Church releases statement today regarding Rome Temple construction


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Is it true that Catholics make great Mormons?  I know Fiona Givens came from the Roman Catholic Church.  In a podcast I heard her suggest that native-born Mormons attend a Catholic mass before they go to the temple for the first time so they won't be startled by the rituals.

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Is it true that Catholics make great Mormons?  I know Fiona Givens came from the Roman Catholic Church.  In a podcast I heard her suggest that native-born Mormons attend a Catholic mass before they go to the temple for the first time so they won't be startled by the rituals.


Committed, believing Catholics tend to be great people, so yes, they make great Mormons. In my experience as a missionary in Italy, most baptized members tended to be inactive, and a fairly high percentage more or less went back to the Catholic Church, at least ritually speaking. But faithful Italian members are as wonderful as any other faithful members. And as an added bonus, they speak Italian fluently.

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"In recent months, progress on the Rome Italy Temple slowed due to contractor difficulties not related to this project. Those challenges have been addressed, and work will soon resume at a normal pace. No dates have been announced for completion. We are grateful that our members have extended their faith and prayers and sought heaven's help in seeing this important project through to completion."


So....... no man knows the day or the hour?......... 


Let me get back to you (If it's 10 AM and you haven't heard a good rumor, then it's time to start one).

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I'm telling you, convert the Pope, and the problems will go away.  Go big or go home.   :P


Nah, we'll just get a new one. Also, you guys can't offer nearly as awesome an outfit.


Committed, believing Catholics tend to be great people, so yes, they make great Mormons. In my experience as a missionary in Italy, most baptized members tended to be inactive, and a fairly high percentage more or less went back to the Catholic Church, at least ritually speaking. But faithful Italian members are as wonderful as any other faithful members. And as an added bonus, they speak Italian fluently.


If it makes you feel better, when they get back to the Catholic Church after leaving Mormonism, they're probably fairly inactive with us as well :P

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Is it true that Catholics make great Mormons?  I know Fiona Givens came from the Roman Catholic Church.  In a podcast I heard her suggest that native-born Mormons attend a Catholic mass before they go to the temple for the first time so they won't be startled by the rituals.


My mother was born and raised Catholic, converted to LDS, served a mission, etc. The rest is history.

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Hope it's done soon.  The Rome temple is one of the most architecturally magnificent buildings I've ever seen... if the Jetsons had LDS temples, they would look like the one in Rome. 


It's interesting you mention this.  I posted this announcement on the Ask Gramps facebook page and we had a guy talk about how it was such an ugly temple compared to the architecture found around Rome.  You can see his comments:

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It's interesting you mention this.  I posted this announcement on the Ask Gramps facebook page and we had a guy talk about how it was such an ugly temple compared to the architecture found around Rome.  You can see his comments:


I suppose I could forgive that Facebook comment if the new temple looked like an IKEA warehouse... oh, right, I am commanded to forgive everyone, drat.


I've always thought Facebook was nothing but a nest of vulgarians, and here is the final proof.  Besides, my business partner is an architect from MIT, and he says the Rome temple is exquisitely designed.  Q.E.D.


Ciao for now...

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It's interesting you mention this.  I posted this announcement on the Ask Gramps facebook page and we had a guy talk about how it was such an ugly temple compared to the architecture found around Rome.  You can see his comments:

He may need to get his eyes examined soon.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I just looked at that facebook link - and followed 'the guys' profile. He wasn't saying anything against building the temple in Rome, just that he didn't like the design and thought it 'ugly' - surely he's allowed an opinion if he doesn't like the shape of a building. I saw that he posts many links to the 'Ask Gramps' page and clearly gains inspiration from it... so don't be too hard on him. 

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  • 1 month later...

My husband works closely with a man who is on the architectural team for the Rome temple. I hope church news or some other publication is able to share some of the stories some day, I will have to check with this individual before I share any of them here. No temple is built without a lot of opposition in its way, but Rome has really, really been slammed. Given how close it is to the Vatican I don't think anyone would be surprised.

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No temple is built without a lot of opposition in its way,...


Not meaning to be argumentative, but that isn't entirely accurate. Actually, the Fort Lauderdale Florida temple did not experience any opposition. There were no challenges--not one--from the time it was announced to the time it was dedicated. Those of us who were involved were absolutely flabbergasted. It was, in our estimation, a miracle!

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Meridian, Idaho was delayed because of opposition from one woman. There were something like 3 meetings where the planning committee finally told her to deal with it, basically. I know a lot of people aren't positive about the construction, but hopefully once it's there, the negativity will die down (as it did in Twin Falls).

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Sacramento got opposition from people claiming that its proposed steeple was too high.  It was a ridiculous argument--the nearest developments are industrial/commercial, not residential; and the temple itself was planned for a 46-acre tree-filled Church-owned, hilltop site with only a stake center and a few houses for the temple presidency on the grounds.


Ultimately, opponents stooped to arguing that low-flying planes might clip the steeple en route to landing at the Sacramento Metro Airport--thirty miles away.


The completed structure--with its tower--looks lovely.  :)

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I don't just mean people who oppose the planning or building, though I have no doubt there are some. The stories I have heard about are about things such as weird anomalys in some of the building materials, machinery and such that suddenly failed for no reason that anyone could tell, people who are integral to the project getting dramatic illnesses completely out of the blue.. etc. A lot of things that happen normally on huge projects such as this, normal setbacks you know, but a lot that weren't normal and seemed to have no reasonable or determinable cause. Ultimately, they're just a reminder of how powerful the adversary is, and how very important temples are. 

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