What is the absolute strangest thing that you have ever seen that no one else could POSSIBLY beleive

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During my mission (last ice age) I felt inspired about a housing area but the spirit said "not now". As snow came and temperatures dropped pretty low (It's Canada ya know) we were splitting with a couple of priests one dark evening. I suddenly felt that we should go to "that" area of housing, so off we went. As we drove into the area I felt very close to where we should be so we parked and started knocking on doors. As we turned down the row of houses behind the ones where we stopped, one house "popped" out of the rest so we made a bee line to it. With my parka covering nearly my whole face the door opened. I don't know why I changed my door approach but out came the words, "The Lord has sent us to you with a message." A young woman looked at us with saucer eyes and just let us in. Go figure... she had given the Lord one hour to send His messenger to her or she was going to end her life. She was two minutes away from the deed when we knocked on her door.

The first door we knocked on was directly behind her house. She also didn't live there. She was staying at her sisters house for a couple of days.

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While a student at BYU, I was visited by aliens.

My wife is an alien... from outer space type alien.

No really. Her tribe is said to have come from the sky after the eruptions stopped in the mountains of the four corners area, what, a millennium ago or so. Not part of the public history but known to them.

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During my mission (last ice age) I felt inspired about a housing area but the spirit said "not now". As snow came and temperatures dropped pretty low (It's Canada ya know) we were splitting with a couple of priests one dark evening. I suddenly felt that we should go to "that" area of housing, so off we went. As we drove into the area I felt very close to where we should be so we parked and started knocking on doors. As we turned down the row of houses behind the ones where we stopped, one house "popped" out of the rest so we made a bee line to it. With my parka covering nearly my whole face the door opened. I don't know why I changed my door approach but out came the words, "The Lord has sent us to you with a message." A young woman looked at us with saucer eyes and just let us in. Go figure... she had given the Lord one hour to send His messenger to her or she was going to end her life. She was two minutes away from the deed when we knocked on her door.

The first door we knocked on was directly behind her house. She also didn't live there. She was staying at her sisters house for a couple of days.

Thanks for this... great story

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How about a very simple but different miracle. I was very addicted to pepsi. One day I was talking to the missionaries and they were talking about overcoming habits. My addiction had been bothering me for some time so I decided on the spot to quit. After a week and a half of withdrawal I was clean. Now comes the miracle.

My husband stilll drank pepsi. I accidently grabbed his drink and took a swallow. And promptly spit it out. It was the most revolting thing I had ever tasted. Seriously, it made me gag. Not to mention the odor of a long dead body emanating from the drink.

Now I do not know exactly what was going on but there is no way I am going to ever drink that foul stuff. Sometimes I think I was able to finally smell and taste what it REALLY tastes and smells like. ^^

Allow me to thank you for this story, as I drink my Wild Cherry Pepsi!! :evilsmile::wackokid::dude:

I'm having way too much fun with these smilies!

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My Senior year in high school, in my English class (Yes, to all who have to suffer through my posts, English should have been a subject I paid attention more to), we had a written assignment where we were provided 4 different scenarios. The instructions of the assignment was that you could not read the next scenario until you actually have finished the first scenario.

The last section, explained that you come across a person and asked that we describe the person we saw. As I begin writing, I described a woman around 5'7", blonde hair, and that I could not tell you if her eyes were blue or green, because they constantly transitioned from green to blue. At the end of describing this section, I explained how I realized that this women would be my future wife.

I am currently married to a beautiful women who is 5'8", blonde hair, and depending on what she is wearing her eyes transition between blue and green.

Not saying this was any spiritual moment, but I find the correlation very interesting.

Edited by Anddenex
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I am currently married to a beautiful women who is 5'8", blonde hair, and depending on what she is wearing her eyes transition between blue and green.

Not saying this was any spiritual moment, but I find the correlation very interesting.

And it could mean that's the look that you are most attracted to. :rolleyes:

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My Senior year in high school, in my English class (Yes, to all who have to suffer through my posts, English should have been a subject I paid attention more to), we had a written assignment where we were provided 4 different scenarios. The instructions of the assignment was that you could not read the next scenario until you actually have finished the first scenario.

The last section, explained that you come across a person and asked that we describe the person we saw. As I begin writing, I described a woman around 5'7", blonde hair, and that I could not tell you if her eyes were blue or green, because they constantly transitioned from green to blue. At the end of describing this section, I explained how I realized that this women would be my future wife.

I am currently married to a beautiful women who is 5'8", blonde hair, and depending on what she is wearing her eyes transition between blue and green.

Not saying this was any spiritual moment, but I find the correlation very interesting.

Thanks for sharing. Very cool

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And it could mean that's the look that you are most attracted to. :rolleyes:

Well Pam, you have officially quenched all the mystery and allure of this story, and have placed me in the void of nothing. I will now go to my room and cry! :D

As a brown eyed boy, yes, blue and green eyes were always more attractive to me then brown eyes.

Pam, and you would think science would have been in my favor for at least one of our five children to have blue or green eyes, but alas, all our kids have brown eyes.

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Well Pam, you have officially quenched all the mystery and allure of this story, and have placed me in the void of nothing. I will now go to my room and cry! :D

As a brown eyed boy, yes, blue and green eyes were always more attractive to me then brown eyes.

Pam, and you would think science would have been in my favor for at least one of our five children to have blue or green eyes, but alas, all our kids have brown eyes.

For some reason the Crystal Gayle song just came to mind. "Don't it make my brown eyes blue?

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Well vort I feel many of my experiences that have been spiritual have been given to me so I can share them with others. If they do good for me why wouldn't they for others?

I don't know that they wouldn't. Your experiences are yours to share as you feel inspired. But in general, it is foolish to share intimate personal spiritual experiences in the open. It is casting pearls before swine. In some cases, it violates the covenant of revelation, where what is revealed to YOU is meant for YOU. In all cases, exceptional spiritual events should be treated as that -- exceptional -- and be given the care and reverence they deserve.

If you feel led to advertise your spiritual experiences, I can't tell you you're wrong. I am giving general, not specific, advice.

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It cracks me up when the missionaries throw gang signs when having their pictures taken. I once asked if it wasn't a tad inconsistent with their 'mission,' but apparently it's a young guy thing and throwing the wrong one won't get you killed if you do it in Utah or Idaho. :D

My oldest daughter is fascinated with her pretty self, and likes to take self-portraits using my cell phone. I get a kick out of seeing all these pictures of her and her strange hand contortions. At least she doesn't do duck lips :lol:

On the OP's topic, When my youngest was 5 days old she rolled from her front to her back. I completely doubted my eyes thinking I was sleep-deprived...and she did it again. And I still didn't believe it. Next time she did it when both my husband and I were in the room, and neither of us believed it. We told the doctor and he was very nice when he told us that babies just don't do that at that age lol. So then she did it again lol. She was our magic baby for about a week and then just stopped rolling until she was the 'right' age lol. I really wish I had video tape!

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My oldest daughter is fascinated with her pretty self, and likes to take self-portraits using my cell phone. I get a kick out of seeing all these pictures of her and her strange hand contortions. At least she doesn't do duck lips :lol:

On the OP's topic, When my youngest was 5 days old she rolled from her front to her back. I completely doubted my eyes thinking I was sleep-deprived...and she did it again. And I still didn't believe it. Next time she did it when both my husband and I were in the room, and neither of us believed it. We told the doctor and he was very nice when he told us that babies just don't do that at that age lol. So then she did it again lol. She was our magic baby for about a week and then just stopped rolling until she was the 'right' age lol. I really wish I had video tape!

COOL! kind of odd! maybe she was just really happy to be alive! and with you guys

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This is one of the many such stories I've gathered about my cool wife over the years:

My wife was sitting in the play place at McDonalds with our two kids, and she couldn't help but overhear a conversation happening behind her. There was a mom and dad, and their 19 year old daughter who had her own place. The mom was on the verge of tears, the dad sounded frustrated and angry. The daughter sounded like she'd rather be anywhere else but here, but had her heels dug in and was resolved to get something communicated to her parents.

The conversation got a bit louder as it progressed. The daughter loudly says something like "That's right - they pay me to take my clothes off for money dad! You need to start dealing with it!" My wife tells me her neck muscles just started working on their own, rotating her head around against her will to look at the people. All three of them stop talking and look at my wife, like they expect her to say something and fix it.

So, my wife looked at the girl brightly and asked "Pole or cage?" In the same tone that someone would use if someone had told her they'd taken up fishing, and she was asking 'fresh or saltwater'.

The parents eyes got pretty large, and the dad looked like he was about to come out of his seat. The girl assumed she'd found someone that would be on her side of the discussion, and said there was a pole on the stage, but 'she didn't really like to use it'.

My wife then asked "Did they tell you what it's there for?" The girl stuttered a bit, wondering how to put her answer into terms that she could say in front of her parents. My wife let her know the pole was there to give the dancer something to hold on to, to make it harder to get grabbed and dragged down into the audience. And the cage is there to delay someone getting to her for a few seconds until security could pull them away. The girl turned a shade or two whiter as she caught the vision.

My wife asked if the place had security. The girl said there was a bouncer who stayed near the back of the place at the bar. My wife looked shocked, and said it was a lot more desirable to have a line of beefy guys between the stage and the crowd.

My wife then talked a bit about the kinds of guys who show up on the front row of a strip club, and said very sympathetically "So, when you get beat up or worse for the first time, give me a call." The girl got another shade paler, and left with her parents - sort of leaning on her father as she'd become a bit unsteady on her feet. They all left so fast she forgot to get my wife's number, so we'll probably never know.

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I used to wonder if my wife embellished or made up stuff or was flat out crazy, because she has many, many stories like this. But I have personally witnessed enough of them to conclude that no really, she has a gift for connecting with people, and God just draws them out of the woodwork and sets them in front of her.

The follup question folks ask is "Um, so, how did your wife come to learn all this stuff about strip clubs?" She was a dog trainer in Utah. The owner of a very upscale SLC 'gentlemen's club' showed up to get each of 'his girls' their own trained german sheppard protection dog. Apparently there had been an attack or beating or something, and his employees were thinking of leaving the trade. She learned everything this guy had to say about things while she trained his dogs.

Edited by Loudmouth_Mormon
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This is one of the many such stories I've gathered about my cool wife over the years:

My wife was sitting in the play place at McDonalds with our two kids, and she couldn't help but overhear a conversation happening behind her. There was a mom and dad, and their 19 year old daughter who had her own place. The mom was on the verge of tears, the dad sounded frustrated and angry. The daughter sounded like she'd rather be anywhere else but here, but had her heels dug in and was resolved to get something communicated to her parents.

The conversation got a bit louder as it progressed. The daughter loudly says something like "That's right - they pay me to take my clothes off for money dad! You need to start dealing with it!" My wife tells me her neck muscles just started working on their own, rotating her head around against her will to look at the people. All three of them stop talking and look at my wife, like they expect her to say something and fix it.

So, my wife looked at the girl brightly and asked "Pole or cage?" In the same tone that someone would use if someone had told her they'd taken up fishing, and she was asking 'fresh or saltwater'.

The parents eyes got pretty large, and the dad looked like he was about to come out of his seat. The girl assumed she'd found someone that would be on her side of the discussion, and said there was a pole on the stage, but 'she didn't really like to use it'.

My wife then asked "Did they tell you what it's there for?" The girl stuttered a bit, wondering how to put her answer into terms that she could say in front of her parents. My wife let her know the pole was there to give the dancer something to hold on to, to make it harder to get grabbed and dragged down into the audience. And the cage is there to delay someone getting to her for a few seconds until security could pull them away. The girl turned a shade or two whiter as she caught the vision.

My wife asked if the place had security. The girl said there was a bouncer who stayed near the back of the place at the bar. My wife looked shocked, and said it was a lot more desirable to have a line of beefy guys between the stage and the crowd.

My wife then talked a bit about the kinds of guys who show up on the front row of a strip club, and said very sympathetically "So, when you get beat up or worse for the first time, give me a call." The girl got another shade paler, and left with her parents - sort of leaning on her father as she'd become a bit unsteady on her feet. They all left so fast she forgot to get my wife's number, so we'll probably never know.

This makes me want to be friends with your wife! She sounds awesome.

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