You did WHAT???


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So this has been going around Facebook the past few days, and I thought it would be fun to do it here, too, even though the email is stupid and says to only forward to female friends. Who cares?

This is hilarious! Type out the sentence you end up with.

Pick the month you were born:

January-------I kicked

February------I loved

March----------I karate chopped

April------------I licked

May------------I jumped on

June-----------I smelled

July------------I did the Macarena with

August--------I had lunch with

September----I danced with

October-------I sang to

November-----I yelled at

December-----I ran over

Pick the day (number) you were born on:

1-------a birdbath

2-------a monster

3-------a phone

4-------a fork

5-------a snowman

6-------a gangster

7-------my mobile phone

8-------my dog

9-------my best friends' boyfriend

10-------my neighbor

11-------my science teacher

12-------a banana

13-------a fireman

14-------a stuffed animal

15-------a goat

16-------a pickle

17-------your mom

18-------a spoon

19------- a smurf

20-------a baseball bat

21-------a ninja

22-------Chuck Norris

23-------a noodle

24-------a squirrel

25-------a football player

26-------my sister

27-------my brother

28-------an iPod

29-------a surfer

30-------a homeless guy

31-------a llama

What is the last number of the year you were born:

1--------- in my car

2 --------- on your car

3 --------- In a hole

4 --------- under your bed

5 --------- riding a motorcycle

6 --------- sliding down a hill

7 --------- in an elevator

8---------- at the dinner table

9 -------- in line at the bank

0 -------- in your bathroom

Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:

White---------because I'm cool like that

Black---------because that's how I roll.

Pink-----------because I'm NOT crazy.

Red-----------because the voices told me to.

Blue-----------because I'm sexy and I do what I want

Green---------because I think I need some serious help.

Purple---------because I'm AWESOME!

Gray----------because Big Bird said to and he's my leader.

Yellow---------because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars

Orange--------because my family thinks I'm stupid anyway.

Brown---------because I can.

Other----------because I'm a Ninja!

None----------because I can't control myself!

Now type out the sentence you made and post it!

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Edit: You know, I just realized that by playing this game you give away your birth date (narrowed down to the decade that ends with whatever number at least) on a public forum. In a lot of cases that's critical information that any identity thief would want/need. Sorry, I'm editing out my information. I know, maybe a little paranoid, but I imagine identity thiefs circulate just these kind of games to get info they need in a seemingly harmless little forum game. Just food for thought.

Edited by nbblood
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