Justice Breyer to retire


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15 minutes ago, Just_A_Guy said:

I havent followed this discussion all that closely—certainly @Traveler can speak for himself; and I daresay I’m a little more vaccine-friendly than most other members of this forum.


To clarify - I had COVID-19 prior to the variants.   I did take the vaccine after discussions with my physician - mostly because of my age (over 75) and my wife being type I diabetic.   This was 100% my own choice for which I take full responsibility.  However, there is a caveat.  In more recent discussions with my personal physician; I was told that my getting the vaccine probably did not make that much of a personal risk difference for me or my wife.   I am not anti vaccine but I am very resolute that personal choice is paramount.  I am opposed to executive branch mandate for the vaccine - with perhaps the possibility of the legislative branch passing some sort of authorization specific to an individual emergency and even then I believe that there can and should be exceptions.


The Traveler

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As I've noted before, I had a severe reaction to the Moderna vaccine when I had it. 

In particular, the combination of the second shot and the heavy manual labor I had to do that same day because of my dad's poor planning spiked my blood pressure to the point that in hindsight I should have gone to the hospital because of how poorly I was feeling. 

It wasn't until a few months after I got the second shot that the Associated Press published a report stating that Norway, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, and Sweden were all restricting the use of the Moderna due to reports of heart inflammation in minors. As I have a pre-existing heart condition, had I known about this I would have requested a different vaccine. 

I now feel that I was lied to and that my life was needlessly endangered. 

I *refuse* to get any more boosters, and my mom, who was on my back about my getting vaccinated, has been apologizing profusely because of the consequences I faced. 

But my health hasn't fully recovered from what happened, and in fact this past winter I started having unusually bad nose bleeds above and beyond what I normally suffer during winter months due to how brittle my sinuses are from years of injury and illness. It's to the point now that I'll just start bleeding and not even realize I'm bleeding until I feel the blood in my facial hair or see it spill onto something below me. 

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3 hours ago, Just_A_Guy said:

But capitalism reserves the possibility that someone else may eventually grow rich, thus upsetting a corrupt power balance; whereas socialism tends to ossify the existing power structure indefinitely.

Oh, not necessarily indefinitely.  As the T-shirt and bumper sticker explain: 

"You can vote yourself into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whelp, we have our first black woman on the Supreme Court, which retains its 6-3 conservative slant.  A Mormon and two Catholics broke ranks from the Republicans to put her over the top.

Three of the senate's 7 LDS folks voted yes, including Romney's Republican tie breaking vote.  Most of the Republicans agreed that she's well qualified, just to liberal for their tastes.

Breyer stays on until this summer, then Jackson takes her seat.   I guess stuff starts happening in October.

The states are all acting like Roe v. Wade is on it's way out, with a bunch banning most/all abortion, and a bunch making it legal to abort even after birth.  


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28 minutes ago, NeuroTypical said:

Whelp, we have our first black woman on the Supreme Court, which retains its 6-3 conservative slant.  A Mormon and two Catholics broke ranks from the Republicans to put her over the top.

Three of the senate's 7 LDS folks voted yes, including Romney's Republican tie breaking vote.  Most of the Republicans agreed that she's well qualified, just to liberal for their tastes.

Breyer stays on until this summer, then Jackson takes her seat.   I guess stuff starts happening in October.

The states are all acting like Roe v. Wade is on it's way out, with a bunch banning most/all abortion, and a bunch making it legal to abort even after birth.  


Well, they are replacing a liberal with a liberal. So let’s see where it goes. Will she be a moderate liberal like Kagan or someone way out there like Sotomayor? 

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On 3/25/2022 at 1:17 PM, NeuroTypical said:

Oh, not necessarily indefinitely.  As the T-shirt and bumper sticker explain: 

"You can vote yourself into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it."

It is not socialism I think the tyrants are aiming for anymore.  They are aiming for a perverted form of capitalism that is combined with a totalitarian government.  Look at the Chinese government and this is the new model in my opinion.

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14 hours ago, Still_Small_Voice said:

It is not socialism I think the tyrants are aiming for anymore.  They are aiming for a perverted form of capitalism that is combined with a totalitarian government.  Look at the Chinese government and this is the new model in my opinion.

I think there are two models for Tyrants of our times - one are what I call globalists the other are nationalistic - perhaps these two differences will lead to WWIII - we will see - perhaps sooner rather than later.


The Traveler

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On 4/7/2022 at 2:55 PM, NeuroTypical said:

Three of the senate's 7 LDS folks voted yes, including Romney's Republican tie breaking vote. 

This is the most troubling for me.  Not because he's Mormon.  Not because he was supposed to vote along party lines.

It is troubling because he had previously voted against her because she was NOT qualified for even a lower role.  What exactly has she done since then that somehow made her qualified for an even higher role?  

I'm asking because I don't know.  Nothing came up during the Committee inquiry.  What was brought up about her qualifications that would indicate that?  I never heard anything, even from the Democrats that told me "Oh, yeah.  She's definitely qualified from a professional, judicial, experiential, social, moral perspective to be part of the highest court of the land."

The one thing that stood out was her FEAR of defining what a woman is.  Think about it.  She was AFRAID of defining a simple word -- which is an absolute requirement for a judge at ANY level.  Interpretation of words and their meanings is as necessary as knowing what mathematical symbols mean to a mathematician.  She was AFRAID of an aspect of her job because of the potential political blowback.  That was unacceptable -- especially in the face of the fact that she was specifically nominated because she was a black woman.

Edited by Carborendum
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  • 5 months later...
On 4/7/2022 at 1:55 PM, NeuroTypical said:

Breyer stays on until this summer, then Jackson takes her seat.   I guess stuff starts happening in October.

Aaaand here we are in October. First case argued in front of the new SCOTUS.

Here’s a TikTok with a halfway decent content creator about it.


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