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I fell under questioning for much of my life. Knowing what my desires and attraction was but it being at odds with what i felt able to live with.

That's all LDS or Catholic YM and YW...

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That's all LDS or Catholic YM and YW...

Yes and no. YM and YW for the most part are taught how to control those desires until the right time, they don't tend to feel they have to completely get rid of that part of them just control it. Growing up with me it wasn't a matter of controlling the desires, really being i was stuck where i was it actually somewhat inhibited those desires because i was so conflicted, i knew what i liked but trying to force myself to like something else and at the same time loathing myself for what seemed to be quite natural left me very confused and yes questioning.

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Thought I'd add a little tidbit on what I heard about Chick-Fil-A when I was on my mission.

The company was floundering and was nearly bankrupt after a few years. The CEO of Chick-Fil-A (whoever it was, it may have been the same person) made a commitment to God:

"Help me be successful and I will follow your ways. I won't work on the Sabbath and I'll pay tithes." (Or something to that effect.)

The rest is history.

(This is a story I HEARD... but based on the current CEO's beliefs, I wouldn't doubt it.)

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Thought I'd add a little tidbit on what I heard about Chick-Fil-A when I was on my mission.

The company was floundering and was nearly bankrupt after a few years. The CEO of Chick-Fil-A (whoever it was, it may have been the same person) made a commitment to God:

"Help me be successful and I will follow your ways. I won't work on the Sabbath and I'll pay tithes." (Or something to that effect.)

The rest is history.

(This is a story I HEARD... but based on the current CEO's beliefs, I wouldn't doubt it.)

Yeah, probably not true. Chik-Fil-A has had the same business model since its inception. Chik-Fil-A has never opened on Sunday ever since the first week they opened their first restaurant. It's a good story, though.

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I was off the grid for Chick-Fil-A Day. So glad to have missed it but unfortunately is was all over facebook and the news when I got back. Isn't this hullaballoo a little ridiculous? It's getting comical.

Why is it ridiculous?

I'm tired of regular religious people getting beat up on in the mainstream. I guess a jillion people are tired of it too. It's good to show that we have a voice even if it's merely getting a chicken sandwich.

I like it.

I was 15 when I joined the peaceful revolution in the Philippines that ousted a dictator. It's good for people to be well-informed and then fervent in their involvement in the socio-political arena. It's their country after all.

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The most irritating thing about Chic-Fil-A being in the news is that Hawaii doesn't have any so I can't get their delicious spicy chicken sandwhich and some waffle fries!


Capt, you can open one. Out of all the fast food franchises, it's the cheapest start-up. I think you can operate one for under $10,000.

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Why is it ridiculous?

I'm tired of regular religious people getting beat up on in the mainstream. I guess a jillion people are tired of it too. It's good to show that we have a voice even if it's merely getting a chicken sandwich.

I like it.

I was 15 when I joined the peaceful revolution in the Philippines that ousted a dictator. It's good for people to be well-informed and then fervent in their involvement in the socio-political arena. It's their country after all.

It just seems like an overreaction. I agree with the whole free speech thing and I heartily agree with traditional families and peaceful revolution. But it seems like a better thing for families to let their voice be heard in a supportive petition or something. Then sit as a family around their own dinner tables eating a healthy, home-cooked meal, or cooking out over a bonfire or having a picnic in the park instead of stressing out in long lines with impatient and unhappy kids waiting to eat greasy fast (not so fast when you have to wait two hours for it) food with thousands of other people. Then continue to consistently support Chick-Fil-A at other impromptu times when the need to eat out arises. (choosing the healthiest menu items of course.;) )

But whatever...

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You know this whole thing was started by Mike Huckabee and flamed into a raging fire. Now the backlash is the Gay kiss-in today. (Sigh!) And then there is the apparent hypocrisy like this:

The Chick-fil-A protest could boomerang against activists | Deseret News

Not much of a backlash. We had lunch at Chik-Fil-A today (we're regular Chik-Fil-A patrons before this hoopla). There were still a LOT of people there, more so than the regular Friday lunch crowd I'm used to. Not a single kissing in sight. There were 2 people holding neon placcards at the entrance to the strip mall but the writing on the placcard was so vague against the neon backdrop that even after I slowed down to try to catch what it says, I couldn't read it. So, dunno if that was for or against Chik-Fil-A...

Now, the more interesting thing to think about is... what drove people to answer Mike Huckabee's call with such spontaneity. This was not "organized". There was no "leadership". There was no external motivators. Yet, you see the sweeping reaction from coast to coast all on the same day all at the same time. I find that socio-political behavior extremely fascinating.

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It just seems like an overreaction. I agree with the whole free speech thing and I heartily agree with traditional families and peaceful revolution. But it seems like a better thing for families to let their voice be heard in a supportive petition or something. Then sit as a family around their own dinner tables eating a healthy, home-cooked meal, or cooking out over a bonfire or having a picnic in the park instead of stressing out in long lines with impatient and unhappy kids waiting to eat greasy fast (not so fast when you have to wait two hours for it) food with thousands of other people. Then continue to consistently support Chick-Fil-A at other impromptu times when the need to eat out arises. (choosing the healthiest menu items of course.;) )

But whatever...

I like what I heard Dennis Prager say. In my own words, it takes allot to motivate those on the Right. They are not "Activists". "Activism" has a left leaning connotation. Something compelled these people to take a stand. Buying a Chicken sandwhich seems so silly to me too, but I can recognize the meaning behind it.

From Edmund Burke

It is not enough in a situation of trust in the commonwealth, that a man means well to his country; it is not enough that in his single person he never did an evil act, but always voted according to his conscience, and even harangued against every design which he apprehended to he prejudicial to the interests of his country. This innoxious and ineffectual character that seems formed upon a plan of apology and disculpation falls miserably short of the mark of public duty. That duty demands and requires that what is right should not only be made known, but made prevalent; that what is evil should not only be detected, but defeated. When the public man omits to put himself in a situation of doing his duty with effect, it is an omission that frustrates the purposes of his trust almost as much as if he had formally betrayed it. It is surely no very rational account of a man's life, that he has always acted right; but has taken special care to act in such a manner that his endeavours could not possibly be productive of any consequence

I think it was a miscalculation on the part of the author to make the comparison that he did. There is no actual direct or indirect relationship between those protesting a Mosque and those involved in supporting Chik-fil-A. Kind of a stretch. Mike Huckabee was not protesting the Mosque either. I do like "poster child for backwoods ignorance and yahooism", describes Chicago, Boston and San Fransisco perfectly.

As for me, I personally know where our Church lawyers assisted an Imam in working thru the Government Red-Tape and Alarmism at the time (close to 9/11) to get a Mosque built in the NW. The Imam Jawak Khaki I know personally, we've had lunch several times, he's my former manager.

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Now the backlash is the Gay kiss-in today.

Yeah, that, and also some vandalism
And then there's this guy, who took a video of himself harassing the poor girl in the check-out window, and then got fired the next day.

Chick-fil-A harasser gets served his walking papers | The Daily Caller

“The actions of Mr. Smith do not reflect our corporate values in any manner,” his former employer’s statement said.

“Vante is an equal opportunity company with a diverse workforce … [and] we also expect our company officers to behave in a manner commensurate with their position and in a respectful fashion that conveys these values of civility with others,” it continued.

“We hope that the general population does not hold Mr. Smith’s actions against Vante and its employees.”

Edited by Loudmouth_Mormon
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What anti Mormon groups are there to donate to? Are they just churches? Or are there actual companies that do nothing but promote anti-Mormon literature?

Christian Research Institute is probably the biggest. Google "counter cult" if you want to find more. Most are very small. These days there are probably a lot that only operate on the internet. I doubt any major corporations would be donated to these groups though.

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Now, the more interesting thing to think about is... what drove people to answer Mike Huckabee's call with such spontaneity. This was not "organized". There was no "leadership". There was no external motivators. Yet, you see the sweeping reaction from coast to coast all on the same day all at the same time. I find that socio-political behavior extremely fascinating.

I think a lot of people didnt even know huckabee had anything to do with it at all. It was just a visceral response to defend free speech. It has to potential to infringe on every religious persons right to speak and for once everyone saw that immediately.

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