Your reason for Unfriending?


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It could be. Odd though. I hardly ever see pinterest posts.

On Pinterest, there's an option to share the pin to Facebook. I believe one has to go out of one's way to click this option. Yet my mother keeps doing it. We tell her not to. We showed her how NOT to click this. But she's, well, basically someone who should not be on the internet. Yesterday she apparently locked herself out of her own blog.

I get to see everything she puts on Pinterest.

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On Pinterest, there's an option to share the pin to Facebook. I believe one has to go out of one's way to click this option. Yet my mother keeps doing it. We tell her not to. We showed her how NOT to click this. But she's, well, basically someone who should not be on the internet. Yesterday she apparently locked herself out of her own blog.

I get to see everything she puts on Pinterest.

Gosh I should not laugh but it reminds me of my mom. Except with her she deletes files she does not recognize. How she even finds them I have no clue. Apparently the last windows has hidden things sufficiently that she has not found any of those weirdly named files similar to system.exe.

Edited by annewandering
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last person who unfriended me, was because I insulted some... well they're a subgroup of bronies that have a sexual attraction to the ponies on my little pony...

Wow, Facebook needs a "annul friendship, pretend it never happened, and soak my computer in Lysol" button.

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For awhile, I added anyone I'd ever known as a friend. Periodically (especially before the option to just hide people from the newsfeed), I'd "friend purge" to thin out. I found myself dumping that former stake presidency member or the girl who was my best friend when I was six, but with whom I now have nothing in common. With the advent of the "hide from newsfeed" option, I very rarely unfriend anymore.

I did, just about a month ago, however. I was FB friends with a woman I'd met once: when I assisted my sister-in-law in photographing her (the woman's) wedding six or more years ago. My husband had known the woman as a teenager, and my sister-in-law is fairly good friends with her. One day she had sent me a friend request, and had since decided that "we'd be best friends" if we lived near each other (we're in different states). Last summer I had the opportunity to actually spend an afternoon with her, and she was just about as annoying in real life as online, if not more so. Still, she's easy to brush off.

She has a history of reactionary behavior, sees things only in black and white, frequently makes absolutist statements and refuses to adjust them, and tends to hobby post (lately she's been posting about five things a day about Monsanto, and only one actual personal note every other day or so). Well, a little over a month ago, she posted some rant or complaint, and I pointed out a flaw in it, while still acknowledging a positive side of the thing she was complaining about. Her response was, "Oh don't be so naive, Wingnut! ......." (She continued to go on in a nasty tone.) Being that she was already annoying as crap to me, and I didn't really know her in the first place, it didn't take me long to decide that I didn't need to be treated that way, and didn't want to associate with her anymore. I clicked the "Unfriend" button, and haven't regretted it since.

Edited by Wingnut
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My mom believes people have unfriended her due to her inability to keep her Pinterest pins from showing up on Facebook.

You can block them from showing up on facebook. Does she realize that?

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I de-friend people who aren't perfect, needless to say I don't have many friends.


Which means I'm perfect right since I'm still your friend on facebook? :lol:

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I will unfriend or not even friend for:

- Too many political post's.

- Vulgar post's.

- People from my past.

- People I choose not to correspond with.

- As a general rule albeit with some exceptions, married women unless their husbands know we're facebook friends.

- Teenagers unless their parents know me AND I know them.

Thus, why I have so few facebook friends. But I'm also very careful with what I post because I don't want to cause someone else to regret friending me.

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The only person I've unfriended was my husband's ex-wife. That was several years ago, shortly after signing up for Facebook and not realizing I didn't need to friend everyone who asked me to be their friend. Now, just last month her daughter, from her second marriage, just unfriended me. Don't know why. I had made a comment on her page about her grandmother (ex-wife's mother) that I had visited with a short while ago. I didn't think it was offensive. I just mentioned we had a nice chat and thought grandma was doing great for being 93 years old. She deleted the post, and then unfriended me.

I've blocked several people. One friend from high school who posts about 10 posts a day about her favorite rock band, and then another 10 posts of favorite scenery. I just got tired scrolling down through so many impersonal posts. Most other people I blocked was for foul language.

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I unfriended a very old friend who went apostate, and then in spite of me trying to be friendly and okay with it decided to attack me personally and be generally belligerent. I've unfriended a cousin-in-law who was crazy and picked a fight with me (we've never even met!), and sometimes I clean up my list and unfriend anyone I haven't seen or had any feedback toward or from in a long time.

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I went a really long time without unfriending anyone and accepting nearly everyone. I'm still not very picky about who I accept but I have no qualms about deleting people now.

The first person I unfriended was a former coworker fom years ago. He always seemed fairly nice and normal....until the election. All day, every day there was some sort of ugly political post. He hated Obama.... He hated Romney. I was annoyed but I thought I'd hang on until after the election. Then he started posting about how Mormons aren't Christians and blah blah. I calmly and nicely thought I'd correct him and let him know that I was LDS and he proceeded to bombard my page with post about how the BoM was a lie and and anti Mormon videos. So he was deleted quickly.

Then I deleted another old coworker for extremely foul language. Every post was vulgar.

I also deleted my sister in law and her daughter. Every time I posted something they would read too much into it and call my mother in law (who doesn't have fb) and she'd call me asking what was going on. It was crazy. I'm not one of those annoying people who post vague statuses either. I would post something like "it's just me and the kids hanging out tonight" and my mother in law would call me and ask if my husband and I were fighting. Or a coworker would post something on my wall about work and my mother in law would call me asking what was going on. She didn't even have FB!! It just got creepy to me that my sister in law was watching my page and reporting everything to my mother in law. Like 3 minutes after I unfriended them my husband's phone was blowing up by everyone wanting to know why I had deleted them. Weirdos.

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I unfriended a person from high school who never interacted with me after she sent the request. She just wanted to plug her business. Turns out she hasn't change since high school. :P

I've been defriended by probably 3 or 4 people, one of which I was very relieved about because she was losing it and jumped all over me when I wouldn't agree with her opinion (after she asked for my honest opinion). I wanted her to be the one to do it and I'm not hurt. After I deleted a rude comment from her, she defriended me. Yaaaaaaay!!!

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Share on other sites I said I haven't unfriended anyone in a long time. That may just change tonight. :)

What I should have said mirkwood is "Only in Germany." :lol:

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