I don't want to be Christian


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Am I strange in that I have no desire to be called a Christian? I know we are told in conference we are Christian but I have always been content to call myself a Latter Day Saint and be distinct from other Christian groups, I see similarities in our beliefs to many other religions.

For me its last thing I want to refer to myself as is Christian I haven't used the term in terms of myself in about 20 years,


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Latter Day Saints are Christians, for we are disciples of Christ. I understand that not all Christians are Latter Day Saints, but all Latter Day Saints are Christians. We take upon ourselves HIS name. What a wonderful thing to be able to do. Next time you take the sacrament at church, pay special attention to the blessing on the bread and also the water.

Alma 46: 13, 15-16

13 And he fastened on his head-plate, and his breastplate, and his shields, and girded on his armor about his loins; and he took the pole, which had on the end thereof his rent coat, (and he called it the title of liberty) and he bowed himself to the earth, and he prayed mightily unto his God for the blessings of liberty to rest upon his brethren, so long as there should a band of Christians remain to possess the land—

• • •

15 And those who did belong to the church were faithful; yea, all those who were true believers in Christ took upon them, gladly, the name of Christ, or Christians as they were called, because of their belief in Christ who should come.

16 And therefore, at this time, Moroni prayed that the cause of the Christians, and the freedom of the land might be favored.

Acts 11: 26

26 And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.

Acts 26: 28

28 Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.

1 Pet. 4: 16

16 Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.

Alma 48: 10

10 And thus he was preparing to support their liberty, their lands, their wives, and their children, and their peace, and that they might live unto the Lord their God, and that they might maintain that which was called by their enemies the cause of Christians.

3 Nephi 27:1-6

1 And it came to pass that as the disciples of Jesus were journeying and were preaching the things which they had both heard and seen, and were baptizing in the name of Jesus, it came to pass that the disciples were gathered together and were united in mighty prayer and fasting.

2 And Jesus again showed himself unto them, for they were praying unto the Father in his name; and Jesus came and stood in the midst of them, and said unto them: What will ye that I shall give unto you?

3 And they said unto him: Lord, we will that thou wouldst tell us the name whereby we shall call this church; for there are disputations among the people concerning this matter.

4 And the Lord said unto them: Verily, verily, I say unto you, why is it that the people should murmur and dispute because of this thing?

5 Have they not read the scriptures, which say ye must take upon you the name of Christ, which is my name? For by this name shall ye be called at the last day;

6 And whoso taketh upon him my name, and endureth to the end, the same shall be saved at the last day.

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Your post makes me sad. A Christian is a disciple of Christ. Its someone who tries to act as Christ would. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints just by its name alone implies Christianity. We blieve in Chirst

What about being a Christian bothers you?


Its something from before my baptism - I was moving away from Christianity only thing holding me back was the atonement and the fact I believed in the Saviour- to me if I say I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that implies I am a disciple of Christ, I don't feel an urge to add anything to that. I chose to be a Latter Day Saint because it wasn't mainstream Christianity, because it was my way back to my Heavenly Father.

I guess its more I don't want to call myself Christian because I believe whether or not someone is a follower of Christ should speak for itself. I also felt no need to defend it when it was said to me I wasn't Christian because I did not feel I identified with the people who were saying it. Ultimately only Christ and myself get to decide what I am and I feel distinct from Christianity we are different and whilst we believe in the same historical Jesus the Christ/atonement is very different - I think President Hinckley said something to that effect some year back.


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Its something from before my baptism - I was moving away from Christianity only thing holding me back was the atonement and the fact I believed in the Saviour- to me if I say I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that implies I am a disciple of Christ, I don't feel an urge to add anything to that. I chose to be a Latter Day Saint because it wasn't mainstream Christianity, because it was my way back to my Heavenly Father.

I guess its more I don't want to call myself Christian because I believe whether or not someone is a follower of Christ should speak for itself. I also felt no need to defend it when it was said to me I wasn't Christian because I did not feel I identified with the people who were saying it. Ultimately only Christ and myself get to decide what I am and I feel distinct from Christianity we are different and whilst we believe in the same historical Jesus the Christ/atonement is very different - I think President Hinckley said something to that effect some year back.


I appreciate your explanation and I understand that you'd like to differentiate yourself from other "Christian" sects. That makes sense.

However as skalenfehl stated, "We take upon ourselves HIS name." That makes us Christians. Different from other Christians, but still Chritians.



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I appreciate your explanation and I understand that you'd like to differentiate yourself from other "Christian" sects. That makes sense.

However as skalenfehl stated, "We take upon ourselves HIS name." That makes us Christians. Different from other Christians, but still Chritians.



Thanks guess I phrased it wrong its not I don't want to be Christian just don't like saying I am for some reason - have always stated member of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints or Latter Day Saint. I feel that says more clearly that I have taken His name upon myself than saying I am Christian. I am just really clearing it up in my mind - usually I don;t think about it but the thought popped into my head whilst reading the thread about being ashamed.

I love mainstream Christianity but I know more love or identify with than I do say Buddhism or Islam etc


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I chose to be a Latter Day Saint because it wasn't mainstream Christianity


Hi Elgama,

More then intereting to me ( Catholic ) :confused:. You suggest you " chose " LDS because it was NOT mainstream Christianity :confused:.

I was under the impression that LDS were LDS because they believed JS and the rest.

God bless,


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I can understand Elgama what you are saying. When I ask someone what their religion is and they say Christian..I'm just fine. When they ask me my religion I tell them I'm LDS or Mormon. I don't use the word Christian. In that I can understand where you are coming from.

Yes Christian is a follower of Christ which we are. However, I agree with you Elgama in that...not using the word Christian to define who we are better defines who we are.

I will argue or debate the issue though..when someone says LDS are not Christians.

Gee I hope that all made sense....I'm having a day. lol

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Hi Elgama,

More then intereting to me ( Catholic ) :confused:. You suggest you " chose " LDS because it was NOT mainstream Christianity :confused:.

I was under the impression that LDS were LDS because they believed JS and the rest.

God bless,


*in my best ceeboo typing*

Hello my Catholic friend..

That would be correct ceeboo. We are LDS because we believe in the Prophet Joseph Smith and in the restoration of the Church. Though that is just a start as to why many of us are LDS.

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I think part of the problem is that when we think of Christians, we generally think of someone who is an Evangelical Christian, and when it comes right down to it, when they meet someone who is LDS or even Catholic, they generally act anything but Christ-like when they go on about how we worship or believe differently than they, so we must not be Christians. It's almost like they have usurped the power to declare who is or is not a Christian. They claim we worship a different Jesus than they so we must the ones wrong because they couldn't possibly be wrong in their beliefs. In that sense, no I am not an Evangelical Christian, so I don't identify myself as such. But I do identify myself as a Christian, one who believes in the same Jesus as written about in the Bible.

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*in my best ceeboo typing*

Hello my Catholic friend..

That would be correct ceeboo. We are LDS because we believe in the Prophet Joseph Smith and in the restoration of the Church. Though that is just a start as to why many of us are LDS.

Howdy Pam :)

Just a start ???:confused:

Ceeboo getting cofused again ( :lol::lol: what's new :lol::lol:)

Would it not be the start, middle, and end :confused::confused:



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Sorry Carl...I didn't mean to confuse. Again I'm having a day getting my thoughts together.

Again this is ONLY my opinion to be taken as you wish.

When I say start...That is one of the first steps in understanding or becoming LDS. Or having a testimony of the truthfullness of it. Perhaps that is why one of the first lessons the missionaries of the LDS Church teach is about Joseph Smith. To lay a foundation. Once we understand or believe in that..many other doctrines fall into place.

I, personally, would not be able to comprehend anyone being LDS who does not believe or have a testimony of that. So that's why I mention a "start."

Again, I apologize. I didn't mean to confuse at all.

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Hi Elgama,

More then intereting to me ( Catholic ) :confused:. You suggest you " chose " LDS because it was NOT mainstream Christianity :confused:.

I was under the impression that LDS were LDS because they believed JS and the rest.

God bless,


OK just me but I am a Latter Day Saint because its where God wants me. The testimony of the rest comes from that, as important as Joseph Smith is to my religion he is not the source of my faith. Heavenly Father had already led me away from mainstream Christianity which was a very hard battle with myself as I wanted to be a Nun of the Roman Catholic variety or a minister of some description- that call is sometimes still very strong. But there was a stronger call from God to move on, I wasn't a mainstream Christian by time I was 15, and was looking into Hinduism or Buddhism, but couldn't leave the Saviour behind either.


(I see everyone as my Brother and Sister and children of my Heavenly Father:))

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I can understand Elgama what you are saying. When I ask someone what their religion is and they say Christian..I'm just fine. When they ask me my religion I tell them I'm LDS or Mormon. I don't use the word Christian. In that I can understand where you are coming from.

Yes Christian is a follower of Christ which we are. However, I agree with you Elgama in that...not using the word Christian to define who we are better defines who we are.

I will argue or debate the issue though..when someone says LDS are not Christians.

Gee I hope that all made sense....I'm having a day. lol

It makes perfect sense lol and thank you your post was what I needed I think - I don't argue about not being Christian because I know they mean we hold different religious beliefs and in that they are correct, I just don't feel the same


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Am I strange in that I have no desire to be called a Christian? I know we are told in conference we are Christian but I have always been content to call myself a Latter Day Saint and be distinct from other Christian groups, I see similarities in our beliefs to many other religions.

For me its last thing I want to refer to myself as is Christian I haven't used the term in terms of myself in about 20 years,


Different things mean different things to different people. To those that insist that the LDS are not Christian - I have responded that according to what they define as Christina (belief in the Trinity) is not how I define my belief in Christ. If that excludes me from being a Christian then I am not what they define as a Christian.

The Traveler

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I don't know if this sheds any light, but it's become very common for evangelicals to say, "I'm not Baptist, I'm just a Christian." Or, "I don't belong to a denomination, I belong to Christ." And, indeed, many Christians who go to Baptist, Assemblies of God, or any other of a number of evangelical churches, do so because of location, because they were invited by a friend, and because they like it--not because they think the church's distinctive teachings are the most accurate. IMHO, the use of "Just Christian," implies a superiority over the alleged factionalism of denominations.

So...if you agree with Joseph Smith, that al the rest of Christianity is missing precious truths, it's understandable that you would prefer your own distinctive label.

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I have found that Christians have defined themselves more than just following Christ. That was the old definition.

The "new" definition is that you must believe in the "gospel" that is preached in the Bible.. not that "other" gospel (more than one heaven & one hell, no baptism for the dead, etc).

You must believe that Satan.. is not the brother of Jesus.

And most importantly.. you must believe in the trinity.

So folks.. that leaves us out! Until the "Christians" change the definition back to one who follows Christ.. I go by LDS as well.

Don't get caught telling people you are Christian and then later on fine tune the Christian to LDS. They will preceive that as a deception! Seems to be their major grip about us anyway. We just don't give enough of a history lesson on Joseph Smith (34 wives, Book of Abraham, etc), and Brigham Young (Adam/God Theory, etc) and all the problems the Saints had with the world (MMM, destroying the press in Nauvoo, blacks and the priesthood, etc.)... before someone is baptized.

So if I were you.. I would totally be on the up and up.

Edited by MrNirom
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In addition to my beloved LDS title, I hold tightly to the title "Christian", and will not let anyone try to deny me it. Christ is my Savior and Redeemer and as long as His name is the root of the word, I will honor and claim it.

And I am happily willing to share the title with anyone who follows Christ in any interpretation he/she sincerely and respectfully believes.

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Am I strange in that I have no desire to be called a Christian? I know we are told in conference we are Christian but I have always been content to call myself a Latter Day Saint and be distinct from other Christian groups, I see similarities in our beliefs to many other religions.

For me its last thing I want to refer to myself as is Christian I haven't used the term in terms of myself in about 20 years,


I could agree with you although i have never put much thought on this issue; Did God command us to bear the title christian? probably not. and he probably never used the word himself; In todays world this word is used sononimously with "other than" l.d.s religon. and is mostly used to slander l.d.s church by making claims "we are" and "you are not". i really dont beleive God or his son really give a hoot about wheather ones bears the label "christian" or not. its everything else that matters not the word. so in essence i do agree with you because i dont want to be connected to the distorted slander and extreme lies that are slung around the religeous world. i am very happy with being simply L.D.S.:)
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I could agree with you although i have never put much thought on this issue; Did God command us to bear the title christian? probably not. and he probably never used the word himself; In todays world this word is used sononimously with "other than" l.d.s religon. and is mostly used to slander l.d.s church by making claims "we are" and "you are not". i really dont beleive God or his son really give a hoot about wheather ones bears the label "christian" or not. its everything else that matters not the word. so in essence i do agree with you because i dont want to be connected to the distorted slander and extreme lies that are slung around the religeous world. i am very happy with being simply L.D.S.:)

i could be wrong but I am sure Christian was the nickname placed on the Saints at the time of Paul by the Romans - it was kind of like we call ourselves Latter Day Saints and others call us Mormons.


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In addition to my beloved LDS title, I hold tightly to the title "Christian", and will not let anyone try to deny me it. Christ is my Savior and Redeemer and as long as His name is the root of the word, I will honor and claim it.

And I am happily willing to share the title with anyone who follows Christ in any interpretation he/she sincerely and respectfully believes.

I guess for me Christianity is really something I left behind to become LDS. And it seems like a step back


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i could be wrong but I am sure Christian was the nickname placed on the Saints at the time of Paul by the Romans - it was kind of like we call ourselves Latter Day Saints and others call us Mormons.


If i rember right bein called a Christian was an insult. Heres a quote from st Paul talking to fellow members i found "because you're a Christian, don't give it a second thought. Be proud of the distinguished status reflected in that name!"

Sorry if it dosnt help...

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If i rember right bein called a Christian was an insult. Heres a quote from st Paul talking to fellow members i found "because you're a Christian, don't give it a second thought. Be proud of the distinguished status reflected in that name!"

Sorry if it dosnt help...

The same tactic was used by Brigham Young. He and the saints of his day decided it was better for the term "Mormon" to be embraced and upheld rather than derided.

That is why the term was even used by the Church in commercials and on signs and so forth clear into the 1990's. I was in the MTC when the announcement was made that "the mormons" was being removed from everything.

What we need to remember is that "Jesus Christ" is not the real name of our LORD, but acts of goodness and love, the works of righteousness are His name in every tongue.


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