Positive Thoughts about the Opposite Sex?


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This thread is a bit intimidating because it is so well done.

Here are a few things about men that I love.

The way he says kiss me

The way he takes my hand randomly when we are close

The way he prays

The manner in which he gives blessings

The way he councils our children to ask for help from their Father In Heaven

The way he looks at me when I am pretending I don't see

The way he loves and serves people

The way I know he loves my family as much as his own

How he will lay the law on the line with our children but then shows them how much he loves them

His never-ending amount of energy. His works a full day, comes home and mows two lawns and then wipes down the sink.

The way his clothes almost never smell bad and they get washed just because it's time.

The way he sings out loud when driving the boat.

The way he cooks breakfast when we travel

The way he teases me about my craft messes lol

I love the way he stacks our pillows when unmaking the bed for the night.

I love the way he can fix just about anything we coded him "MacGyver"

The way he tries to fold a t-shirt lol

The way he care for himself, always looks perfect with his hands clean and his shoes polished

I love the way I can read what he is thinking and see the smile through his "bluff"

I love the way he smiles at me when I am ready to go with him out the door.

People, this is getting a bit long I almost feel like I have written an Elphaba post. :lol:

I will stop for now.;)

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What I find positive about women & my wife?

Wonderful listener!

Tender hearted!

Loves all animals!


Great advisor in times of stress!

Can talk me into about anything!

Calms me when I need it!

Keeps a secret!


Sets the Family standard!


Clean bodily!

Modest dresser!

Finds good in everyone!

Great sense of humor!

Supportive in all that I do!

Edited by lilered
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The way my sense of emotional, spiritual and physical sense of safety increases whenever I am in the presence of a good man, who loves me. This includes sons, brothers, friends, etc.

The smiles and the twinkles in the eye. The way they smell.

hmm, I have been blessed to have been supported in my dreams and big ideas by the men who have loved me. They never tell me my ideas are stupid, they just take it for granted I can, and they'll help. I have been planning on being a rockstar for some time now ;), and I love recalling the conversation my (late) hubby and I had where he said he would haul all the equipment. Ha ha . . .

I like how there is a soft childlike core to men that needs women, more specifically needs me. I love seeing, touching that. It's a sacred privilege when that is revealed to me by the men that I love and have loved.

I love hearing when they tell me gently, "Hey, everything is going to be all right." Because I never quite believed it until I heard them say it.

They wait. They are patient. They are willing to take the challenge of me and my weaknesses.

My (late) hubby would sing a lullaby in my ear from time to time. The same one, coz he knew what it would do to me. Ha ha.

I love how you feed 'em and you squeeze 'em and you play with them and watch them do what they do best and cheer, and you tell them how studly they are and that is pretty much the entire list. (Women's lists are MUCH longer, he he.)

I could go on forever :).

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Things that I love and appreciate about my husband...

His inherent kindness to all; strangers and loved ones alike.

Having his support, while I went back to school.

His sharing of the household chores without being asked; (in fact, he has always done his own laundry.)

His understanding of my long hours at the hospital; and being on call and having to go in at any time.

And his ultimate act of love, and faith, in giving up everything, not knowing how things would work out, and moving to Georgia (which he does not really like) so I could care for my parents.

(And things have worked out...)

And I absolutely love him for understanding, and putting up with, my love and collecting of animals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He says he never knows what he is coming home to!!! :lol::lol:

(But, truth be told, he loves them (almost) as much as I do...;)

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From a email:

This is the fairy tale that should have been read to us when we were little girls:

Once upon a time in a land far away, a beautiful,

independent, self-assured princess happened upon a frog as she sat contemplating ecological issues on the shores of an unpolluted pond in a verdant meadow near her castle.

The frog hopped into the princess' lap and said: ' Elegant Lady, I was once a handsome prince, until an evil witch cast a spell upon me. One kiss from you, however, and I will turn back into the dapper, young prince that I am and then, my sweet, we can marry and set up housekeeping in your castle with my mother, where you can prepare my meals, clean my clothes, bear my children, and forever feel grateful and happy doing so. '

That night, as the princess dined sumptuously on lightly sauteed frog legs seasoned in a white wine and onion cream sauce, she chuckled and thought to herself: I don't think so.

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I'll add my 2 bits about my male best friend.

- The way that he's always in my corner, cheering me on, not matter what it is I have set my sights on achieving.

- The way he isn't scared off by my strange sense of humor and actually seems to genuinely like it.

- The way that he likes me for me and doesn't expect me to conform to some preconcieved roles.

-The way in how he actually listens, and in turn, tells me what is going on with him.

- The way in how he always seems to find a way to make me laugh until I'm close to an asthma attack after I've been sad or depressed.

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In the words of the classy Michael Buble (Dubbed the 'New Frank Sinatra', he covers a lot of the singers songs):

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times

It's you, it's you, You make me sing.

You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.

And I can't believe, uh that I'm your man,

And I get to kiss you baby just because I can.

Whatever comes our way, ah we'll see it through,

And you know that's what our love can do.

YouTube - Michael Bublé - Everything

Watch and enjoy!

Great song! I discovered it a few months ago and am hooked.

Bubble (I like to call him that) is a great singer

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I admire my two grandfathers and my two fathers, and my husband.

My Cuban grandfather and my American grandfather may have been different in their cultures, but they were both hard working men who used their hands all their lives to create, build, and always provide food for their families. As tough as my American grandfather was (and still is) he always came home on Saturday's after shopping for groceries with a comic book or two for me. He never went without bringing something home for me. And even now, he finds little things to bring home from grocery shopping for my daughter. My Cuban grandfather used to let me drive the car home once we turned onto our dirt road. How brave he must have been to do that. We would sit and watch TV together. He was so funny. I miss him. I can't wait to see him again in the Spirit world.

I admire my father for also using his hands, skills, and talents, to provide food for us during some of the most difficult times during my childhood. My father could build or fix almost anything. He taught me about dinosaurs, The Three Stooges, and astronomy. We would climb up on the roof of the house together and look at the stars.

I admire my stepfather for always introducing me as his daughter, never his stepdaughter. He came into my life when I was twelve, but he has been there for me with such a kind and loving heart. He was the man who snapped pics of me as I walked across the stage at my high school graduation.

I admire my husband for also having hands that create and build and fix. He is smart, funny, and he is my best-friend. I have every confidence that if we had to survive off the land, that he could still provide for our family without missing a beat.

I am pleased with the men that I have had in my life. Everybody has faults, but focusing only on the good, these men were great and I am glad that I was able to meet them in this life.

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There was this pastor...and he organised a Christmas box for my family and supermarket food checks of really small amounts (but Mum said we had to buy Xmas stuff with it..not staples...and it took us forever to work out what was the best treat)...and even when Mum said we're right, bless someone else like you have blessed us...the doorbell rang on Christmas Eve. We were going to have tinned baby carrots, tinned beans, some chicken and we had a Christmas cake *honestly we didn't know what Xmas cake was until we had food parcels* and we had a tree...and we were all pretty excited about that anyway...but joy to the world. It mattered. Anyway, my Mum got smart and donated what she could afford secretly to the Xmas parcel mission...we put stuff in we wouldn't think of getting like Spam Ham in a Xmas tin...that was our job to sneak it in and we loved doing it...a toy perhaps. I loved him to death as a kid for making Xmas the time of the year when we knew we weren't alone in all our struggles.

Oh yeah, and today I was trying to take out a trolley juggling stuff in one hand and shopping bags in the other...I'd bought a whole heap of wool and needles at the end of winter sale, and this really neat trolley guy pulled one out for me with the biggest smile...that made my day....because he was so happy to help. I must have looked quite a picture trying not to stab myself with errant needles LOL.

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Their deep, deep, vibrant voices.

The way their arms wrap all the way around me twice and fully envelop me in a hug against their huge, hard chests.

The way they try so hard to understand.

That they hold, honor, and exercise the priesthood - sent directly from Heavenly Father.

That they are created as images of our strong and loving Heavenly Father.

That they love, honor, protect, and care about women.

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Things I love about my husband.

When he holds me close when we dance.

when he reminds me why he fell in love with me.

when he shows the kids how much he loves them,

And kisses them and hugs them no matter how old they're are getting.

How he always wants to look his best when we go out on dates.

I love him when he brings me roses.

I love him for loving me just the way I am.

I love him for standing by me when everyone else turned their back on me

I love the way he tells jokes ,

I love him for being my best friend and being able to trust him with anything.

For all the joy that he brings to my life.

For making it possible for me to stay home and raise our children.

I love him for making us feel that his family is the best and most important thing in his life.


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Things I enjoy about the opposite sex ..... period

Moms that truly enjoy their children.

Women who are comfortable in their own skin and enjoy just being themselves.

Moms who genuinely care about their husbands, friends, and others.

Women who care about their appearance in public.

Women who dress modestly.

Moms who look beautiful because they glow when they are with their family.

Women whose smell is pleasant because of their perfume.

Women who are fun to be around.

Women who have talent to create (sew, ceramics, knit, embroidery, paint, sculpture, write, etc.)

Women who are smart?

The glow that a pregnant women possesses.

Women who know the scriptures.

Women who can sing a hymn like an angel.

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Are you saying you saw the Heavenly Mother?

BTW Hemi. Is that you in your picture, and if so, who are you hugging so sweetly?


My daughter who decided for Christmas, it was better to serve the Marines than to open presents.

There were alot of children who came that day to sing and dance before many LDS members who serve in the Corps.

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In my Patriarchal Blessing it describes my eternal companion as my partner. How neat.

You know if she is your lifetime partner when you have that long admirable stare when she is busy twenty-five years later. :D

Yet, I remember the Kimballs, when President Kimball in his latter part of his life still had that type of love for his partner. :D

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I love how little boys think. And from what I have seen, they don't stop thinking this way when they get older. :)

My 6 yr old son came in my room the other night and he had all of his fingers wrapped with two-sided tape. He asked me to ask him why he had done this, and so I did. He told me how he would now be able to walk like spiderman up our walls.

Perhaps women are the same way......I am still a sucker for a pretty dress. ;)

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You know if she is your lifetime partner when you have that long admirable stare when she is busy twenty-five years later. :D

Yet, I remember the Kimballs, when President Kimball in his latter part of his life still had that type of love for his partner. :D

Thanks Hemi.

Are you long for this mortality?

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