What’s the last movie you watched?


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Lone Survivor.

My husband and I talked about it all through the night. It makes you ponder.

Compared with Act of Valor, I like Valor better. But Lone is based on a true story, not just real Seals training. These guys died for our country because they would rather die than besmirch the military's reputation.

Warning: Rated R for war and military dirty language.

Edited by anatess
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Due to the Patriots playing in tonight's game and I can't stand them.....we are watching a movie called......Pacific Rim. .......it's good so far.

I never got to see that, and I wanted to. How was the CGI? I love that kind of stuff - Battleship, the Transformers movies, etc. I saw a preview for Pacific Rim in the theater and thought it looked great; who cares about the plot? Just give me big stuff that needs killin' :lol:

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It was entertaining enough that we enjoyed it. Plenty of flashy martial art sequences, a bit of gore, and the plot was decent but predictable. Good watch for a no-brainer weekend but not the most appropriate movie for young kids -- too violent.

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I never got to see that, and I wanted to. How was the CGI? I love that kind of stuff - Battleship, the Transformers movies, etc. I saw a preview for Pacific Rim in the theater and thought it looked great; who cares about the plot? Just give me big stuff that needs killin' :lol:

Pacific Rim is terrible on acting but the CGI and action is top-notch. So you just might like it.

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I never got to see that, and I wanted to. How was the CGI? I love that kind of stuff - Battleship, the Transformers movies, etc. I saw a preview for Pacific Rim in the theater and thought it looked great; who cares about the plot? Just give me big stuff that needs killin' :lol:

This is one of our cult movies of the year 2013. Probably saw it 5 times or more at the theater.

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The World's End.

I'll be the first to say this isn't for everyone but I thought it was fantastic! There's a couple familiar faces, Pierce Brosnan and Martin Freeman, to be specific. The acting is well done and there's some coarse language but the plot is extremely entertaining! Honestly, didn't expect it to go where it went. It's a combination of a comedy and slight horror, yeh, confusing! A+++

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I saw Lone Survivor. My wife abhors violence and she decided to watch it with me. She actually thought it was really well done. She didn't look away once, so it's not as bad as bloody as allot of people are saying. I thought the movie was great and it made me appreciate the sacrifice our soldiers make. It also made me angry at those in government who use our military as a political tool rather than a force to defend liberty and freedom.

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Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters

Admittedly, this is one that I wanted to see. I had seen the first part and quite enjoyed it. No, it isn't anywhere near the same calibre as some of those bigger titles like Harry Potter or what-have-you but the first part is worth seeing with the family at home. That said, Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters is the second part, and sadly I wasn't impressed. The CGI has come a long way since the first but the story wasn't nearly as good as the first. It felt too rushed and the ending was not satisfying. To be fair, I understand there is going to be a third part to this series... I would still recommend watching it if you or your kids have enjoyed the story because if part 3 does come out - you'll need to see part 2 - it's a must.

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Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters

Admittedly, this is one that I wanted to see. I had seen the first part and quite enjoyed it. No, it isn't anywhere near the same calibre as some of those bigger titles like Harry Potter or what-have-you but the first part is worth seeing with the family at home. That said, Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters is the second part, and sadly I wasn't impressed. The CGI has come a long way since the first but the story wasn't nearly as good as the first. It felt too rushed and the ending was not satisfying. To be fair, I understand there is going to be a third part to this series... I would still recommend watching it if you or your kids have enjoyed the story because if part 3 does come out - you'll need to see part 2 - it's a must.

Having read the books before watching the movies, the Percy Jackson movies - both of them - suck like a Dyson. :(

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Having read the books before watching the movies, the Percy Jackson movies - both of them - suck like a Dyson. :(

I watched the first one, and I could tell that there were a lot of holes, and that it was very poorly adapted, and I hadn't read the books (still haven't). It's unfortunate, because it seemed like a really good story, and had the potential to be much better.

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I haven't seen this movie since it came out in the theaters long time ago, but I just want to say the worst of all bad adaptations is The Last Airbender (adapted from an animated TV series). It's so bad they can't even pronounce the name of the main character right.

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