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I like to bring both. There's just something about opening my books of scriptures and seeing all my notes and underlining that my app on my iPhone doesn't have. When I want to find a scripture really fast, especially in the Old Testament, then my app is the quickest way to find it.

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I like to bring both. There's just something about opening my books of scriptures and seeing all my notes and underlining that my app on my iPhone doesn't have. When I want to find a scripture really fast, especially in the Old Testament, then my app is the quickest way to find it.

I agree.....thats exactly what I do.....I like having the footnotes there in front of me to.

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I don't own any kind of a tablet and I hate using my phone for anything so I'm still with the old fashioned way of carrying scriptures.

They probably wouldn't appreciate it if I brought my 17" laptop. :)

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I don't own any kind of a tablet and I hate using my phone for anything so I'm still with the old fashioned way of carrying scriptures.

They probably wouldn't appreciate it if I brought my 17" laptop. :)

Thats another issue I have....I see members carry their ipads to the podium to give a talk. I just cant do that either. I know of several members in our local Branch that dont have a ipad or a phone with the scriptures on it and I am not to that point yet to use it while speaking. I still prefer to write some notes on paper.

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I have the one they gave me all those months ago, when I brought it to work I kept it in a ziplock bag (at the time I worked in fields, and thusly everything was always wet-except for me since I had the proper gear and my book of mormon), I remember the missionaires having a really weird look when they saw the care I went into protecting it, since it was the free one they literally had a stack on a table should I need to replace it.

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I will probably be getting a tablet soon. I wanted one for church use cause my big print scriptures are heavy. And since I only have the book of Mormon, dc, pearl of great price as my old scriptures , which I too like to use cause I have marked them up, but when we get out of the pearl of great price, then I will need to carry the big print and well there just so heavy I will try to use the tablet. Oh I will be getting the tablet for free from my boss.

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I love my book of Scriptures and only use those at home, but I do like to use a tablet at Church. Several reasons really, the main ones being, I have neck and shoulder pain, so it's nice for me to not have to carry Scriptures which are heavy for me. Also I can see the print in the tablet better. I haven't used it for a talk or anything though.

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All these gadgets sure has made teaching Sunday school more difficult. Used to be you could speak your mind and no one would call you on it, or if they did you could tell them it was in the manual and was just as surprising to you. Now with their iThis and WiThat they can check your sources and call you on it.

Me: So the serpent with legs was the dinosaurs and it got cast out of the garden of Eden first. That's why the dinosaurs died off before humans came along.

Classmember: Wow. That doesn't really sound right to me. Where can I read more on that?

Me: Oh, it's in the manual. This week was the first I'd ever heard of it too.

Classmember: [clicks a few buttons] I don't see it in the manual.

Me: It's in the teacher's manual.

Classmember: That's what I'm looking at.

Me: Oh... I must have read it in The Sealed Writings of Joseph Fielding Smith.

Classmember: [clicks some more buttons] Wikipedia says there's no such book.

Me: Well we've got to move on. So the Lord placed a spinning lightsaber to guard the tree of life - PUT YOUR HANDS DOWN OR WE'LL NEVER GET THROUGH THIS LESSON!!!!

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I see more people using them too. I am just not wanting to stop bringing my scriptures and using them.

You're not the only one. My son's Primary Teacher told him he has to bring his paper scriptures. They have this goal to bring their scriptures every Sunday for the entire year (actually, it's until the Primary Sacrament Program because it started the Sunday after the Primary Sacrament Program last year). If they accomplish it they get something really really special on the day of the Primary Program. My son has brought his electronic scriptures every single day but the Primary Teacher said he's going to start not counting it by February (which was 2 Sundays ago) but my son doesn't want to bring his books...

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I started using my Kindle for my scriptures after I bought it. I was in need of a new set, but decided to give the tablet a try. Now that I am used to it I like it quite a bit. I can't use some of my old forms of notation, but I have adapted and do not plan on buying a new hard copy set any time soon.

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I am all about the electronics...if you have them use them...yet, I see far too many people on Facebook and other social sites while at Church -- during sacrament (this I don't get).

Also, if I tried to carry all the books I have now on my iPad, I would have to bring a wagon with me. I now have access to all the teachings, all scriptures, all manuals, and all Ensigns, New-Era, and Friend. It is wonderful.

On a side note, it was very interesting in my stake to see the change of feeling toward electronics when a GA visited our stake, and spoke about how wonderful these tablets are...after that the whole stake presidency had one and now almost every stake leader has one.

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I am all about the electronics...if you have them use them...yet, I see far too many people on Facebook and other social sites while at Church -- during sacrament (this I don't get).

Also, if I tried to carry all the books I have now on my iPad, I would have to bring a wagon with me. I now have access to all the teachings, all scriptures, all manuals, and all Ensigns, New-Era, and Friend. It is wonderful.

On a side note, it was very interesting in my stake to see the change of feeling toward electronics when a GA visited our stake, and spoke about how wonderful these tablets are...after that the whole stake presidency had one and now almost every stake leader has one.

Yeh that's a pet peeve with me. I have sat in Sacrament meeting and watched people playing Candy Crush and other such things.

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If I'm attending a class, I use my phone.

However, if I'm teaching class, I print out the lesson in advance and teach from the paper. Easier to make notes and for me to follow along than to teach from my phone.

One day, I'll make a long project out of it and transfer all my notes from my scriptures to my online account and 'sync' them.

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We don't even own paper scriptures.

Electronic ones are free... And when we joined we didn't have the money. Since then, there has seemed little if any point. I thought I'd be the last person I the world to convert to eBooks (as I'm super tactile), but while I still love tactile books, I love reading more than I love paper. I read everything on my tablet. From curling up in bed at night, to taking notes in a textbook, to news, to musical scores. I couldn't afford to do 1/10th (possibly 1/100th, ugh, honestly) of the reading I do in tactile format. I certainly couldn't carry it all with me.

As far as handwritten notes.... LOL... I take handwritten notes (with a stylus) on my tablet in ProCreate.

And the LDS Gospel App has even better note taking (for highlighting, underlining, typed notes, etc.) than even Kindle. <grin> And it's free! And has not only all the standard cross references between books, but also conference talks (which One can watch or listen to!), articles, manuals, etc. Shiver. That app just twitterpates me.

And to combo handwritten, typed, etc... I can set up a slideshow by doing screen grabs of my handwritten notes & the relatvent scriptures (or manual pages etc.) & hose notes, so I can just flip from page to page. Then save the whole thing as an album.


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