What's REALLY dangerous...


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Yes, there are people in the Church who say that a human fetus is not alive, not human, certainly not deserving of protection. Yes, there are people in the Church who maintain that homosexuality is not a perversion, but is instead a beautiful reflection of God himself. Yes, there are people in the Church who say that the apostles are leading us astray, that the authority of God does not rest with his Church, and that the Church is not at all the "kingdom of God", but merely a collection of foolish, blind guides and hypocrites.

But the REALLY dangerous thing is people in the Church who believe the apostles and take their words at face value. That's what's REALLY dangerous. BEWARE OF BELIEVING TOO MUCH!

Be cynical and self-satisfied. In this, there is safety; in this, there is peace.

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9 minutes ago, Vort said:

Yes, there are people in the Church who say that a human fetus is not alive, not human, certainly not deserving of protection. Yes, there are people in the Church who maintain that homosexuality is not a perversion, but is instead a beautiful reflection of God himself. Yes, there are people in the Church who say that the apostles are leading us astray, that the authority of God does not rest with his Church, and that the Church is not at all the "kingdom of God", but merely a collection of foolish, blind guides and hypocrites.

But the REALLY dangerous thing is people in the Church who believe the apostles and take their words at face value. That's what's REALLY dangerous. BEWARE OF BELIEVING TOO MUCH!

Be cynical and self-satisfied. In this, there is safety; in this, there is peace.

Got a specific reference?

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2 hours ago, Vort said:

Yes, there are people in the Church who say that a human fetus is not alive, not human, certainly not deserving of protection. Yes, there are people in the Church who maintain that homosexuality is not a perversion, but is instead a beautiful reflection of God himself. Yes, there are people in the Church who say that the apostles are leading us astray, that the authority of God does not rest with his Church, and that the Church is not at all the "kingdom of God", but merely a collection of foolish, blind guides and hypocrites.


2 hours ago, Vort said:

But the REALLY dangerous thing is people in the Church who believe the apostles and take their words at face value. That's what's REALLY dangerous. BEWARE OF BELIEVING TOO MUCH!


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59 minutes ago, CV75 said:

Prove it to me first! There!

It's provable through logic alone.  If you're self-satisfied, then how can you ever be sad?  By definition, Vort's claim is realized. 

Once you veer off the path of self-satisfaction, then you might actually find yourself feeling fallen notions like humility and remorse for sin.  Who wants that?

No, it is far better to be so cynical that one never believes anything anyone says.  That way you're never disappointed.

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6 minutes ago, Carborendum said:

Once you veer off the path of self-satisfaction, then you might actually find yourself feeling fallen notions like humility and remorse for sin.  Who wants that?

Wait, so I can just treat the symptoms of the fall through self gratification!? Pffff, why didn’t anyone tell me this earlier!?

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