Do you go to hell for looking at porn

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Please help me, I'm worried I'm going to hell for looking at porn and having sexual images in my head all the time, i repent everyday in my prayers but and I've tried for years now to stop but its hard but I am doing better, I don't do anything else thats really bad and I'm still a good person and I believe in God and the mormon teaching.

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Coming from a mom's point of view, what you've shared so far is certainly not hell worthy, IMHO. While I don't condone porn, I certainly am not going to condemn you, and probably no one else is either. Given the way it is so easily accessible these days, it's sort of hard not to have it thrown in your face. Porn is very big business and women are actually some of the biggest consumers of it.

I think a lot of what you are experiencing is natural curiosity, especially given your age. Like bmy said, do your best.

Prayer and fasting were suggested to me the other day from some folks on the board, and I feel that it really does bring some peace of mind.

Take Care.:)

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Please help me, I'm worried I'm going to hell for looking at porn and having sexual images in my head all the time, i repent everyday in my prayers but and I've tried for years now to stop but its hard but I am doing better, I don't do anything else thats really bad and I'm still a good person and I believe in God and the mormon teaching.

You are many is years?

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The consequences of sin aren't mitigated just because Satan made the sin look so nice that a whole lot of people fell for it.

Soldier, I won't say you're hell-bound. But you are on very, very dangerous ground. We know what the D&C says about men who look on a woman with the specific intent to lust after her; and we know what the Book of Mormon says about adulterers. Connect the dots. You have got to get away from this.

Moreover, the pornography will feed into conditions that will ultimately make this life a type of hell for you.

Talk to your bishop posthaste, and get involved with the Church's addiction recovery program.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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You repent every day. You feel badly because you are doing something that you know inherently is wrong. Yet you do it again and again.

Honey, you are not the first among our wonderful LDS men to struggle with this problem. And I think that for those who don't really understand this sad cycle, repentance everyday looks like the proper solution.....and it is. But it might help you to understand a little of WHY you are in this cycle in the first place and then HOW to get yourself out. That is were addiction recovery programs and therapy are necessary.

Look. All that addiction is for is answering some emotional or other need inside of you. It doesn't actually meet the need, it just answers the need and numbs it. So dude, what do you really need? And what can you do to take better care of yourself?

You have a lot of unwinding to do because Satan has you all tied up in lies and habitually locked patterns. But you can overcome and you can find peace and your mind doesn't need to ruminate over thoughts it shouldn't be entertaining.

It is my not so professional opinion that if you really want to lick this thing, then you MUST construct a spiritual/behavioral/emotional approach to the problem. Don't lie to yourself and think you can conquer with will power or 14 million hour prayers. Simply confessing won't solve the root issues. Honesty is only a first step. This is why so many report this problem to their bishop and leave thinking they have taken care of it only to find that they have fallen yet again! Doing it this way is like fighting a tar baby.

Get educated. Knowledge is power. Work hard, but work smart too. And then use that power to get yourself out of the mess you made for yourself. God will strengthen you as you move in this direction and you will see the miracle, over time, of the Atonement in your life. Banish shame. Banish all your lying/denying patterns. They don't protect you as you think they do. And don't act out of fear of some Hell on the other side. You know that hell much more that you think right now. Act, instead, out of love for your true self and your love of truth and let that light shine into all the dark places inside of you.

Courage. Truth. Determination. Patience.

Best wishes.

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Please help me, I'm worried I'm going to hell for looking at porn and having sexual images in my head all the time, i repent everyday in my prayers but and I've tried for years now to stop but its hard but I am doing better, I don't do anything else thats really bad and I'm still a good person and I believe in God and the mormon teaching.

All I can tell you is that I once looked at porn and did in fact go to hell for it.

I am able to post here today due to a time-share arrangement with Lucifer and Hugh Hefner.

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You won't go to hell necessarily, but you will not be able to relate sexually with your future wife. She won't be able to measure up to your fantasies, and you will soon grow tire of her, even if she is as beautiful as the women you are looking at. Porn simply numbs you to love, and you will find it much harder to have a healthy sex life with just one woman. And that is a real tragedy.

So, stop looking at porn NOW! Go play basketball or something.

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First, if you believe in Jesus your sins have been washed away. You can have comfort in that. Try to do better in the future.

Two, Hell is real, some here joke about it but it is no laughing matter.

Three, I do not understand a mentality of porn is bad but multiple wives is OK. Both are wrong. I know the LDS church does not allow polygamy but many of you would partake if allowed. A poll was just taken on this suject in this forum to support this. It just makes no sense.

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There are lots of things about LDS that you choose not to understand Jim. For instance, you chose to misunderstand the polygamy poll thread. The question was, "would you participate if commanded to", not "hey, who wants more wives?". But if you wish to talk about that, go over there and talk about it.

As far as Hell goes, I believe it does exist, I've seen pictures of the road signs leading to it. I've heard the road leading there is paved with good intentions too.

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First, if you believe in Jesus your sins have been washed away. You can have comfort in that. Try to do better in the future.

Two, Hell is real, some here joke about it but it is no laughing matter.

Three, I do not understand a mentality of porn is bad but multiple wives is OK. Both are wrong. I know the LDS church does not allow polygamy but many of you would partake if allowed. A poll was just taken on this suject in this forum to support this. It just makes no sense.

I know what you mean, Jim. In the bible, Solomon's great crime was marrying many wives.

Oh, wait... No, no. His crime was marrying outside of the faith and allowing that person to lead him in to apostasy.

David was considered a man closest to God's heart! Thankfully, he wouldn't engage in such horrid practices as... Oh, wait... No. I just reread I Chronicles 3 and it turns out he had seven. Strange that the bible doesn't go in to more depth to condemn this and rather only attacks his actions in killing a man to gain another woman.

Well, at least Abraham wouldn't engage in such practices. He... Oh, wait, no. I'm wrong. He was married to Sarah/Sarai and Hagar and his greatest sin was that he didn't trust in God when he traveled through foreign lands. Strange how the Bible doesn't talk about these marriages as sinful.

Oh, man. :( Here I came on here to support Jim in condemning the universally horrid practice of plural marriage and a cursory read of the most famous polygamists in the bible shows that God did not, in fact, condemn this in every case. Even the patriarch of the Old Testament engaged in it. I think next time, I'll look up biblical support for something before I try to universally condemn a practice I don't understand.

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And just think, all these horrible polygamists were ancestors of Christ Himself! What was God thinking to allow this? :rolleyes:

(Seriously, would God really have picked polygamists to do His work and be included in His Son's ancestral line if polygamy was really so horribly evil in His sight?)

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Three, I do not understand a mentality of porn is bad but multiple wives is OK. Both are wrong. I know the LDS church does not allow polygamy but many of you would partake if allowed. A poll was just taken on this suject in this forum to support this. It just makes no sense.

Jim, the poll was not whether we "would" partake if "allowed", but if we "could" partake if "commanded".

But then, I suspect you knew that. And I suppose that, if I believed I were saved regardless of my own personal conduct, I might also be willing to make such bald-faced misrepresentations.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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hmm...ok...well back to the question of if you go to hell for looking at porn...

I don't think an addiction to pornography merits exhile to "outer darkness" which I understand to be the fire and brimstone sort of hellish existance that other christian faiths believe in. I think that is reserved for satan and his 1/3 of fallen angels...though I could be wrong. I think though that having an addiction like that will keep us from the celestial kingdom, and in my mind, anywhere but the highest degree of that kingdom would be a sort of Hell because we can not progress or move forward. We would literally be stuck there.

To me, being stuck is the worst sort of hell. I am struggling with similar things as you soldier, and maybe it won't cause us to eternally burn, but I can tell you that not being free of that addiction creates a hellish life now too. I don't know if you've come to that point, but without repentance I can almost bet that you will. Where it feels like the life you are living now is very close to hell. The beauty of it is, i am told, that we aren't stuck here...if we choose to change then the Lord will help us do that and we will be free. I strongly encourage you to set up an appointment with your bishop...i've talked to mine and they are there only to help us get better and I promise it helps tremendously to have someone like that on our side.

I hope you find the way to overcome this.

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I think at his age its really tough. Hormones are probably driving him crazy. When I was a kid "pre church days" parents used to buy those magazines. I would sneek in and look a them. I imagine they were ALOT milder then what you can see on the internet today. We had a garage sale in the 70s, parents finally got rid of them in the sale. I think the stack was 4 feet tall! never knew there were that many. These magazines never drove my parents apart, alcohol did that! mom was always the week link with alcohol and it finally drove them apart. Both are remarried.

He needs to focus on other things like sports. Seems sports boost the moral of young teens and keeps them out of trouble.

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