Special Snowflakes...


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It seems that there are entirely too many people who don't realize that "they have similar titles" does not automatically mean two magazines are published by the same group. 

Boys' Life is an official publication of the Boy Scouts of America, and is aimed at helping boys explore the world and be better scouts. Girls' Life is yet another title from a teeny publishing house. They have nothing to do with each other beyond the similar titles, yet try telling that to a legion of special snowflakes and habitually offended. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, unixknight said:


Not only have I seen people argue that it is, I actually saw someone argue that "Men have no right to say anything negative about the new Ghostbusters movie because Bronies." 

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Guest MormonGator
22 minutes ago, Larry Cotrell said:

Stalin killed somewhere between 35 and 50 million people. George W Bush probably killed around 100 million. (sarcastic)

One of my finest hours was writing "Bush won  ______! (use your imagination but don't think churchy words) in 2004 on about a dozen chalk boards in college. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is another example of how the engine of the progressive left is fueled by division, fanning the flames of the dispossessed and enforcing victim-hood, and how their efforts are widening the divide between men and women, black and white, rich and poor. Yet somehow people are convinced they have the best solution for overcoming racism in this country.

I wonder what Martin Luther King would think. He fought to bring people together and now the left is fighting to create "white free" spaces. 


The demonstrators were caught on video blocking Berkeley’s Sather Gate, holding large banners advocating the creation of physical spaces segregated by race and gender identity, including one that read “Fight 4 Spaces of Color.

Berkeley protesters form human chain to stop white students from getting to class

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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, NeuroTypical said:

No news story or link this time, just a phrase I saw that I would like to see enshrined in our cultural heritage

The Greatest Generation
Baby Boomers
Generation X
Generation Y
Generation Snowflake

I have always felt it was kind of silly to make generations last 25 years long.  Under such a definition, older Millennials could very likely have children that are also Millennials.  I was born in 1982, which is considered Millennial about 75% of the time and Generation X about 25% of the time.  If I am a Millennial, I feel very much like I am living with a different culture and outlook than the younger Millennials, born in the mid 1990s.  In many ways, I feel closer to Generation X than most younger Millennials - I grew up listening to Pearl Jam, watching MTV, and playing Super Nintendo, and my family did not own a computer until I was 16 years old.

I think this grouping would be much more meaningful:

Greatest Generation - born between 1926-1935
Silent Generation - born between 1936 and 1945
Baby Boomer - born between 1946 and 1955
Generation Jones - born between 1956 and 1965
Generation X - born between 1966 and 1975
Generation Y - born between 1976 and 1985
Millennial - born between 1986 and 1995
Generation Z - born between 1996 and 2005
Generation ? - born between 2006 and 2015

That said, I think that Mormons in Generation Z are more similar to Mormons in the Greatest Generation or Mormon Baby Boomers than they are to other people in Generation Z.


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Guest MormonGator
12 minutes ago, DoctorLemon said:

I have always felt it was kind of silly to make generations last 25 years long.  Under such a definition, older Millennials could very likely have children that are also Millennials.  I was born in 1982, which is considered Millennial about 75% of the time and Generation X about 25% of the time.  If I am a Millennial, I feel very much like I am living with a different culture and outlook than the younger Millennials, born in the mid 1990s.  In many ways, I feel closer to Generation X than most younger Millennials - I grew up listening to Pearl Jam, watching MTV, and playing Super Nintendo,

Dude! Preach brother! I feel the same way. I was born right near you and grew up with the same thing. I've always felt much more like a Generation X guy than a millennial. Absolutely true! Great point. 

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Guest Godless
37 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

Dude! Preach brother! I feel the same way. I was born right near you and grew up with the same thing. I've always felt much more like a Generation X guy than a millennial. Absolutely true! Great point. 


Same here. I'm barely into my 30s and sometimes have a hard time relating to people 5 years younger than me. It's mind-boggling.

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Guest MormonGator
6 minutes ago, Godless said:

Same here. I'm barely into my 30s and sometimes have a hard time relating to people 5 years younger than me. It's mind-boggling.

No country for old men bro. ;)

(that was a five star, outstanding book)

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Guest MormonGator
24 minutes ago, DoctorLemon said:

I don't care what anyone else says.  Taylor Swift does not represent MY generation.

Totally. My generation is more "Reality Bites" than "Taylor Swift" 

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I think the naming of "generations" is absurd. Another way to dumb down our society and apply stupid, often meaningless, labels to vast swaths of people.

I also think the evils of any given "generation" are a direct reflection on the failures of their parents. So if we want to name "Generation Snowflake", that's fine, but let's make sure we recognize the three fingers pointing back at ourselves.

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That's kind of the point, Godless--Trump just trolled us (again).

We can agree, I think, that boorish on-campus statements by Trumpkins--or millionaire entertainers who go off on some rant in the name of "speaking truth to power" to a guy who just came for a pleasant night off--is not civil or desirable social behavior.  

But only one side has been suggesting that the other side's boorishness should be perforce prevented or punished.

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7 hours ago, Godless said:

Look at this snowflake crying about "safe places" and rude behavior (which, btw, was coming more from the audience than the cast). 

Yep - Mike Pence managed to be the least-popular American Vice President in a building where they were showing a play about an american vice president who shoots and kills the star of the show. 

Hamilton fans are largely liberals.  I've been an honorary member of the Ham Fam for months now.  After the election they were all crying and worried cops were going to deport the latinos and electroshock the gays.  I told 'em they could all stay at my house until things all blew over, and I'd use my white straight conservative christian privilege to make sure nothing bad happened to them.  

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Guest MormonGator
7 hours ago, Godless said:

Look at this snowflake crying about "safe places" and rude behavior (which, btw, was coming more from the audience than the cast). 



He's so thin skinned it's almost disturbing. The man can't let anything go. I get it, I brood about things and carry grudges too-but I'm not running for president. 

Absolutely dead on @Godless 

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