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1) How did you come up with your screen name?

Well :D

I had an account here under the name "Lizzy12". Because lizzy12 was my first username for an online account. It was on a diary site. I was 12. I've used "Lizzy12" ever since.

And then somehow I ended up delating my account! So, I made a new one. Lizzy16. I am 16.

2) Does your screen name have any particular meaning?

Just the best name ever.

3) What is your general opinion and/or thoughts on others screen names?

They scare me and confuse me.

And a lot of times I assume ppl are girls when there not.

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I thought it was a clever anagram of "amp". Figured you were an electrical engineer or a shred guitarist.

My nickname at work is map. As a supervisor I'm always telling people where to go and what to do.

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I've been really curious how some of us have come up with our forum monikers. For instance, mine, Slamjet, to me is akin to my crash & burn personality; I'm constantly slamming into proverbial walls at high speeds because of ignorance, poor decisions and/or my desire to power through things. It's a fun screen name and it seems to fit me.

But when I see someone comes onto the board with dark and depressed names I've figured it's one of two things:

1) They're wanting to communicate their dark feelings and that they have little hope for happiness.

2) They're anti-Mormon and are being sarcastic.

So I throw out three questions:

1) How did you come up with your screen name?

2) Does your screen name have any particular meaning?

3) What is your general opinion and/or thoughts on others screen names?

Just curious.

1&2) the hidden or unseen way, also my fave month and color. And its what i use in games, and other forums... unfortunately i've seen it being used by others in the last 5 years

3) I like to guess where others get theirs from.

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I have two names I use online; one I've used for many, many years on blogging websites, fan websites, that sort of thing. When I started joining religious websites, I wanted a new name; I happened to have 'Sense and Sensibility' sitting by my computer at the time, and the website in question had 'andsensibility' available. So I've used variations of that ever since.

At the time, I didn't realise that it would seem egotistical. However, many people have kindly and gently pointed out that it does. Oh well, it's all spilt milk now.

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Guest saintish

1) How did you come up with your screen name?

2) Does your screen name have any particular meaning?

3) What is your general opinion and/or thoughts on others screen names?

1. Saint as in a Latter-day saint and ish, meaning somewhat or not completely

2. At the time I was in a place where I had a lot of questions about how I felt about the church and some of the way things work in the church. I didn't feel like I completely Identified myself as LDS but I couldn’t let go of the temple and other doctrine unique to our faith. It also reminds me that we are saints but not always perfect ones, in other words, saint-ish.

3. There are some very creative ones, my only gripe is that until this thread I didn’t know what some of them meant.

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Wasn't there another thread like this one awhile back?... I could have sworn I'd answered one before... Maybe it was on another site. Anywho-

Judo- "The Gentle Way", a martial art involving throws, holds, and arm bars- all defensive moves. Judo is my favorite martial art and the one I practice.

Minja- from the "Ask a Ninja" podcast, a "midget ninja". This is the nickname my college friends gave me when I started taking Judo.

So, in a sense, I am the "Gentle Midget Ninja". I originally came up with this when I was trying to think of something unique to use for an AIM login.

I think we all pick our screen names based on things/qualities/etc that we identify with at the time. Some try to make a deep connection between themselves and their personalities, some try to be really creative, cool, or funny, some like to keep it simple- short, sweet, and to the point. No matter what though, I think we all pick something that in some way defines us- at least at the point in time that we picked it.

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Judo- "The Gentle Way", a martial art involving throws, holds, and arm bars- all defensive moves. Judo is my favorite martial art and the one I practice.

As any actual judoka can tell you, there is very little about judo that is gentle.

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As any actual judoka can tell you, there is very little about judo that is gentle.

Depends on how you look at "gentle" and if you're doing it right. Someone who properly performs a throw should have their opponent landing "gentley" on the ground. All movements are supposed to be smooth, fluid, and put your opponent on the ground without hurting them. So, it is gentle in comparison to other forms of combat or other martial arts that employ striking techniques like punches or kicks. And I am a judoka ;) .

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Depends on how you look at "gentle" and if you're doing it right. Someone who properly performs a throw should have their opponent landing "gentley" on the ground. All movements are supposed to be smooth, fluid, and put your opponent on the ground without hurting them. So, it is gentle in comparison to other forms of combat or other martial arts that employ striking techniques like punches or kicks. And I am a judoka ;) .

I haven't practiced judo in some years, so I don't know that I qualify any longer as a judoka. But I have enough experience in judo to know that when you hit someone with an awesome harai goshi, or nail them with a kata guruma or a perfectly executed seionage, or when you're cranking on their elbow with a juji gatame, or when they're passing out from your hadaka jime or the the cool scarf choke you learned a couple of weeks ago -- sister, there ain't nothing gentle about it. Unless you're comparing judo to, say, shooting or stabbing the guy. Then I suppose it's gentle by comparison.

The so-called "traditional" martial arts promise that you can walk the streets confidently, knowing that if you are physically assaulted, you stand a good chance of being able to defend yourself and possibly even get the better of your attacker. The "traditional" martial arts lie. Except for judo; it's the real thing, and stands (almost) alone in the "traditional" martial arts marketplace.

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I haven't practiced judo in some years, so I don't know that I qualify any longer as a judoka. But I have enough experience in judo to know that when you hit someone with an awesome harai goshi, or nail them with a kata guruma or a perfectly executed seionage, or when you're cranking on their elbow with a juji gatame, or when they're passing out from your hadaka jime or the the cool scarf choke you learned a couple of weeks ago -- sister, there ain't nothing gentle about it. Unless you're comparing judo to, say, shooting or stabbing the guy. Then I suppose it's gentle by comparison.

The so-called "traditional" martial arts promise that you can walk the streets confidently, knowing that if you are physically assaulted, you stand a good chance of being able to defend yourself and possibly even get the better of your attacker. The "traditional" martial arts lie. Except for judo; it's the real thing, and stands (almost) alone in the "traditional" martial arts marketplace.

That's why I said it depends on what you mean by "gentle" :) . You are most certainly right. However, Jigoro Kano- the guy who founded it- called it judo which translates from Japanese to "The Gentle Way", because he adapted it from juijitsu and "gentled" up the moves- adapting them so that they would not kill the opponent. Take, for instance, one of my favorite moves- Osoto Otoshi. My first judo instructor showed us some very slight alterations to the move that would bring your opponent landing on the ground with a cracked skull. This was the original juijitsu technique that the judo move was adapted from. He also showed us that when a choke hold is properly executed, pressure should be only on the artery, not the windpipe. This means, the one being choked won't even feel any pain and won't know what "hit them" until they are passed out.

So yes. I know is not "gentle" in that it is not a fun little game or something anyone without experience or proper instruction should attempt. Anyone who doesn't get it right is most certainly going to get hurt. And of course we aren't trying to be nice to our opponents either. It is after all a martial art, meant to be used in combat. However, I look at it in kinda the same way that Kung Fu was portrayed in the newer Karate Kid movie. The object is not necessarily to hit your oppenent, but rather to redirect their own attack and use their own momentum against them. Thus, gentle.

Edited by JudoMinja
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I love this thread I have been curious about some usernames as well.

When I came to I was in a world of hurt. Because of someones wrong choices I was in a very bad place. I couldn't understand how this person did what they did. So my username ctr123 came because I thought that Choosing the Right should be as easy as 123. Before any one says it I know that I'm not perfect and have had my own trouble ctr in my life time.

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I don't think I have ever actually told this story to anyone before.

Once, fifteen or more years ago, I received a spam email. Back then, spam was still rare enough that you typically read the spam emails you got. This one was very different from most, however. The writer was desperately asking to find someone with a temporal vortex. He "knew" time travel was possible and wanted to cut through the hooey and find someone with a temporal vortex.

I didn't know what his game was, exactly, but I decided to play along. I created a hotmail account under the name "mistervortex" and replied to him, giving him a schedule of all my temporal-related services, including a large dose of nonsensical, sci-fi-type terminology. The guy got back to me, telling me he'd pay and desperately pleading for me to help him out. I was baffled. I told my brother about it, and he said the guy sounded mentally ill. Honestly, that had never occurred to me. I immediately felt bad about it and didn't send the guy any more emails.

But I liked the name "mistervortex" so much that I ended up making another one, "vortexman". The name associated with that account was, predictably, "Vort Exman".

PS I just went to sign on to my old mistervortex account, which I probably haven't done since Microsoft bought out Hotmail. Guess what? Didn't exist. So I recreated it. I'll probably never use it, but doggone it, I'm MisterVortex!

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I found when I googled “LDs infidelity support group.” At the time I was in turmoil and all I wanted was to find peace (the stormy South Carolina shore avatar is also a reflection of how I felt when I joined). I’ve been a member of this site for about 2 ½ years, but for the majority of that time I was exclusively in the groups area. Now that I’ve found the peace that I formerly sought, I’ve come out to play with the rest of you!

BTW, There are a LOT of sad sounding usernames in the support groups.

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My aunt took my sister and I on a trip years ago to sleep in a tipi. She gave us Native American names and named me Morning Star. Years later I received my patriarchal blessing and it said I was one of the morning stars who sang for joy. I loved that part due to the experience with my aunt and because I love singing. :D

I'm not sure if I'm more affected by usernames or avatars.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

It seems obvious to me, but since you ask...

Literate Parakeet...I can read, fly, sing and I am beautiful!

What's not to understand? ;)

Or it could be a randomly generated name from a website that I signed one of my children up on that amused me...nah, I like the first answer better...I can fly!

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