What is your kind of "happy"?


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(This thread is inspired by Dr. T and his simple way)

I love the movie "Shadowlands" and its referrences to individual kinds of happy.

So....What is your kind of "happy"?

Havent seen the movie; but my kind of happy would be my family and the things we need to sustain ourselves in this life.:) {And of course eternal blessings of family}.

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Haven't seen the movie, so maybe you could clarify the question a bit more?

OH. I'm sorry. Yeah....the movie is about CS Lewis and his courtship and relationship to his wife, Joy Gresham. They weren't married very long because she was dying of cancer. But she did teach him a lot about himself. At one point in the movie, she observes in him what she calls his "kind of happy" meaning the circumstances or scenerio or preference that would make him the most content.

So.....what I am really asking is under what circumstances are you the most content.

Clear as mud?

OH! And go see the movie. Totally worth it. But get some kleenex. You'll need it. Even if you are a tough never cry at movies sort of dude, I guarantee you will tear up.

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Good question Halvzies. I don't know. I've heard people say, "They are happy but don't have joy" and I've never had anyone be able to explain the difference to me and I've never really thought about the concepts. They seem the same to me but maybe not. Maybe happiness is a positive emotion such as having a good day at work, feeling fulfilled, eating a great meal, etc. and eventually ends and has to be refilled. Maybe all the example of happiness I just gave is temporary and may "joy" is not reliant on passing situations. Maybe Joy, in God is constant and everlasting or a concept that is based in the security and pleasure of God. Being held, being safe, not being removed from that love. Now that I'm thinking about it, I'll take the happiness but I'd rather the Joy in the Lord if that is really the distinction between the two. I think of the fruit of the Spirit and one of those is "Joy" hmmm maybe I better think more on that but I'll take the happiness offered to me in this life, of which I've had many but given the definition I just made up then I like Joy more than a passing fancy.
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Family over....steaks on the grill....low humidity and bright sunshine.....a gentle breeze....the grass tickling my feet...

What Havejoy said, but including really cold green koolade and a good view of the mountains :D

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Have you ever had a moment where everything around you just feels crisp and clear and you sit back and realize, this is exactly where you want to be at this particular moment?

There was one time in the middle of my son's birthday party with all my friends around talking over each other, laughing, and kidding around. The kids were sliding down the rented water slide screaming with glee. Our stomachs were full with chocolate cake and ice-cream. All the noise around me faded into a harmonious melody and I find myself looking around at everybody's happy faces and I realize, that one particular moment, THAT INSTANT, I was exactly where I wanted to be!

I have been looking for those particular moments ever since. I've had it happen to me a few times since. One time was when we pulled out the couch-bed in the living room one Saturday, had the kids sardined with us on the couch-bed watching Avatar marathon! I sat there cramped and can barely move, the dog was on my head, one kid's leg was over my stomach, I was on my husband's chest who was trapped under all of the limbs trying to keep the popcorn bowl from spilling. The same thing happened where everything fades into a harmonious melody and I feel that perfect peace again.

I think I found the physical manifestation of "happy".

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I totally love that movie too Misshalfway :) I saw it at the movie theater in Loughboough (where parts of it were filmed), bought the VHS the week that came out and watched it about two dozen times. It has a special meaning to me and my wife: She is an American (like Joy) and came to England with a child from a previous relationship.

My kind of happy? So many things: Knowing that I am loved unconditionally. Coming home after a long absence to people I love. Making new friends. Seeing the good in other people. Marveling at the grandeur of creation: The greenness of the woods in spring. The shape of a galaxy. The elegance of a mathematical formula, in which we see one small part of God's creative vision. Reading a book to my 4-year-old, and laughing with her at the funny bits. When a baby looks at me and suddenly smiles.

I could go on forever. But I think that C.S. Lewis was right: Many of the greatest joys have a feeling of loss and sorrow attached to them - desire to possess something that could never truly be possessed, or a longing to hold on to something whose very value lies in its fleeting nature - like childhood, or a piece of music. In the movie Joy says that the pain she knows is coming is part of their present happiness - that the happiness they knew then was made real by the fact that it would not last forever.

Edited by Jamie123
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I totally love that movie too Misshalfway :) I saw it at the movie theater in Loughboough (where parts of it were filmed), bought the VHS the week that came out and watched it about two dozen times. It has a special meaning to me and my wife: She is an American (like Joy) and came to England with a child from a previous relationship.

My kind of happy? So many things: Knowing that I am loved unconditionally. Coming home after a long absence to people I love. Making new friends. Seeing the good in other people. Marveling at the grandeur of creation: The greenness of the woods in spring. The shape of a galaxy. The elegance of a mathematical formula, in which we see one small part of God's creative vision. Reading a book to my 4-year-old, and laughing with her at the funny bits. When a baby looks at me and suddenly smiles.

I could go on forever. But I think that C.S. Lewis was right: Many of the greatest joys have a feeling of loss and sorrow attached to them - desire to possess something that could never truly be possessed, or a longing to hold on to something whose very value lies in its fleeting nature - like childhood, or a piece of music. In the movie Joy says that the pain she knows is coming is part of their present happiness - that the happiness they knew then was made real by the fact that it would not last forever.

I love this post. Thank you for understanding and expressing parts of my feelings that I didn't post.

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hahahaha, ARE YOU CALLING ME SIMPLE MINDED! :mad::lol:

Well, considering that my kind of happy includes lots of simple things and that I find incredible sophistication in the simple, I would hope you would take that as a compliment of the highest kind. :)

Edited by Misshalfway
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