Why do so many other faiths seem to dislike LDS?


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I've been going to several Christian sites trying to get a better understanding of what they believe. I find in several chat sites they were talking about Mormons. I don't get why someone can't live and let live. On Christian Chat Rooms & Forums @ Christian Chat .com! I made several posts trying to learn more about other faiths. In looking through the forums, there were two posts on the front page of the teen forums alone about Mormons. Here is a link to them if you have any interest in looking at them.

Mormon's shut down. - Christian Chat Rooms & Forums

ministering to Mormons - Christian Chat Rooms & Forums

I don't understand why teens would have such strong opinions on the LDS faith. Are they taught this in their churches? My avatar and name is the same on there so it will be easy to identify me. I just found it strange was all. I hope you are not offended by me posting this here.

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I've observed the same as Mute. After I ordered my BoM on the LDS church Web site, Missionaries made an unannounced visit to deliver it to me on a day we happened to have company. After they left, I mentioned to our guests that I was interested in learning more about the LDS religion, and you wouldn't believe the reaction I received. Warnings about how controlling the church is and that we'd be expected to bring in our tax documentation for review every year and how Big Love is an actual representation of the church. You'd think I was considering joining some Satanic cult. And then I reached out to someone who I'd heard was a Mormon for some information, and it turned out that his parents converted to Mormonism when he was a teen, but he'd opted out. He proceeded to list all the reasons the LDS church is false compared to his evangelical church (DNA, archeological evidence, etc.).

I've gotten extremely cautious about who I talk to about investigating the church. I was raised Catholic, and I never remember hearing such negative comments about Catholicism. All I can think of is that the LDS church is still new comparably speaking, and newer religions are always subject to scorn because they threaten the establishment. And also the church is growing and is considered a competitive threat. :(

Edited by vestig8or
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Honestly I feel bad for those who spew so much hate for the church. Most of the have been taught these things their whole lives and have never even met a member of the church. When my husband was growing up a local church would have anti-mormon rallies. I am amazed at how much spare time these people have to come up with this stuff! I think the best thing to do is to lead by example and turn the other cheek. I no longer will argue religion with people because I feel that it takes away from the spirit and causes strife.

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I know that in my religion go to see somewhere else why? It is not popular, before there were many religious wars I think that it is ended. There will be always. I I respect the others. We learnt me to respect. And then I feel better, more in peace. I do not feel comfortable in the faith which I have. Persons do not like what I make. Why? I think of being free, difficult to make, in other, these choices understand.

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my experience its only a small portion of Christians - and they seem to call anything that is the church down the road a cult and have issues with it

That's been my limited experience. Those inclined to call use Satan Worshipers (at least to our face) tend to be the same people who decry everyone who isn't their particular flavor of religion.

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Some people just hate religion in general and do not discriminate between LDS, JW, Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, Muslim, etc.

I can say without a doubt that many professed Christians believe that the LDS faith is a cult and therefore those who subscribe to that faith have been led astray and are not true followers of Christ. In that case, those people are really concerned for a person's eternal salvation. Many of these Christians think that LDS people are great people, probably the most moral people on earth, some of the most dedicated people to their faith (think missions, tithing, temple work, etc.).

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...And also the church is growing and is considered a competitive threat. :(

I don't think that churches decry the LDS faith on a pure numbers/competitive basis. It isn't a game. Although, I would say that the growth of the LDS church has put it on many Christian churches radars because of their belief that the LDS church is a cult and the eternal significance of that, from their perspective.

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I haven't met many non-members that dislike Mormons. I would say I feel more criticism and negativity from members themselves regarding the LDS faith. For example, I've met people that bad mouth the Church and yet technically they're LDS but for some reason or another are embarrassed to be labeled as such. Most of my friends are non-members and have no problem with Mormonism but I've met some real wishy-washy members that don't value the gospel and respect its teachings, as they should.

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Guest mirancs8

My ex was evangelical protestant. Though I was Apostolic a few years into our marriage I had confirmed that I believed the BoM was true. Well you can't even begin to imagine what happened after that. He had a few Reverends in his family and we use to have some really heated family gathers many of which I simply excused myself and went outside or something.

Some of the bashing I would hear was first the are all Polygamist but hide it, a cult, brainwash you, will take all your possessions, will brainwash you children, there is no such things a prophets in these days, LDS church is a business, the trinity was a huge issue, and so forth. I won't even tell you what they would say about the Temple.

At times I though they behaved this way because they feared the truth. That was just my experience. They did have a lot of dislike for the LDS.

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What's up with ravening Christians anyway? Being sheep in wolves clothing seems so alien to what should be their ideals. Go do unto others what you would appreciate is the way we are told.

I suppose we could aid the process of their being better Christians, by not adding fuel to the fire. If we must be missionaries, then President Hinckley proposed an excellent missionary tool. That of adding to what they know and believe rather than telling them they are wrong or ever using the word abomination in a spoken sentence. Adding has a very civil and helpful quality.

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I've been debating with them in the two threads a little but it doesn't seem to have been having positive effects. I don't think I could ever be a part of a faith that would persecute another persons faith. That to me is simply wrong. I don't know how many faiths do that though.

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I don't think I could ever be a part of a faith that would persecute another persons faith. That to me is simply wrong. I don't know how many faiths do that though.

The general approach of criticizing a group for heretical teachings or practices is common to the New Testament, and I recently learned, to the BoM. In the book of Revelation, chapters 2-3, there are repeated warnings against the Nicolaitans. In the BoM, it's the Zoramites (sp?).

Now, should "contending for the faith" include producing cartoonish movies that exaggerate and mock a group's teachings? How about large inflammatory signs being waved around the group's large gatherings? Displaying and trampling upon holy writings or holy clothing? NOTHING justifies such degrading and childish tactics.

God's program is far more effective in combatting perceived error: If Christ be lifted up, He will draw all men unto Him.

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One of the issues about Mormonism is that it was founded (I'm speaking from a sociological point of view, not necessarily a theological one) by someone who saw Protestantism as deeply flawed and set out to answer the questions that Protestantism didn't seem to answer. However ecumenically-minded we wish to be, we cannot help but teach the theological shortcomings of Protestantism (as we see them) when teaching our own history.

So, even if an ex-Mormon tries to renounce his Mormon teachings, he is still very likely to retain the Mormon view that Protestantism won't really answer his questions, either. I think this is why (in my experience, anyways) most ex-Mormons seem to wind up as atheists or polythesists/new-agers/Wiccans; it seems relatively rare for an ex-Mormon to join a mainstream Christian church.

And thus, from a Christian standpoint--we're dangerous not only for our own heretical doctrines (which are relatively easy to "de-program"), but because we leave our ex-members with a sort of antipathy towards some fundamental aspects of mainstream Christian theology (which is not easy to "de-program").

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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I think that's true. There is also an aspect of how these groups use various arguments against LDS history which also fail under scrutiny with their own history. E.g. violent past, polygamy and women's issues, racism, flawed prophets, etc. So when people are "de-programmed" it affects not only their LDS faith, but faith altogether.

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JAG is on to something. Although none of that explains the fundamentalist antics. I frankly I find some aspects of LDS practice potentially challenging to Christianity in general. Examples:

1. If the BoM is made up, what about the Bible--especially "as far as it is translated correctly?"

2. If the doctrine of the Trinity is really just Greek philosophy covering for tri-theism, then is there really any validy to Christian faith?

3. If LDS aren't feeling the Holy Spirit, am I?

4. If Joseph Smith was a false prophet how can I be so sure about the biblical ones?

5. If the LDS church authority is questionable, can any authority be trusted?

Yes, I can go on and on with the potential pitfalls...especially for ex-LDS. On the other hand, imho, most religions, including Christianity in general, prepare detractors for a life that is skittish towards any claimed spiritual authority. And without an anchor, agnosticism is often preferable to the obvious self-searching nature of "cafeteria Christianity" (picking and choosing what we like from different groups).

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So, even if an ex-Mormon tries to renounce his Mormon teachings, he is still very likely to retain the Mormon view that Protestantism won't really answer his questions, either. I think this is why (in my experience, anyways) most ex-Mormons seem to wind up as atheists or polythesists/new-agers/Wiccans; it seems relatively rare for an ex-Mormon to join a mainstream Christian church.

I'd say this is accurate for my experience of leaving the Church. When I lost my faith in the Church, and thus in a god, it became very clear to me that all religions were/are man-made. Nothing else makes sense to me.


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I've been going to several Christian sites trying to get a better understanding of what they believe. I find in several chat sites they were talking about Mormons. I don't get why someone can't live and let live. On Christian Chat Rooms & Forums @ Christian Chat .com! I made several posts trying to learn more about other faiths. In looking through the forums, there were two posts on the front page of the teen forums alone about Mormons. Here is a link to them if you have any interest in looking at them.

Mormon's shut down. - Christian Chat Rooms & Forums

ministering to Mormons - Christian Chat Rooms & Forums

I don't understand why teens would have such strong opinions on the LDS faith. Are they taught this in their churches? My avatar and name is the same on there so it will be easy to identify me. I just found it strange was all. I hope you are not offended by me posting this here.

hatred and anger are tools of the devil, and he'll use them any time he can, wherever he can.... THe places in which this can happen are many and varied. I doubt many rercognise when such occurs. Edited by Blackmarch
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I read through your posts on "ministering to Mormons" thread. Well done brother. Whatever you decide to do in life, continue to be fair and loving towards the downtrodden, and defend all faiths against falsehoods and persecution. God will return every good deed in kind.

And... why don't you just come on back. :)



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I'd say this is accurate for my experience of leaving the Church. When I lost my faith in the Church, and thus in a god, it became very clear to me that all religions were/are man-made. Nothing else makes sense to me.


Interestingly in a couple of reader polls in the last 5-6 years, the majority of those polled said they would be something other than Christian if they could no longer be a Mormon. A rather large number said they would want to be Jewish. Not one mentioned Rastafarianism.

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