Good Gifts and Their Counterfeits


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I was reading something recently that mentioned that for every good gift Heavenly Father has given us, Satan has a counterfeit.  I've known that but haven't really ever thought of them specifically.  I have a few ideas but wanted to hear yours.  For example - 


Good gift: natural foods, herbs, etc

Counterfeit: pharmaceuticals


Good gift: personal revelation

Counterfeit: psychics and horoscopes



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Counterfeit:  Pharmaceuticals?  I don't think so.  And that's coming from me - holistic medicine's greatest fan.


Good gift:  The Perfect Bacon Bowl for Christmas

Counterfit:  Inverted muffin tin with a cookie sheet and an oven cleaner to clean all the gunk up.


Yes, I'm eating rice and egg in a bacon bowl made in the Perfect Bacon Bowl as I type...



Edited by anatess
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I don't agree that pharmaceuticals are Satans counterfeit. 


That would be like saying


Good gift: oranges, leeches

Counterfeit: antibiotics


Are pharmaceuticals misused, yes...were leeches misused...yes ....both leeches and "big pharma" have been well fed at times.


But no matter what natural foods and herbs you take your likely not going to survive the Bubonic plague or say Ebola without modern medicine. 


Modern Medicine is a good gift actually, and I'm certain there are some Apostles and Prophets that agree with me. 


We welcome and praise and utilize the marvelous procedures of modern medicine which have done so much to alleviate human suffering and lengthen human life..Modern science and medicine are doing wonders to alleviate pain and prolong life.
~ Gordon B. Hinkley
Scientific knowledge, the marvels of communication, and the wonders of modern medicine have come from the Lord to enhance His work throughout the world. 
~ James E. Faust
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Counterfeit:  Pharmaceuticals?  I don't think so.  And that's coming from me - holistic medicine's greatest fan.


Good gift:  The Perfect Bacon Bowl for Christmas

Counterfit:  Inverted muffin tin with a cookie sheet and an oven cleaner to clean all the gunk up.


Yes, I'm eating rice and egg in a bacon bowl made in the Perfect Bacon Bowl as I type...




I'm not quite sure what exactly you are eating, but I hope it tastes and  doesn't have too much to do with a bowling ball filled with bacon. :P


Bad gift:   intolerable headaches


Good gift: pharmaceuticals like painkilling tablets

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I'm not quite sure what exactly you are eating, but I hope it tastes and  doesn't have too much to do with a bowling ball filled with bacon. :P


Bad gift:   intolerable headaches


Good gift: pharmaceuticals like painkilling tablets


Check this out Jimmi!  It just might get rid of your headaches!  LOL.



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Check this out Jimmi!  It just might get rid of your headaches!  LOL.



You Americans, how practical! That means you eat the rice and the egg together with the bowl and you don't have to wash any bowl or dishes later. It's like eating Schweinshaxn and potatos together with the plate which is made of Sauerkraut. I'll try it tomorrow. :lol:

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Counterfeit: pharmaceuticals


Since when?


That's like saying,

Good gift: Horse

Counterfeit: Car


I call them both good gifts.


This whole natural = better trend is nonsense.


Good gift: charcoal from a fire to write on the cave wall (because it's natural!)

Counterfeit: Word Processor. Evil. Man made. Not natural.


edit (or...maybe a better relation: Good gift: gold plates and a sharp item to scratch words in. Counterfeit: computers/word processors)

Edited by The Folk Prophet
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I was reading something recently that mentioned that for every good gift Heavenly Father has given us, Satan has a counterfeit.  I've known that but haven't really ever thought of them specifically.  I have a few ideas but wanted to hear yours.  For example - 


Good gift: natural foods, herbs, etc

Counterfeit: pharmaceuticals


Good gift: personal revelation

Counterfeit: psychics and horoscopes

Pharmaceuticals are from Satan? So Heavenly Father has no hand whatsoever in that area of medicine?

So mankind should never have developed such things as the polio vaccine....insulin for diabetes....antibiotics for infections....etc....because those are all evil and of Satan and there's plants for all that?

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I've noticed anti-pharmaceutical folks often trying to find justification and support for their notions in scripture or church doctrine/policy/practice.  But they usually come up empty handed.  From the Old Testament: 



Proverbs 17:22: A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.


To modern opinions of church leaders:


during the past 40 years numerous medications have been developed by the multinational pharmaceutical industry. These products have proven of inestimable worth to millions.

- Alexander Morrison of the Seventy



Sort of hard to run the "drugs are a counterfeit from Satan" line past Elder Nelson of the Twelve, what with his medical background and pioneering work.  Hard to give someone an artificial heart without a wheelbarrow full of different drugs.

Edited by NeuroTypical
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Not exactly the kind of responses I was looking for. :/


Re: pharmaceuticals - I said 'counterfeit' because it's well-known that they take the active ingredients from plants and try to copy it (though it usually comes with side effects).  This is because they can't patent plants but they can patent drugs to make money. Furthermore, I said pharmaceuticals not modern medicine.  There's a difference. Mod. medicine is good in some cases and there are life-saving skills for sure but it's not meant for every sniffle and it leaves people way too complacent regarding their health.


Can we please stay on topic?  Thanks. 

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Uh...that was my point.  Likewise, if there are counterfeit tongues, it is because there are authentic tongues.  No one believes a fake fake.  Counterfeiting only works if there is first the authentic.


Faux $3-bills? As there are no authentic $3-bills how can there be faux $3-bills? :lol:

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Counterfeit: The movement to make us distrust our neighbors in the name of family safety.


I'm not so sure this is a movement as much as a natural result of the horrible things people have done to their "neighbors" over the years. I don't distrust my neighbors in the name of my family's safety because of some movement. I simply distrust others because, you know, they kidnap, molest, kill, lie, steal, preach false ideologies, and are, generally, wicked. Obviously, if I know my neighbor, and learn otherwise about them, then trust is built. Otherwise...uh...yeah...I think I'll put my family's safety first. 

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Uh...that was my point.  Likewise, if there are counterfeit tongues, it is because there are authentic tongues.  No one believes a fake fake.  Counterfeiting only works if there is first the authentic.


I believe, and correct me if I'm wrong PC, that the point here is that it doesn't make much sense to imply a counterfeit to something that is not related. Like if we just throw out good gift being, say...Christmas and a counterfeit being...say...people driving too slow in the fast lane. At least throw Halloween in there or something.'s another bad example:


Good gift: Worshiping God.

Counterfeit: Christmas.


They aren't equivalent. They can be, of course, but they aren't universal, so the application fails somewhat. Some people use Christmas to worship God very well. Some use it as a counterfeit. Therefore, Christmas fails as a blanket counterfeit because it is not, universally, so.


Well...that's what I read into PC's point anyhow. Maybe I'm way off.


Here's mine addition to the list:


Good gift: Love

Counterfeit: Tolerance

Edited by The Folk Prophet
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