Attending Church While Visiting Family


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Okay, so I'm sure for most people this is a topic that doesn't require any advice to be given. Obviously, I want to attend church meetings over the holidays when I am visiting family. Unfortunately, I'm not sure which branch/ward to attend.


Some background information:


I am a convert, and the only member in my family, so any church attendance will be on my own to a ward/branch that I've never been to before (yaaaaay being the new person...again). I currently attend the YSA branch in my stake and have come to enjoy the more quiet solitude of the YSA setting. Not that there's anything wrong with family wards and branches, of course, it's just a difference.


So here's my question: I know that the stake in which my grandparents live has a YSA branch. Assuming that the YSA branch in the Kansas City stake is holding meetings (ours is not for two weeks, due to it mainly being a school-fed YSA branch), should I attend the YSA to meet others that I may see at future area activities....or go to the family ward that my grandparents would, were they members of the church? I am planning on possibly contacting the branch president or a member on their facebook page to see, I just don't want to look awkward in the process.


I'd also like to note for full clarity that the YSA branch has its first meeting at 12:30 pm and the family ward meets at 9 am. There's something about 12:30 that just feels so darn appealing...


Anyway, thanks for your help! There are probably a million things that I don't know any better about/haven't been taught/don't realize due to being a convert, so this feels like a constant struggle of double checking to clarify.

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If I were in your position and felt the way you feel, I would go to the YSA ward. On the other hand, if you think the ward where your grandparents live might be of service to your grandparents, it might be worth going there and introducing yourself.

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I've got a pretty anti-religion family. Even with it being Christmas, it won't make a difference (let's not even add in the fact that it's three hours of meetings). They are skipping a children's choir performance my cousin is playing piano/violin for on Christmas eve, even though the religious message will probably stop at the Christmas story and it should be short.

I am in the middle of building my testimony back up after being inactive for seven years, so skipping feels like it would be a step in the wrong direction for me.

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Why would you advocate skipping church when the OP stated she wants to attend?  

She is going out of town to visit her Grandparents, who are not members. There is limited time. I do not think the sky will part and a bolt of lightening will strike the OP if she ops to spend Sunday with her grandparents who I assume she does not see very often...


I am not advocating skipping church I am saying that it is an option and a viable one. 

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She is going out of town to visit her Grandparents, who are not members. There is limited time. I do not think the sky will part and a bolt of lightening will strike the OP if she ops to spend Sunday with her grandparents who I assume she does not see very often...


I am not advocating skipping church I am saying that it is an option and a viable one. 


The OP has already made up her mind, I think, that she's going...


But I'm with you Omega... When we visited my Catholic family, we attended mass at the Catholic Church with them and did the normal family party thing on Sunday - went to the restaurant and went to the beach with the fam.  I felt it wasn't the time to cause a rift with my family - it was the time to strengthen the family.


But, it really depends on each individual situation and each individual family.

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And to be fair, I can see a lot of the argument for not attending. The last time I visited (mid-November) I didn't go, because I was there to visit with my grandmother while she was in the hospital.


This time, I am planning on going up the 23rd in the evening and staying until the 1st due to a YSA regional activity in Kansas City on New Year's Eve. So this is smack dab in the middle of my trip, at which point I'll have had ample time to be social and spend time with family for holiday things. I'm blessed to see my family as often as I do, and I know my being gone for a few hours on Sunday will not insult my grandparents in the least. It'll also give me an opportunity to stop by and visit my other grandfather on the way back to their house from church, as he lives on the way.


Thanks for the suggestions and tolerating my over-thinking. I do it a lot, mostly because I feel fairly child-like when it comes to the Gospel and often don't know what I'm doing.

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Thanks for the suggestions and tolerating my over-thinking. I do it a lot, mostly because I feel fairly child-like when it comes to the Gospel and often don't know what I'm doing.


"And [He] said, Verily I say unto you, 'Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.'"  (Matthew 18:3)  :)


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"And [He] said, Verily I say unto you, 'Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.'"  (Matthew 18:3)  :)



Check annnnnd check! Two for two on that statement. Just don't expect me to know the primary songs /o\ I secretly hope that someday I get a primary calling, if only so I can catch up with that missed experience from childhood.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I like going to different wards while traveling. It's like having an instant new family.


Just have to be careful in some areas, or it's a pretty dysfunctional family, and you're the illegitimate cousin they'd rather just lock in the basement.

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