Has KK and Planned Parenthood gone too far?


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Is that shield/logo copyrighted by the Church?  If so, yes, she's gone too far.  If not, I'd say, if the marketing works, then fine.  If there's backlash that she can't handle, then... she chose... poorly.

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15 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

I want to get offended at this.  But then I remember that the church took out advertising in the handbills for the Book of Mormon Musical, and I have a harder time getting offended. 

So, shall we speculate on the ad campaign that will follow KK's crass version? ;)  Things involving: "...now get the ring."  "...if it doesn't work, you can always send your kid to the CTR class."  "...eternal parenthood..."

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Okay... my first response was a laugh. But, wow, that's certainly a new low and it's a good thing I have zero respect for Ms. Kelly. 

I believe Symbol Arts owns the copyright to the shield...


It seems the Church does own the stylized CTR shield design. Anyone can say "Choose the Right", but that image is protected.

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Guest MormonGator
10 minutes ago, Backroads said:

it's a good thing I have zero respect for Ms. Kelly. 

So that wasn't you I saw waiting in line to get your copy of her book personally autographed?

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What a great idea!

"In our family we keep the law of chastity. That means no sexual relations until you are married. If you do decide not to live this law, don't be stupid. Here. Have one of these. It will remind you not to be stupid and that you're also breaking your 'Choose the Right' shield all at the same time."

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Guest MormonGator
1 hour ago, pam said:

Is that when YOU were waiting in line to get a copy of her book personally autographed?

Shh...KK is actually my fourth wife. Or fifth. Whatever number @zil isn't. 

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3 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

Shh...KK is actually my fourth wife. Or fifth. Whatever number @zil isn't. 

You know your polygamy is out of control when you can't remember which wife is which.  (In fairness, though, he can't remember because the rest of us kicked her off the compound, and he hasn't seen her in quite some time - like only in bookstores...) ;)

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Guest MormonGator
3 minutes ago, zil said:

You know your polygamy is out of control when you can't remember which wife is which.  (In fairness, though, he can't remember because the rest of us kicked her off the compound, and he hasn't seen her in quite some time - like only in bookstores...) ;)

I also have a portrait of KK tattooed above my heart, to show my undying love to her. Notice I don't have a tattoo of sweet @zil anywhere. You are on thin ice woman! 

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Guest MormonGator
10 minutes ago, pam said:

Especially since I thought I was one of his wives as well...or at least I was going to be after going to a Chargers/Raiders game.  Men can be so fickle at times. :P

@pam: I have cousins in the San Diego area who LOVE the Chargers. We are very close-so close in fact that we can tease each other (imagine that, I playfully tease the ones I really like. Shocking, huh?). We once had a 45 minute phone conversation on who was worse for their franchises: Ryan Leaf or JaMarcus Russell. 

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5 hours ago, pam said:


I get the feeling PP didn't sanction this- if they did they could be sued (and should be). As for going for new lows PP has assisted in the deaths of unborn infants, it's going to be hard to go lower than that. as For KK, ya that's pretty audacious. But other people have done worse.

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7 hours ago, zil said:

Are we sure those are even legit?  I mean, @NeedleinA could probably remove the existing logo and replace it with something equally real-looking, but not real...

Yep Zil, Photoshop and I are friends like that!
PP has pictures of them also. I would guess they are legit, but it really doesn't matter. KK's approach to her criticism of the Church only appears to be one of contention, anger and faultfinding, no attempt to use patience, humility and long suffering, and so for me her position is easily dismissed as not being in harmony with the Spirit. 

"Elder George Albert Smith said this about criticism: “Aren’t we rather prone to see the limitations and the weaknesses of our neighbors? Yet that is contrary to the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is a class of people who find fault and criticize always in a destructive way. There is a difference in criticism. If we can criticize constructively under the influence of the Spirit of the Lord, we may change beneficially and properly some of the things that are being done. But if we have the spirit of faultfinding, of pointing out the weaknesses and failings of others in a destructive manner, that never comes as the result of the companionship of the Spirit of our Heavenly Father and is always harmful.” (In Conference Report, Oct. 1934, p. 50.)


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