Special Snowflakes...


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My money is on the idea that this was the straw that broke the camel's back.  If a company has interns then that's a source of cheap labor.  You don't just toss that away frivolously.  If these kids were any good at their job then it would have made sense to keep them around and give them another chance. 

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Guest Godless
6 minutes ago, unixknight said:

My money is on the idea that this was the straw that broke the camel's back.  If a company has interns then that's a source of cheap labor.  You don't just toss that away frivolously.  If these kids were any good at their job then it would have made sense to keep them around and give them another chance. 

I've always been under the impression that the opposite is true, that interns are highly disposable because the company hasn't invested much into them and replacements can be found pretty easily in most cases.

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18 minutes ago, estradling75 said:

Now maybe we can say the consequence was unfair or unproportional to the offense...(We don't know because we don't know the full story) but how is that also not a learning experience? In that case now they know that life isn't fair.

Actually I agree with you...

As you go through life - and particularly towards the beginning - "older, wiser and better" people think they are teaching you lessons. And often they are teaching you lessons. Just not the lessons they think they're teaching.

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3 hours ago, Godless said:

I've always been under the impression that the opposite is true, that interns are highly disposable because the company hasn't invested much into them and replacements can be found pretty easily in most cases.

I guess it depends on the nature of the internship.  Some are paid and have to be interviewed for just like a job.  If that's the case they're less likely to toss them out for a new batch.

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16 hours ago, unixknight said:

I guess it depends on the nature of the internship.  Some are paid and have to be interviewed for just like a job.  If that's the case they're less likely to toss them out for a new batch.

I have quite a lot to do with interns in my job. (I teach computer science at a university.) Interns here are usually paid, and they have to go through an interview and selection procedure with their prospective employers. The internship usually takes place in the last-but-one year of their bachelor program. I sometimes have to visit them at their placement companies, talk to them and their employers about their progress and write reports about them for the university.

I had an intern a few years back who had nothing but complaints about his managers. Going by his academic record (which was actually quite excellent) I foolishly took him very seriously and raised his concerns to his employers...only to have my ears bashed with a long list of complaints that he was slow, lazy, uncooperative, persistently late for work and constantly whining. After a several such interviews I had a "very stern talk" with him (though my "very stern" is not very intimidating) that however badly treated he considered himself he should "buckle down" and "button his lip" for the next few months for the sake of salvaging a good reference. Which advice fortunately he took.

This is why (though I did express some incredulity at the mass-sacking) I'm not inclined to think this is a one-sided issue.

Edited by Jamie123
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11 hours ago, Ironhold said:


A special snowflake is upset because - gasp! - as the number of people who play "Pokemon Go" is going up, so are the odds of her having to talk to people on the street. 

They were talking about that thing on the news here yesterday - some people are worried it will be used to kidnap children. "Go to XYZ place and you will find the Pokemon you're looking for!" Child goes there: it turns out to be a lonely back-alley where the Gobblers are waiting.

P.S. By "Gobblers" of course I don't mean turkeys; it's a Philip Pullman allusion.

P.P.S. Whatever happened to Philip Pullman? He was all the rage a few years back! You never hear of him now. 

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Guest MormonGator
4 minutes ago, Backroads said:

I've said it before and I will say it again: if someone really wants to abduct your kid, they're just going to do it and they're not going to get fancy. Pokémon is not going to raise abduction rates.

 Exactly. Pokemon is just the latest new, fun trend. So of course people are going to complain about it. It's human nature.  

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Guest MormonGator
4 minutes ago, Backroads said:

I've said it before and I will say it again: if someone really wants to abduct your kid, they're just going to do it and they're not going to get fancy. Pokémon is not going to raise abduction rates.

 Exactly. Pokemon is just the latest new, fun trend. So of course people are going to complain about it. It's human nature.  

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  • 2 weeks later...


The special snowflakes have landed in South Africa. 

A woman is writing in because her daughter doesn't understand why she - the mother - won't pay for the daughter's rent and utilities should the daughter move to another city. 

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Guest MormonGator
3 minutes ago, Ironhold said:


The special snowflakes have landed in South Africa. 

A woman is writing in because her daughter doesn't understand why she - the mother - won't pay for the daughter's rent and utilities should the daughter move to another city. 

Seen on my friends Facebook: 

This generation is what happens when you give every kid a trophy for "participating". 

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On ‎25‎/‎07‎/‎2016 at 7:19 PM, MormonGator said:

Seen on my friends Facebook: 

This generation is what happens when you give every kid a trophy for "participating". 

No one ever gave me a trophy - not even for "partithipating" *sob*

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  • 2 weeks later...

The link in the article, to the professor who resigned, sure the heck put off that vibe.  He politely wondered aloud if it was ok to wonder if it's really that horrible to be provocative or (gasp) even slightly offensive on Halloween.  That's like couching an unpopular notion in like three layers of softness, and it still caused a huge angry backlash.

Edited by NeuroTypical
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22 minutes ago, MormonGator said:
32 minutes ago, unixknight said:

Am I the only one who got an Orwellian vibe from that article?


And "No" again.

PC, a Communist concept designed to destroy opposition to Communism, will end up destroying us, too. (Like we're not ¾ the way down the path anyway.)


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I apologize for this being German. There unfortunately not an English Article for it. 

The headline describes : "I am almost 18 years old and I have no clue about Rent, Insurance and Taxes, But I can disseminate a poem in 4 different Languages." 

This kicked of a debate whether or not this snowflake and the other millennials and other children receive enough education in Germany and if the current state could be improved ( which it ought to, but for different reasons ). 

I would love to say that the offending topics in question ought to be conveyed and shown to the children by their parents. Not once in my life have I receive a necessary life lessen that should be taught at home in school. It either is a statement in juvenile ignorance or the sad testament that this girl was left to her own devices if these topics were never mentioned. Though I wish that sensible savings and investment would be taught in school I would really say, it is not a school institution to substitute for the want and failings and parents rearing those children. That is not what teachers are therefore. The strain on teachers anywhere for that matter, pierce the heart of any one teacher I know. Being married to one, I am very well acquainted with her position. 

What is your take on this ? Do you have similar wines likes this from where you are ? 

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17 hours ago, NightSG said:

You might not want to watch the costume PSA video in the article about cultural appropriation (I wanted to see what culture strait jackets are from - turns out, none. They're just offensive to the mentally ill). <snark>The film has people of several ethnicities dressing white telling others how they should celebrate a white holiday. The main takeaway is that you shouldn't dress up as someone or something you're not on the day when you normally dress up as someone you're not. The unstated conclusion is that the evils of colonialism out-trumps any wrong associated with white appropriation.

A few groups were cut from the final video. The robotics club asks that you not dress up as a mad scientist (it creates a mistrust of the technocrats setting policy). Also, dressing as robots conflates artificial intelligence with sentience. That's not what AI is, and if the robots ever gain sentience and rise up against us - that is not a scenario we want trivialized.

The college of nursing has paired up with local EMT. Don't dress up as a nurse or a firefighter. These respectable, life-saving occupations do not need Halloween costumes to further specialize and objectify these professionals. </snark>

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4 hours ago, NeuroTypical said:

Wow - that PSA video has eight times the downvotes to upvotes.  That almost never happens.

Gah!  Comments disabled for the video.  I would have LOVED to read the comments!  I'm sure there would have been some pow-wow between social justice warriors versus sane people.  Hah hah.

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Guest MormonGator
4 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

 between social justice warriors versus sane people.  

What? How dare you imply that social justice warriors aren't operating with both oars in the water. I am shocked and appalled at your behavior Ms. Anatess2! 


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Guest MormonGator
4 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

 between social justice warriors versus sane people.  

What? How dare you imply that social justice warriors aren't operating with both oars in the water. I am shocked and appalled at your behavior Ms. Anatess2! 


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3 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

What? How dare you imply that social justice warriors aren't operating with both oars in the water. I am shocked and appalled at your behavior Ms. Anatess2! 


Oh, they definitely have both oars in the water... one going clockwise the other going counter... going nowhere.  Hah hah.

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