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Everything posted by notquiteperfect

  1. Folk and Anatess - I agree with you both. I'm just trying to show that there is wiggle room and sometimes we need to see that and not get so caught up in our own version of things (meaning the bishop resetting the clock). After all, I'm pretty sure I've read something in the scriptures about being merciful.
  2. Actually, sometimes timing is a factor. My parents got married civilly and got pregnant pretty quick. They were urged by their leaders to get sealed in the temple sooner rather than later so my sister would be born in the covenant. (not saying this is the case but sometimes an extra 6 months makes a difference)
  3. Perhaps I wasn't clear. I was talking about those who become pregnant and keep the baby instead of placing it for adoption even if circumstances aren't ideal. And ya - a perfect world sure would be nice! :)
  4. Again, I disagree and there's more than just 'Hollywood' that is a problem but I don't want to risk breaking the rules of the forum so will just hope that you can see that others' experience is not easy or "happy and healthy" (for various reasons).
  5. EarlJibbs - I disagree that you just need to "get used to it again". Why not be the change for good? Also, I remember hearing Maya Angelou say that she doesn't allow certain language in her home because it affects the atmosphere, leaves a nasty residue so to speak (something to that affect) so why not at least attempt what Anatess mentioned? It never hurts to try and for all you know others may feel the same but just aren't speaking up.
  6. A couple things - usually when people become pregnant unintentionally, they still keep the baby even if they can't afford to or will be abusive, etc. So I don't see more 'unwanted pregnancies' as a solution to rising levels of infertility unless people are taught that adoption in these cases is better for everyone all around. Also, I believe children have the right to be wanted so I don't see 'unwanted pregnancies' as necessarily a good thing for that reason as well.
  7. Though you have some valid points, I don't totally agree with "for thousands and thousands of years people lived happy, productive lives without ever having access to doctor (or church) approved sexual education materials. They pretty much just figured it out as they went". That's quite an assumption. Unless you've been around that long and in everyone's bedroom, you have no way of knowing that. For all you know, they would have appreciated a decent book to refer to for a bit of info.
  8. Dravin brought up some good points which prompted me to reread the op --- which I misread - oops! Anyway, I'm sure the bishop isn't trying to make getting to the temple harder than it needs to be but there are good reasons for doing things a certain way.
  9. I'm not a bishop either but if it were me I'd pay some every week for 6 weeks (or longer). That would show commitment, consistency and indicate habit. It would also demonstrate your eagerness. All the best!
  10. Yes, boycotts/patronizing businesses is a form of speech. I just see their tactics (boycott all the suppliers, too and keep a running list, etc) as bullying which I have a problem with. They expect tolerance but don't show it in return which is quite hypocritical in my book! So ya, I find it 'unbelievable' that anyone would find this level of behavior acceptable.
  11. Second what Iggy said. I also think resorting to that level of 'communication' reveals their maturity level.
  12. Just came across this: Unbelievable!
  13. I would still report it. If this is the route this guy usually takes, others may have had / will have a similar experience and if they keep a file, there would be more evidence to do something about it.
  14. I will add upbeat or uplifting music to what others have said. Music has a profound effect on us! Also, post some positive quotes or jokes around that you would see (bathroom mirror, car, etc.). They could even just be words (gratitude, thankful, yay!, etc). I'm sure there are other things to but this is what's coming to me for now. Hope things look brighter for you soon.
  15. As Pam mentioned, it's good to consider if kids are in the picture. If so, they usually like spaghetti or tacos. I also make sure to take things in 'toss out' containers so they don't have to worry about dishes or returns. Another thing, I don't bother with dessert (I consider this an extra favor).
  16. Read your Patriarchal Blessing Diffuse essential oils (citrus - lemon, lime, grapefruits, bergamot, rosemary, lavendar, pepperming, etc) EFT (check youtube)
  17. Agree with Wing. There's a big difference if a person is talking to a group of 500 or 5,000 versus 5,000,000. Different (varied) audience, different (varied) needs.
  18. Agree with the others about \'new posts\' being easier to see/get to. Also, I liked the personal info with the old format that showed religion, etc. Sometimes it makes a difference in understanding where someone is coming from.
  19. My husband's sister-in-law grew up in Southern California and served her mission in Northern Cali.
  20. That's not how it would be seen. The OW group would think they have more support than they do (and probably use it to bolster their 'cause').
  21. How do you know what's true? By the power of the Holy Ghost. (Moroni 10:5) About the Church - LDS Missionary Helper: 17 Points of the True Church - Doctrine and Covenants 1:30 And also those to whom these commandments were given, might have power to lay the foundation of this church, and to bring it forth out of obscurity and out of darkness, the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth, with which I, the Lord, am well pleased, speaking unto the church collectively and not individually—
  22. It sure does bother me when groups hijack colors like that! Thanks for mentioning it so I know what color to wear - or not!