Leftist and Abortion Soap Box


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A few thoughts I had recently.

generally speaking, the millennial generation (my generation ✌️) is very left winged. We (not I) are all about saving the environment, organic, gmo friendly, all natural, etc. We just LOVE natural for some reason.

At the same time, we (again... not I) LOVE abortion. We crave for contraceptives and funded abortion so we can go out have do what we want and not face the NATURAL consequence. I thought this was rather ironic.

You cannot claim to be for all natural and organic and support abortion... it's just selfish and your putting up a false front of self righteousness when in reality you want things only your way.

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Abortion has also done a good job of permanently handicapping the millennial generation.

Are you aware that only 2 out of 3 millennials were allowed to be born, due to abortion?

With 50% more workers, perhaps there would be enough taxpayers to avoid the current governmental debt crisis, keep social security solvent, etc.

So, on a national level, abortion has permanently crippled America (and most of the Western world).

Thanks a lot, radical feminism.

Edited by DoctorLemon
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2 hours ago, Sunday21 said:

@DoctorLemon how about a point system immigaration policy? You get so many points for speaking English, so many points for being in a certain age range, so many points for a computer science degree from a list of universities, so many points for ...whatever you want!

You can try to undo the damage from abortion through immigration.  However, you would need a lot of immigration to make much of a difference.  Remember, we need to replace almost 40 million births!

If we do decide to bring 40 million immigrants to America, we need to do it better than they have in Europe, where immigration was also seen as a solution to demographic problems.  In Europe, however, more immigrants were brought in than countries were prepared to really handle.  Many of these immigrants ended up on welfare, in European ghettos (and if you have ever seen European ghettos, they are nasty), without any real prospects for real employment or upwards social mobility.  We need to avoid this in America if we are going to use immigration as a solution.

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I don't think there's any "debate" to be had concerning the matter. If you think an unborn baby is a life then it's murder. If you do not then it isn't. It's a simple as that. Arguing about whether an unborn baby counts as a life isn't likely to get anywhere.

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Guest MormonGator
9 hours ago, bytebear said:

The easiest argument against abortion is that the aborted is a life.  It's simply indefensible.  Ben Shapiro has some very good debates on YouTube on the topic.

I'm not sure that the pro-life side can convince the pro-choice side to change their mind, and vice versa. The issue is too loaded and controversial. 

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Just now, The Folk Prophet said:

I don't think there's any "debate" to be had concerning the matter. If you think an unborn baby is a life then it's murder. If you do not then it isn't. It's a simple as that. Arguing about whether an unborn baby counts as a life isn't likely to get anywhere.

Slight technical difference - you can repent of abortion and still return to the Church and go to the Celestial Kingdom.   If you commit full-blown murder, it is generally "game over" for you.

But yes, abortion is to murder as fornication is to adultery.

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2 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

I don't think there's any "debate" to be had concerning the matter. If you think an unborn baby is a life then it's murder. If you do not then it isn't. It's a simple as that. Arguing about whether an unborn baby counts as a life isn't likely to get anywhere.

Actually, the ONLY argument that is valid on the matter is a majority agreement to the question of, When does something BECOME a person?

Note:  There is nothing about a birth canal that grants a fetus personhood.  There is nothing about breathing air that grants a fetus personhood, etc.  So WHAT grants a fetus personhood?

When you get a concensus on the answer to that question, the rest is covered by the Constitution... inalienable rights and all that...

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6 minutes ago, DoctorLemon said:

you can repent of abortion and still return to the Church and go to the Celestial Kingdom.   If you commit full-blown murder, it is generally "game over" for you.

I don't believe either of these are as black and white as this statement makes them. Accountability and knowledge always come into play. Add those into the mix and I'd dare argue that there is no difference.

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6 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

Actually, the ONLY argument that is valid on the matter is a majority agreement to the question of, When does something BECOME a person?

Note:  There is nothing about a birth canal that grants a fetus personhood.  There is nothing about breathing air that grants a fetus personhood, etc.  So WHAT grants a fetus personhood?

When you get a concensus on the answer to that question, the rest is covered by the Constitution... inalienable rights and all that...

It feels like you're saying the same thing as me but wording it like it's in contrast.

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11 hours ago, Fether said:

A few thoughts I had recently.

generally speaking, the millennial generation (my generation ✌️) is very left winged. We (not I) are all about saving the environment, organic, gmo friendly, all natural, etc. We just LOVE natural for some reason.

At the same time, we (again... not I) LOVE abortion. We crave for contraceptives and funded abortion so we can go out have do what we want and not face the NATURAL consequence. I thought this was rather ironic.

You cannot claim to be for all natural and organic and support abortion... it's just selfish and your putting up a false front of self righteousness when in reality you want things only your way.

No worries, Fether.  Generation Z is currently poised to reverse the damage the Millennial generation (as a by-product of the stupid parenting of Baby Boomers) is wrecking upon society.  Gen Z is proving to be the most conservative generation in the entire history of the United States.

My son (an elder in the GenZ group at age 15) was just regaling me with all the stuff these kids (led by "awakened Millennials" - to which I believe you're one of) are doing to drive Millennials insane... they are bucking the Millennial system so much that they have this thing called "weaponized autism"... (yeah, they're not autistic, well, maybe some are... but they sure don't care about who gets offended by the label.  Hah!).. where they got all these smarty pants kids all over the planet learning highly technical stuff off of YouTube videos and such who can unmask a black-hoodie-dark-sunglasses-black-scarf-over-the-face-wearing antifa activist who opened somebody's skull with a bike lock hidden inside a sock in a Berkeley protest and expose him as this Berkeley Middle School teacher.  How?  Weaponized autism, they call it, where a bunch of these kids find videos of the event on the internet from multiple angles, then matches things like - the backpack, the sunglasses, the profile shape, etc, etc, with other online photos and then when a suspect is found, mobilize some kids in Berkeley to conduct personal interviews on location to gain information like the detectives do - have you seen this teacher on such and such a day, do you have a photo, what was he wearing, etc. etc.  Man, it's like a scene from The Avengers with Bruce Banner and Tony Stark running computer-wizardry!  Poor Shia Labeouf has gone psycho having been the target of these bunch... I mean, Shia had to go hide in some undisclosed shack to produce his activist videos and even then... these kids managed to analyze the wood grain of the background in his video to track him to his shack in a remote mountain in FINLAND!

Yeah, the Millennials were able to get maximum exposure through the internet.  But GenZ... man, they bend the internet to their wishes.  No Fake News can get through this bunch without getting laughed out of... even FINLAND!

Guess who pushed Marine Le Pen to the 2nd round... the groundwork of too-young-to-vote French kids with the help of their international allies debunking every single Fake News the French establishment throws up on French media...



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11 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

It feels like you're saying the same thing as me but wording it like it's in contrast.

Maybe.  I was responding to "There's no debate to be had".  There's only ONE debate to be had, is what I'm saying.

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4 minutes ago, The Folk Prophet said:

Nod. What I mean is that the debate isn't going to do much good, imo.

Yeah, usually because it goes to things like... Women's Privacy, My-body-my-choice that makes pro-choicers believe anything who goes against that worldview is the Patriarchy wanting to bring women back to the 1700's. 

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11 hours ago, Fether said:

generally speaking, the millennial generation ... are all about ... organic, gmo friendly, all natural, etc.

Yeah, it's more than the millennial generation here.  When it comes to being fans of organic and foes of gmos, it's not a generational thing.  It's a "we got suckered by mega-corporate advertising campaigns into believing a bunch of lies" thing.  Believe me Fether, ignorance isn't something that just impacts millennials.  

The solution to all this anti-gmo ignorant nonsense, is just to follow the advice from D&C 109.  Nothing wrong with any organic fans that a little wisdom seeking out of the best books, and get a little learning by study and by faith, won't fix.

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7 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

Yeah, usually because it goes to things like... Women's Privacy, My-body-my-choice that makes pro-choicers believe anything who goes against that worldview is the Patriarchy wanting to bring women back to the 1700's. 

Scientific advancement may eventually catch up to them so that they will have to admit they simply want to destroy the possibility of that human life, and will not be able to hide behind such ridiculous untruthful talking points.  Exhibit A Functioning Artificial Womb:


Human testing will begin soon on premature babies.  Once you take the baby out of the body, regardless of the current rhetoric, you can't argue that it's your body anymore, because now it is not only not yours, it's not even inside yours.  If you then don't allow or call for that child to be immediately placed into a functioning artificial womb and grown to sufficient maturity, you by default acknowledge your intent is to kill the child, and prevent it from having a chance at life.  All the existing rhetoric falls once this technology is mastered, (in actuality, just the plausibility of this technology should be enough).  Then, perhaps, more people will realize, it was never accurate in the first place.  Evil, sadly, however, will always come up with some rationalization or justification, as has been proven time and time again.

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Question about generational bashing from a Generation X-er:

I recently read a survey stating that about 45% of millenials are conservative.

Moreover, about 45% of baby boomers are liberal.

I am getting all of this, if I recall, from "The Next America"; by Paul Taylor.

Are the flaws of the millennial generation largely limited to the liberal part?  Or do they extend through conservative millennials as well?

Also, do millennial flaws extend to liberal boomers?

Just wondering what everyone thinks.

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43 minutes ago, person0 said:

Scientific advancement may eventually catch up to them so that they will have to admit they simply want to destroy the possibility of that human life, and will not be able to hide behind such ridiculous untruthful talking points.  Exhibit A Functioning Artificial Womb:


Human testing will begin soon on premature babies.  Once you take the baby out of the body, regardless of the current rhetoric, you can't argue that it's your body anymore, because now it is not only not yours, it's not even inside yours.  If you then don't allow or call for that child to be immediately placed into a functioning artificial womb and grown to sufficient maturity, you by default acknowledge your intent is to kill the child, and prevent it from having a chance at life.  All the existing rhetoric falls once this technology is mastered, (in actuality, just the plausibility of this technology should be enough).  Then, perhaps, more people will realize, it was never accurate in the first place.  Evil, sadly, however, will always come up with some rationalization or justification, as has been proven time and time again.

Well, there's always the excuse of... but I'll always be haunted by "it's" presence... which is the current response to adoption.

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35 minutes ago, DoctorLemon said:

Question about generational bashing from a Generation X-er:

I recently read a survey stating that about 45% of millenials are conservative.

Moreover, about 45% of baby boomers are liberal.

I am getting all of this, if I recall, from "The Next America"; by Paul Taylor.

Are the flaws of the millennial generation largely limited to the liberal part?  Or do they extend through conservative millennials as well?

Also, do millennial flaws extend to liberal boomers?

Just wondering what everyone thinks.

The conclusion was made from a 20-year generational study with 1980 being the generational divide... The younger Millennial - born in 1995 and later swung that 20-year gap into a high conservative category.  It's a cycle.  The GenX'ers started out conservative and ended up liberal - so the first 5 years of GenX contributed to the high conservative count.

The flaws of the Millennial generation is largely caused by their parents who rebelled against the conservatism of the parents before them.  The GenZ'ers is a rebellion of the liberalism of the past 2 generations and the cycle is still at the top of the swing... so you have GenZ rebels who don't really know what conservatism is (nor identify as such), they just know the liberals piled those bricks on that wall that they have to smash.

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4 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

The conclusion was made from a 20-year generational study with 1980 being the generational divide... The younger Millennial - born in 1995 and later swung that 20-year gap into a high conservative category.  It's a cycle.  The GenX'ers started out conservative and ended up liberal - so the older GenX contributed to the high conservative count.

The flaws of the Millennial generation is largely caused by their parents.

So essentially the conservative section of the millennial generation does not suffer nearly as badly, if at all, from the cultural entitlement mentality, etc., but their voices are being drowned out by a very assertive and very vocal liberal section?

I personally believe that conservative  millennials are much more similar to conservative boomers than they are to liberal millennials.

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6 minutes ago, anatess2 said:

The conclusion was made from a 20-year generational study with 1980 being the generational divide... The younger Millennial - born in 1995 and later swung that 20-year gap into a high conservative category.  It's a cycle.  The GenX'ers started out conservative and ended up liberal - so the first 5 years of GenX contributed to the high conservative count.

The flaws of the Millennial generation is largely caused by their parents who rebelled against the conservatism of the parents before them.  The GenZ'ers is a rebellion of the liberalism of the past 2 generations and the cycle is still at the top of the swing... so you have GenZ rebels who don't really know what conservatism is (nor identify as such), they just know the liberals piled those bricks on that wall that they have to smash.

To be more to the point, I think the media has focused on the 55% of liberal millennials and have stereotyped an entire generation.  I will admit, from the Trump protests to the Occupy Wall Street movement, that these millennials are indeed acting like entitled, spoiled brats.

But what about the 45% of millennials who swing conservative?  I don't think their story gets told.

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1 hour ago, person0 said:

Scientific advancement may eventually catch up to them so that they will have to admit they simply want to destroy the possibility of that human life, and will not be able to hide behind such ridiculous untruthful talking points.  Exhibit A Functioning Artificial Womb:


Human testing will begin soon on premature babies.  Once you take the baby out of the body, regardless of the current rhetoric, you can't argue that it's your body anymore, because now it is not only not yours, it's not even inside yours.  If you then don't allow or call for that child to be immediately placed into a functioning artificial womb and grown to sufficient maturity, you by default acknowledge your intent is to kill the child, and prevent it from having a chance at life.  All the existing rhetoric falls once this technology is mastered, (in actuality, just the plausibility of this technology should be enough).  Then, perhaps, more people will realize, it was never accurate in the first place.  Evil, sadly, however, will always come up with some rationalization or justification, as has been proven time and time again.

The question you create, though, is who pays to transplant these embryos from their mothers' wombs into these lab-wombs.  Adoption is already prohibitively expensive; and I imagine this procedure could easily consume another $50K or more.  If government steps in and spends that amount to save embryos, why shouldn't they also spend that amount to save ill full-grown persons via a single-payer national health care system?

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