PDA at church


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I have only seen one display of affection at church that bothered me.

In my old single's ward, a couple was full-on making out with the arms and the feeling up during sacrament meeting.

It's not uncommon for me to rub my husband's back during sacrament meeting, though. He is usually pushing himself past a normal point of energy and tends to fall asleep if he sits still for five minutes, so it helps keep him awake.

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This is so funny! I think it may be a matter of perspective, as well. My family usually sits in the overflow area because Gwen thinks she's a banshee monkey when it's nap time, so it's easier to take her out into the hall. Last week we sat in the middle of the chapel to get ready for the earlier meeting time change this year and omgoish I could not believe all the touching around me. It was like everyone was leaning against each other or rubbing backs or children sitting on laps or whispering. You just don't see all of this from the back for some reason. I'm not saying it's a bad thing. Just different :D

I was reading your first couple of sentences, and when you said "sits in the overflow area because Gwen thinks she's a banshee monkey", I was thinking, "what? you know Gwen? She acts like a banshee monkey?" Then, I realized you weren't talking about "our" lds.net Gwen.

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I'm saying this totally tongue in cheek so please don't take it the wrong way. I wish all signs of PDA would stop. No more back scratching. No more holding hands.

It's only because I'm envious that I don't have someone to show some PDA with at church. :)

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I'm saying this totally tongue in cheek so please don't take it the wrong way. I wish all signs of PDA would stop. No more back scratching. No more holding hands.

It's only because I'm envious that I don't have someone to show some PDA with at church. :)

Try rubbing the back of the guy next to you and see what happens.


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Unless it quiets down the 2 yr old when she is screaming "I wanna go play - I wanna go play".

Okay I'll concede to that one. But rubbing a 2 year olds feet would be much different than massaging someones feet who is 32. :)

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Guest DeborahC

I think it depends on the nature of the backrub.

There are backrubs, and then there are BACKRUBS!

And there's a whole range of difference between them, and what is appropriate or not.

Could you send a video? ::chuckling::

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I can understand how people can get distracted by a back rub. In the past I was apart from my spouse for several months due to work. I remember sitting in sacrament meetings and getting distracted by back rubs. It was more of a reminder that my spouse was not sitting right next to me. My feelings of loneliness increased. At the same time, it also reminded me we would be together again. I am grateful for those experiences, they only made me more grateful to be reunited again. So, I can understand how a widow or recently divorced person or a parent that just lost a child might feel. l know how loneliness can be intensified by watching a back rub between family members.

I think appropriate PDA at church is fine. It is sweet. It is loving. It is your family. The spirit is near.Those that have an issue with it (even an understandable issue) need to work through it. Life is too short to be a bitter stone, especially with your own family.

If the bishop keeps staring because a pair have ducked down below the pews, that might be time for a yellow light. More like a red light. :)

In all seriousness, I guess a good guide would be... do I feel the spirit?

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We recently had a rather heated discussion on public displays of affection at church in RS. I've never thought it to be a problem but a few sisters thought even giving a spouse s back rub during sacrament was inappropriate and offensive. I often give my hubby a quick kiss before going to class and have seen others do the same.


DW and I always kiss before she goes off to teach Primary and I go to class. -- No tongue though.

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I have to ask my daughter (8 years old) to give my back a good scratch because my wife doesnt want to distract anyone. I have to make a deal that I will scratch my daughters back after she is done with mine however. :)

My wifes reluctance comes from others in the ward who seem to get a little crazy with rubbing the back of the neck and using fingernails on the back of the head. Seems they are enjoying it a little too much. She doesnt want to be like that. When I do get her to scratch the old back, it is usually pretty brief. I mean, who doesnt love a good back scratch?

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my hubby is a tire man--and has some lower back trouble sometimes----so he appreciates a back rub or a good scratch when he itches-----when his back itches.

In the first few years we had been married, we were both speaking in church, and had to trade places at the pulpit---without thinking, because it was common for us at the time, we gave a quick peck on the lips as we passed----I just didn't stop to think about the fact that we were at the front of the chapel right close to the pulpit!!

nobody complained

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I going to go out on a limb here and say, If I began rubbing the shoulders of our Bishop during sacrament, that this is probably inappropriate PDA.

Or if I leaned over and he began scratching my back... that this wouldn't be good.

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speaking of the temple altar cloth-------i was in the temple once and we were waiting--could have been when one of my twins got married last year---I kept trying to adjust the crocheted altar covering so that it would hang just right, and evenly.

One of the older men told us something to the effect that the women would not let them touch the altar cloths. I thought this was so funny---men don't always seem to notice whether or not something is hanging straight---and I guess the women didn't want them to mess it up!

I have really enjoyed the times when I have been in the temple when things have been a little more relaxed and the workers had time to answer questions and make comments. obviously, this would not be during a regular endowment session.

The last time I went to do sealings, one the temple workers doing the sealings had been my bishop and my stake president, my neighbor, my doctor--had delivered my first two children, adn I had grown up at his house---my oldest daughter is named after his daughter.

I had a question about something, so while people were switching places, I asked, and he took the time to answer me, and he stopped for a minute and said how nice it was to see several young couples taking the time to come and do this work (I had come without my husband, carpooling with one of the young couples) I pointed out to him that I wasn't so young--and he just smiled and said he had known me since i was young.

I believe there is a time when we need to be very reverent, but i also believe that God has a sense of humor, and that he likes it when we can respectfully take a few minutes to ask questions and feel companionship in the temple, in the appropriate places.

I also so think God really cares if we rub our husband's sore backs while they sit un a bench that might be less than comfortable for some---I'm sure he'd rather they were there getting their back rubbed instead of staying home because the bench made them too uncomfortable.

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I think the key part in all this is discretion. Given you're not violating Church standards, be discreet and courteous to those around you, that's not much to ask. If you're giving your spouse a full-on back massage and he or she is purring from sheer delight - that's not being discreet or courteous to those sat behind you.

There is a time and place for all things (most things, I should say). Dedicating one hour in Sacrament Meeting and a couple hours thereafter in classes, maintaining reverence and respect for others, is doable! Yes, kids get noisy but if they continue to be unruly after several verbal promptings - remove them! If you're typically an "uncovered" breastfeeding mama (I was), consider using a cover to nurse during Sacrament Meeting or use the Mummy's room if you don't want to do that. I never used a cover while breastfeeding - never - but in church I was discreet and made sure my breast was not a distraction for anyone, and my baby was still fed on the spot whenever she was fussy.

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