Can you handle the heat?


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Chicken wings are what got me thinking. We're having some pretty normally-spiced ones for dinner and I don't enjoy them much. Too much heat, not enough flavor. I like a little heat. I like some jalapeno. Especially with cheese, or with something sweet. I love pepper jelly on crackers and cream cheese.

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When I was about 23/24 yrs. old, I was in the San Diego area, and my date took me to what he called a "dive" but had wonderful Mexican food.  And he was right, everything was delicious.  He dared me to try the Salsa which I admit was the "hottest" I've ever tasted!!!  I managed to eat it and even enjoyed it.  Several months later he called me and said the restaurant had been closed due to rats.  lol  We are still friends to this day, and I will get a call from him every once and awhile. (We were on the same mission in Germany together, so there's a strong bond).


Ever since my first pregnancy, I can no longer handle or even want to eat anything that is very spicy.  I can't seem to handle it anymore.  When I order wings or ribs, it's always with a sweet sauce.

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I love hot peppers, but being the hot pepper connoisseur that I am it has to be a hot pepper with a good flavor to it. Don't tell me they all just taste spicy hot, Cayenne, Hot paprika, Tabasco, Jalapeno generally have a good flavor; Chinese red pepper, Tepin, Serrano, Santaka, Pasilla, and Fresno pepper are okay. I don't like the flavor of Habanero, Use a different hot pepper, like Ghost Chill instead if you are looking for pure heat.
I'd rather mild food with a good pepper seasoning than something that's just hot.

The best hot wings use a Cayenne garlic hot sauce IMO.

It depends on how much hot stuff i've been eating recently for how hot I like it. I spent some time camping eating generally bland food for an extended period of time and couldn't even handle hot Cheetos when I got back. But generally I like my food pretty hot.

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I like things hot. The thing is that it needs to have balance. While those not used to spice may not think so there is a balance at play, something can be hot without overpowering everything else going on in the dish. As you get used to heat it becomes less prone to washing out everything else. So unless I'm just trying to by masochistic or don't actually want to taste the food I like my food to be below the washout point. 


As far as the hottest thing I've eaten, I popped a habanero in my mouth.

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There was a time when the spicier the better.  As I've gotten older I don't have the tolerance for it any longer.  Health issues that don't like it.  


Eowyn mentioned pepper jelly on crackers with cream cheese.  Love love this.  Cabela's sells some of the best jalapeno pepper jelly I've ever had.  Just the right balance and I use it on crackers with cream cheese.

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We had a bumper crop of jalapenos this year. Hubby would fix himself something to eat, always with some diced jalapeno thrown in a frying pan. He about choked us out of the house a few times.

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I wondered if there was anything like the Richter scale for spicy food, and there is.  It's called the Scoville scale, and it ranges from 0 to 2.2 million.  (Why couldn't they map this onto a nice scale from 1 to 5?)  At the high end with a score of 2,200,000 is something called the Carolina Reaper, which I won't be adding to my Vegetarian Slop any time soon.  


The scale keeps going for chemical compounds, and something called resiniferatoxin scores a staggering 15 billion on the Scoville scale.  I wonder if Ben and Jerry's will make an ice cream flavor based on this chemical.


How did we survive before Wikipedia?


Sriracha sauce is about as spicy as I can go (Scoville=2,200) but I like spicy food in general.

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The hottest I will normally go, out of 10 being really hot (regular restaurant hot) is a 7. I have tried some super spicy wings (Buffalo Wild Wings) and after 2 or 3 I cannot taste anything. I also prefer not to sweat while I eat, and feel my lips.  


At home I use Tapatillo, Chalula, Tabaso on anything with a tortilla. I am a fan of spicy, just not burn your face off. 

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