BYU vs. Oregon


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2 hours ago, LDSGator said:

The Oregon fans chanting what they did was classless. Disappointed in them. 😞  

I don't know if I'm disappointed by the fans as a whole and thought the apology was right and good. But the article I saw said someone reached out to an Oregon alumni who said it should be overlooked because the problematic fans were freshman. That does leave me wonder what they generally think. 

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36 minutes ago, Backroads said:

I don't know if I'm disappointed by the fans as a whole and thought the apology was right and good. But the article I saw said someone reached out to an Oregon alumni who said it should be overlooked because the problematic fans were freshman. That does leave me wonder what they generally think. 

Ahh. Thanks. 

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2 hours ago, Backroads said:

I don't know if I'm disappointed by the fans as a whole and thought the apology was right and good. But the article I saw said someone reached out to an Oregon alumni who said it should be overlooked because the problematic fans were freshman. That does leave me wonder what they generally think. 

1 hour ago, mirkwood said:

Every school has its bad fans.  They should be dealt with accordingly and the rest of the fanbase not castigated for the bad ones.

The problem I had was that 

  • BYU was FALSELY accused of racism because of ONE fan supposedly shouting a racial epithet.  And the school took swift action and even suspended the accused until the the investigation was complete.  They found NO evidence that it ever happened.
  • ENTIRE MASSES of Oregon students were shouting obscenities at the tops of their lungs with CLEAR religious bigotry.  Not false, not mistaken, but clear and obvious.  The school basically responded with "well, kids will be kids."  

Consider the residual effects:

  • I still see liberals talking about how racist Mormons are as residual conversations about the BYU event continue.  It is also clearly evident that the events in Oregon were a direct result of that false accusation against BYU still having the hearts and minds of leftists today.
  • Since the school's statement, are any of them even condemning a single one of the Oregon Students today?

This guy

Says it happens everywhere.  You can see the discussion of whether it happens "everywhere".  But I find it interesting how many downscreen disagree and then say,"But I did see that happen when I was..."


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From what I saw (I could be wrong) the school and even the Oregon governor came out with clear condemnation for the fans behavior- flat out calling it “religious bigotry” (which it is). While of course that doesn’t excuse the fans that did the actions, it is nice to actually hear the leaders take a stand condemning it. 

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10 hours ago, Jane_Doe said:

From what I saw (I could be wrong) the school and even the Oregon governor came out with clear condemnation for the fans behavior- flat out calling it “religious bigotry” (which it is). While of course that doesn’t excuse the fans that did the actions, it is nice to actually hear the leaders take a stand condemning it. 

While I agree that it is better than nothing, and certainly better than supporting it outright, I've just heard too many people put out such announcements when you know that behind the scenes they were really just laughing along with the "offenders".

Words are nice.  But actions are better.  And when no action is taken, the words seem hollow.

It would be nice for everyone to always think happy thoughts and say nothing but friendship and love for everyone.  But I'd prefer honesty to hollow statements.

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10 hours ago, Vort said:

I grew up with this sort of crap. It's par for the Pacific Northwest course. These people are lying hypocrites. Don't expect better of them, or else get used to living with disappointment.

I didn’t think the Pacific Northwest was that passionate about sports. When I think of sports crazy areas in the country I think of the Boston-NYC-Philly-DC megalopolis and college football in the south. 

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I haven't been to a BYU basketball game in, well, ever.  But do the opposing fans still hold up large banners/posters of girls in bikinis behind the basket, when a BYU player is trying to make free throws?   Because that appeared to be all the rage in the '90's (when I last payed attention).

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