Congratulations to the Romneys


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My most sincere and non-sarcastic congratulations to Mitt Romney and his family for having escaped the hateful venom that surely would have been heaped upon them for the next four years. Thank you for your brave sacrifices and for your willingness to serve. Rest assured that we recognize it. The people of the United States have asked for and gotten just exactly what they deserve. Their punishment is that they will continue getting it for at least four more years. Sadly, the rest of us have to put up with it, too.

It's enough to make you want to divide the country, let the morons have their half and their own president, and let the sane people live in the other half. (You get to decide which half is which.)

But of course, I would never suggest such a thing.

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Perhaps a bit of sour grapes here, but . . .

Romney/Ryan may have been our best hope for fiscal sanity, but it was still a slim hope. The simple truth is you could tax everyone earning over $250k per year - and every one of the Fortune 500 companies - at 100%, and you still wouldn't close the budget deficit for one year. The overruns are primarily due to increases in mandatory entitlement programs (which are, I believe, unreformable) and a monumental hit in revenue from an anemic economy. I'm not convinced even Paul Ryan could pull a fiscal rabbit out of that hat.

Even if the economy recovers somewhat, we will not have a balanced budget again in this decade. Default is inevitable. Economic chaos and retrenchment in foreign affairs must follow. Al Quaeda will continue to prove uncontrollable, Iran will go nuclear, Russia will continue to degenerate into dictatorship, and we may well see rioting in our own streets and mass starvation as our government is no longer able to bribe those on the dole into complacency.

Given all that, perhaps it is best that conservatives - and Mormons, especially - take a hiatus from the White House. Let the people who gave us this house of cards, preside over its fall.

And a final thought, from a blog that I won't link to here due to some salty language:

Thomas Jefferson famously said of the slavery issue, “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.” I tremble for my country when I think that the God of Compound Interest is a far more jealous God than Jahweh, Allah, and Zuul all wrapped up into a single, bloody package.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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Just my opinion but I'm not sure it matters who got elected. We are in the last days and things are going to happen no matter what.

It was my hope that we would have someone lead us in a better direction to that time.

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My most sincere and non-sarcastic congratulations to Mitt Romney and his family for having escaped the hateful venom that surely would have been heaped upon them for the next four years. Thank you for your brave sacrifices and for your willingness to serve. Rest assured that we recognize it. The people of the United States have asked for and gotten just exactly what they deserve. Their punishment is that they will continue getting it for at least four more years. Sadly, the rest of us have to put up with it, too.

I can't agree more.

While I’m greatly discouraged about the direction our country is headed I see many positive things coming out of this election cycle.

From the experiences I had growing up LDS I never dreamt there would ever be a day when a Mormon might be considered fit to lead this country. I’ve taken great comfort driving around my city here in SE Florida and seeing all the Romney signs, so many people supporting a Mormon. I feel more confident and comfortable reaching out to the non members around me. Fifty percent of this country was willing to elect a Mormon into the highest possible office. That’s pretty cool.

I believe Romney has been an instrument in the hands of the Lord and is connected with the misson policy change which is part of something much greater overall. Thru his effort and sacrifice we have been removed from Billy Graham’s list of cults and been brought closer to our fellow Christians with whom we share common values. Those who chose to support Romney have already let go of their prejudices and fears and seem to have accepted that we are the good people we appear to be.

As for those who opposed Romney, perhaps looking back as we are dragged over the fiscal cliff hindsight will be 20/20 and in this new light and consideration the venom and vitriol will fade and it may lower the resistance some may have to learning the principles that drove his ideas. History (non-revisionist) will be much kinder to Romney then to our current President.

I think there are some that may consider how he and those who endorsed him were treated by his opposition which includes the media and pop-culture, and fill in the blank with any of the many despots, dictators and anti-Americans that endorsed his rival, and question whether or not their affiliations and beliefs are compatible. This revelation is the very thing that knocked me onto my side of the political fence many years ago as I witnessed two sides of political rally converge in downtown Seattle.

It would have been a challenge to endure four years of this good brother in the Priesthood being ridiculed, threatened, lied about and lambasted.

Edited by Windseeker
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It would have been a challenge to endure four years of this good brother, in the priesthood, being ridiculed, threatened, lied about and lambasted.

It will be a challenge to endure four years of this good brother being ridiculed, threatened, lied about and lambasted even after the 1st Presidency and the 12 Apostles have spoken.

Who do we listen to? We have a choice. Who is our God? Will we hear Him?

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It will be a challenge to endure four years of this good brother being ridiculed, threatened, lied about and lambasted even after the 1st Presidency and the 12 Apostles have spoken.

Who do we listen to? We have a choice. Who is our God? Will we hear Him?

All of that is the hefty price for anyone that is in the public eye. Fair or not. I'm glad it's all over. Like I said before, I supported the 'other guy' and I'm very pleased with the outcome.

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It will be a challenge to endure four years of this good brother being ridiculed, threatened, lied about and lambasted even after the 1st Presidency and the 12 Apostles have spoken.

Who do we listen to? We have a choice. Who is our God? Will we hear Him?

It doesn't take a 1st Presidency message (a message that just says we pray for our leaders btw) for me to know it's wrong to lie, threaten or lambaste someone. Clearly you identify with this President and by your reaction you seem to have experienced these things within your own circle. I'm sorry this occurs and I myself think it's counterproductive.

Romney wasn't the perfect candidate by any stretch but I'm afraid he is a far better man then he would even allow his campaign to reveal. Knowing of his sacrifice, service and commitment to the same principles I hold dear, as well the fact he is a worthy Priesthood holder would have made it difficult to endure the unnecessary personal attacks.

Divide and conquer was effective, we have a winner and we are divided. Many I know who voted for him the first time were not voting for him this time because they assumed it would bring our nation together and heal the racial divide. That never happened, a matter of fact I read an article in Time Magazine that suggested the only way for America to prove its not racist this time is to vote for a failed Black President because last time we voted we had no idea how terrible he would be so it doesn’t count. Something tells me that this won’t count either, because there is one party that’s entire premise relies on dividing this nation amongst every available category and suggest that values, morals and success are racist, sexists, bigoted and homophobic and greedy. They are incapable of seeing the world any other way, then thru the lenses of race, sex, and class they firmly and falsely fix their finger in the other direction. At some point I hope that people will look around them and those they affiliate with take a deeper look at who and what they are mocking. Maybe then they will realize they are looking out of a great and spacious building.

People think good of Obama and thereby think good of themselves. That simply doesn't happen with a rich white guy with traditional values.

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It will be a challenge to endure four years of this good brother being ridiculed, threatened, lied about and lambasted even after the 1st Presidency and the 12 Apostles have spoken.

Who do we listen to? We have a choice. Who is our God? Will we hear Him?

It doesn't take a 1st Presidency message (a message that just says we pray for our leaders btw) for me to know it's wrong to lie, threaten or lambaste someone. Clearly you identify with this President and by your reaction you seem to have experienced these things within your own circle. I'm sorry this occurs and I myself think it's counterproductive.

Romney wasn't the perfect candidate by any stretch but I'm afraid he is a far better man then he would even allow his campaign to reveal. Knowing of his sacrifice, service and commitment to the same principles I hold dear, as well the fact he is a worthy Priesthood holder would have made it difficult to endure the unnecessary personal attacks.

Divide and conquer was effective, we have a winner and we are divided. Many I know who voted for him the first time were not voting for him this time because they assumed it would bring our nation together and heal the racial divide. That never happened, a matter of fact I read an article in Time Magazine that suggested the only way for America to prove its not racist this time is to vote for a failed Black President because last time we voted we had no idea how terrible he would be so it doesn’t count. Something tells me that this won’t count either, because there is one party that’s entire premise relies on dividing this nation amongst every available category and suggest that values, morals and success are racist, sexists, bigoted and homophobic and greedy. They are incapable of seeing the world any other way, then thru the lenses of race, sex, and class while they firmly and falsely fix their finger in the opposite direction. At some point I hope that people will look around them and those they affiliate with take a deeper look at who and what they are mocking. Maybe then they will realize they are looking out of a great and spacious building.

People think good of Obama and thereby think good of themselves. That simply doesn't happen with a rich white guy with traditional values.

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It will be a challenge to endure four years of this good brother being ridiculed, threatened, lied about and lambasted even after the 1st Presidency and the 12 Apostles have spoken.

Who do we listen to? We have a choice. Who is our God? Will we hear Him?

The Apostles said we should pray for him and "come together" as a nation.

They did not say we should quit calling the President out for having cooked the books on PPACA.

They did not say we should accept his phony explanation for what happened in Benghazi.

They did not say that it's OK for the President to release guns to Mexican drug lords (while publicly propounding a pro-gun control agenda) and then claim "executive privilege" when called upon to explain yourself.

They did not say we should kowtow to the President's insistence that we pay for birth control for horny young college students nationwide.

They did not say we should get on board with the President's support for leaving living infants - the product of botched abortions - naked, on a table, in a cold room, until those infants freeze or starve to death.

They did not say that we should embrace his plans for energy prices to "skyrocket".

They did not say that we should subscribe to his dream of shutting down coal power plants.

They did not say that we should dig into our hard-earned wages to throw millions of dollars at the President's ideological and personal allies.

They most certainly did not support the President's newfound support for gay marriage.

They did not support whatever backroom negotiations led the President to assure Putin's minions that he would have more "flexibility" after the election.

Those aren't lies, Annewandering; they are documentable fact.

Contra the President's expressed sentiments in 2009, "coming together" does not mean that the progressives drive while the conservatives get in the back seat, sit down, and shut up.

Two days ago, Glenn Reynolds made a prediction: That whether Obama wins or loses, conservatives are going to have more fun over the next four years than Obama will. From a purely schadenfreude standpoint, I think he's right. If a Republican had perpetrated either the Benghazi mess or Fast & Furious, Democrats would be calling for his impeachment. Don't think we haven't noticed, or that we won't reciprocate.

We revere the office and grudgingly respect the man, but we will expose and - if we can - utterly throttle the agenda; before it destroys us all.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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It will be a challenge to endure four years of this good brother being ridiculed, threatened, lied about and lambasted even after the 1st Presidency and the 12 Apostles have spoken.

Who do we listen to? We have a choice. Who is our God? Will we hear Him?

It doesn't take a 1st Presidency message (a message that just says we pray for our leaders btw) for me to know it's wrong to lie, threaten or lambaste someone. Clearly you identify with this President and by your reaction you seem to have experienced these things within your own circle. I'm sorry this occurs and I myself think it's counterproductive.

Romney wasn't the perfect candidate by any stretch but I'm afraid he is a far better man then he would even allow his campaign to reveal. Knowing of his sacrifice, service and commitment to the same principles I hold dear, as well the fact he is a worthy Priesthood holder would have made it difficult to endure the unnecessary personal attacks.

Divide and conquer was effective, we have a winner and we are divided. Many I know who voted for him the first time were not voting for him this time because they assumed it would bring our nation together and heal the racial divide. That never happened, a matter of fact I read an article in Time Magazine that suggested the only way for America to prove its not racist this time is to vote for a failed Black President because last time we voted we had no idea how terrible he would be so it doesn’t count. Something tells me that this won’t count either, because there is one party that’s entire premise relies on dividing this nation amongst every available category and suggest that values, morals and success are racist, sexists, bigoted and homophobic and greedy. They are incapable of seeing the world any other way, then thru the lenses of race, sex, and class while they firmly and falsely fix their finger in the opposite direction. At some point I hope that people will look around them and those they affiliate with take a deeper look at who and what they are mocking. Perhaps they will find they are looking out of a great and spacious building.

People think good of Obama and thereby think good of themselves. That simply doesn't happen with a rich white guy with traditional values.

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We spent over $300 on gas this month and that was just from driving around town!

Stop driving so much.

I have a truck and only spend about $75 a month.

BTW the OP's gas price when Obama took over is incorrect, even though its been posted all over

Source: Consumer Reports

The cost of gas in June of 2008, the early stages of the heavy summer driving season and during the presidential campaign, was $4.10 per gallon. The 2008 gas crisis hit its peak one month later with prices averaging $4.11 per gallon.

By August, the cost fell to $3.74 and continued to fall until the price averaged $2.07 just after Election Day in November, when Mr. Obama was elected president.

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My most sincere and non-sarcastic congratulations to Mitt Romney and his family for having escaped the hateful venom that surely would have been heaped upon them for the next four years. Thank you for your brave sacrifices and for your willingness to serve. Rest assured that we recognize it.


It's enough to make you want to divide the country, let the morons have their half and their own president, and let the sane people live in the other half. (You get to decide which half is which.)

Thank you for painting all Obama supporters as "morons." Because, you know, Mormons love being generalized and stereotyped.

Because once you lose a Presidential election... you are DONE in politics.

Tell that to Grover Cleveland. :P

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BTW the OP's gas price when Obama took over is incorrect, even though its been posted all over

You are telling a falsehood. Using your own source:

Average gas prices--January 19, 2009

National retail fuel price averages

Price Change from last week

Regular gasoline/gallon $1.85 ↑ .06

Diesel fuel/gallon $2.30 ↓ .02

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Tell that to Grover Cleveland. :P

Or John McCain, or John Kerry. Losing a presidential race typically ends presidential aspirations (William Jennings Bryan notwithstanding); but I think Romney could easily pick up a Senate seat a la Hillary Clinton in the next election cycle if he wanted to go that route.

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Or John McCain, or John Kerry. Losing a presidential race typically ends presidential aspirations (William Jennings Bryan notwithstanding); but I think Romney could easily pick up a Senate seat a la Hillary Clinton in the next election cycle if he wanted to go that route.

I totally agree on all counts. I was just being a little silly. :)

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I wouldn't want to be the President and especially if my name is Obama. Sandy, Libya, Debt....much ugliness is coming his way....but I do pray for him.

Charles Hurt summed things up nicely, here is brief excerpt:

In this environment with this economy and all the gravely important matters pressing against the very existence of this country, it should have been a tsunami election. It should have been a landslide that sent President Obama into dust heap of failed presidencies. Instead, the election was about Big Bird.

It was the rape election. The contraception election. The binders full of women election.

It was about who was born where and whether she really could claim to be a Cherokee Indian.

It was about former president George W. Bush. And it was about gay marriage.

It was about the 1 percent and the 99 percent and the 47 percent.

It was about dancing freaking horses, for crying out loud!

Just about the only thing the election wasn’t about was the economy, which everyone agrees was the only thing voters actually cared about. People tend to really care about the economy when real unemployment reaches double digits, welfare rolls fatten by one-third, politicians rack up $16 trillion in debt and the largest tax hike in the history of the world looms just weeks away.

Yet that obviously is not what decided this election. Politicians were too busy talking all about Big Bird, rape and dancing horses.

The most disturbing issue of the election was how President Obama managed to win re-election in places like Ohio and Pennsylvania and Michigan by talking about the highly unpopular bailout of General Motors. By taking billions of dollars in hard-earned money from taxpayers during a deep recession and giving it to a couple of huge companies, Obama managed to buy the votes he needed to eke out re-election. Taxpayers remain on the hook to the tune of $25 billion.

Edited by bytor2112
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Stop driving so much.

There is much wisdom in this.

Granted, I have a long commute a few days' a week and thus understand the "But I have to drive!" situation.

But it's not like the government is forcing us to drive, (in my case, have the job I have/live where I live). This is an aspect of Provident Living. We are the ones in charge of our lives, we have every right to do what we can to make our lives affordable. Change might not be easy or ideal, but we won't get very far blaming others when the choices are still essentially ours.

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