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I was reading the article featuring some potential candidates to fill the vacany left by Elder Perry's passing and I must say, highly educated is either a requirement or coincedence. All of the brethren mentioned were very hard scrabble fisher men in that particulr grouping. 


When is the last time an Apostle was called that wasn't educated beyond high school? Who was it? I don't think it matters and I will sustain whomever is called. 


Any thoughts on why less educated men are not called to the Apostleship? (not suggesting one hasn't or couldn't be called)

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From what I can gather on Wikipedia, the last non-college-educated apostles were George Q. Morris (called 1954) and LeGrand Richards (called 1952)


It's worth noting that the early apostles of Jesus' day, contrary to popular belief, may not have been quite the impoverished country bumpkins they have been made out to be.  Peter and Andrew's family were sufficiently well-to-do that they owned a fleet of fishing boats, and as I understand it Galilean fish were exported as far away as Rome (the remains of Peter's house in Capernaum still exist; and he had probably relocated there from Bethsaida for tax reasons).  Matthew, of course, was a tax collector--suggesting both literacy and some skill with mathematics--and James son of Alphaeus may have been his brother.  If I remember correctly, scholars have suggested that James and John's mother was one of a cadre of independently wealthy women who provided crucial financial support to the early church and its leaders.  Later prominent church leaders included Luke (a physician) and Paul (to all intents and purposes, a doctor of Jewish law).

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Guest LiterateParakeet

I think it likely because some education and training is needed to run a worldwide church.

So my next question is does the Lord choose from among the educated/trained or does He put the ones He wants in the position that they will get that education and training?

I would say the latter. And I think hard scrabble people could be among the most valiant, but the Lord has a different mission for them.

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Perhaps should take their "speculating" article down then ;)


To be honest, I agree with that.  I seriously am not comfortable with it.  I was reading another article this week regarding this as well in light of Elder Perry's death and they said the same thing.  I'm trying to find that article.


I think President Lee was speaking of prophets, but the article I read this week also mentioned those to become apostles as well.

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I was reading the article featuring some potential candidates to fill the vacany left by Elder Perry's passing and I must say, highly educated is either a requirement or coincedence. All of the brethren mentioned were very hard scrabble fisher men in that particulr grouping.

When is the last time an Apostle was called that wasn't educated beyond high school? Who was it? I don't think it matters and I will sustain whomever is called.

Any thoughts on why less educated men are not called to the Apostleship? (not suggesting one hasn't or couldn't be called)

It does seem at times when seeing resume of accomplishments and education, that many of our earlier leaders would not be called upon. On a lighter note, they called and asked me to do it...I declined due to previous naps I already have for the remainder of my life. :)
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Hopefully they trend to God.


Could be anyone, I have my favorites from the 70 that I would like to see promoted, hopefully they trend young

Yup, we should avoid the ungodly 70's completely.

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