Childhood things now extinct!


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I don't think this is actually extinct, just the result of growing up in a small town (1k population). We used to ride our bikes out into "the fields" (some foot hills nearby the town) and build forts (like, dug rather large, deep dugouts) and have sling shot wars. I wish my kid could experience that. The town we live isn't huge 360k population, but it's big enough I wouldn't let him ride his bike out alone.

(hey look, wikipedia has a picture of my childhood town haha)


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Dance movies.  And the characters wear skin-tight jeans over their leotards and wear leg warmers over their skinny jeans.  In neon colors.  Oh, and Aquanet-sprayed big hair... while hanging out at the mall... and then breaking into a rap... while dancing jazz...


And then wearing shiny tights under short ruffled skirts and an acid washed jean jacket, still with the leg warmers over their neon high-top converse.


I don't miss those.  I don't know why I thought those were fashionable...

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We totally still have dance movies.  Step Up, anyone?




Everything else you mentioned is just straight up classic 80's fashion, which is (to an extent) unfortunately, enjoying a comeback currently.


Nooooooooo!  The horror!!!


I need to burn my teen-age photo album... my husband has been digging through the photos looking for old pictures to use for Throw Back Thursdays on Facebook (who invented that?  He needs to be thrown in a pit of cobras).  And I just remembered one of those pictures in there was of me wearing electric blue shiny tights under a black tight mini-skirt... if that picture ever resurfaces, I'm going to die of embarassment...


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Rotary dial phones

Chocks vitamins

IBM Selectric typewriters


Earth Shoes

Drive up Fotomat's

Card catalogue at the library

Primary Bandelo



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Spending all day outside exploring without adult supervision.  We were sent out to play and we came home for lunch and dinner.  We had fun.  We never thought of danger.  I feel so bad for kids now.  It's all structured activities or video games.  Spontaneous play and exploration seem to be a thing of the past.

Amen to all that......

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The Bishop measuring your skirt and pinning paper to the hem if too short

In prep school, the nuns would make you kneel down and if your skirt didn't touch the floor, you got a whack with a yardstick and a warning not to come back to school until the hem was lower.

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Helping to paint new church buildings

Selling chocolate bars to finance church buildings

The Bishop measuring your skirt and pinning paper to the hem if too short



In prep school, the nuns would make you kneel down and if your skirt didn't touch the floor, you got a whack with a yardstick and a warning not to come back to school until the hem was lower.



Sacrament meeting in the evening.....Primary held during the week. On fast Sunday you never had to go back to church in the evening.


Whoa!  You guys are older than Pam!

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Whoa!  You guys are older than Pam!

You know... Whenever Pam's age gets brought up... I have this mental image

- Wendy Darling sitting with her laptop rolling her eyes. That, REALLY, Pam is just a genius 12yo. Who hires an actress to keep,her cover at social events B)

((I am posting this against my better judgement, as I accidentally hit the home button, instead of 'post' and what flashed onto my screen was a picture of MitRomney glaring at me. Yikes! ))

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