Giving To The Needy And Giving And Giving And Giving And Giving And Gi


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Now will you explain to me why your humanity (logic?) . . . .

"Humanity" and "logic" are two completely different words whose definitions have no connection whatsoever. You don’t get to change the meanings of words just to suit your agenda. I wrote “humanity,” and I meant “humanity.”

I can understand the logic of protecting the weak for G-d and preparing for a life beyond mortality but without that logic - I see no point.

Of course you don’t.

I assume you took genetics in college.

Yes I did. I still can’t figure out why my brother has dark brown eyes when both of my parent’s eyes are/were blue.


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Now will you explain to me why your humanity (logic?) wants to "weaken" the human race - contrary to the natural forces of nature? I can understand the logic of protecting the weak for G-d and preparing for a life beyond mortality but without that logic - I see no point. I assume you took genetics in college.

The Traveler

We are more "evolved" than a herd of animals. Yes our base instinct may be to let the "weak" fall off, but our sense of responsibility and compassion for others overrides that instinct. We do not live by our instincts alone. To suggest that Elphaba cannot have compassion because she does not belive in a supremem being is very closed minded. People do not have to belive in God to have compassion for others.

The brown eye gene could be a recessive (sp?) gene in both parents, even though they both have blue eyes, therefore the reason why he has brown eyes instead of blue is that the recessive gene became the dominant gene. At least that's how I remember it from High School.

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Now will you explain to me why your humanity (logic?) wants to "weaken" the human race - contrary to the natural forces of nature? I can understand the logic of protecting the weak for G-d and preparing for a life beyond mortality but without that logic - I see no point. I assume you took genetics in college.

The Traveler

We are more "evolved" than a herd of animals. Yes our base instinct may be to let the "weak" fall off, but our sense of responsibility and compassion for others overrides that instinct. We do not live by our instincts alone. To suggest that Elphaba cannot have compassion because she does not belive in a supremem being is very closed minded. People do not have to belive in God to have compassion for others.

The brown eye gene could be a recessive (sp?) gene in both parents, even though they both have blue eyes, therefore the reason why he has brown eyes instead of blue is that the recessive gene became the dominant gene. At least that's how I remember it from High School.

You might want to talk to an expert in genetics about the effects of increasing numbers of “mentally ill” in the gene pool – including genetic altering caused by the use of drugs and alcohol. We may like to think that humans are above genetics – but I would like to see the data – if you know of any. I talked to a professor about this subject and he informed me that studies have been done but not published – over concern of public opinion.

If someone believes in evolution and genetics is more reliable than religion – what is the answer?

The Traveler

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I at one time would throw a couple of dollars to those holding up signs at the exits of the freeway. Until one day when a man was holding a sign that said "Need money for oil for car." A gentleman in the truck in front of me jumped out, reached into the bed of his truck and pulled out 2-3 quarts of oil. Talk about a confrontation. The man didn't want someone to give him OIL he wanted the money. Obviously for something else. Now I give money to places I know will directly impact those in need. Not scam handouts.

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I at one time would throw a couple of dollars to those holding up signs at the exits of the freeway. Until one day when a man was holding a sign that said "Need money for oil for car." A gentleman in the truck in front of me jumped out, reached into the bed of his truck and pulled out 2-3 quarts of oil. Talk about a confrontation. The man didn't want someone to give him OIL he wanted the money. Obviously for something else. Now I give money to places I know will directly impact those in need. Not scam handouts.

Hi Pam,

What was the confrontation? Did the man not take the oil?


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If they both have blue eyes then they both give little bs. Your brother ought to have blue eyes too (I'm pretty sure). Maybe there's another story there?

I have teased my mother about this before, but she is not amused when I do. :P

But it doesn't stop there. My sister has hazel eyes and her husband has blue eyes. They also have a son with deep brown eyes. Again, both of his parents having recessive genes compared to my nephew's dominant gene.

So obviously there is more to this than the four-square chart I was taught in genetics. But then, I only took Genetics 101.


We are more "evolved" than a herd of animals. Yes our base instinct may be to let the "weak" fall off, but our sense of responsibility and compassion for others overrides that instinct. We do not live by our instincts alone. To suggest that Elphaba cannot have compassion because she does not belive in a supremem being is very closed minded. People do not have to belive in God to have compassion for others.

Thank you Canuck. :)


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You might want to talk to an expert in genetics about the effects of increasing numbers of “mentally ill” in the gene pool – including genetic altering caused by the use of drugs and alcohol. We may like to think that humans are above genetics – but I would like to see the data – if you know of any.

And if this is actually happening, religion is going to stop this how?

Also, I am struck by your inability to see human beings as anything but animals incpapable of humanity unless they believe in God. Do you really believe that if you did not believe in God you would not care about your fellow human beings. Are you that shallow?

I talked to a professor about this subject and he informed me that studies have been done but not published – over concern of public opinion.

Nonsense. If the studies were conducted properly using scientific and statistical methods, if the studies had gone through the peer review process, and if the studies met all of the critria to be published, then they would be published. Fear of public opinion is an absurd excuse for studies about this subject matter not to be published. It is not frightening or offensive and the vast majority of the "public" would never even hear about them.

Additionally, if the studies are accurate, publishing them would actually benefit the public as the issues raised could be addressed. Therefore, it is irresponsible of the authors not to publish the studies and indicates to me that they are at the least unreliable, and perhaps even completely false.

Besides, even if there were a backlash of public opinion, it would last one week and then be forgotten. Are we still talking about Watson's findings that Black's have inferior intellects? No, we are not.

If someone believes in evolution and genetics is more reliable than religion – what is the answer?

What is the answer to what? Your sentence is nonsensical.


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It's hard to say "no" to the hand out. Yet, in our society, it is better to give to those agencies that teach the person to fish, rather than handing him the supply he needs for his next dose of poison.

But that is the thing. All homeless people are not alcoholics, and the alcoholics are making it harder to get people to donate.

I was homeless for a while and was at the food bank to get a "Start Up Package", and I don't think I will be going back.

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Goodness Me! I think I need to add my support for Elphie too...thanks PC and Canuck for helping her out!!

I would guess that nobody would wish themselves to have a baby which was less than perfect, however some of us would gladly look after our own babies regardless of their condition, if able to.

Elphie, I believe you are as compassionate as the next person..

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<div class='quotemain'>

It's hard to say "no" to the hand out. Yet, in our society, it is better to give to those agencies that teach the person to fish, rather than handing him the supply he needs for his next dose of poison.

But that is the thing. All homeless people are not alcoholics, and the alcoholics are making it harder to get people to donate.

I was homeless for a while and was at the food bank to get a "Start Up Package", and I don't think I will be going back.

You make my point. Far better to donate food to the foodbank than to give a few dollars to the guy on the street corner. We've got a nonprofit here that operates a foodbank, rental assistance, drug rehab, and job-search assistance. Very holistic, far more useful, far more beneficial.

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But it doesn't stop there. My sister has hazel eyes and her husband has blue eyes. They also have a son with deep brown eyes. Again, both of his parents having recessive genes compared to my nephew's dominant gene.

So obviously there is more to this than the four-square chart I was taught in genetics. But then, I only took Genetics 101.


If the X-Men have taught us anything, it is that genetics behave mysteriously. :lol:

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i think if we see someone asking for money, we shouldnt automatically judge. God will bless us for it, regardless of what the recipients do with the money. and who knows, maybe they really need help and the spirit directed you there to help them

If the Spirit leads you to give, by all means, give. However, as a rule of thumb, it is not necesarily an act of "judgmentalism" to exercise good judgment. We are stewards of all God gives us.

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If someone believes in evolution and genetics is more reliable than religion – what is the answer?

If I believe in a better place, why would I bother to be careful? Shouldn't I just live life on the edge and take chances? If I die, so what? I get to go to a better place.

I believe in a better place, but I would love a long life.

You want to be careful because of the family you have and the family you will have in the future.

You don't want your time here to be a waste.

Have fun while you are still here.

And most of all, why the heck not?

Why not enjoy what he have, and take care of ourselves.

It will make our time here a lot more enjoyable.

Heaven wont be much fun in my opinion without some good memories and without becoming a good person first.

I hope this doesn't seem like babble.

I have a hard time expressing feelings and opinions based on feelings.

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A few years ago, my young children and I were in our car traveling on a city street. I saw a man (28ish in age, average looks, not too poor/not very rich) walking along the street carrying a bag of groceries in each hand. I stopped and asked him if he would like a ride home. Like most people, he took a step or so back from the car and said no thanks. He said that he was a couple of blocks from home. So we went on our way and he started walking toward home.

The next day I saw on the local news where he had for some reason been lying unconscious or dead on the railroad tracks and was hit by a train around 5:00 a.m. They knew that he had fell because his grocery bags were lying on the other side of the track. His family had been looking for him when he didn't come home but had never found him. He had cut through a vacant area that was a short cut home.

I often wonder if I tried hard enough to get him home. Could I have been more persuasive, chosen better words, seemed more caring.

A few months ago, I was at a high school function where we sat in the gym bleachers. I'm not too swift these days (RA) and I needed to step up three bleachers to sit with the parents. A man extended a hand so I could steady myself and I had a difficult time accepting his help. Jokingly, he said "it's the only way up." I've had someone reach out and help me with my coat or unscrew the lid on bottled water. It reassures me that most people are basically good and are trying to do the right things.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wish there were something we could do for our chemically dependent homeless. My grandmother was one of them and she has been missing for 39 years. :( Sometimes she lived in hotels temporarily, sometimes in apartments, but in between those she lived on the street. She was probably a Jane Doe. I submitted my DNA sample last year in case there are some unidentified remains that are a match.

The last time anyone heard from her, she was asking for money because she thought she had cirrhosis. Her mom said no and that was the last time they spoke. I don't know if it would've done any good if she had given her the money. I don't even know if there was even any hope to help her recover back then because the way they dealt with my grandfather after he drank himself almost to death was to put him in a mental institution. It's hard to help those who never get on their feet again, but I am grateful to anyone who may have helped my grandma.

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