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Greeting fellow forum members.  I have been absent for a few days.  A couple of weeks ago I noticed a distortion in my vision (left eye).  The result was surgery to save my left eye (macula and retina damage).  As I recover I can only see with my right eye but things should improve over the next few weeks as a gas bubble dissipates.  The worst part is no skiing – this is the best snow of the year.  Also no traveling – the wife will have to make a couple of trips on her own.  The eye drops are also difficult for me.  Up until this – I had near perfect eyesight - requiring reading glasses as I got older.  I had 20 25 vision (which is excellent for someone my age).  We will see how things go from here.   (Pun intended)

The interesting thing about the recovery is that I must keep my head down and avoid looking up.  Gives a whole new perspective on life – those with head that hang down.  I even have to drink from a straw.  The good part is that the wife has to put all the dishes away.  Thanks


The Traveler

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Best wishes, Traveler.

4 hours ago, dahlia said:

I just learned this week that I will have to have cataract surgery, sooner rather than the year or so down the road that I had hoped.

Get an accommodating IOL. You'll have 20-year-old eyes again -- not merely 20/20 eyesight, but the ability to focus. Or at least that's the promise.

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16 hours ago, dahlia said:

Get better soon! Enjoy not putting the dishes away while it lasts. :D

I just learned this week that I will have to have cataract surgery, sooner rather than the year or so down the road that I had hoped.

A friend of mine in her 70s just had both eyes done, one eye at a time, she is thrilled! Really gave her a boost to have better eye sight. Let us know how it goes!

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