Am i sinning?


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Ok, Im going to be very careful about the way a phrase this, as I dont want this to move to the Adult section if i can help it.

Ive been asked by my Doctor to give a sample of bodily fluid, which means i will have to perform a sinful act. The question is. As my Doctor has asked me to do this, am i sinning?

Im also a pornography addict, so will have to do this sinful act without this particular aid. My pornography addiction and this act ive been asked to do, have in the past gone hand in hand, which is another reason im finding this quite hard to do.

Thank you for your time and for any help you can give.

I know that most will say that its a question between myself and my Heavenly Father, But with my past I feel particularly vulnerable to this sin. Its like a Doctor asking an alcoholic to drink a beer so he can do some test.

I hope that makes sense.

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If you are needing to do this for a medical test because of a medical problem you are having, then my personal opinion is that it is not a sin. If you want/need other confirmation, you should speak to your bishop.

Having said that, knowing you have problems in this area, I would caution you to up your prayers, scripture reading, and any other means you have to avoid the addiction. Because just doing the act for a medical reason can cause those feelings and addictive thoughts/behaviors to resurface.

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I've never considered it a sinful act when doing it for a medical reason. When going through infertility testing, this is done all the time. I woudn't think that all those that have had to do this are sinful in the least.

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Not only did my wife help me when I was in this situation, but she also took the sample down and handed it over to the confused nurse while I hid behind a plant.

Wives rock.

Now if you're not married, I would need to ask why you or your doctor cares one way or the other about this particular sample.

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Having said that, knowing you have problems in this area, I would caution you to up your prayers, scripture reading, and any other means you have to avoid the addiction. Because just doing the act for a medical reason can cause those feelings and addictive thoughts/behaviors to resurface.

That is my fear. I hate this addiction and the thought of it returning is making me physically ill.

I would suggest managing without the visual aids.

That is the plan.

are you married, can you wife assist you in obtaining this sample?

if it were my husband i know i'd rather help him out than have him look at magazines, especially if i knew he had a past addiction.

While i am married. Im not in a position to ask my wife for help, in this particular area.
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I don't consider it a sin. However, if you are really worried about it there are other options.

A nurse may be able to take care of this for you. I'm not sure how comfortable you would be, but it wouldn't involve you doing anything yourself. Does anyone know what i'm talking about here, I don't want to give too much detail for fear of this getting moved....

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Nope. I don't see this as anything more than a medical procedure -- something that doesn't in anyway reflect the desires of your heart or the momentum of your recovery. You know when you are in trouble, right? God is logical. He gets this. OK? So give yourself a break and don't give another thought to this.

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if i couldn't be there to help my husband it wouldn't be the end of the world (though it would take a lot to prevent it). if he needs to, dr's orders, fine, if he absolutely can't go solo and needs a magazine i'll get over it... invites the nurse in? he would have bigger concerns than how to obtain a sample. unless there is some procedure i don't know about. lol but that's just me.

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I don't consider it a sin. However, if you are really worried about it there are other options.

A nurse may be able to take care of this for you. I'm not sure how comfortable you would be, but it wouldn't involve you doing anything yourself. Does anyone know what i'm talking about here, I don't want to give too much detail for fear of this getting moved....

I know what your talking about, But I believe its the Doctor himself who does this. I wouldnt feel comfortable asking for this to be done. Im not even sure if a British NHS Doctor would even be willing to do it. He would most probably tell be to stop being silly and just get on with it.
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I know what your talking about, But I believe its the Doctor himself who does this. I wouldnt feel comfortable asking for this to be done. Im not even sure if a British NHS Doctor would even be willing to do it. He would most probably tell be to stop being silly and just get on with it.

Yeah, I was basically referring to prostate stimulation. Sometimes the doctors or nurses have to do it, because the patient cannot produce a sample for whatever reason. If you aren't comfortable with that however, then I would just get it over with. I don't think you are gonna get struck down for it.

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Im confused. Maybe because Im a doc.

Why does your doctor need this sample?

And if the doc needs it for a fertility test, why is your wife not able to assist in the procurment of the sample?

I dont see why you couldnt produce the sample at home or a local motel then deposit it at the Docs office.

Edited by mikbone
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I was required to take in a sample after getting snipped. Not only did I have to "clean out the pipes", but they needed a sample within 30 minutes. That was a bit of a bother trying to time that whole thing out. The wife and I worked things out to make things work.

To be honest, I don't get the whole "sinning" thing here. Why would anything a doctor told you to do as part of a medical procedure be considered or even need to come to a forum for advice. Do the thing. We are advised not to do drugs, but how many of us take drugs when prescribed by a doctor? Also, when did this thing become a sin in the first place. There is PLENTY of evidence to point to that the church has backed off the "little factory" view of 20 years ago. I don't think there is any recent material out from church leadership to indicate anything about sinning.

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Im confused. Maybe because Im a doc.

Why does your doctor need this sample?

And if the doc needs it for a fertility test, why is your wife not able to assist in the procurment of the sample?

I dont see why you couldnt produce the sample at home or a local motel then deposit it at the Docs office.

I got a vasectomy a while ago.

My wife and i are no longer together.

Im a porn addict and masterbation was a large part of this addiction, so im scared that it could cause a relapse to my recovery.

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Ok, Im going to be very careful about the way a phrase this, as I dont want this to move to the Adult section if i can help it.

Ive been asked by my Doctor to give a sample of bodily fluid, which means i will have to perform a sinful act. The question is. As my Doctor has asked me to do this, am i sinning?

Im also a pornography addict, so will have to do this sinful act without this particular aid. My pornography addiction and this act ive been asked to do, have in the past gone hand in hand, which is another reason im finding this quite hard to do.

Thank you for your time and for any help you can give.

I know that most will say that its a question between myself and my Heavenly Father, But with my past I feel particularly vulnerable to this sin. Its like a Doctor asking an alcoholic to drink a beer so he can do some test.

I hope that makes sense. this point I think it is time for help in seeing the Bishop for further counciling support. You are too precious to be left to the whims of the minions.

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Are you sinning? I did not even read your post and I know your answer. Yes you are and so am I and so are they. But, Jesus paid for all your sins. Even the ones you have yet to do. Believe in Jesus, believe that he died for your sins and his blood washed you clean. Repent.

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I got a vasectomy a while ago.

My wife and i are no longer together.

Now were talkin. So you are trying to determine if the vasectomy was successful? And you and your wife are no longer together.

Are you getting this test out of curosity, or are you planning to have intercourse with a woman still able to produce offspring?

If you are planning on having a relationship. I would share this delema with her, she may be able to help out... But this of course would be a greater sin than solo procurement of the sample out of wedlock.

If you are not planning on having intercourse till after marriage, then there is no hurry to have the test done. If the procedure didn't take they will have to re-do it anyway.

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If your read my post then you would know my answer. Here it is again....YES,YOU ARE...

That wasn't the question, if you'd read his post you'd know that. I also find it highly ironic to have the value of reading a post so I can have a clue what's going on pointed out to me (I did read it by the way) by somebody who openly confessed they didn't bother to read the OP, because if you had you'd know the question wasn't, "Do I sin?" but, "Is X act going against the will of God?" which your post didn't answer in any discernible way.

Or is that your answer to everything?

Will you pick up some eggs on the way home from work?

We all sin.

What's the square root of 16?

We all sin.

Is the new Star Trek movie worth watching?

We all sin.

If you really were trying to say that providing semen samples through self manipulation even if it is on doctor's orders is sinful (or the opposite) then you may want to rethink your approach to communicating that information.

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If your read my post then you would know my answer. Here it is again....YES,YOU ARE...

Still out there trying to save the heathen Mormons, huh? We know what sin is and how to overcome it. Don't preach, we don't do it in our own sacrament meetings . . . we save up for conference (well, I get the CDs too, so I hear conference talks every day). You want to help . . . bring your intellect to the party not the self-righteousness.

Repent, huh? Hmmm . . .

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