Planned Parenthood Controversy


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Why is this not big news?  Even my FB feed is silent on this.  Instead, I got post after post after post about the evil dentist who killed Cecil the Lion.

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Because it's so horrendous that it's hard to entertain as casual conversation? As a matter of fact, I'm going to change the title of the thread so it's not one of the first things we see every time we come to the forum.

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On my Facebook feed today, Glenn Beck spoke out about this terrible issue, vs. the (bad, but not as sickening) issue of the lion:




This makes me sad and sick.

1. Cecil the Lion killed
2. Jimmy Kimmel cries about it on air.

Don't misunderstand, I am sad about the lion. Really. But I have perspective. It was a *legal kill, (*according to this story in the guardian)it was a mistake, the hunter apologized. He feels horrible as would any one.

Here is what makes me sick.

Jimmy Kimmel cries over the story?!? This is what he connects with? This is what the West finds important?

How about the baby parts sold by planned parenthood!?
What about the cold slaughter of innocents?
The illegal sale of their organs?

Does jimmy cry?
Does America share the PP story our the stupid lion story that was an admitted mistake? Check the shares!

Are the doctors or directors of PP who are responsible for killing MILLIONS in hiding for their safety?

No, the dentist who mistakenly killed ONE lion and apologized. He has had to close his business! His life is ruined.

Perspective! We should feel bad about the lion and if it was an illegal kill then the government in Africa should take the appropriate steps to protect the animals.

Now what about PP? What about the genocide in Syria?
Outrage? Should this illicit tears from anyone?

Who the hell are we? You will not like it, but I will tell you.

A people that are on the wrong side of history. A people who apparently are hell bent on their own destruction. A society, that refuses to learn from the darkest moments of history and so will repeat them.

We do not survive when we care more about one animal than millions of humans.

For God's sake there is a genocide happening here and they are harvesting the organs!

There is a genocide going on in the Middle East!

Put yourself in the shoes of the Christians who's children were crucified by Isis and you find out that America and the west is weeping over a lion killed!

How do you feel if you are them?

God will not hold us blameless!

It is time to take a stand!

See you in Birmingham on 8.28-8.29. It is past time for us to stand united as one. Let's make history and as we bend the arc of "progress" back to common sense and common principles.


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I need to write my Congressmen and tell them to defund the organization Planned Parenthood.  It is an organization that cause been caught doing very corrupt things in the last six years.  They do not need to be funded by the tax payers.


Please write and call your Congress representatives and tell them to defund Planned Parenthood.


Here are a few articles that expose the some organizations activities:


Former Planned Parenthood employee exposing fraudulent billing statements to state and federal governments


Undercover video emerged yesterday of a Planned Parenthood manager coaching a fake Pimp and prostitute on how to bypass reporting laws and suggesting how the couple could run their child prostitution ring


Chicago Woman Dies After Having abortion at Planned Parenthood

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I have a decent mix of conservative and liberal friends, I saw PP popping up on my feed quite a bit. Just today I saw some cecil the lion and some Perspective on why PP is a bigger issue than the lion.

Discussions with friends on the other side of the fence seem to always fall to a disagreement about when life begins. As far as they are concerned, these aren't babies, it's just human tissue.

What author is famous for this idea? Orwell? Bradbury? Language is literally shaping our ideas and our thoughts. People don't care about Planned Parenthood because in their head, they are just removing some tissue and donating it to research.

Somehow to me the twisting of morality is nearly more repugnant than the fact that we are killing babies and selling their parts. It's more repugnant to me that people have convinced themselves that this is not only okay, but it's right.

My head wants to explode every time I talk to someone who see's it that way.

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Guest MormonGator

I'm irritated at the death of the Lion, but I'm outraged at the actions of Planned Parenthood. Even my meager intellect can handle two things at once. 

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CMP doesn't have to be based in California.  They can always uproot their base to a conservative state.  They wouldn't be able to have teeth to bar the videos from hitting the internet through 1st amendment rights.

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CMP doesn't have to be based in California.  They can always uproot their base to a conservative state.  They wouldn't be able to have teeth to bar the videos from hitting the internet through 1st amendment rights.


That's pretty much how I feel about everything in California.


Except Californians.  They can stay there instead of moving everywhere else and trying to make other places like California.

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That's pretty much how I feel about everything in California.


Except Californians.  They can stay there instead of moving everywhere else and trying to make other places like California.


I think they've successfully made Colorado California.

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There are people leaving California, New York and other socialist States for Utah and other States that respect the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.


I left the socialist northeast United States for Utah.  I did it for liberty, not just for a job.  I am very much for the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

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Just to make sure we all know something:


Male lions are jerks.  Their idea of a good time is to kill or run off another male, rape (or kill, or run off) all his women, kill all the cubs that aren't his, then live the good life in the shade while the females do all the hunting.  


It required a bit of effort for me to make room in my brain for this info, and retain the notion that animals can't sin.  God made 'em that way, and apparently they're acting in their spheres and not doing anything wrong.  

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Posted (edited) · Hidden August 6, 2015 - Inappropriate speculating about what people do on animal hides.
Hidden August 6, 2015 - Inappropriate speculating about what people do on animal hides.

Just to make sure we all know something:


Male lions are jerks.  Their idea of a good time is to kill or run off another male, rape (or kill, or run off) all his women, kill all the cubs that aren't his, then live the good life in the shade while the females do all the hunting.  


It required a bit of effort for me to make room in my brain for this info, and retain the notion that animals can't sin.  God made 'em that way, and apparently they're acting in their spheres and not doing anything wrong.  


Alfonzo (Zonation) put this in a really clear perspective:

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  • 1 month later...

My mother told me that if I can't say something good - it is better that I do not say anything.


I have thought that there is nothing good to say about Planned Parenthood but I have thought on this and decided that nothing is worthless - if nothing else Planned Parenthood can be used as a really excelent - BAD example.

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  • 4 months later...

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