Caffeine, Coffee, and Study habits


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Hey, I always wanted to ask this question: is it okay to use little amounts of caffeine (25 mg, amount found in coke)? I keep the word of wisdom, I TRY. but I'm a student...a very exhausted student who needs more energy to focus and concentrate on what needs to be done. I have drank coffee in the past but I no longer use it because I really want to keep the word of wisdom. Since coffee is not allowed, am I still allowed to use caffeine? Like straight up caffeine powder or caffeine pills? I only use 25 mg because anything above that makes me anxious and jittery, but I need it to focus. It's so hard to not get sleepy while studying....

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Guest MormonGator

I drink coke only on road trips so I don't crash and die. I have no guilt whatsoever. If you need to stay awake to pull an all nighter and you drink a few cokes to do so, relax. Caffeine isn't against the word of wisdom. 

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1 hour ago, curious_mormon said:

Hey, I always wanted to ask this question: is it okay to use little amounts of caffeine (25 mg, amount found in coke)? I keep the word of wisdom, I TRY. but I'm a student...a very exhausted student who needs more energy to focus and concentrate on what needs to be done. I have drank coffee in the past but I no longer use it because I really want to keep the word of wisdom. Since coffee is not allowed, am I still allowed to use caffeine? Like straight up caffeine powder or caffeine pills? I only use 25 mg because anything above that makes me anxious and jittery, but I need it to focus. It's so hard to not get sleepy while studying....

There isn't anything in the Word of Wisdom about caffeine.

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Guest MormonGator

I see a lot of people trying to "out-LDS" each other on this issue. Sort of like "I'm holier than you, because I don't drink Coke or hot chocolate. I also don't watch anything other than G movies. Worship me." Just my observations. 

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9 minutes ago, MormonGator said:

I see a lot of people trying to "out-LDS" each other on this issue. Sort of like "I'm holier than you, because I don't drink Coke or hot chocolate. I also don't watch anything other than G movies. Worship me." Just my observations. 

Interestingly, I see the opposite: Latter-day Saints lining up to approve as loudly as possible of drinking caffeinated sodas, vociferously complaining that (1) caffeine isn't against the Word of Wisdom and (2) it's perfectly okay, there's nothing wrong with it, and people should not even suggest that regular caffeine usage is, at least in spirit, contrary to the ideals of the Word of Wisdom.

Heaven forbid you bring up the fact that many Church leaders have specifically counseled against using any habit-forming substance, including (specifically) caffeine and caffeinated soda pop.

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Guest MormonGator
5 minutes ago, Vort said:

Interestingly, I see the opposite: Latter-day Saints lining up to approve as loudly as possible of drinking caffeinated sodas, vociferously complaining that (1) caffeine isn't against the Word of Wisdom and (2) it's perfectly okay, there's nothing wrong with it, and people should not even suggest that regular caffeine usage is, at least in spirit, contrary to the ideals of the Word of Wisdom.

Heaven forbid you bring up the fact that many Church leaders have specifically counseled against using any habit-forming substance, including (specifically) caffeine and caffeinated soda pop.

That's the cool part about perspective. Two intelligent, thinking people can come to different conclusions based on what they've personally experienced. 

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I don't know that either of us has voiced a conclusion. We simply have different observations.

I have heard the sentiment you mention, about how cola is "bad" and "good Mormons" don't drink caffeinated substances. These are normally voiced by children or teens. On the other hand, I have often heard the opposite argument used, and this by actual adults (normally young adults). That's my observation. I have no firm conclusions, but I do have an analysis:

I find the latter far more disturbing than the former, if for no other reason than motivation. The former group seems to be led by a belief in right vs wrong coupled with ignorance of the specifics of certain Church teachings. The latter group seems animated by an almost Pharisaical zeal about the letter of the "law", which oftentimes appears to stem from a desire to look "free-thinking" or "progressive" to their peer group. I more easily feel sympathy for honest ignorance than for pride-inspired self-righteousness. This feeling is magnified by comparing the earnest, perhaps even overboard, but rarely strident nature of the expressions of former group with the sneering condescension and even contempt so often exhibited by the latter.

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Up until a few months ago, I was one of those guys who would drink 5, 6, 7 cans of Diet Coke a day.  I simply love the way it tastes.  It got to the point that my non-member coworkers would tell me I was drinking to absurd levels.  I used to go to my favorite Sushi restaurant on Friday night, and sit there and drink Diet Coke and relax, sometimes for a couple of hours. 

Last January, I told my bishop about my little caffeine habit during my temple recommend interview.  He said that drinking Diet Coke is not the kind of thing that would affect my worthiness, but he could not bring himself to encourage me to keep on drinking a six pack of Diet Coke every day, just as he would not be able to encourage me to eat a box of donuts every day.  

Naturally and foolishly, I carried on in my habits.

A few months ago, I went to my doctor for a physical.  He told me that my blood pressure was too high, and my glucose levels are starting to get messed up!  I told him about my diet coke habit (since I generally eat pretty healthy otherwise).  He told me it is time to quit!  (I did quit, and yes, it has been torture).

So anyhow, I don't think it is necessarily wrong to drink Coke (do stay away from the coffee), but we may all do well to use a little moderation...

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By the way, if my daughter came to me and asked me if she could take caffeine in the form of pills to stay awake, I would tell her to just drink a diet coke or two instead and stay away from the pills.  This may just be my personal preference (and I have not really given it much thought until just now or asked my bishop what he thought), but something about taking a caffeine pill to stay awake does not sit well with me...

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Pres Uchdorf gave a talk recently, perhaps during the Women's broadcast?, in which he described drinking many cans of a caffeinated soft drink that shall remain nameless, while he tried to learn how to use a computer. As someone who has to keep working till I get the right number, I say drink the Diet Coke. You gotta do what you gotta do. When you graduate, you can become a smug clear eyed health food nut who recommends roasted tofu to everyone and only eats organic till then drink the coke!

By the way, anyone look at the nutritional quality of the food at one of our potlucks?  We got no right to lecture anyone on diet. How many calories in those funeral potatoes? In the green jello salad with grated carrots and celery? What about the potatoes roasted in duck fat???????????

next potluck, I am taking sliced mangos and grapes!

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15 hours ago, Sunday21 said:

Pres Uchdorf gave a talk recently, perhaps during the Women's broadcast?, in which he described drinking many cans of a caffeinated soft drink that shall remain nameless, while he tried to learn how to use a computer.

This is an interesting example of how we mishead things, or perhaps hear what we want to hear. I'm not trying to single you out, Sunday21. I think we all do it. You just provided a convenient example. :)

I suggest you reread or relisten to President Uchtdorf's talk. He did not claim to have drunk caffeinated soda pop. Rather, he said:


[Learning to use a personal computer] took a great deal of time, repetition, patience; no small amount of hope and faith; lots of reassurance from my wife; and many liters of a diet soda that shall remain nameless.


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1 hour ago, Vort said:

This is an interesting example of how we mishead things, or perhaps hear what we want to hear. I'm not trying to single you out, Sunday21. I think we all do it. You just provided a convenient example. :)

I suggest you reread or relisten to President Uchtdorf's talk. He did not claim to have drunk caffeinated soda pop. Rather, he said:


I heard this as well. I think it's safe to assume he was drinking a caffeinated soda. I makes sense that he was drinking it to help maintain focus and counter the tedium of having to learn something so boring.

In my opinion I think diet anything, has way worse chemicals then caffeine.   (Diet Pepsi drinker here, just started my second day of giving up soda).

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16 hours ago, Sunday21 said:

Pres Uchdorf gave a talk recently, perhaps during the Women's broadcast?, in which he described drinking many cans of a caffeinated soft drink that shall remain nameless,

No, it was in general session.

1 hour ago, Vort said:

This is an interesting example of how we mishead things, or perhaps hear what we want to hear. I'm not trying to single you out, Sunday21. I think we all do it. You just provided a convenient example. :)

I suggest you reread or relisten to President Uchtdorf's talk. He did not claim to have drunk caffeinated soda pop. Rather, he said:

But it was very easy to read into it.  That's why everyone laughed at his remark.

My children looked at me wondering why that was funny and why it would remain nameless.  I told them

"Probably because it was caffeinated."

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Guest MormonGator
2 hours ago, Vort said:

This is an interesting example of how we mishead things, or perhaps hear what we want to hear. I'm not trying to single you out, Sunday21. I think we all do it. You just provided a convenient example. :)

I suggest you reread or relisten to President Uchtdorf's talk. He did not claim to have drunk caffeinated soda pop. Rather, he said:


 Come on @Vort, we all know you have a personal vendetta against @Sunday21. After all, she shot you down when you tried to date her when you were 20! That speaks well on @Sunday21 having good taste ;-) 

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I don't know about who is trying to "out-LDS" whom on this issue. Here's how I see it (attempting to keep into one nutshell).

1) The only things we are counseled (under penalty of withdrawal/withholding of TR) to abstain from are coffee, tea, tobacco, alcohol, and illegal drugs.

2) As near as I can tell, other drugs/medications fall under the "use with prudence and thanksgiving" clause. The church officially leaves it up to each member to judge for themselves what "prudence" means when it comes to caffeine outside of tea and coffee. As I see it, caffeine is a readily available over-the-counter medication that has good properties (stimulant, helps with migraines, may help with concentration) and bad properties (possibly addictive, difficulty sleeping, if consumed in soda, is often paired with acids and other chemicals). It is left up to each of us to decide for ourselves how to best balance the good and the bad. I do not see any spiritual positives or negative to choosing abstinence from caffeine or choosing to use it.

Certainly one can make "unwise" choices here, but I hesitate and am maybe skeptical of making those "spiritually" significant choices.

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23 hours ago, Vort said:

This is an interesting example of how we mishead things, or perhaps hear what we want to hear. I'm not trying to single you out, Sunday21. I think we all do it. You just provided a convenient example. :)

I suggest you reread or relisten to President Uchtdorf's talk. He did not claim to have drunk caffeinated soda pop. Rather, he said:


How could you possibly read that and not think he was referring to the diet soda he had consumed....he looks like a diet coke guy to me.

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On 11/15/2016 at 2:14 PM, curious_mormon said:

Hey, I always wanted to ask this question: is it okay to use little amounts of caffeine (25 mg, amount found in coke)? I keep the word of wisdom, I TRY. but I'm a student...a very exhausted student who needs more energy to focus and concentrate on what needs to be done. I have drank coffee in the past but I no longer use it because I really want to keep the word of wisdom. Since coffee is not allowed, am I still allowed to use caffeine? Like straight up caffeine powder or caffeine pills? I only use 25 mg because anything above that makes me anxious and jittery, but I need it to focus. It's so hard to not get sleepy while studying....

OP drink a caffeinated soda or 2 if you need the caffeine to stay up and study.  Honestly I don't really have a problem with caffeine pills but that is a persona decision.

We often times try to "out Mormon" ourselves as someone posted earlier and look for loop holes to assuage the cultural guilt that we may feel when we consume a caffeinated soda.  The ban on coffee and tea has NOTHING to do with the caffeine content of those items. 

Edited by omegaseamaster75
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29 minutes ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

How could you possibly read that and not think he was referring to the diet soda he had consumed....he looks like a diet coke guy to me.

Um...I do think he was referring to the diet soda he had consumed. Please point out where the idea of caffeine ever entered into his words.

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54 minutes ago, Vort said:

Um...I do think he was referring to the diet soda he had consumed. Please point out where the idea of caffeine ever entered into his words.

You are correct he never specifically said caffeine, but I think a reasonable person could deduce that it is implied. There are no stimulants in caffeine free diet soda so no benefit would be derived from spending long hours learning to use the computer while drinking non caffeinated soda.

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57 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

So, what do you believe it is about?

9 And again, hot drinks are not for the body or belly.

God said don't drink coffee or tea, at least that is what we have been told by the prophets.  No further discussion is necessary is it?  




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12 minutes ago, omegaseamaster75 said:

9 And again, hot drinks are not for the body or belly.

God said don't drink coffee or tea, at least that is what we have been told by the prophets.  No further discussion is necessary is it?  

I was just asking as a curiosity of what you thought.  I have no argument here.

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