sovereign while the sovereign is cognizant.  If you like I can recommend some reading material that will help you to understand terms and their context better.
    The Traveler
  12. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in Repentance after death   
    I would make three suggestions:
    #1. Repentance is necessary to receive forgiveness of sins.
    #2. There are consequences for procrastinating or delaying repentance.  There is nothing beneficial to be achieved by procrastinating repentance.  There is a corollary to this statement – that is that there are blessings for repenting “NOW!” – that cannot “EVER” be obtained otherwise – even if one repents later.
    #3. Repentance is for remission of sins, although necessary for salvation does not insure exaltation.  Repentance does not by itself make someone worthy for exaltation – that can only come by and through obedience to Laws of whatever exaltation one obtains.  (It is by the law that one is justified).
    The Traveler
  13. Thanks
    Traveler got a reaction from Anddenex in What gospel knowledge makes you joyful? What should?   
    I have found great joy, honor and even glory in keeping the commandments and learning to enjoy the discipline and rigors of repentance.  Keeping the commandments through great trials is more wonderful (lasting) than winning the super bowl and overcoming sin through repentance is greater than a gold medal.   But the greatest joy is after years of service then an occasional heart felt (perhaps even tearful) thank you from someone that remembered I made a difference in their life.
    The Traveler
  14. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Behemoth in What makes us different   
    I would say that what impresses me the most about the LDS church is acceptance (by most) of truth even when it goes against traditional thinking.  I began to appreciate this notion studying math and physics in college and the discovery of the great divide between traditional Christianity and the scientific community.  Because I am a 5th generation Mormon – I encountered a lot of traditional kind of thinking by some LDS members but I also had personal relationships with a couple of “general” authorities as well as Hugh Nibley and a divinely inspired patriarchal blessing; all which encouraged me to personally pursue science as a divine spiritual gift and a promise that through the gift of the Holy Ghost I would have an advantage in my studies over others in my field without this divine gift.
    I am also impressed in the general notion that when someone joins with us (new converts) in our LDS faith that they are encouraged to bring with them all the good and true things they have learned before they became a “covenant” member.  This expanding knowledge base and the idea that we LDS are not trying to live in some long past era but are constantly thinking to expand our understanding, knowledge and faith – both spiritually and scientifically. 
    The filan notion I love and will point out about the church is a very different concept of G-d and the leadership within his kingdom.  All other organizations are based on the pyramid concept – that is with all the power, inspiration and guidance at the top that trickles down to the lessor beings at the bottom.  That the bottom exists to adore the top but to never ascend above their place.  Where as in the LDS Church the entire concept is turned upside down.  That the purpose and glory of G-d himself is to lift and inspire other to be like him.  And so, the entire effort of the LDS church is established to strengthen and maintain the family unit as the supreme goal and purpose of each individual.  Instead of heaven being the reward of good individuals – we learn that heaven is family – the turning of hearts of the fathers (and mothers) to children and vice versa.  That family is (or at least should be) heaven on earth.
    The Traveler
  15. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from askandanswer in Do you HAVE to give up coffee or can you choose it away?   
    I will tell you two stories, both of which I have told on this forum.
    Story #1.  When I was 17 I joined the army under a special program that would allow me to serve a mission when I turned 19.  When I left home for the service I requested a blessing from my father.  In my blessing I was promised that if I was obedient to the Word of Wisdom (no coffee, tea, tobacco or alcohol) that I would be blessed and protected from injury.  I was put to the test several times – one time when there was nothing else to drink but ice tea and we were suffering from intense heat.  I turned down the ice tea.  Others knew that I was Mormon and thought I was foolish – but then a miracle occurred and I was able to get fresh water.  A couple of my comrades were converted to the LDS church.   There are blessing beyond what you think possible for living true to your covenants with G-d.  If you do not live true to the Word of Wisdom – you will lose blessings.
    Story #2.  40 years ago, I met a really good guy – he and his wife were new converts to the LDS church.  But my friend just could not live the Word of Wisdom (among other things).  He was good and kind to everyone.  He became a life time friend of mine.  But he would not take his wife to the temple.  He just did not think living all the commandments was for him.  As time went by he was unfaithful to his wife while traveling for business.  He did not think it was such a big deal and was sorry and promised he would never do such a thing again.  But his wife had had enough and divorced him.  Some years later she married a wonderful man that took her to the temple.  This new husband was a really good guy and the children of my friend decided that they wanted to be sealed to their mother and new father.
    A few years back my friend decided to repent and come back to the church – when we would visit I would encourage him to go to the temple – he would say it was too late for him.  A few week back I went to his funeral.  I was talking to his wonderful daughter that still loved him and she told me that my friend had finely made it to the temple not much before he died.  Talking with his children they had forgiven him – but even though he had repented he had lost the blessings of his wonderful wife and children in eternity – they were all sealed to another.  I am sure he will be blessed and forgiven but the price of putting off his repentance is great.
    My recommendation is that you repent – if you are not converted to the Word of Wisdom – pray with all your heart to know the truth – and whatever truth you are given – be true to it.
    The Traveler
  16. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from JohnsonJones in Service Dog question...   
    If it were up to me - the answer would be no.  A temple worker would and should be assigned.  A dog cannot help them with things necessary for temple covenants.  I am concerned that too many people want to deal with G-d on their own terms and resist humility.
    The Traveler
  17. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Jane_Doe in Service Dog question...   
    If it were up to me - the answer would be no.  A temple worker would and should be assigned.  A dog cannot help them with things necessary for temple covenants.  I am concerned that too many people want to deal with G-d on their own terms and resist humility.
    The Traveler
  18. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Lost Boy in Service Dog question...   
    If it were up to me - the answer would be no.  A temple worker would and should be assigned.  A dog cannot help them with things necessary for temple covenants.  I am concerned that too many people want to deal with G-d on their own terms and resist humility.
    The Traveler
  19. Thanks
    Traveler reacted to applepansy in Service Dog question...   
    Service dogs are not allowed in the temple. If a person needs that kind of support then a temple worker is assigned to replace the dog while the patron is in the temple.
    I would suggest calling the temple you plan to attend to ask if they have any suggestions for kenneling the dog while you're there.
  20. Thanks
    Traveler reacted to The Folk Prophet in Outer Darkness: Nothing vs. Oblivion   
    Well the relevant scriptures are Alma 11:45 and D&C 138:17.
    Whereas what you're saying is theoretically correct, I think it a dangerous precedent to presume exceptions to scriptural plain-speak where no exceptions have been given or revealed. To what end would we randomly apply exceptions, and for what value?
    The scriptures use the plain wording, concerning post resurrection, that the spirit and body are "never to be divided" and "never again to be divided". I see no reason why we should make any assumptions based on nothing but pure, random speculation, that this reality doesn't apply to some.
    And whereas scriptures do speak of the idea that "endless torment" and the like are expressed as they are to work upon the hearts of the children of men (essentially -- put in those terms to scare the devil out of us...literally)...logically, why on earth would that apply to other instances of the words "eternal", "endless", "never," etc., when the promise of the resurrection given to all for having kept their first estates is a good thing and randomly taking it away, philosophically, both flies in the face of the statement "never to be divided", but also in the face of the free gift of immortality that has been promised. Moreover, how would that "work upon the hearts of the children of men" for their salvation?
    Which, as I think of it, the scriptures that state things like:
    " Even this mortal shall put on immortality, and this corruption shall put on incorruption, and shall be brought to stand before the bar of God, to be judged of him according to their works whether they be good or whether they be evil—" (Mosiah 16:10)
    ...and several others of a similar vein, also clearly speak to God's word on the matter -- unless we presume that immortality doesn't mean what it means -- as in "never to physically die again" -- as in "never to have the spirit and body separated again". If they can die again (have their bodies and spirits separated), then they are not immortal.
    As to the Book of Mormon prophets not having the full "perspective as laid out in D&C 76", I say phooey on that.
  21. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from The Folk Prophet in Outer Darkness: Nothing vs. Oblivion   
    I believe there are two distinct problems going on in this thread.  I will call the first – theoretical physics and the second – theoretical theology.
    Theoretical physics is the attempt to explain empirical evidence that falls outside of all our known physical laws and principles.   For example – there has been some talk in this thread about Black Holes.  The problem is that the term Black Hole is something outside of all our understanding of the principle and laws that we have observed and defined in the physical (empirical) universe in which we think we live and defines our existence.   But beyond the event horizon of what we call a Black Hole is a complete and total mystery.   The mathematical model that we have developed with a great deal of sophistication applies so very well in the space-time that we empirically experience – falls apart, goes completely berserk and contradicts not just itself but everything else that we thought we knew.    
    The scientist that face the conundrum of our universe in all their humility that we can muster - have calculated that, at a minimum – the sum total of all we understand amounts to no more than 5% of what we are smart enough to realize is out there as of now.  Theoretical theologians are not so humble – They think they have the answer to everything but explain nothing – sometimes worse than nothing by denying principles of empirical things we all experience as otherwise.  Some are so blatantly vile that they define ignorance as pure knowledge and blame all that cannot be understood or explained - as G-d and the nature of G-d.  Thus, they pronounce faith in G-d by glorifying their ignorance and the worship of their ignorance – which is a far cry from pure light and knowledge that they say defines their actual G-d and the way true believer worship Him.
    I have spent most of my life thinking I am smart.  Thinking that I am smart because I can make a living as an engineer and scientist – plus I can and have functioned in the religious community as a missionary (among other forms of ministering) converting (as I thought) many to Christ.  But my beloved wife could care less about science – she cannot even do simple algebra.  Yet she appreciates and loves the miracles that G-d sends our family daily and cannot explain why or how of anything.  She cannot debate doctrine even with the most foolish – and yet she loves them and they cannot help but love her back.  They put up with me to bask in her kindness that exists outside of being able to explain any gospel principle.   She brings more to Christ with simple love and charity than all the experts in doctrine that, like myself argue endlessly about doctrine on forums like this one.  She is the smart one – despite all the science and doctrine – she believes in and exercises love.
    I do not believe the light of G-d is electromagnetic radiation nor is the darkness that Satan loves so dearly the lack of electromagnetic radiation.  Just because G-d teaches something as a metaphor does not meant we understand the whole of it.  I am concerned that many – if they could see Satan and “outer darkness” would think it the Celestial Kingdom just because of the amount of electromagnetic radiation it may use up, expel and waist.
    The Traveler
  22. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Sunday21 in Why information about Biblical occurancies were written in records that predate the Bible   
    Just because you did not think you observed any effect does not necessarily mean there were none.  Also - your friend may be thinking the same thing.  One great lesion I have learned in life as well as discussions - the only thing that you can change is yourself.  Thus, the realistic goal is not what you can teach others as much as it is what you can learn and apply from them.
    The Traveler
  23. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in Repentance after death   
    I saw a comic sketch once - of a college course titled Failure 101.  The teacher asked the students if they knew how to fail.  One student responded with – we fail when we make a mistake.  The teacher responded making a mistake was not true failure.  It was not enough to guarantee failure – to truly fail one must take a mistake and compound it many times over.  It is not as easy to fail as some think it is – it actually takes repeated effort.  Not only do I find this funny – I think there is some truth to it.
    BTW - thanks for your inputs
    The Traveler
  24. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in Repentance after death   
    I like what you have said – may I add something.  What is true is not a matter of proof – what is right and true is independent of any proof.  Seeing or comprehending truth is a matter or a process that must be learned.  Some call it “Desire”.  Jesus often said that as we desire in our heart – so shall we be”.  But in this context, many – especially in religion confuse desire with want.  So, they think they can be or understand what they want.
    I will purport that desire is very different than want.  Want is undisciplined and ungoverned where desire is disciplined and obtained only through effort (practice) to achieve.  I will use the example of playing a musical instrument and a wealthy lady after a profound and wonderful solo violin concert met the violinist and said, “I would give my life to play as wonderfully as you”.  To which the violinist responded with, “I did”.  This illustrates the difference between want and desire – the wealthy lady wanted to play but the violinist desired to play.
    What I believe is missing from our discussion about repentance is this difference between desire and want.  There are some – and in this discussion, it would appear that @Rob Osborn is our best example (at least here on this forum) – that wants eternal Celestial life.  They may want to so badly that they confuse their want with desire – so in the case of Rob – his want is so great he had defined all that he studies and reads to that end.  Any information contrary to his want – only confuses him and so he thinks it pointless and argues endlessly according to his “want” or ignors it.
    And so, want changes what is seen or perceived to conform that ever it is that is wanted.  Desire is different – desire changes us to conform to whatever it is that we desire.  So, it is that repentance is different than guilt.  Guilt leaves us as we are and disconnects us from what could or should have been (changing only how we perceive or define things).  Repentance on the other hand changes us from the inside out and allows desire to make discipline us into becoming something that – in the words of scripture – is reborn into a new creature. 
    The Traveler
  25. Okay
    Traveler reacted to The Folk Prophet in Repentance after death   
    I find it very, very strange how much I am in agreement with you here. It's a weird feeling.