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I had some thoughts on this topic. But then I read through what devolved into a pontificating pissing contest. So I think I will pass on sharing my thoughts.

At least you told us that you were going to share, before deciding your piss was much too valuable to waste. Thanks for a valuable contribution.

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At least you told us that you were going to share, before deciding your piss was much too valuable to waste. Thanks for a valuable contribution.

Vort, I didn't read the entire thread until after I had posted to SIF's OP. I'm trying to figure out the purpose of going on and on and on and on AFTER you made your point?

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Vort, I didn't read the entire thread until after I had posted to SIF's OP. I'm trying to figure out the purpose of going on and on and on and on AFTER you made your point?

Because SIF has consistently confused it in a melodramatic manner. I think it's an entirely human reaction when you are having positions being attributed to you that aren't so to defend yourself from such attributions. I imagine if you removed people clarifying their positions to those who don't seem to understand them you'd probably halve the post count around here.

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I don't understand why some people are taking such strong offense at the opinion that 'most' people can safely fast. There is plenty of evidence to back up that opinion, but people are still free to disagree. If someone is taking that opinion to the extreme of saying they are made to feel guilty...well, no one else can "make" you have feelings. The only person responsible for your feelings is you, so it might be useful to think about WHY someone else's opinion is "making" you feel a certain way.

As fasting is not something we're supposed to be boasting about (the reasons for this should be obvious), some might be suprised by exactly who does fast. We shouldn't automatically assume that because someone has x or y health issue, they don't fast. And don't confuse the effects of fasting for two meals with the effects of fasting for an extended time. Most admonitions/studies against fasting are meant for the latter.

And before anyone says "you don't know what it's like", I do have serious medical issues. Medical issues do not automatically preclude fasting. I think some people equate feeling hungry or a little crappy for a few hours with "harm".

Fasting is between the indivicual and Heavenly Father. If you "can't" or don't want to fast, work it out with Heavenly Father. His is the only opinion that counts. I don't understand the need for approval from others or why some people feel it necessary to proclaim their fasting status. On Fast Sunday, I have no idea which of my brothers and sisters are fasting, and which had a bite to eat before coming to Sacrament Meeting. That's Heavenly Father's business, not mine.

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I don't know your situation, so I can't speak with any authority to your particular case. But in general, fasting makes everybody sick, until they get used to it. Until your body adapts to fasting, you will get a headache and feel pretty awful. That doesn't mean you're dying, even if you think you feel like you are. It means you have to habituate your body to fasting.

Too many people give up on fasting without ever really giving it a chance. Fast once a month for a year, and if after the twelfth fast you are still feeling absolutely awful every time you fast, then you might want to reconsider your commitment. Until then, you can't know about fasting until you have given it an honest effort.

In 1894, President Wilford Woodruff said:

It was remarked this morning that some people said they could not fast because it made their head ache. Well, I can fast, and so can any other man; and if it makes my head ache by keeping the commandments of God, let it ache.

There may be some people whose health is so delicate and fragile that they would be harmed by fasting for 24 hours. Such people are very, very rare; for the vast majority of us, our overall health could only improve by avoiding food for a day. I believe if the Saints, and indeed anyone else, fasted once a month, they would see real health benefits.

To answer your question more directly: No, I don't believe there is any Lent-like substitute for fasting, like giving up TV or sex or phone conversations for 24 hours. The law of the fast is specific to food, I think.

When you posted this, did you intend to suggest that people should TRY fasting even if they didn't think they were up to it?

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When you posted this, did you intend to suggest that people should TRY fasting even if they didn't think they were up to it?

I suspect he meant to suggest:

Too many people give up on fasting without ever really giving it a chance.

And now the caveat:

There may be some people whose health is so delicate and fragile that they would be harmed by fasting for 24 hours.

Edited by Dravin
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At least you told us that you were going to share, before deciding your piss was much too valuable to waste. Thanks for a valuable contribution.

If I write things that overtly attack others and seek to engender feelings of inadequacy and shame, that is my problem.


Who are you to judge whether I am "unloving"?


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Um, yeah, the spirit's kind of left me on this subject. I just mainly feel guilty for not just buckling down and fasting, so I'm not sure what to do at this point. :( Thank you for asking tho!

Sister_in_Faith, the Church has made it abundantly clear that it's ok to refrain from fasting for medical reasons. The people here are merely individuals expressing their personal opinions. They are free to hold those opinions and express them, but they do not speak for the Church. If fasting will negatively impact your health, then YOU DO NOT NEED TO FEEL GUILTY for refraining.

Best wishes and ((HUGS)) to you, my friend. :)

Edited by HEthePrimate
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Thank you blackmarch... I have never even attemped a fast like activity, because I just thought it wasn't for me. But lately I really feel like I need to try on some level to experience those blessings, and at least try something. I was hoping that asking this question would help me get some good ideas about how to do something like a fast that didn't endanger my health... I am interested in understanding better what a fast feels like... is it a spiritual high? how long does it last? how does it make you feel (besides hungry)? Because I don't think I will ever be able to truly experience that, I want to get as close to it as I can!

thank you guys for all your help!

I really havent sought out out a spiritual high or for any witness for some time now as part of my fast, generally when I have fasted its been for other people. But I have noticed that Ill feel more at peace, slower to anger, and or ill be able to glean things from the scripture that i havent noticed before. How long it lasts depends on the person. Like a lot of other things you kinda have to ntake the first step with a bit faith, and then learn from it.

And as with prayer how God will bless us as he sees fit, and with what he sees we need.

When you fast id suggest starting with a prayer and ask the lord with something specific that he can help you with or someone you care for, or some blessing you would want to be able to obtain. Id also suggest to dedicate the time you fast to the Lord in some way, something that will keep you focused on him. Some people study the scripture, some focus on doing their calling some focus doing something good for a jneighbor, friend , or family member... Usually going to church is part of it for me as Ive generally started a fast saturday evening and take it thru to mid sunday the next day, but an individual may start a fast whenever they feel like or are inspired to.

And when you end the fast, end it with a prayer.

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When you posted this, did you intend to suggest that people should TRY fasting even if they didn't think they were up to it?

See Dravin's answer. He got it right on all counts.

Somehow, Dravin seems consistently to be able to divine my mysterious meaning from my convoluted, shadowy posts. Maybe he has a Urim and Thummim, or maybe he is in league with dark and evil spirits who make such foul things known to him.

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Never having fasted before, I really don't know what it 'feels' like, or what feelings I'm trying to evoke. I'm gussing it's a little more complicated than just being hungry. Or maybe I'm wrong?

By "feel" do you mean a emotion or I'm not sure I understand. You can feel satisfied and like you sacrificed something in other ways than fasting. I know I fasted for three days once. It was a very unpleasant experience to go for three days without food or water while maintaining 10 to 20 miles of walking each day. On the third day, the only thing you can think about is food. Time seems like it slows down. It's similar to how time seems slower when you're extremely tired and trying to get through a day's work. You sure do notice every second go bye and during each of those seconds food is the only thing on your mind. It's also very difficult to focus. The only thing you can really managed to stay focused on is food. I would never recommend fasting for three days though. I had a pain in my chest for over a year after I did that. Yes, I'm glad I did it because it showed I had the will power to control my actions. It gave me more confidence but in the end it was extremely unhealthy for me. I don't personally think you're missing out on anything by not having that feeling of hunger. If you want to make a personal sacrifice, there are many other ways than fasting. If you're not supposed to fast with your current health, don't do it. Find something else to do instead if you are insistent upon a type of fasting. That's just my two cents.

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Why do you treat each other like this? Wow. Is this what I have to look forward to if I go back to the LDS church? The amount of disrespect and utter disregard about different opinions on this board is scary to me.

I don't get it. Maybe I need to find a different place to gauge the active LDS membership at this time, because this and other threads I've read and followed, is quite, disappointing to me, to be honest.

Let me ask a question, a sincere question. Do you folk who participate on this board, represent the active, orthodox, membership of the LDS church?

Maybe this should be a separate thread, so as not to hijack this Fasting discussion? If I go back to the mormon church, is this what I will be dealing with? Or is this just a bloggernacle thing, and church is much more civil?

Don't answer here --- I will start a new thread. Thanks.

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Why do you treat each other like this? Wow. Is this what I have to look forward to if I go back to the LDS church? The amount of disrespect and utter disregard about different opinions on this board is scary to me.

I don't get it. Maybe I need to find a different place to gauge the active LDS membership at this time, because this and other threads I've read and followed, is quite, disappointing to me, to be honest.

Let me ask a question, a sincere question. Do you folk who participate on this board, represent the active, orthodox, membership of the LDS church?

Maybe this should be a separate thread, so as not to hijack this Fasting discussion? If I go back to the mormon church, is this what I will be dealing with? Or is this just a bloggernacle thing, and church is much more civil?

Don't answer here --- I will start a new thread. Thanks.

I really am curious. Which post in this thread was disrespectful? In fact, as moderator, I would like you to use the report function to report the post(s) that is/are disrespectful. Thank you.

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See Dravin's answer. He got it right on all counts.

Somehow, Dravin seems consistently to be able to divine my mysterious meaning from my convoluted, shadowy posts. Maybe he has a Urim and Thummim, or maybe he is in league with dark and evil spirits who make such foul things known to him.

I think it's because I know you, at least within the context of knowing someone on a message board. You're a straight forward communicator, If someone started a thread on dental hygiene and you opined that more people should brush more consistently you aren't trying to imply that person X in the thread needs to brush more consistently. If you did indeed feel like person X should brush more consistently, and you decided you wanted to communicate such, you'd just tell them such instead of trying to subtly imply it followed/preceded by denial.

Edited by Dravin
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No. No. I don't want to derail this discussion. I started a separate thread.

Yes, really. And I hope I'm misunderstanding you, but please don't start a thread to discuss a disrespectful post. I would like for you to report (using the report function) any posts you feel are disrepectful.

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I think it's because I know you, at least within the context of knowing someone on a message board goes. You're a straight forward communicator, If someone started a thread on dental hygiene and you opined that more people should brush more consistently you aren't trying to imply that person X in the thread needs to brush more consistently. If you did indeed feel like person X should brush more consistently, and you decided you wanted to communicate such, you'd just tell them such instead of trying to subtly imply it followed/preceded by denial.

So it's the dark and evil spirits, then.

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No. No. I don't want to derail this discussion. I started a separate thread.

Yes we really mean it...

Please excuse me but I am going to take this post as a chance for a educational moment...

At the top right of every post is a red triangle with a ! in it. This is the report this post to the Moderators button.

When you click on it you will be allowed to post a short message explaining why you felt the post was questionable. This 'report' goes to the mods. No one else sees it, nothing happens to the existing post, there is no thread derailment.

The mods will see it and discuss it and act or not as we feel necessary.

So why should you use it??? Because the mods are human, we have other things going on in our lives, we have our own biases and quirks. We are also out numbered by the regular members by a large margin. When we log in there can be a lot of stuff to look over. Reporting is a big flag that gets our attention. It also allows you to make a point in case we haven't considered the post in a certain point of view.

Edited by estradling75
Sorry My bad
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Here's a story off of, from an official LDS publication.

Fast Enough - Liahona Sept. 2007 - liahona

41 And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much.

42 And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing.

43 And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury:

44 For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did ccast in all that she had, even all her living.

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