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kpatry, I guess I just don't know what you're asking. Your posts come across as "I've heard this and it concerns me because I'm doing this." I don't understand what it is you're trying to say. In this thread, you're talking about tatoos and that you heard they are bad but you have them and want to keep them. That says to me that you are asking if it's ok to have them. What am I missing?

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So let's just disrespect it in the meantime, because who cares? We're not keeping it forever!

YES...that is exactly what i said!!! So much for being able to ask a question without the sarcastic remarks from other members!

I'm done with questions, I am done with postings. I just get grief and a lot of sarcasm.

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Then get tattoos. Don't worry so much about what other people think. If you are concerned about it being a source of make or breaking salvation, talk to your bishop. I'm sure he would encourage you to not get them, but I find it really difficult to believe that he would say you're doomed to hell because of them.

It doesn't matter what the world or leaders of church think but what our heavenly Parents and the Savior would think. That is more important...

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So let's just disrespect it in the meantime, because who cares? We're not keeping it forever!

YES...that is exactly what i said!!! So much for being able to ask a question without the sarcastic remarks from other members!

I'm done with questions, I am done with postings. I just get grief and a lot of sarcasm.

Are you referring to me and my posts to you? None of my posts have been sarcastic. They were posted in sincerity. I suppose that you and I do not speak with the same tones because we obviously don't understand each other. I don't understand what you're asking and you don't understand my tone.

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Are you referring to me and my posts to you? None of my posts have been sarcastic. They were posted in sincerity. I suppose that you and I do not speak with the same tones because we obviously don't understand each other. I don't understand what you're asking and you don't understand my tone.

Nope, she's quoting me.

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I am really having a hard time with this website. I am not asking permission from anyone about if I get them or not. I don't think it is going to send me to hell. I personally could care less what others think, that is how I have always been. I have to wonder does the majority of the people who post questions always get hammered down??? I have people who think I am getting a severe beating whenever I post something. I don't think people realize how their messages come across. Maybe re-reading is a good thing before posting?:o:o:o

So much for uplifting and encouraging.:(

I'm not sure I see the hammering. You asked what the church's stance is on tattoos and you were given quotes from general authorities lol.

Each to their own. Myself, I see my hair as ornamentation and so I dye it various colors depending on mood (right now blood-red :P ). I don't see anything rebellious about it. Your tattoos are between you and God. I think you might be thinking of Maoris in New Zealand. Now those are tattoos lol.

Your kids are going to be giving you the 'how could you' look many more times in the next 10 or so years. I recommend smiling sweetly while telling them they're not gonna get away with anything cause you did it first and better :P

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You are not suppose to take away from the Spirit, and piercings for women are recommended only 1 per ear and none for the guys. When I was in high school I got 1 piercing in one ear and 3 in the other, but when I heard that I just took them all out. Mostly because one earring in an ear with 3 holes looks pretty silly :P

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You are not suppose to take away from the Spirit, and piercings for women are recommended only 1 per ear and none for the guys. When I was in high school I got 1 piercing in one ear and 3 in the other, but when I heard that I just took them all out. Mostly because one earring in an ear with 3 holes looks pretty silly :P

Why should the Spirit permit one piercing?

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I understand the Church's view on tattoos. It is a permanent fixture on your body that removes choice. Because, once it is put on, it is there - through your entire life. Yeah, there are tattoo removal places now, so you can change your mind on them now - but you'll probably have to take a 2nd mortgage on your house to do it. Myself, having a tattoo is too permanent for me. What if I put a rose on my calf and 10 years down the line I end up hating roses... that kind of thing. I do put on stick-on tattoos - usually lasts about a day or two. I put them on during game days and such and scrub them off when I get tired of it.

I don't really have an answer to the OP's question. But, I always think back to the tribal villages in my country. They wear g-strings, have multiple piercings to designate their ranking in the tribe, and tattoos to designate which tribe they belong to. I just couldn't believe that for them to be members of the church of Christ, they have to leave that culture behind and be "westernized". That doesn't change the fact though, that the people in the western cultures except the military have no excuse to have tattoos other than vanity - which is discouraged by the General Authority.

Edited by anatess
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That doesn't change the fact though, that the people in the western cultures except the military have no excuse to have tattoos other than vanity - which is discouraged by the General Authority.

About the only tattoo I've ever seen that had a point (IMO) was one my father got while in the Navy - his blood type.
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Exactly, which makes it kinda a bad metric to measure whether you should be doing something or not. Unless of course he was just trying to reassure those with tattoos that God still loves them, which is something I can get behind.

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Personally, I don't mind tattoos especially if they're hidden by most clothing, but I think they're too permanent for me to consider having one since I most likely would hate it after a while. I don't judge those who have tattoos, especially if it's part of their culture, or something done while serving in the military.

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I have several, and I love them even though I got them very young. I didn't get them because they were cool, if that were the case I would have chosen more visible tats.

I was considering getting another one in the future, and I spoke with my church leaders about it. I just didn't want to be denied a recommend when the time came. Because if that were the case, I would certainly do without.

I was assured that I would not be, and though they couldn't understand why I would want one they told me I would not be disciplined in any way, or be treated any differently. I find it odd that someone else was given a different counsel (the guy who could not finish his tattoo). I have never heard of that before.

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Fact remains though, that lots of people in the US view tattoos as a negative - for example, the company I worked for (service industry) a few years back does not allow their employees to sport visible tattoos unless the person has military background. They do not allow excessive visible piercings either. So yeah, it is still true that getting a visible tattoo limits your career choices. My Catholic parents had a house rule - you get a tattoo, you leave the house. They did not instill that rule due to religious reasons...

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I have several, and I love them even though I got them very young. I didn't get them because they were cool, if that were the case I would have chosen more visible tats.

I was considering getting another one in the future, and I spoke with my church leaders about it. I just didn't want to be denied a recommend when the time came. Because if that were the case, I would certainly do without.

I was assured that I would not be, and though they couldn't understand why I would want one they told me I would not be disciplined in any way, or be treated any differently. I find it odd that someone else was given a different counsel (the guy who could not finish his tattoo). I have never heard of that before.

Honestly Rachelle I don't think that other guy was denied because of a tattoo. I think there were other reasons but chose to just say they were because of the tattoo.

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