What gospel knowledge makes you joyful? What should?


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Hi. I believe the gospel is true and Joseph Smith was instrumental in restoring the priesthood and the kindom of God on the earth.

But, I've never felt great joy, even though I know I'm blessed to have the gospel knowledge I have. I get most of my real joy enjoying a warm summers day out in the country.  But, that should not be.

So, may I ask - what is it about the gospel that makes you really joyful?   Or, what should we have joy in?

Is this great  joy unobtainable without actually being filled with the Holy Ghost?

Is feeling of peace a substitute for joy?

If one is not joyful, are they missing something, or failing to appreciate something?

Thanks. Rich

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46 minutes ago, richard7900 said:

Hi. I believe the gospel is true and Joseph Smith was instrumental in restoring the priesthood and the kindom of God on the earth.

But, I've never felt great joy, even though I know I'm blessed to have the gospel knowledge I have. I get most of my real joy enjoying a warm summers day out in the country.  But, that should not be.

So, may I ask - what is it about the gospel that makes you really joyful?   Or, what should we have joy in?

Is this great  joy unobtainable without actually being filled with the Holy Ghost?

Is feeling of peace a substitute for joy?

If one is not joyful, are they missing something, or failing to appreciate something?

Thanks. Rich

I often felt like you.  And I am sure the reason why was because I was complacent.  I am not saying you are, just giving my own thoughts.  I had an easy life. A good wife, a good family, a good job, a good house, etc.  Most things in my life were pretty good.  I would listen to uplifting talks and feel uplifted.  Some would bring a tear to my eye.

It wasn't until my heart was broken did I get to experience great joy.  I almost lost my love, the person who should have been number two in my life.  Through prayer I have gained hope for a much better future.  A much greater understanding of the importance of repentance and redemption.

I don't think I would have experience my joy without the Holy Ghost, nor do I think peace is a substitute for joy.  More and more I am looking forward to every day.

I don't think you can really have your yin without your yang.  I don't think you have to go through trials yourself to really feel great joy.  I think you can really help others to experience the hurt and the great joy that can come after. 

Can you recognize great joy without the refiner's fire?  I don't know.  I think from my life experiences, I'd probably say no.

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A million little things.  With each part of the gospel I explore, I feel joy.  Any one item by itself, if I'm being honest, is not earth-shatteringly full of joy.  But there is just so much, that it all adds up.

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5 hours ago, richard7900 said:

...I get most of my real joy enjoying a warm summers day out in the country.  But, that should not be...

Why should that not be? If you believe that God created that "warm summer day out in the country", why not be joyful about that?


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14 hours ago, richard7900 said:

Hi. I believe the gospel is true and Joseph Smith was instrumental in restoring the priesthood and the kindom of God on the earth.

But, I've never felt great joy, even though I know I'm blessed to have the gospel knowledge I have. I get most of my real joy enjoying a warm summers day out in the country.  But, that should not be.

So, may I ask - what is it about the gospel that makes you really joyful?   Or, what should we have joy in?

Is this great  joy unobtainable without actually being filled with the Holy Ghost?

Is feeling of peace a substitute for joy?

If one is not joyful, are they missing something, or failing to appreciate something?

Thanks. Rich


I have found great joy, honor and even glory in keeping the commandments and learning to enjoy the discipline and rigors of repentance.  Keeping the commandments through great trials is more wonderful (lasting) than winning the super bowl and overcoming sin through repentance is greater than a gold medal.   But the greatest joy is after years of service then an occasional heart felt (perhaps even tearful) thank you from someone that remembered I made a difference in their life.


The Traveler

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15 hours ago, richard7900 said:

I get most of my real joy enjoying a warm summers day out in the country.  But, that should not be.

I'm with Maureen on this one.  Being filled with joy at beholding God's great creations is something that most absolutely SHOULD be.  Here- have a song. It's a secular song, God isn't mentioned once, but I find a spiritual aspect to the whole thing. 

I've felt joy in the temple, and it's similar to the joy I experience out in God's nature.  "My heart leaps" - that's how I've described it.  I want to burst into song.  But I can't sing, and I'd embarrass my kids, so I usually don't unless I'm alone in the car. 



So, may I ask - what is it about the gospel that makes you really joyful?

I won't say joy is absent in my life, but it has been relatively rare.  I've felt it at times I've availed myself of the atonement, and had a weight of sin fall off of my shoulders.  I've felt it in quiet beautiful places like that song talks about.  I've felt it in loud tumultuous places where a small element of indescribable beauty shows up.  And I've felt it when I'm doing art - even though I stink at art.  That reminds me - I should do more art.



Is this great  joy unobtainable without actually being filled with the Holy Ghost?

This may not be true for everybody, but my experiences with the Holy Ghost have mostly been surrounding difficult weighty matters that are not fun to be thinking about.  I've felt the peace of the Holy Ghost, but I don't think it has ever brought joy.  Doing what the HG told me to do - facing, enduring, making it through genuine repentance - that has brought joy.



Is feeling of peace a substitute for joy? If one is not joyful, are they missing something, or failing to appreciate something?

Peace and joy are related but different.  Both are good things, but I've found I can have one without the other.   I can't just will myself to have joy, but I can live a life and meditate on truths and seek experiences that invite joy to show up.  I'm not going to judge anyone for not having joy - I don't know why they haven't experienced it.


Good subject!

Edited by NeuroTypical
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18 hours ago, richard7900 said:

But, I've never felt great joy, even though I know I'm blessed to have the gospel knowledge I have. I get most of my real joy enjoying a warm summers day out in the country.  But, that should not be.

Why not?

I've spent warm summer days in Far off nations where freedoms we have here are not held there.  Where things we hold for granted are not necessarily around.  I think that one can have real joy in enjoying a warm summer day in the Country of the US, or another free nation and it can be increased by knowing the gospel.

By this I mean, knowing the Lord blesses the good and the wicked both, and that the ability to enjoy the day and to utilize the freedom we have is something the Lord has blessed us with.  I think you can have joy in the day, but even greater joy when you realize just how much the Lord has blessed us.

Perhaps it's because I know the opposite and have felt what is like to be in that warm summer day but not really able to enjoy it.  To see where there are people that are oppressed and in what we would probably consider slavery and agonizing that you can do nothing for them, even those who are faithful saints of the Lord in that situation.  All you can do is stick to what you are in that nation for (normally some sort of research on my part) and pray for those who need it.

A warm summer day in the country here at home in the US for me is something I think is a GREAT joy.  Having my grandchildren and children around at the same time brings me even greater joy, and the realization and appreciation to the Lord for blessing me with such great joy and happiness brings even greater joy.

Sometimes, I think the joy you have may also come in part from the perspective you have on life and of that particular moment.

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I have always looked at happiness as something happening right now, while viewing joy as something eternal. Peace/comfort will lead you to having that "JOY", nobody is perfect and we have to strive to keep that joy in our lives.

Easy things to find peace/comfort/joy in as it pertains to the gospel: it has been restored, the atonement of Christ, eternal families.

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On 4/30/2018 at 6:11 PM, richard7900 said:

But, I've never felt great joy, even though I know I'm blessed to have the gospel knowledge I have. I get most of my real joy enjoying a warm summers day out in the country.  But, that should not be.

I see nothing wrong with getting most of your joy from connecting with nature.  After all, it's God's creation, the very things that ought to bring you joy.


On 4/30/2018 at 6:11 PM, richard7900 said:

So, may I ask - what is it about the gospel that makes you really joyful?

The temple and the sacrament.  For me, it's that feeling like my heart is smiling, whether or not my face is.  @richard7900 this Sunday, pay attention to the little kids, Nursery and Sunbeam age, as the sacrament is passed.  They often seem to be excited and happy about it, and it always reminds me to feel that way about what I know the sacrament emblems symbolize.

Music has power over my emotions, and many of the hymns bring me joy, especially if I sing them aloud.  "I Believe in Christ" is one of them.  Pretty much any song about Jesus.  Just opens me up and makes me feel good.  Is that not what joy is?


On 4/30/2018 at 6:11 PM, richard7900 said:

Is this great  joy unobtainable without actually being filled with the Holy Ghost?

I think it's easier to be filled with the Holy Ghost and happens more frequently than many of us consider.  It is my opinion that when we are filled with joy, we are filled with the Holy Ghost.  I also think many of us experience more joy than we realize.  Here is an experience of mine about feeling joy and the Holy Ghost.  (And I really wish I could find/remember what scripture we used.)


23 hours ago, Lost Boy said:

Is feeling of peace a substitute for joy?

Asking this is like asking if you want cheddar or Swiss cheese.  Although different, they're both good.


On 4/30/2018 at 6:11 PM, richard7900 said:

If one is not joyful, are they missing something, or failing to appreciate something?

I'm going to be a smart aleck and say yes, but only because we so often fail to appreciate simple things around us, like the ability to control the temperature of our home against the outside environment.

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On 4/30/2018 at 6:11 PM, richard7900 said:

Hi. I believe the gospel is true and Joseph Smith was instrumental in restoring the priesthood and the kindom of God on the earth.

But, I've never felt great joy, even though I know I'm blessed to have the gospel knowledge I have. I get most of my real joy enjoying a warm summers day out in the country.  But, that should not be.

So, may I ask - what is it about the gospel that makes you really joyful?   Or, what should we have joy in?

Is this great  joy unobtainable without actually being filled with the Holy Ghost?

Is feeling of peace a substitute for joy?

If one is not joyful, are they missing something, or failing to appreciate something?

Thanks. Rich

The joy of the gospel encompasses ALL that is good.  That includes appreciating the beauty of God's Creations. And nature is certainly part of God's creations.  But remember that when God created the heaven's and the earth, He created them for our use.  They were created for man.  And we should certainly be thankful and even in awe of it all sometimes.

What did he create man for?  Answer that correctly and you'll begin to understand where true and lasting joy comes from.

All things are created to fulfill the measure of their creation.  Fulfilling that calling is what gives us joy.


And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

-- Matt 25:40


And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.

-- Mosiah 2:17


 3 Therefore, verily I acknowledge him and will bless him, and also thee, inasmuch as thou art faithful in counsel, in the office which I have appointed unto you, in prayer always, vocally and in thy heart, in public and in private, also in thy ministry in proclaiming the gospel in the land of the living, and among thy brethren.

4 And in doing these things thou wilt do the greatest good unto thy fellow beings, and wilt promote the glory of him who is your Lord.

-- D&C 81:3-4

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What Gospel knowledge makes you joyful?  The Gospel literally means "good news."  The definition of the Gospel is found in III Nephi chapter 27 verses 13 and 14:

"Behold I have given unto you my gospel, and this is the gospel which I have given unto you—that I came into the world to do the will of my Father, because my Father sent me.  And my Father sent me that I might be lifted up upon the cross; and after that I had been lifted up upon the cross, that I might draw all men unto me, that as I have been lifted up by men even so should men be lifted up by the Father, to stand before me, to be judged of their works, whether they be good or whether they be evil—"

Also reading I John 2:1 Inspired Version casts more light on this:  "My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin and repent, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous"

Knowing that Christ is the Mediator with the Father for anyone who is faithful unto the end with the LORD brings me joy.  I imagine how joyful the paradise of God is for the saints who dwell there. 

I do not think I have another fifty years in this life but it matters not if I am faithful until the day I depart mortality.  A great reward and treasure awaits all the saints of God.

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