Most Disgusting Network on TV


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Is there a more disgusting network on TV than CNN Headline News?

That network has become the Attractive White Blond Haired Woman or Girl Murder Network.

It's absolutely sick and disgusting. Why there is no public outrage about this network is mind boggling.

I don't watch it but I have watched it in the past when it was all 'real' news. Now it's become a freak show and a disgusting one at that.

Every time I flip through the channels I hear them talking about a murder case and it's almost always about an attractive white female or young girl and often they are blond haired. And it's always about murder and rape. This attractive blond haired woman was raped and murdered! That young blond haired girl was.... and ......

So some people in the U.S. are trying to start a fight over birth control. But I don't hear one word against the disgusting Headline News network.

Is porn disgusting? Then what do you call the exploitation of dead women and girls? Isn't that 100 times more disgusting?

The press has the right to cover news events. But this is exploitation for ratings.

So what do we do? We do three things.

1. Band together and unite over this issue.

2. Remove Headline News from our TVs by blocking them out.

3. Make a list of all advertisers on that network and stop buying their products.

Headlines News should be completely shut down.

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I came on here to post a news story from CNN like I did earlier. This one isn't about a lesbian Catholic though, it's about Montana's fat white old and bearded racist chief federal judge who sent out a racist email about President Obama that implied his mother conceived him at a party and had sex with a dog. God bless those George W. Bush appointed judges.

I usually have CNN on (I personally think it's the lesser of 3 evils between them, MSNBC and FAUX) and all I've seen is coverage of the tornadoes and the school shooting these last few days. I'm reading right now browsing through their latest and most popular news. No dead white girls. All Faux and MSNBC do with EVERY show is smear and discredit the other. CNN is left leaning I think (nothing like what MSNBC does as the mouth piece of the Obama administration) but I think they're the best option out of what is out there. Sorry buddy.

For the record, I think Faux News should be forced to stop calling themselves a news network and come out of the closet as a glorified conservative Youtube channel.

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I pretty much agree with the disgustingness of Tragedy Television in any of its forms. However, gotta part ways with HG when he gets here:

So what do we do? We do three things.

No. What do "we" do? "We" realize that "we" are individuals who not only posess agency, but also live in a country that holds freedom of speech as one of its most cherished rights. That means that "we" may be a group of people who have found common ground on this thing, but that does not automatically mean that "we" are right or righteous enough to enforce our will on everyone else through the use of group power.

What I do, is not watch it (except for the odd lunch at my work's cafeteria). I raise my kids to value people's inherent worth, and to recognize sensationalist trash when they see it. I call it what it is, and people can make up their own minds.

HG, I'm totally with you on #2. I'm most of the way there on #1. But I'm not ticked off enough at crap on TV to walk with you on #1. Besides, the glowing god of our living rooms have a lot more wrong with it than just tragedy tv, and I wouldn't be able to stop there.

Edited by Loudmouth_Mormon
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I'm not even sure how we could say it's THE most disgusting network on tv. When I see all the crap that's on tv when flipping channels (including porn channels that are not PPV)...that's pretty disgusting.

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Is there a more disgusting network on TV than CNN Headline News?

That network has become the Attractive White Blond Haired Woman or Girl Murder Network.

It's absolutely sick and disgusting. Why there is no public outrage about this network is mind boggling.

I don't watch it but I have watched it in the past when it was all 'real' news. Now it's become a freak show and a disgusting one at that.

Every time I flip through the channels I hear them talking about a murder case and it's almost always about an attractive white female or young girl and often they are blond haired. And it's always about murder and rape. This attractive blond haired woman was raped and murdered! That young blond haired girl was.... and ......

So some people in the U.S. are trying to start a fight over birth control. But I don't hear one word against the disgusting Headline News network.

Is porn disgusting? Then what do you call the exploitation of dead women and girls? Isn't that 100 times more disgusting?

The press has the right to cover news events. But this is exploitation for ratings.

So what do we do? We do three things.

1. Band together and unite over this issue.

2. Remove Headline News from our TVs by blocking them out.

3. Make a list of all advertisers on that network and stop buying their products.

Headlines News should be completely shut down.

MTV puts em to shame.

About the only channels i really can stomach are discovery, military, history, and the animal channels.

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FoxNews is the Look At The Horrid Thing This Mother Did To Her OWN CHILD, and Other Atrocities network. I don't particularly like any of them, though, and I tend to avoid reading the news as a habit unless something big is breaking.

I agree that there's a lot of garbage all over TV.

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CNN? What's that? What's "news" even?

The only thing on my TV is the Doodlebops and Sesame Street.

I LOVE DOODLEBOPS! My kids didn't... BUT I DID! My kids are into crazy stuff like Phineas and Ferb...

My absolute favoritest show is Top Shot. LOL!

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There are some good history/discovery shows - even with those, I prefer to get them through Netflix than to watch them on TV.

I think TV will become extinct before too much longer, which is a good thing.

well i think its got a bit of life left but on a similar note that its on the downhill side of its life.

I don't disagree.. but on the other hand once that happens theres most likely going to be reduction overall in the number of productions, both good and bad.

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It cracks me up when people take the time to actually spell it Faux News as they pat themselves on the back for being Clear-Thinking Liberals. It's the leftist version of Rush calling their favorite station PMSNBC. I don't watch Fox often myself lately, but will agree that CNN has definitely moved closer to the center than HLN has recently. I can only stand the talking heads on any of those channels for about 10-15 minutes before their biases get unbearable and I have to switch to something else.

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It cracks me up when people take the time to actually spell it Faux News as they pat themselves on the back for being Clear-Thinking Liberals.

It's just more accurate to spell it that way. And I'm not a liberal.

EDIT: But I will fess up to the clear-thinking part, though.

Edited by Spartan117
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It cracks me up when people take the time to actually spell it Faux News as they pat themselves on the back for being Clear-Thinking Liberals.

It also shows they don't know French, which may be a plus among the Bubba crowd, but I thought Leftists were above such francophobia.

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They're all biased garbage with the occasional truth sprinkled in. I cancelled cable over a year ago and I just don't watch TV anymore. Waste of time.

I think this is the best answer that's been given so far. :animatedthumbsup:

My landlord pays for our cable, and until moving in last year I hadn't had cable in over 3 years. We don't watch any specific shows, we just put the news (CNN) on at night for a little while. I don't have any sort of loyalty to CNN at all.

Edited by john doe
Please don't bring feces into the conversation
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The disappointing thing about Headline News is that back in the day, they were just that- headlines. You could actually sit down and watch it for half an hour and catch up on the headlines and important national and international news of the day. If you wanted something in-depth, then you could go to CNN or another nightly news show and get more details. Now they seem more intent on pushing some sort of agenda or doing shows that no one wants to see. They've lost their way.

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It also shows they don't know French, which may be a plus among the Bubba crowd, but I thought Leftists were above such francophobia.

While I think it's on par with the 'wit' of Clinton News Network I don't think I've heard anyone pronounce it that way. It's something that exists as written 'wit' and it's based on the visual similarity of the words not the phonetic similarity (which as you correctly point out isn't much).

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I was going to say ABC Family. If there's a show on with lots of teenage sex, drinking, and be super rude to everyone, it's probably ABC Family.

I don't watch ABC Family at all. But I can figure what you are saying is true. What you say is how I felt when Fox had on those 90210 type shows with the wealthy and pretty teens pushing the sex appeal.

My first post was on CNN Headline News, not CNN. But CNN has really fallen too. They've become a clown network, too busy trying to compete with Fox News. I was glad to see Larry King go, I was tired of his softball and semi-softball questions. And the guy they replaced him with was one of the guys behind the hacking of cell phone messages in Britain. Time-Warner is trash.

But that Headlines News network should be shut down completely.

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