Special Snowflakes...


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Guest MormonGator
8 hours ago, Vort said:

I think the naming of "generations" is absurd. Another way to dumb down our society and apply stupid, often meaningless, labels to vast swaths of people.

I also think the evils of any given "generation" are a direct reflection on the failures of their parents. So if we want to name "Generation Snowflake", that's fine, but let's make sure we recognize the three fingers pointing back at ourselves.

 Amen bro. I've never understood that either. If millennials/generation X (or in @mirkwoods case, the civil war generation) are so bad, shouldn't the prior generation get at least a little bit of the blame?

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Guest MormonGator
14 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

Yep - Mike Pence managed to be the least-popular American Vice President in a building where they were showing a play about an american vice president who shoots and kills the star of the show. 

Hamilton fans are largely liberals.  I've been an honorary member of the Ham Fam for months now.  After the election they were all crying and worried cops were going to deport the latinos and electroshock the gays.  I told 'em they could all stay at my house until things all blew over, and I'd use my white straight conservative christian privilege to make sure nothing bad happened to them.  

@LadyGator and I were/are Rentheads and huge fans of Avenue Q.  We heard the same thing in 2000-2004 about W. 

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9 hours ago, Godless said:

Look at this snowflake crying about "safe places" and rude behavior (which, btw, was coming more from the audience than the cast). 



Get back to me when the self-righteous prigs of the cast take to lecturing Democrat politicians from the stage.

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Guest Godless
3 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

Yep - Mike Pence managed to be the least-popular American Vice President in a building where they were showing a play about an american vice president who shoots and kills the star of the show. 

Hamilton fans are largely liberals.  I've been an honorary member of the Ham Fam for months now.  After the election they were all crying and worried cops were going to deport the latinos and electroshock the gays.  I told 'em they could all stay at my house until things all blew over, and I'd use my white straight conservative christian privilege to make sure nothing bad happened to them.  

The outcry from conservatives threatening to boycott the play is the best part for me. That's like me saying I'm going to boycott Nickelback. 

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Guest LiterateParakeet
4 hours ago, MormonGator said:

 Amen bro. I've never understood that either. If millennials/generation X (or in @mirkwoods case, the civil war generation) are so bad, shouldn't the prior generation get at least a little bit of the blame?

LOL, that's what my daughter says. I dont mind since she's not actually talking about me. 

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Guest LiterateParakeet

@NeuroTypical my sons must be honorary members too then. They love Hamilton, but they are definitely not Liberal. We are just a theater/musical family. I haven't seen Hamilton. Guess I better check it out. Sounds like my kind of show. :)

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Guest MormonGator
11 hours ago, Godless said:

The outcry from conservatives threatening to boycott the play is the best part for me. That's like me saying I'm going to boycott Nickelback. 

Dude, if you listen to Nickelback we need to have a long, sad conversation. I mean what next bro-Kiss? 



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I just finally read this thread and Framingham State University is where I went to college to get my Bachelor of Arts in Framingham Massachusetts. Based on the professors there i can see why students reacted to seeing the confederate flag the way they did.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I simply don't understand the liberal mindset.


They get offended when we don't say anything or do anything to help. They get offended when we try to help and encourage others to help.

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3 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

I simply don't understand the liberal mindset.


They get offended when we don't say anything or do anything to help. They get offended when we try to help and encourage others to help.

You are mistaken. You understand the liberal mindset perfectly.

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Heh.  I got a comment removed from a progressive feminist board.  They had a story up about how to stand up for Muslim women being bullied in a public place.  It was basically good advice - ignore the bullier, introduce yourself to and make friendly conversation with the lady.  If the bully didn't stop, stand up and loudly call out the behavior, asking for support from bystanders.  

I just don't understand what happened.  All I said was something to the tune of "Thanks for the advice on how to use my white male privilege to benefit a bullied minority!"

Such anger.  Got like five or six rather rough responses before they just deleted it all.

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Guest MormonGator
57 minutes ago, Carborendum said:


They get offended when we don't say anything or do anything to help. They get offended when we try to help and encourage others to help.

I agree with everyone here of course that SJWs and liberals generally get offended much easier than people on the right. 

However I've known my share of thin skinned whiny conservatives who act like sniveling babies if you say the slightest thing about their religion. IE-"I don't like Notre Dame football." "What?! You must be anti-catholic!" or "Donald Trump said something stupid about women". "OMG, how dare you say that? You must be far left!"  Or "I don't believe gay marriage causes hurricanes" "What?! You must be anti-family!" So it does go both ways.  

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2 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

I agree with everyone here of course that SJWs and liberals generally get offended much easier than people on the right. 

However I've known my share of thin skinned whiny conservatives who act like sniveling babies if you say the slightest thing about their religion. IE-"I don't like Notre Dame football." "What?! You must be anti-catholic!" or "Donald Trump said something stupid about women". "OMG, how dare you say that? You must be far left!"  Or "I don't believe gay marriage causes hurricanes" "What?! You must be anti-family!" So it does go both ways.  

Perhaps so, but this is a false equivalency. The fact that thin-skinned, hypersensitive, overly precious right-leaning people exist in no way diminishes the observation that the left has cornered the market in that commodity. The two are not equivalent; the overwhelming weighting is to the political and social left.

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Guest MormonGator
1 minute ago, Vort said:

Perhaps so, but this is a false equivalency. The fact that thin-skinned, hypersensitive, overly precious right-leaning people exist in no way diminishes the observation that the left has cornered the market in that commodity. The two are not equivalent; the overwhelming weighting is to the political and social left.

Not really. The left is full of their own version of special snowflakes and the right is as well. It only seems that way you are describing it because we can't apply the same level of critique at our own views as we do to the other side. IE-What you think is righteous anger and legit critique is viewed as you being thin skinned and babyish by the other side.  Again, I do not mean "you" as in @Vort. Royal usage of the word. 

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Guest MormonGator

Another thing I've noticed is that people pick and choose what to be offended by. Some people brag about being thick skinned and rolling with the punches but if you say something negative about their favorite band, they literally fall apart and take it like you called their mother dirty names. Or if you say anything negative about their favorite sports team. Or their D-list, cruddy home town. Or their favorite dog breed.  (For the record, you can make fun of my bull terrier, my D-list hometown, my Florida Gators obsession and my love of The Ramones, Megadeth, and Anvil. Goodness knows @mirkwood does that all the time) 

A lot has to do with age too. Generally your annoying, entitled nephew at age 19 will be offended easier because he's an annoying, entitled 19 year old. Of course he's bound to be liberal because he's an annoying, entitled 19 year old. Your 41 year old liberal brother won't be offended by you disagreeing with him. 

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22 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

Some people brag about being thick skinned and rolling with the punches but if you say something negative about their favorite band, 

If you don't like Billy Joel, then you're just an anti-Semite.

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Guest MormonGator
7 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

If you don't like Billy Joel, then you're just an anti-Semite.

lol. I once knew a guy who obsessed with the :: groan :: Dave Matthews Band. He saw them live over fifty times. If you said anything negative about them, he'd almost get physical. Dude had serious issues (and not just with his godawful music taste) but he was a just a more passionate version of most fanboys who simply can't handle hearing anything negative about their band. 

Ironically he did think that liberals were thin skinned too! 

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11 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

Another thing I've noticed is that people pick and choose what to be offended by. Some people brag about being thick skinned and rolling with the punches but if you say something negative about their favorite band, they literally fall apart and take it like you called their mother dirty names. 

No one understands country music outside of Texas.  (and I mean REAL country music, not Taylor Swift, Brad Paisley, Garth Brooks, or the garbage on the radio)

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