That Mormon Guy Glenn Beck

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I only listen to about 15 minutes of his show, 2-3 times per week, enroute to work. My sense is that he does not incorporate his specifically LDS religious views into his programming. Rather, he appeals to a broad, vague, yet heartfelt spirituality, that most would readily identify as Christian. He does not hide his LDS affiliation, but neither does he promote it in a sectarian fashion.

My sense is that his politics, like many in conservative Christian churches generally, are a mixture of Libertarian, socially conservative, fiscally cautious, and culturally proud. Most know that my own affiliation is Assemblies of God. The majority in my denomination probably like Beck's show. Yet, like LDS, we have our moderates, progressives and liberals, and would be loathe to think anyone would confuse a political commentator with any kind of representative for our church.

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Which part of Glenn Beck are you asking about? His political beliefs? For me political beliefs vary from religious. While my religious beliefs influence my political my political do not influence my religious.

Ben Raines

Ben, it's hard to separate the politics from the religious since he entertwines them throughout his show. When he first went nationwide, his show was almost exclusively political, but now the mixture is somewhat heavy on the faith side. He has changed. On his show, he expresses concern about the spiritual preparedness of his listeners for the scary times he says lay ahead for America. He encourages the storing of food and supplies, a practice which I understand to be common among Mormons, and he advises investing in gold, even when he's not reciting a paid promotion for it.

Not to be misunderstood, I like Beck, and I agree with nearly everything he says. Moreover, I see no problem with his expressions of faith. Though I don't believe in buying gold, I think that food, water, and supply storage is just prudent. I think he represents the best of the LDS faith.

I just wonder if you guys agree.

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I'll have to recuse myself from the discussion then, because I think he's a clown.

That's not really recusing yourself from a discussion on what you think of Glenn Beck. ;)

"I'm not going to talk about what I think about Glenn Beck, because I think he's a clown."

While hilarious, it'd probably be more accurate to say "So I don't cause contention, I'm going to ninja snipe and not discuss it any further: I think Glenn Beck is a clown."

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It would seem that he has a continuously tricky way of incorporating vague notions that could mean anything, such as "Taking America back," or "Freedom is great." Who doesn't support that, really? Who are we to disagree with that, left or right?

It's the audience that he's trying to get that matters. I don't personally like him, but I do respect the fact that he has been able to garner a large, right-wing audience despite the fact that he is Mormon, but his audience doesn't seem to care very much.

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Let's be careful to tread lightly on this thread. Glenn Beck threads have a way of turning normally nice people into ogres.

Not to mention, all of them get closed down rather quickly these days.

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When he first went nationwide, his show was almost exclusively political, but now the mixture is somewhat heavy on the faith side. He has changed. On his show, he expresses concern about the spiritual preparedness of his listeners for the scary times he says lay ahead for America. He encourages the storing of food and supplies, a practice which I understand to be common among Mormons, and he advises investing in gold, even when he's not reciting a paid promotion for it.

It's funny you should say that. I think Beck has gotten far more political than he was two or three years ago. Time was, he'd spend an entire hour of his show discussing last night's American Idol or some other cultural phenomenon. That doesn't really happen anymore.

FWIW - food storage is a tenet of Mormon belief; but buying gold is not. However, to the extent that Beck's monologues reinforce and endorse the writings of Cleon Skousen--I suspect Beck got into Skousen because they are/were both Mormons.

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A question for all my LDS friends here.

What do you think of Glenn Beck as a representative of the LDS faith as he extensively incorporates his faith into his radio show and Foxnews TV slot? Does he reflect LDS values and beliefs well? Does he reflect your beliefs?

I don't know I havent seen enough of his show to come to any conclusion.

To paraphrase his words- his conversion changed him from being a complete jerk to being a not so complete jerk.

The few peices I have seen what he he was talking about made sense and seem to reflect information as I knew it.

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I think anyone and everyone has truths and good comments, at least on occasion. I agree with many things Beck says, but I'm not so hyped up with how he says it. He used to use laughter in much of his stuff, not so much anymore. I think he was more effective with the humor.

I could say I was concerned about Chris Matthew's views, as well, or any other person, and place a note on their religiosity, as well. Beck's just jumps out because he is Mormon, not because he focuses on it so much. I have no problem with him speaking on how his faith has healed him, etc. I do have concerns when a person claims God or religion wants him to do X, rather than Y, and to encourage everyone else to do X with him. That said, I don't think Beck has done much of that, if any.

Still, I have better things to do with my time than to listen to most entertainers/commentators, whether I agree with them or not.

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I don't listen to him enough, but my fiance loves him and mentions things he says. From what I hear, I don't think his words are particularly LDS, just a little too conservative and conspiracy-theory based for my taste. I also don't think he should be writing fiction.

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I have never really thought highly of Glen Beck, but over the past few months I decided to be open-minded and hear his thoughts through Fox news and read one of his books. I also heard a National Public Radio program dedicated to him – and kind of pro and against program.

I have come to believe that Glen Beck is a somewhat dangerous person related to issues of hatred and could possibly be into what the Book of Mormon refers to as priest craft, which, from 2 Nephi 26:29 "[is] that men preach and set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world...."

In short, I do not think highly of him from what I have learned (knowing there are limitation to my knowledge).

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I have never really thought highly of Glen Beck, but over the past few months I decided to be open-minded and hear his thoughts through Fox news and read one of his books. I also heard a National Public Radio program dedicated to him – and kind of pro and against program.

I have come to believe that Glen Beck is a somewhat dangerous person related to issues of hatred and could possibly be into what the Book of Mormon refers to as priest craft, which, from 2 Nephi 26:29 "[is] that men preach and set themselves up for a light unto the world, that they may get gain and praise of the world...."

In short, I do not think highly of him from what I have learned (knowing there are limitation to my knowledge).

I also had some issues with him when a co-worker confessed to me she believed he was called of God to bring the people back to righteousness. That was a little werid.

Ah, elephants. We are wandering into strong Glen Beck opinions!

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Glenn Beck in NO way represents my beliefs of any kind.

IMHO he's another talking head, good for stirring up the masses with platitudes like so many other on both sides of the political spectrum but short on actual substance that would actually fix things.

You mileage may vary.

Edited by mnn727
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However, to the extent that Beck's monologues reinforce and endorse the writings of Cleon Skousen--I suspect Beck got into Skousen because they are/were both Mormons.

Not necessarily. Skousen's works are pretty well known outside the LDS community. My dad said they cited a lot of his books like "The Naked Communist" and "The Naked Capitalist" as part of the training course for Air Force Intel. There is definitely truth in them.

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Here's my thoughts on Glenn Beck

1. He is patriotic. He wants the best for America. He believes the Constitution is a divinely inspired document and that the founders were led of God.

2. He is compassionate. He well understands the gospel message especially as it pertains to acts of charity. He openly and often encourages and expects his audience to give generously. I think this is better than just assuming that people already know to do this.

3. He is a peacemaker. Glenn not only never suggests violence, he repeatedly opposes it. He hates no one, even his political opponents. He openly praised Obama for calling for civility in politics. He is fair minded and gives credit where it is due.

4. He is truthful. "Stand in the truth," he often reminds his audience. He tells people to be honest in all their dealings.

5. He is tender. Glenn is known for getting emotional at times and tears come to his eyes when discussing a deep topic. Some may believe that his show is just that..a show. I think it's very personal for Beck and he is rigorously candid with his audience.

6. He loves the Lord. It is clear in all he does. He prays daily for an infilling of the Holy Ghost and conducts every show in a state of grace. His love for his enemies reveals itself undeniably in his show making it unique among all other conservative talk shows. He has the mind of Christ; my spirit testifies to this as I hear him speak. He really understands that God is love. (1Jn 4:8)

And so you see why I believe that Glenn Beck represents the best of the LDS tradition and is a credit to your faith. I think more highly of the LDS because of Glenn. I think a lot of Americans share that view. I thank you for so many responses so I can get a good feel for how many Mormons feel the same way.

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Glenn Beck in NO way represents my beliefs of any kind.

Beck was talking about tithing the other day on his show. He spoke about how his family went from first encountering this whole bizarre 'ten percent' idea, to giving it a try and seeing what comes of it, to now having it be the happiest check he writes every month. He talked about his admiration for Oprah, and the good she's done in Africa with her charitable giving.

I've heard him talk about his testimony, the importance of prayer, a relationship with God, and the cleansing process of repentence.

I'm guessing you haven't really familiarized yourself with the stuff he talks about on his show. You might want to figure out what someone is for, before making such a blanket statement about being against it.

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